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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 19, 2016, 08:49:42 PM
By my count it's Golden State 3 games, Cleveland 2, the league office 1, and the referees 1.

Do they play until someone wins 4 games, or is it over after 7 with the Warriors the champs again?

Oklahoma got screwed too.

Quote from: bateman on June 19, 2016, 08:55:53 PM
It's tall dumb tatted up dudes tossing a ball around for millions of dollars which has no effect on your actual life. Why is this a thing?


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on June 19, 2016, 09:08:41 PM
Oklahoma got screwed too.

They deserve it for leaving Seattle.

By the way, their two 'stars' blew those games because they are selfish and stupid.  Although I'll accept 'choked' as an acceptable alternative explanation.


Quote from: bateman on June 19, 2016, 08:55:53 PM
It's tall dudes tossing a ball around for millions of dollars which has no effect on your actual life. Why is this a thing?


I scroll up and down searching for something to annoy me




Quote from: pate on June 20, 2016, 02:30:28 AM
I scroll up and down searching for something to annoy me



I have this on cassette.


This is just so creepy...

“The average young adult spends 10 hours of every day on the Internet, and someone searches for ‘the meaning of life’ every five seconds, while someone else searches for answers about ‘spirituality’ six times per second,” Miscavige said, adding that the new production studio “will harness the power of every social media outlet imaginable to provide those answers.”--David Miscavige

Miscavige looks like an android in these pictures.  And why is this cult still tax-exempt?



You will all be relieved to know. George Noory Still Sucks

Value Of Pi

Quote from: TigerLily on June 22, 2016, 12:29:49 AM
You will all be relieved to know. George Noory Still Sucks

And if we tuned in one day and heard an intelligent, articulate, interesting Noory, you know what we'd do? Panic! Because we'd know that suddenly there was something new and terribly wrong in the world. The magnetic poles had reversed or some kind of Stephen King-type catastrophic event had occurred.

So yeah, exactly, I am reassured every time I check in for a few minutes and George still stinks. He is one thing I can rely on and that is strangely comforting.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 22, 2016, 12:43:53 AM
And if we tuned in one day and heard an intelligent, articulate, interesting Noory, you know what we'd do? Panic! Because we'd know that suddenly there was something new and terribly wrong in the world. The magnetic poles had reversed or some kind of Stephen King-type catastrophic event had occurred.

So yeah, exactly, I am reassured every time I check in for a few minutes and George still stinks. He is one thing I can rely on and that is strangely comforting.

You're one of those lemons into lemonade people, aren't you?

Value Of Pi

Quote from: TigerLily on June 22, 2016, 01:53:56 AM
You're one of those lemons into lemonade people, aren't you?

Not to get too philosophical, but sometimes I get the feeling that certain things and people just have their place. Noory's place was and is to be Noory, not Art Bell, no matter what anybody hoped for or expected. That doesn't make him any better or worse, nor mean that BellGab isn't just doing its thing by telling the world how much he sucks.

The only thing wrong with this whole picture is that it's out of balance right now, because we don't have Art's presence on the air and a new heir-apparent hasn't revealed himself or herself yet. We just have a giant void where Art used to be. Can't blame Noory for that.

So I don't know if it's lemons or lemonade. It just kinda *is* at this point.


Annotations all over youtube videos.  Why does everybody insists on putting their crap all over and "explaining" the video.  STFU and let me make up my own mind.  I'm sick and tired having to constantly turn it off.

There,  I feel better now.


Lauryn Hill annoys the shit out of me. For some reason I've been hearing "Killing Me Softly" everywhere lately. It was a shit song 20 years ago and it's a shit song now.


Fucking Totinos's pizza. The cock suckers don't put them in boxes anymore and claim they are the same size. Fuck that. The pizza is clearly smaller and it is freakin square. Now I gotta go buy a freakin plate to put it on because they took the box away. Fuck them.

Quote from: akwilly on June 25, 2016, 01:33:54 AM
Fucking Totinos's pizza. The cock suckers don't put them in boxes anymore and claim they are the same size. Fuck that. The pizza is clearly smaller and it is freakin square. Now I gotta go buy a freakin plate to put it on because they took the box away. Fuck them.

At least it's new and improved


Quote from: akwilly on June 25, 2016, 01:33:54 AM
Fucking Totinos's pizza. The cock suckers don't put them in boxes anymore and claim they are the same size. Fuck that. The pizza is clearly smaller and it is freakin square. Now I gotta go buy a freakin plate to put it on because they took the box away. Fuck them.
"Have you tried their pizza rolls?"



Quote from: akwilly on June 25, 2016, 01:33:54 AM
Fucking Totinos's pizza. The cock suckers don't put them in boxes anymore and claim they are the same size. Fuck that. The pizza is clearly smaller and it is freakin square. Now I gotta go buy a freakin plate to put it on because they took the box away. Fuck them.

I used to get these little french bread pizzas.  They'd come in microwavable trays that worked great.  Then they changed the tray to just a metallic strip to save costs.  Then they got rid of the strip and made them so you have to cook them in a real oven.  Forget that.


Quote from: ItsOver on June 25, 2016, 11:35:22 AM
"Have you tried their pizza rolls?"



Quote from: zeebo on June 25, 2016, 01:14:55 PM
I used to get these little french bread pizzas.  They'd come in microwavable trays that worked great.  Then they changed the tray to just a metallic strip to save costs.  Then they got rid of the strip and made them so you have to cook them in a real oven.  Forget that.

At that point, maybe it's better for people to order out... a real pizza to go ... since they are paying for more and more inconvenience taking the frozen route for that particular item.

I have had good luck using a toaster oven that is deep enough to accommodate a large frozen pizza instead of heating up a standard oven.

Still takes a while to cook, though.

Who is it that has the very decent pineapple and Canadian bacon?  Freschetta?

That's the ticket.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 25, 2016, 11:27:29 AM
It's true. 

He's not really god.

I had the impression that British groupies in the sixties were much better looking.  I didn't realize they were actually groupies in their sixties.   ;D

And at the time that picture was taken, there were just about as many British blues fans who were convinced that Peter Green was one and only true  guitar deity.  It's a tough call, because Green was once a unique visionary talent who crashed and burned way too young, and Clapton was an innovative guitarist who lost his way years ago and got mired in mawkish pop music. Either way, both had their brilliant moments, and it's a shame they both squandered so many years of potential productivity.


Ok.... got a few concerns... Saw a TV blip about doctors that take shit from one person and put it into another person... They are saying it's a new miracle cure... I say that there are many unknown folks (and maybe one doctor) whose strange fetish's may have led to this bizarre discovery. I truly hope that I never suffer from what somebody else's crap can cure... They also have developed a pill instead of the usual turkey baster process.... yum, even better... but still fucked up.... hint: at 3:50 minutes in..you have to hear the comments...



starrmtn001 annoys the fucking shit outta me! >:( >:( >:(


Quote from: HAUnted TEXan on June 26, 2016, 02:04:14 PM
Ok.... got a few concerns... Saw a TV blip about doctors that take shit from one person and put it into another person... They are saying it's a new miracle cure... I say that there are many unknown folks (and maybe one doctor) whose strange fetish's may have led to this bizarre discovery. I truly hope that I never suffer from what somebody else's crap can cure... They also have developed a pill instead of the usual turkey baster process.... yum, even better... but still fucked up.... hint: at 3:50 minutes in..you have to hear the comments...

Yeah, this is not just a hillbilly, woo woo thing. There is actually some solid research behind a lot of this stuff. The field of microbiology has really been bloating up lately (har har  :P). Even gut bacteria transplants from a thin person to an obese person have shown demonstrable weight loss as a result. It's fascinating stuff!  :)


I started paying attention to the gut microbiome a few years back.  Really interesting stuff- and they keep finding out more every time you turn around. Personally, I'm hoping to avoid poop transplants and have kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and pickles fermenting on my counter beside the sour dough and the juicer.

I was reading of a fellow who does research on this subject using himself as a guinea pig.  Last that I read (awhile ago), he was in Africa studying a tribe who has no modern medicine and still hunts and forages.  He had used a turkey baster, injected himself and (from what I recall) spent a few hours pretending to ride an upside down bicycle to get it all mixed up in him.  He was going to see if the transplant took what a typical N. American diet would do to his newly acquired microbes...  I really should see if I can find that site again.


Quote from: WOTR on June 26, 2016, 03:14:23 PM
I started paying attention to the gut microbiome a few years back.  Really interesting stuff- and they keep finding out more every time you turn around. Personally, I'm hoping to avoid poop transplants and have kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and pickles fermenting on my counter beside the sour dough and the juicer.

I was reading of a fellow who does research on this subject using himself as a guinea pig.  Last that I read (awhile ago), he was in Africa studying a tribe who has no modern medicine and still hunts and forages.  He had used a turkey baster, injected himself and (from what I recall) spent a few hours pretending to ride an upside down bicycle to get it all mixed up in him.  He was going to see if the transplant took what a typical N. American diet would do to his newly acquired microbes...  I really should see if I can find that site again.
Wow, the research is very interesting and promising but that kind of self-experimentation! Talk about a mad scientist. Did he do this in the field or after taking a sample back home to a lab where he has modern medicine, or at least IV bags, if he needs it? Jeez. That sounds potentially as painful as the story someone posted about the world record of eating 20 "Carolina Reaper" peppers in 3 minutes.


Quote from: WOTR on June 26, 2016, 03:14:23 PM
I started paying attention to the gut microbiome a few years back.  Really interesting stuff- and they keep finding out more every time you turn around. Personally, I'm hoping to avoid poop transplants and have kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and pickles fermenting on my counter beside the sour dough and the juicer.

I was reading of a fellow who does research on this subject using himself as a guinea pig.  Last that I read (awhile ago), he was in Africa studying a tribe who has no modern medicine and still hunts and forages.  He had used a turkey baster, injected himself and (from what I recall) spent a few hours pretending to ride an upside down bicycle to get it all mixed up in him.  He was going to see if the transplant took what a typical N. American diet would do to his newly acquired microbes...  I really should see if I can find that site again.
Back in the 80's, I'd swear that this girl I dated was into unsanctioned, full scale semen research, and since I was gynecologist on weekends we were a fairly successful scientific team.... Thought I saw her the other day, but it couldn't have been her, she hadn't aged a day...hmmm


Quote from: albrecht on June 26, 2016, 03:22:52 PM
Wow, the research is very interesting and promising but that kind of self-experimentation! Talk about a mad scientist. Did he do this in the field or after taking a sample back home to a lab where he has modern medicine, or at least IV bags, if he needs it? Jeez. That sounds potentially as painful as the story someone posted about the world record of eating 20 "Carolina Reaper" peppers in 3 minutes.
Not to worry... I found it.  :-* It is the human food project and is run by Jeff Leach.  This would actually make an EXCELLENT interview if done by Amy (seems sciency enough...)  He did this while living with the Hadza in Tanzania. He points out that we are around 90% microbes, and makes the point that we are more microbe than mammal and should probably pay some attention to them.

He does seem to be completely into self experimentation and tries to destroy his microbiome and rebuild it in different ways and with different diets.  The blog is quite an interesting read.  It seems he was very active in 2013, less so in 2014, posted one entry in 2015 and so far, nothing for 2016.  I would still love to hear an interview.

I pulled the excerpt from his site that I remember.  Yes, he had the guy tested for disease and did his best to minimize risk- but it was a "field injection."  ;D  You are welcome for the following graphic excerpt.

The sun had set over Lake Eyasi in Tanzania, nearly thirty minutes had passed since I had inserted a turkey baster into my bum and injected the feces of a Hadza man â€" a member of one of the last remaining hunter-gatherers tribes in the world â€" into the nether regions of my distal colon. I struggled to keep my legs in the air with my toes pointing towards what I thought was the faint outline of the Southern Cross rising in the evening sky. With my hands under my hips â€" and butt perched against a large rock for support â€" I peddled an imaginary upside down bicycle in the air to pass the time as I struggled to make sure my new gut ecosystem stayed put inside me.

You may well point out that for somebody with no memory, I sometimes remember the strangest things...


And, because I cannot resist.  It came with the caption "Drinking some of that flavorful baboon shit laden water."

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on June 26, 2016, 12:32:06 AM
... and Clapton was an innovative guitarist who lost his way years ago and got mired in mawkish pop music...

''Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs''

-John  Lennon

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 27, 2016, 09:35:17 AM
''Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs''

-John  Lennon

Actually, that was Paul McCartney, who certainly has done more than his share of that.

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