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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

Nucky Nolan

Quote from: Ben Shockley on November 27, 2012, 11:08:13 PM
Or "Freudian slip," considering your avatar pic and your explanation over in the thread about user names ~~

I plead the Fifth. I just hope that none of the Kefauvers post here.

Eddie Coyle

         At the risk of being disgusting.

            My awful head cold annoys me. If I could ejaculate in the same manner I sneeze, I'd be a wealthy man. And my sneezes are like Scuds right now, once it's launched-who knows where it will land.


-David Stern
-Smart phones
-People who ride your ass when it's easier to go around
-Overuse of the words "like," "actually"-- nervous energy verbosity in general; also in general, "mouth sounds" (maybe I have misophonia like Kelly Ripa, who, BTW, also annoys me)
-In general, the words, "must" and "should" and the phrases "have to" and "got to"
-Tyra Banks
-Philosophy majors

maybe add some more later...


When I'm working in Microsoft Word and I hit Ctrl-X-S to save - mind reverting to Emacs, which I haven't used regularly in 20-years.


-Musterbation a.k.a. "shoulding on yourself or others"
-Jumping to conclusions


Moving my mouse around trying to get my TV to display something.


Fourteen embedded videos on one page. It makes my poor old asthmatic computer freeze in terror and I have to reboot the whole system.


Quote from: ChewMouse on December 01, 2012, 07:19:02 PM
Fourteen embedded videos on one page. It makes my poor old asthmatic computer freeze in terror and I have to reboot the whole system.

  :-[ Oops, I thoughtlessly just kept on sticking those things up. Sorry.


I love how Bob Costas is now advocating gun control now that a professional athlete flipped out and committed a murder-suicide.  Before that, he probably gave less than a fuck.


-People/organizations/businesses too scared of politically correct peer influence to say Merry Christmas!

(I'm not a Christian and don't celebrate Christmas (or any commercial "holidays"), but I know stupid sheeple behavior when I see it.)

-Bob Costas (now we have definitive proof he's a TOOL).

Quote from: DeeElf on December 03, 2012, 06:42:53 PM
-People/organizations/businesses too scared of politically correct peer influence to say Merry Christmas!...

Ohhh, that's a big one.  If someone is wished a Merry Christmas, they are being wished well.  It's not a time for them to instruct the well-wisher that they are (fill in the blank) and don't celebrate Christmas, etc.  This is the United States, and this is a National Holiday here.

I can't imagine ANYONE going anywhere else in the world, being wished well on one of their holidays from a religion the person doesn't follow, and then lecturing the well-wisher.  Can't even imagine it.  But it's always ok to dump on the good ol' USA, and especially Christians.

When I hear that, usually at work, my responce is to tell them that I withdraw my good wishes for the holiday season.  Screw 'em.  For the people of another faith, I'd love to have a chat with their spiritual advisor when they pull that shit.

By the way, I'm not religious either.


It astounds me that retail clerks are embarrassed by an expression of "Merry Christmas!". They can't even meet your eyes should you happen to say it.


Quote from: Sardondi on December 04, 2012, 02:00:32 AM
It astounds me that retail clerks are embarrassed by an expression of "Merry Christmas!". They can't even meet your eyes should you happen to say it.
Their Human Resources' Departments of Political Correctness send out their memos and mandates frequently enough to make sure they stay Pink.

Quote from: DeeElf on December 04, 2012, 03:34:47 AM
Their Human Resources' Departments of Political Correctness send out their memos and mandates frequently enough to make sure they stay Pink.

For a department charged with recruiting and retaining employees, it's amazing the annoying shit they come up with.  Completely useless when not coming up with time wasting tasks and meetings for everyone.

Nucky Nolan

Quote from: McPhallus on December 03, 2012, 05:53:41 PM
I love how Bob Costas is now advocating gun control now that a professional athlete flipped out and committed a murder-suicide.  Before that, he probably gave less than a fuck.

Bernie Goldberg said that Bob Costas told him that he referred to gun *culture* rather than gun *control*. Still, it wasn't the time or place to mention the issue. Now, both sides of the debate will use the crime as a political football, and I expect Michael Bloomberg to run with it. The most important facts (homicide, suicide, concussions, psychological disorders, family dynamics) will be forgotten in lieu of redundant discussions that will change no one's opinion.


The professed atheists posting here should only chuckle at the "war on christmas."

I don't give a shit whether one says happy holidays or merry christmas.

I am sick of hearing about any supposed persecution of christians. Fuck me, there is even a christian comedy channel on sirius radio... I suppose that is funny.


Quote from: Nucky Nolan on December 04, 2012, 03:55:46 AM
Bernie Goldberg said that Bob Costas told him that he referred to gun *culture* rather than gun *control*. Still, it wasn't the time or place to mention the issue. Now, both sides of the debate will use the crime as a political football, and I expect Michael Bloomberg to run with it. The most important facts (homicide, suicide, concussions, psychological disorders, family dynamics) will be forgotten in lieu of redundant discussions that will change no one's opinion.

O'Reilly and Goldberg both said they were good friends of Costas.  Imo,  Costas was using his friends for damage control after he saw his reputation being impuned.   In the meantime I'm keeping my handgun close at night when criminals with guns are on the prowl.

For over 30 years I have answered phones for a living.  And during those years I've celebrated all the seasons.  Yes, I'm one of those irritating twits who decorates the front office with flags and picnic items in Summer, little bunnies in Spring, turkeys and colorful leaves in Autumn, and candy canes and elves in Winter. 

In December I have always used the Happy Holidays greeting.  Not, to be politically correct, but to celebrate all the holidays that seem to cluster at that time of year.  Two years ago I got a call from a man who said he was a christian and proceeded to curse at me and tell me I should be ashamed for not wishing him a Merry Christmas. 

I thanked him for his Christian attitide and hung up.  But I've been antisipating a similar call ever since.  I live in a really creepy area. 

Anyway, I still enjoy the month most of the time.  And if someone says Merry Christmas to me I say it back.  It should be a happy time.


I'd remind him that "holiday," is in fact an abbreviation of "holy day."  (I'm not a religious person either, but you get what I'm saying.)

Quote from: Treading Water on December 04, 2012, 06:39:33 AM
For over 30 years I have answered phones for a living.  And during those years I've celebrated all the seasons.  Yes, I'm one of those irritating twits who decorates the front office with flags and picnic items in Summer, little bunnies in Spring, turkeys and colorful leaves in Autumn, and candy canes and elves in Winter. 

In December I have always used the Happy Holidays greeting.  Not, to be politically correct, but to celebrate all the holidays that seem to cluster at that time of year.  Two years ago I got a call from a man who said he was a christian and proceeded to curse at me and tell me I should be ashamed for not wishing him a Merry Christmas. 

I thanked him for his Christian attitide and hung up.  But I've been antisipating a similar call ever since.  I live in a really creepy area. 

Anyway, I still enjoy the month most of the time.  And if someone says Merry Christmas to me I say it back.  It should be a happy time.


Quote from: UFO Fill on December 01, 2012, 05:42:53 PM
Moving my mouse around trying to get my TV to display something.

hahaha "you know you spend too much time at the computer when ..."

I have this happen the day after my fav video game releases an expansion and I take the day off to 'grind exp'.

And - how the Patriots' Super Bowl victories are over-rated. Under Parcels they won three by a field goal each, never dominated a game, and lost 2 as the favorites.


Quote from: Pragmier on December 04, 2012, 08:03:12 AM
hahaha "you know you spend too much time at the computer when ..."

I have this happen the day after my fav video game releases an expansion and I take the day off to 'grind exp'.

And - how the Patriots' Super Bowl victories are over-rated. Under Parcels they won three by a field goal each, never dominated a game, and lost 2 as the favorites.
uh oh... cmon now ellaborate on your geekdom it's only right.  What game you playin?


I annoy myself.  And, apparently, by soon to be ex-wife.

And, to annoy more people, in a light-hearted way, MERRRY CHRISTMAS!


Quote from: Surmo on December 04, 2012, 09:45:46 AM
I annoy myself.  And, apparently, my soon to be ex-wife.

yikes... sorry to hear that, dude.  i can't imagine going through that.

Eddie Coyle

        Ain't no "Happy Holidays" up in this muthafucka! I gots the courage of conviction to just say:



Got hooked on the Civilization series back in the 90s, and the reason I first got a pc was to play chess. My addiction to MMORPGs only extends to Everquest but that's enough to waste a ridiculous amount of time.

Surmo good luck man -

And EC don't you make light of such a long historied sacred holiday such as Kwanzaa! For shame!

- but Merry Christmas and -


Ah, yes, Happy Festivus!  ANOTHER doofus named "George."


Quote from: onan on December 04, 2012, 05:46:46 AM
The professed atheists posting here should only chuckle at the "war on christmas."

I don't give a shit whether one says happy holidays or merry christmas.
That's me.  I don't understand why the "professed atheists posting here" get so upset when someone mentions a religious belief.  It's all unprovable.  Live and let live.

Eddie Coyle

          The messianic sociopathy required to become that Satanic spawn known as an...economist.


Quote from: Pragmier on December 04, 2012, 10:43:00 AM
...And EC don't you make light of such a long historied sacred holiday such as Kwanzaa! For shame!...

Bringing you ethno-immersive alternative traditions since 1966.

It's another Festivus miracle!

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