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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:27:16 PM
Course he does...and explain to the simpletons at the back of the Trump rally what it means in real terms for them....

Its okay, you can cut and paste this to a post it note and stick it on the back of their hands:

"Trump doesn't give a shit about you; and as you pay more tax, he and his family will get richer, using and exploiting the very tax regs he designed if and when he became POTUS"

Yes, Hillary is dripping with care about Americans....

I am sure Hillary really, really cares.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on September 25, 2016, 12:26:51 PM
What happened to Newt Gingrich?  He was stumping for Trump almost every day, now I haven't seen or heard from him in quite some time.

He's in the Jeremy Corbyn camp now, like you...Hey, how's it going with Trump's endorsement of the Israeli PM?


Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:09:37 PM
And this is good because?

*sigh*  Donald's Tax plan favors multimillionaires and will add trillions of dollars to the deficit. I won't go into all the reasons this is bad if you can't figure this out for yourself.

Hillary's plan balances the budget by increasing taxes on super duper multimillionaires. Something you need never worry about I'm sure. Nor I.

A gross oversimplification of the two tax plans. But simple seemed best at this juncture

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on September 25, 2016, 12:30:04 PM
Yes, Hillary is dripping with care about Americans....

I am sure Hillary really, really cares.

I haven't said she does; but Trump says he does, but I know he doesn't.

Your ball...Go!

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:27:16 PM
Course he does...and explain to the simpletons at the back of the Trump rally what it means in real terms for them....

Its okay, you can cut and paste this to a post it note and stick it on the back of their hands:

"Trump doesn't give a shit about you; and as you pay more tax, he and his family will get richer, using and exploiting the very tax regs he designed if and when he became POTUS"

It means they're going to pay the same flat tax as everyone else, the lower income people  face a 1% federal income tax and that business will be forced to do business in our country or face financial penalties for taking opportunities abroad. Meanwhile he wants to get rid of the corrupt institution that creates these loop holes and has made the American tax system completely dysfunctional.

I'm sure even the people in the back of the room can understand that.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:24:05 PM
Twisted? He said it. What have I twisted? He's either telling porkies or he's deluded and expects his supporters to be equally deluded..2 million in his first hour. He promised it. 33333 per minute.

What was the context?

Its fewer people; and you justify mass murder because Assad wasn't supported by the US? By that logic, Stalin should have been best buddies with Eisenhower and he wouldn't have had the road of bones.

Your side has killed and displaced thousands of Syrians for no reason. The status quo in Syria, while far from ideal, was about as good as it can be for a country full of religious fanatics. Now, it's far worse, basically Syria is now an orgy of death because of the foreign policy of this administration. Libya is also destabilized, again for no reason.

Eisenhower didn't start a nuclear war to remove Stalin from power. Had he, it would have resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths, perhaps even everyone. Instead, Eisenhower left Stalin to his own devices. That's what should have happened with Assad and Gadhafi. And Saddam for that matter. Their dictatorships were more stable and resulted in less death than the chaos that followed their overthrow.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:02:59 PM
If he runs it properly, it'll be fine. It hasn't been run properly in decades.

Real big if, sweetie. Listen to cupcake

Big Chicken

Quote from: Donald Noory on September 25, 2016, 12:24:14 PM
Trump wants to make sure his sons Douchebag von Fuckface and Thurston Douchebag the 3rd have enough money to live on when he croaks. So they can keep hunting big game in Africa.

Oh that's right.   They were shooting Triceratops  were they not?  There are so few left.


Quote from: TigerLily on September 25, 2016, 12:31:12 PM
*sigh*  Donald's Tax plan favors multimillionaires and will add trillions of dollars to the deficit. I won't go into all the reasons this is bad if you can't figure this out for yourself.

Hillary's plan balances the budget by increasing taxes on super duper multimillionaires. Something you need never worry about I'm sure. Nor I.

A gross oversimplification of the two tax plans. But simple seemed best at this juncture

No it doesn't.

We're getting economic analysis from someone who uses the phrase "super duper multimillionaires" in their reasoning.

I asked you why an estate tax is a good thing.


Many Lefties support a 90% tax on incomes above $1 million...how can one debate with that position?


Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on September 25, 2016, 12:28:46 PM
So the dindu's can get more dem programs and more a dat money, how a dindu gon' get his gold teeth and malt liquor?
Does Trump meeting with Netanyahu before he is even elected (and the fact that they have, apparently, "known each other for many years") concern you just a little?  Do you worry that he is just another Zionist Jew plant who will screw over the American people for the benefit of those filthy, money grubbing liars?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:31:29 PM
It means they're going to pay the same flat tax as everyone else, the lower income people (I think it was 40k) won't face a federal income tax and that business will be forced to do business in our country or face financial penalties for taking opportunities abroad. Meanwhile he wants to get rid of the corrupt institution that creates these loop holes and has made the American tax system completely dysfunctional.

I'm sure even the people in the back of the room can understand that.

Why don't people actually read and understand what they're arguing about? These tax arguments drive me the fuck insane because liberals never have a clue what they're talking about.

Why would Trump try and introduce anything fiscal that didn't directly advantage him? Or do you think he's monumentally stupid? He's promised lots yet not one thing can he deliver on; not least of all because Congress won't pass it through and if they did, Trump would face a heap of shit when it came to execution.

Donald Noory

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on September 25, 2016, 12:28:46 PM
So the dindu's can get more dem programs and more a dat money, how a dindu gon' get his gold teeth and malt liquor?


Quote from: TigerLily on September 25, 2016, 12:32:47 PM
Real big if, sweetie. Listen to cupcake

Pfffft, if I ever say anything political to her she just says "that's nice, honey" as she polishes her collection of Lenin busts.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:35:49 PM
Why would Trump try and introduce anything fiscal that didn't directly advantage him? Or do you think he's monumentally stupid? He's promised lots yet not one thing can he deliver on; not least of all because Congress won't pass it through and if they did, Trump would face a heap of shit when it came to execution.

Weren't you the guy praising Bernie Sanders awhile ago? Your description of Trump is exactly what Bernie was.

Dude, read his tax plan. It's simple.

I wouldn't know man. This fuck we have in office certainly blew every campaign promise. We know Hillary is literally everything wrong with American politics on top of being evil, not healthy and incompetent. At least this guy actually is saying positive things and has a track record of success.


Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:33:09 PM
No it doesn't.

We're getting economic analysis from someone who uses the phrase "super duper multimillionaires" in their reasoning.

I asked you why an estate tax is a good thing.

Why are estate taxes a bad thing? Why are any taxes a good thing? Go away now. Have YP explain it to you. I'm watching football


Sigh.  What a liar and a flip-flopper.

Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that “perhaps” he would put Flowers in the debate audience, but Conway told CNN’s Jake Tapper that his campaign has not “invited her formally” and does not expect her to be there.


Maybe I'll invite Gennifer Flowers, maybe not.  Maybe I'll deport 11 million illegal immigrants, maybe not. Maybe I'll appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court, and then again, maybe not.

Aren't any of you Trump lovers disturbed by his pathological lies and inconsistencies, his inability to make and commit to the simplest decisions? 

Quote from: TigerLily on September 25, 2016, 12:42:34 PM
Why are estate taxes a bad thing? Why are any taxes a good thing? Go away now. Have YP explain it to you. I'm watching football

;D Fair enough, I got work I've been procrastinating on.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:39:37 PM
Pfffft, if I ever say anything political to her she just says "that's nice, honey" as she polishes her collection of Lenin busts.

lol. smart girl

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:32:30 PM
What was the context?

Eh? The context was he was going to deport 2 million foreign criminals in his first hour as POTUS; presumably because he believs that will 'eliminate all crime" (another promise)..That equates to 33333 crimianls deported per minute, in his first hour. How many administrators/police/trucks do you imagine will need to be paid for with YOUR tax dollars to execute that little adventure? Roughly? That's of course if they can find 2 million in the first hour! 

Your side has killed and displaced thousands of Syrians for no reason.

My side? Which side is that? I'm not in any military outfit.

The status quo in Syria, while far from ideal, was about as good as it can be for a country full of religious fanatics. Now, it's far worse, basically Syria is now an orgy of death because of the foreign policy of this administration. Libya is also destabilized, again for no reason.

Actually no; granted it hasn't helped, but it isn't the cause. Bush's administration caused the shit that is the ME now, not Obama.

Eisenhower didn't start a nuclear war to remove Stalin from power. Had he, it would have resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths, perhaps even everyone. Instead, Eisenhower left Stalin to his own devices. That's what should have happened with Assad and Gadhafi. And Saddam for that matter. Their dictatorships were more stable and resulted in less death than the chaos that followed their overthrow.

Stalin had murdered MILLIONS of people, the true number isn't known. Is that okay with you? Really?


Quote from: Big Chicken on September 25, 2016, 12:32:48 PM
Oh that's right.   They were shooting Triceratops  were they not?  There are so few left.
Interesting... A few believe it, therefore Liberals are stupid.

Did you ever see "Rick Mercer... Talking to Americans?"  He did a whole series where he goes to universities and talks to the average American on the street.  Man, you guys should not be allowed to vote.  ;)


***Just figured I would use the same logic.  Pay special attention to Mike Huckabee's congratulations to Canada on "preserving our national igloo."


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on September 25, 2016, 12:42:55 PM
Sigh.  What a liar and a flip-flopper.

Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that “perhaps” he would put Flowers in the debate audience, but Conway told CNN’s Jake Tapper that his campaign has not “invited her formally” and does not expect her to be there.


Maybe I'll invite Gennifer Flowers, maybe not.  Maybe I'll deport 11 million illegal immigrants, maybe not. Maybe I'll appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court, and then again, maybe not.

Aren't any of you Trump lovers disturbed by his pathological lies and inconsistencies, his inability to make and commit to the simplest decisions?

Currently a bit more disturbed by the Assange revelation that Hillary knew full well what classified brackets are in sensitive government emails. This means that she lied to the FBI. She'll get away with it because top level government is full of crooks, but if you or I lied to the FBI . . . well, we know what would happen. That sort of thing disturbs me far more than almost anything Trump could do.

Quote from: Beelzebubbelah on September 24, 2016, 11:50:20 PM
Yust got on line again after my furinshugginer windoze kkraputer had an brain lockup,i am with you perforce yet.
1)what has co-incidence got to do with you not knowing how to spell Mr.Ochs' name,even though you actually remember about his untimeley emotional collapse and alleged suicide?
2)Greater Trump"World"was added to my post by some kind of error,am i now moderated,ie,under suspect light for useing"high grade art"that looks porn-y to the un-educated?
3)If the 'weevil'empire(ie,Nato) staged the mall shooting yesterday in Burlington,Wa,to distract from Friday night admissions that Joo "Kerry"screwed up in aknowledging 'Murkka and co.attacks in(A)syria...
Why wasn't the apparent patsey produced DOA on Mall soil??
Enqvireing minds want to know...
PS:No Logo:

Sometimes it's best to be faux nettical.  ;)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:40:17 PM
Weren't you the guy praising Bernie Sanders awhile ago? Your description of Trump is exactly what Bernie was.


Dude, read his tax plan. It's simple.

Yeah, in his mind...Make him richer. YOU not so much.

I wouldn't know man. This fuck we have in office certainly blew every campaign promise. We know Hillary is literally everything wrong with American politics on top of being evil, not healthy and incompetent. At least this guy actually is saying positive things and has a track record of success.

Hey; if I told you that the next time you run a bath and out came unicorn milk and that you'll wake up to gold ingots piled high in your tool shed would you believe me? That seems fairly positive. The trouble is, he's telling folks simple solutions fix very complex problems. They don't. Ever.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Big Chicken on September 25, 2016, 12:32:48 PM
Oh that's right.   They were shooting Triceratops  were they not?  There are so few left.

No, they destroyed current beautiful animals (endangered) in Africa. Or are you one of the idiots that think only liberals care about animal welfare? Is that a right wing mantra?


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:47:05 PM
Currently a bit more disturbed by the Assange revelation that Hillary knew full well what classified brackets are in sensitive government emails. This means that she lied to the FBI. She'll get away with it because top level government is full of crooks, but if you or I lied to the FBI . . . well, we know what would happen. That sort of thing disturbs me far more than almost anything Trump could do.

...Still waiting for those "bombshell" revelations from Hillary's emails.  Like Trump, Assange is another hyperbolic grandstander.  He and Snowden are doing their best to stay in the headlines while they age in exile.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:44:15 PM
Eh? The context was he was going to deport 2 million foreign criminals in his first hour as POTUS; presumably because he believs that will 'eliminate all crime" (another promise)..That equates to 33333 crimianls deported per minute, in his first hour. How many administrators/police/trucks do you imagine will need to be paid for with YOUR tax dollars to execute that little adventure? Roughly? That's of course if they can find 2 million in the first hour! 

No, I want to know the context in which he said that. Context is important in determining if it was a batshit crazy remark or not.

My side? Which side is that? I'm not in any military outfit.

Your side.

Actually no; granted it hasn't helped, but it isn't the cause. Bush's administration caused the shit that is the ME now, not Obama.

Yes, Bush did. It was one of the greatest foreign policy debacles of modern times. It was a good example of crookedness, cronyism and lying in government. That said, pulling out of Iraq, destabilizing Syria and Libya and allowing a fucking murderous Islamic Caliphate to take over swaths of the middle east was just plain stupid. Inept left-wing Obama administration policy largely in the hands of Hillary Clinton.

Stalin had murdered MILLIONS of people, the true number isn't known. Is that okay with you? Really?

You're conflating what I said to try to paint me in a negative light, which is a typical leftwing shut down. You're very typical for the left. What I said is that a few million dead is better than hundreds of millions dead and a nuclear holocaust. That's reality. Nothing else matters other than reality. Get it?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:51:32 PM
No, they destroyed current beutiful animals (endangered) in Africa. Or are you one of the idiots that think only liberals care about animal welfare? Is that a right wing mantra?

So I guess you ignore the reality that big game hunting in Africa actually pays for reserves and the people who work on them which actually helps sustain and protect the overall population?

I know facts are like kryptonite to you mouth dribbling liberals, but come on.


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on September 25, 2016, 12:55:04 PM
...Still waiting for those "bombshell" revelations from Hillary's emails.  Like Trump, Assange is another hyperbolic grandstander.  He and Snowden are doing their best to stay in the headlines while they age in exile.

They're out there already. She lied to the FBI. You would do 20 in Federal Prison if you did that. That Hillary won't should scare the ever living bejeezus of you that your system is *that* corrupt. That's far worse than anything Trump could do. At best he might equal that level of corruption, but I doubt it.

Donald Noory

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:47:05 PM
Currently a bit more disturbed by the Assange revelation that Hillary knew full well what classified brackets are in sensitive government emails. This means that she lied to the FBI. She'll get away with it because top level government is full of crooks, but if you or I lied to the FBI . . . well, we know what would happen. That sort of thing disturbs me far more than almost anything Trump could do.

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