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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 11:30:07 AM

THAT news is going to upset some of his supporters.  Fucking Zionist has ties to Isreal and undoubtedly has been infected by the holocaust lies.  8)

I guess Trump will not be joining some of us Bellgabbers at our rally.  :'(

Quote from: chefist on September 25, 2016, 11:24:21 AM
Debating Marx and Engles is futile.

This is the biggest thing drove me away from the left. These people aren't even coherent or logical anymore. They just say whatever pile of bullshit that justifies their stupid decisions and life. It's insane. Words and reality have no meaning to these people anymore. I read social media traffic and analytics every day. The mental gymnastic liberals are going through this election cycle is like watching the final days of Jonestown. These people are fucked in the head.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 11:16:34 AM
I think you wrote that to see how much you could obfuscate this with a pile of vacuous crap.

Guy owns catering company.
Guy has event.
Guy uses his own catering company for event.
Law dictates he has to pay himself the going rate.

Actually. no it doesn't. Welcome to capitalism. Now if you were on Cuba, then I'd agree; over there if you book a trip to go out anywhere it will be the same with whoever you book it with.

The 'going rate' only applies to salaries and even then has a minimum level (if a minimum wage rate is the law), it doesn't apply to goods and services, because if it did, you wouldn't have E bay or Amazon etc. Or a car bought cheaper at dealer B rather than dealer A.

He 'employs' his own companies because its a tax dodge, and ONLY a tax dodge, it has nothing at all to do with 'going rates', its entirely to do with creative accountancy, that's probably why he won't reveal his tax records!

Financial regulators? Instruments to his advantagem (what?) what are you talking about?

See above

You want to talk about instruments of advantagem, let's talk about Obama blowing millions of tax dollars running around in Air Force One campaigning for this corpse. Or Hillary's intricate pay to play policies of her Clinton Foundation. Or how most of the MSM is in the tank for her.

Really? Did I say Tr;ump was the only one doing it? Naaa, I didn't. But for him to stand up and preach to the hard of thinking that he's some kind of Messiah is laughable. He. Doesn't. give. A. Shit. about. you. 

Is everyone stupid now? This is a question I ask myself a lot more than I used to.

Well, I know I'm not; so, that leaves....you?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 11:33:41 AM
Actually. no it doesn't. Welcome to capitalism. Now if you were on Cuba, then I'd agree; over there if you book a trip to go out anywhere it will be the same with whoever you book it with.

The 'going rate' only applies to salaries and even then has a minimum level (if a minimum wage rate is the law), it doesn't apply to goods and services, because if it did, you wouldn't have E bay or Amazon etc. Or a car bought cheaper at dealer B rather than dealer A.

He 'employs' his own companies because its a tax dodge, and ONLY a tax dodge, it has nothing at all to do with 'going rates', its entirely to do with creative accountancy, that's probably why he won't reveal his tax records!

See above

Really? Did I say Tr;ump was the only one doing it? Naaa, I didn't. But for him to stand up and preach to the hard of thinking that he's some kind of Messiah is laughable. He. Doesn't. give. A. Shit. about. you. 

Well, I know I'm not; so, that leaves....you?

Do I even need to waste my time on this or do we all realize who and what this is?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: WOTR on September 25, 2016, 11:33:10 AM
THAT news is going to upset some of his supporters.  Fucking Zionist has ties to Isreal and undoubtedly has been infected by the holocaust lies.  8)

KoK will be fine with it...really he will.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 11:37:20 AM
Do I even need to waste my time on this or do we all realize who and what this is?

Its okay, I know you know you believe Trump is the word. Its fine. One day you'll realise he isn't.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 11:39:44 AM
Its okay, I know you know you believe Trump is the word. Its fine. One day you'll realise he isn't.
Actually, it's win / win for Trump.  If he gets in- he has won.  If he does not get elected, he has tens of thousands of admirers (and they are not likely to ever "one day realize that he is not the word.")  People who used to only know him from the apprentice will now hang on his every word and he will be relevant as somebody who can drive public policy (to some degree).  There will be tens of thousands who will buy whatever his Chinese factory pumps out and he slaps his name on because they want to support him.  He will be able to "sell" his support to the next republican nominee (you scratch my back, I support yours...)

This has to be the smartest thing I have seen anybody do in a long time.  There is an unlimited upside with almost no risk (was there a downside at all- aside from risking a few million at the start?)  Like him or hate him- it is brilliant.


Quote from: WOTR on September 25, 2016, 11:48:36 AM
Actually, it's win / win for Trump.  If he gets in- he has won.  If he does not get elected, he has tens of thousands of admirers (and they are not likely to ever "one day realize that he is not the word.")  People who used to only know him from the apprentice will now hang on his every word and he will be relevant as somebody who can drive public policy (to some degree).  There will be tens of thousands who will buy whatever his Chinese factory pumps out and he slaps his name on because they want to support him.  He will be able to "sell" his support to the next republican nominee (you scratch my back, I support yours...)

This has to be the smartest thing I have seen anybody do in a long time.  There is an unlimited upside with almost no risk (was there a downside at all- aside from risking a few million at the start?)  Like him or hate him- it is brilliant.

He's taking the Palin Effect to a whole new level and will make a killing with his new media empire

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 11:56:24 AM
You may be surprised. That argument actually originated during the primaries from the other Republicans, that Trump had no substantive policy. Despite releasing detailed positions on his website, the argument continues but it's not as valid as you think. But I don't think it will even get that far. I think this will be all about Hillary and her failures in foreign policy. In other words, all Trump has to do is shift the focus to Libya, arming ISIS etc. and she's sunk. And that sad thing is, if it doesn't sink her now it will sink her during her presidency.

Because Hillary's track record shows that she's worse. The woman destabilized and handed much of Libya to a faction of ISIS for no reason whatsoever. And, they're probably using our weapons that she Iran Contra'd to ISIS.

Yeah, but what will Trump do to make America great again?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 11:58:47 AM

Yeah, but what will Trump do to make America great again?

If he runs it properly, it'll be fine. It hasn't been run properly in decades.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:02:59 PM
If he runs it properly, it'll be fine. It hasn't been run properly in decades.

Hmm; starting with deporting 2 million foreign criminals in his first hour? Think about that, because I'm sure as hell he hasn't..He also said he'd eliminate crime too.. completely.

So you're angry that he's spending money on his companies but then you're angry he's not spending enough money on his companies. And you're angry because you think the only reason he's using his services for his events instead of unknown entities or competitors is as a tax dodge.

...is there really any need to even react to this kind of logic?


Quote from: bateman on September 25, 2016, 11:17:18 AM

I'm trying to find a three year-old to explain this to me. It sounds like hypocrisy but I can't be sure.

Breitbart will shrink your brain cells. I laughed so hard when Donald declared "and we will get rid of the death tax!" at one of his rallies and the "hard working Americans" cheered.  Donald smiled and nodded. I love irony

would be the highest estate tax since the 1980s.

...Known by conservative opponents as the “death tax,” the estate tax, levied on property such as cash, real estate, stock or other assets transferred from deceased persons to heirs, currently is imposed only on inherited assets worth $5.45 million or more for an individual...

Clinton’s plan, posted on her campaign’s website, would raise the estate tax from the current 40% to 45%, the rate that existed in 2009. But the biggest estates would face rates of up to 65% for property valued at more than $500 million for a single person or $1 billion per couple, under her proposal, an update of an earlier plan. -Fortune

Quote from: TigerLily on September 25, 2016, 12:06:54 PM
Breitbart will shrink your brain cells. I laughed so hard when Donald declared "and we will get rid of the death tax!" at one of his rallies and the "hard working Americans" cheered.  Donald smiled and nodded. I love irony

would be the highest estate tax since the 1980s.

...Known by conservative opponents as the “death tax,” the estate tax, levied on property such as cash, real estate, stock or other assets transferred from deceased persons to heirs, currently is imposed only on inherited assets worth $5.45 million or more for an individual...

Clinton’s plan, posted on her campaign’s website, would raise the estate tax from the current 40% to 45%, the rate that existed in 2009. But the biggest estates would face rates of up to 65% for property valued at more than $500 million for a single person or $1 billion per couple, under her proposal, an update of an earlier plan. -Fortune

And this is good because?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:05:14 PM
Hmm; starting with deporting 2 million foreign criminals in his first hour? Think about that, because I'm sure as hell he hasn't..He also said he'd eliminate crime too.. completely.

That's just twisting his words, but the sad reality is that the world has gone into the shitter which Hillary contributed actively to. Continuing the current foreign policy of the US is no longer tenable. Global affairs need some serious attention and a fresh take, and from Hillary that will simply mean more destabilization and air wars. Trump, who knows? Hopefully he'll surround himself with the right people. I'll take it though since the left has fucked up so badly lately. I mean seriously, destabilizing Syria was a good idea? Fuck no it wasn't. We should have cozied up to Assad and kept that motherfucker stable. Less people die when you support dictators.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:05:14 PM
He also said he'd eliminate crime too.. completely.
I think Trump could do it... But he chose the wrong running mate.  He needs to reconsider, ask Duterte, and get on with "making America crime-free again."  He would win my vote if he would promise to use the military and police to butcher criminals and save the justice system the expense of prosecuting and housing them.  ;)

"Philippine presidential favorite Rodrigo Duterte vowed to forget human rights if he wins Monday’s election and “butcher” criminals, in a typically savage tirade to end an explosive campaign.

Duterte, who has hypnotized millions of voters with his promises to eradicate crime and corruption, repeatedly warned tens of thousands of fans in Manila on Saturday night that there would be mass killings under his presidency.

“Forget the laws on human rights,” said Duterte, as he boasted of killing criminals during his more than two decades as mayor of the southern city of Davao."

***For anybody not up to date... Duterte did win.***

Donald Noory

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 11:58:47 AM

Yeah, but what will Trump do to make America great again?

Did you know at one point Trump was courting John Kasich, the governor of Ohio, to be VP? One of Trump's kids (Douchebag Von Fuckface or Thurston Douchebag the Third, not sure which one) called a Kasich aide to discuss it, and told them that Kasich would be the most powerful VP in history and would basically be in charge of foreign and domestic policy, in effect running the country. The aide asked what Trump would be doing. "Making America great again,' was the response.

Actually Trump would probably use his position as president to enrich his coffers in some dubious way. Sort of like his hero Putin.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:05:14 PM
Hmm; starting with deporting 2 million foreign criminals in his first hour? Think about that, because I'm sure as hell he hasn't..He also said he'd eliminate crime too.. completely.

One has to set stretch goals. If he only deports 1 million in the first hour I will still be happy, but the press will call him a failure.

Quote from: WOTR on September 25, 2016, 12:11:19 PM
I think Trump could do it... But he chose the wrong running mate.  He needs to reconsider, ask Duterte, and get on with "making America crime-free again."  He would win my vote if he would promise to use the military and police to butcher criminals and save the justice system the expense of prosecuting and housing them.  ;)

"Philippine presidential favorite Rodrigo Duterte vowed to forget human rights if he wins Monday’s election and “butcher” criminals, in a typically savage tirade to end an explosive campaign.

Duterte, who has hypnotized millions of voters with his promises to eradicate crime and corruption, repeatedly warned tens of thousands of fans in Manila on Saturday night that there would be mass killings under his presidency.

“Forget the laws on human rights,” said Duterte, as he boasted of killing criminals during his more than two decades as mayor of the southern city of Davao."

***For anybody not up to date... Duterte did win.***

Have to wonder what skeletons are in Duterte's closet. Just looking at pictures of him is chilling.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:06:38 PM
So you're angry that he's spending money on his companies but then you're angry he's not spending enough money on his companies. And you're angry because you think the only reason he's using his services for his events instead of unknown entities or competitors is as a tax dodge.

...is there really any need to even react to this kind of logic?

Oh, I'm not angry; but you should be. You pay tax into the US economy don't you? Trump pays far less a proportion of his income than you do..He's laughing at you. So no, I'm not angry.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 25, 2016, 12:17:40 PM

Oh, I'm not angry; but you should be. You pay tax into the US economy don't you? Trump pays far less a proportion of his income than you do..He's laughing at you. So no, I'm not angry.

He's utilizing the same tax loop holes I utilize and any person with a brain utilizes. Why am I mad at a guy who's playing the game better than everyone else? This is also the guy who wants to get rid of the IRS and has a logical tax plan other than the crazy shit that Democrats are pushing.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 25, 2016, 12:10:34 PM
That's just twisting his words,

Twisted? He said it. What have I twisted? He's either telling porkies or he's deluded and expects his supporters to be equally deluded..2 million in his first hour. He promised it. 33333 per minute.

but the sad reality is that the world has gone into the shitter which Hillary contributed actively to. Continuing the current foreign policy of the US is no longer tenable. Global affairs need some serious attention and a fresh take, and from Hillary that will simply mean more destabilization and air wars. Trump, who knows? Hopefully he'll surround himself with the right people. I'll take it though since the left has fucked up so badly lately. I mean seriously, destabilizing Syria was a good idea? Fuck no it wasn't. We should have cozied up to Assad and kept that motherfucker stable. Less people die when you support dictators.

Its fewer people; and you justify mass murder because Assad wasn't supported by the US? By that logic, Stalin should have been best buddies with Eisenhower and he wouldn't have had the road of bones.

Quote from: WOTR on September 25, 2016, 12:22:52 PM
I have already produced the campaign poster for my "dream team".

The problem here is the drug pushers and drug dealers are pharmaceutical companies and rich evil people. If Duterte is advocating murdering them, I'm all aboard that ticket.

Donald Noory

Quote from: TigerLily on September 25, 2016, 12:06:54 PM
Breitbart will shrink your brain cells. I laughed so hard when Donald declared "and we will get rid of the death tax!" at one of his rallies and the "hard working Americans" cheered.  Donald smiled and nodded. I love irony

would be the highest estate tax since the 1980s.

...Known by conservative opponents as the “death tax,” the estate tax, levied on property such as cash, real estate, stock or other assets transferred from deceased persons to heirs, currently is imposed only on inherited assets worth $5.45 million or more for an individual...

Clinton’s plan, posted on her campaign’s website, would raise the estate tax from the current 40% to 45%, the rate that existed in 2009. But the biggest estates would face rates of up to 65% for property valued at more than $500 million for a single person or $1 billion per couple, under her proposal, an update of an earlier plan. -Fortune

Trump wants to make sure his sons Douchebag von Fuckface and Thurston Douchebag the 3rd have enough money to live on when he croaks. So they can keep hunting big game in Africa.


Most Lefties want the government to hand out paychecks for what they determine is your worth.

Quote from: Donald Noory on September 25, 2016, 12:24:14 PM
Trump wants to make sure his sons Douchebag von Fuckface and Thurston Douchebag the 3rd have enough money to live on when he croaks. So they can keep hunting big game in Africa.

What is the logic in the government taking half your assets when you die? Am I married to these fuckers?

What happened to Newt Gingrich?  He was stumping for Trump almost every day, now I haven't seen or heard from him in quite some time.


Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:24:11 PM
The problem here is the drug pushers and drug dealers are pharmaceutical companies and rich evil people. If Duterte is advocating murdering them, I'm all aboard that ticket.
Damn, your quick.  Now there is evidence that I am illiterate (wrong spelling of Duterte.)  ;)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:19:31 PM
He's utilizing the same tax loop holes I utilize and any person with a brain utilizes. Why am I mad at a guy who's playing the game better than everyone else? This is also the guy who wants to get rid of the IRS and has a logical tax plan other than the crazy shit that Democrats are pushing.

Course he does...and explain to the simpletons at the back of the Trump rally what it means in real terms for them....

Its okay, you can cut and paste this to a post it note and stick it on the back of their hands:

"Trump doesn't give a shit about you; and as you pay more tax, he and his family will get richer, using and exploiting the very tax regs he designed if and when he became POTUS"

Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 25, 2016, 12:26:04 PM
What is the logic in the government taking half your assets when you die? Am I married to these fuckers?

So the dindu's can get more dem programs and more a dat money, how a dindu gon' get his gold teeth and malt liquor?

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