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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM


Quote from: jazmunda on November 23, 2015, 12:00:36 AM
How did I know you'd drive a volvo.

Hehehe.  I guess the Bug is just a little too Teutonic for Pud.

analog kid

Who's more annoying, fans of Christopher Nolan, or fans of Joss Whedon?


Quote from: analog kid on November 23, 2015, 06:10:15 PM
Who's more annoying, fans of Christopher Nolan, or fans of Joss Whedon?
fans of bieber


this annoys me..what is this world coming to when yoga gets canned over...i dont even know what



Quote from: trostol on November 23, 2015, 08:06:39 PM
this annoys me..what is this world coming to when yoga gets canned over...i dont even know what

That's hilarious!  It reads like something from The Onion.  I expect Starbucks should shutdown because they're disrespecting ancient coffee drinkers.  I'll be picketing tomorrow.

analog kid

Quote from: wr250 on November 23, 2015, 06:51:32 PM
fans of bieber

Never encountered one of those. So I'm going to have to go with Nolan fans, since they're far more rabid.

analog kid

I'll qualify that by saying that, if you call The Avengers movies crap, Whedon fans will genuinely not know what you're talking about, while if you criticize the Batman reboot, Nolan fans will lose their minds.

analog kid

Holidays. Leave me alone, relatives, I don't care.


Quote from: analog kid on November 24, 2015, 07:04:38 AM
Holidays. Leave me alone, relatives, I don't care.
Folks that are the poster children of hate and discontent are suddenly transformed for a few weeks into vaguely tolerable. Those of us without any family left would prefer a coma until the 1st week of January to remove ourselves from the façade.

Quote from: Hautex on November 24, 2015, 02:27:26 PM
Folks that are the poster children of hate and discontent are suddenly transformed for a few weeks into vaguely tolerable. Those of us without any family left would prefer a coma until the 1st week of January to remove ourselves from the façade.


The subway: now with more crack smoking!


QuoteA passenger said: 'On a daily basis we're confronted with drunks, homeless people and panhandlers when all you want to do is get on with your business.
'The subway has become a complete zoo.'



Quote from: bateman on November 24, 2015, 07:41:05 PM
The subway: now with more crack smoking!


Oh, yeah.  Mass transit.  Herd all the cattle together and have fun.  I think I'll stick with my own four wheels. 


Quote from: bateman on November 24, 2015, 07:41:05 PM
The subway: now with more crack smoking!


I haven't been to that fine city since the early 80's but I thought it was always thus. You mean, for a while, the subway system and city were nice places?


Quote from: albrecht on November 24, 2015, 08:00:37 PM
I haven't been to that fine city since the early 80's but I thought it was always thus. You mean, for a while, the subway system and city were nice places?

It was nice for a good 20 years. This mayor seems determined to turn back the clock though. The guy is totally divorced from reality.


Quote from: bateman on November 24, 2015, 08:10:59 PM
It was nice for a good 20 years. This mayor seems determined to turn back the clock though. The guy is totally divorced from reality.
Yeah, what I hear. I even heard that Times Sq n 42nd street is no more porn and hookers and coke? I'm all for clean cities but, still, like Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Hamburg etc there is a reason to have some area for fun and for gawking tourists to get shocked, bilked, or robbed!

ps: I took public transport (bus) for the the first time in decades (in my home town, have used in other countries where one often must.) Noticed I could do so and beat traffic, no drunk driving issues, etc for a football game. It was interesting. Even on a game day. I can't imagine what it is like in normal times. Lotsa questionable characters, women talking to herself/bus-driver, bus driver who takes 'sandwich break' and play on phone for no apparent reason at one stop, drunks, a retarded black dude in his 40's wearing Spiderman shirt and sporting a Spiderman hat, worn half-sideways and tag still on, reading (and showing others) some comics he just bought at Walmart, lots of Mexicans- who looked like the only people who were going to/from work. etc.


Quote from: albrecht on November 24, 2015, 08:00:37 PM
I haven't been to that fine city since the early 80's but I thought it was always thus. You mean, for a while, the subway system and city were nice places?
Its about the same time I last visited the Big Apple. Although, I did pass on riding the subways at the time.
I do remember at the hotel watching a cable access channel that had a program featuring Mayor Ed Koch. It was called the "John Report".
He would read a list of all the men who were arrested for soliciting prostitutes for the week. I guess it was his way of public shaming.

Quote from: bateman on November 24, 2015, 07:41:05 PM
The subway: now with more crack smoking!

Here is a good story from Los Angeles public transit/light rail:
"2. Upon boarding the train, I sat my sweaty self across from a guy rubbing some loud woman's feet.

3. That skinny, old, foot-rubbing dude, wearing new white shoes and a white knit cap, pulls down the zipper of his plaid Bermuda shorts, whips out his penis and PEES on the floor, turns around and floods the seat.

4. I mention it to the conductors. One, uninterested in the story, continues to fill out some form. The other guy, also apparently uninterested or jaded from too many pissing-on-the-seats stories,
says, "Oh yeah? I'll tell the cleaners." He then announces we're arriving at Union Station."


Quote from: Audiofile on November 24, 2015, 08:59:32 PM
Its about the same time I last visited the Big Apple. Although, I did pass on riding the subways at the time.
I do remember at the hotel watching a cable access channel that had a program featuring Mayor Ed Koch. It was called the "John Report".
He would read a list of all the men who were arrested for soliciting prostitutes for the week. I guess it was his way of public shaming.

That was probably NY1, which is basically the same as a cable access channel.


This.  WTF. This is for 8-3/4 in. pie recipes not 9 in.. Way to save a few pennies.


Quote from: bateman on November 24, 2015, 07:41:05 PM
The subway: now with more crack smoking!



I enjoyed my time riding the subway in New York. I found it amusing to people watch and listen in on conversations. Having said that no one peed on me or rubbed up against me inappropriately so I was a little bit disappointed.


Quote from: jazmunda on November 25, 2015, 07:24:31 PM
I enjoyed my time riding the subway in New York. I found it amusing to people watch and listen in on conversations. Having said that no one peed on me or rubbed up against me inappropriately so I was a little bit disappointed.

You should come back, the entire city smells like pee now thanks to De Blasio.

Quote from: bateman on November 25, 2015, 07:25:18 PM
You should come back, the entire city smells like pee now thanks to De Blasio.

I was just on the lovely number 5 train earlier today. A pleasure as always.


Quote from: jazmunda on November 25, 2015, 07:24:31 PM
...Having said that no one peed on me or rubbed up against me inappropriately so I was a little bit disappointed.
Try San Francisco next time.


Quote from: ItsOver on November 25, 2015, 07:37:23 PM
Try San Francisco next time.

When I was in San Francisco in the late 90s I was surprised to see how many homeless people there were begging in the streets. You couldn't walk more than a few yards until you had another person shaking a cup asking if I could spare some change. I gave the first few people but I had to stop as my friend from the US informed that if I kept this up I would be broke before I got to the next block. In my time in the states I found San Fran to have the most homeless people. During that visit I was in LA, San Fran, Las Vegas, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia & New Orleans.

I think I'll pass on San Francisco next time I'm in the States. Too close to Martinez for my liking.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on November 25, 2015, 07:36:25 PM
I was just on the lovely number 5 train earlier today. A pleasure as always.

I encountered this gentleman the other night who was drunkenly muttering, then shouting, racial epithets and looking like an old timey hobo. All he needed was one of those bindle things to complete the look.

Quote from: bateman on November 25, 2015, 07:57:03 PM
I encountered this gentleman the other night who was drunkenly muttering, then shouting, racial epithets and looking like an old timey hobo. All he needed was one of those bindle things to complete the look.

This must have been in Manhattan. Once the subways leave Manhattan, the demographic drastically changes.

Quote from: albrecht on November 24, 2015, 08:18:21 PM
Yeah, what I hear. I even heard that Times Sq n 42nd street is no more porn and hookers and coke?

Times Square is very family friendly now.


Quote from: bateman on November 25, 2015, 08:39:28 PM
Well, aside from the topless ladies and Elmo gropings.

I saw news about some of the naked lady protests. Though they were not the kind I wouldn't mind protesting. Outsource the naked protests to the FEMEN group from the Ukraine.

There seems to be an epidemic of costumed violence and assaults. Elmos groping in NYC, costumed people fighting for tips in Hollywood. Scary clowns seen around the world. (Norry had an awesome quote about the phenomena the other night: "In Wisconsin, there have been many reports of a man dressed up in a clown.")

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