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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 01, 2020, 09:20:13 PM
Mrs. Walks and I stopped by a pond out on the land my employer owns.  She likes to look at the baby geese and it is that time of year.  Of course a  rent-a-cop in a golf cart, appeared out of nowhere and hassled us about not social distancing.  The three of us were probably the only human beings for a square mile and we get dogged. 

Ugh.  He would never have dared mess with you if you were wearing a coofiyeh.


Quote from: aldousburbank on May 01, 2020, 06:34:08 PM
I put up two May poles at the compound today.
What state are you from?

Quote from: ItsOver on May 01, 2020, 09:35:20 PM
Heh, heh, heh.


"We will let the girls entertain but their won't be any touching we've got to keep social distancing," Langan said. Customers can't hand the dancers money, they can throw it at them, which is what we do here anyway."

Well see?  Treat people like adults and they'll figure shit out eventually. No one wants to get sick with this shit.  If the chicken plucking plant isn't following the revised rules for keeping the workers safe, then bust their balls but in the meantime let Aldous throw a standard size football if he wants or let K_Dubb dig some clams at the State Park. 

Quote from: K_Dubb on May 01, 2020, 09:39:31 PM
Ugh.  He would never have dared mess with you if you were wearing a coofiyeh.

and with that, my good humor is returned.  ;)


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 01, 2020, 09:44:38 PM
and with that, my good humor is returned.  ;)

OK, coofiyeh, Morocaan poncho...what about the bottoms?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 01, 2020, 09:46:20 PM
OK, coofiyeh, Morocaan poncho...what about the bottoms?

We just wear our pretty-princess dresses like normal.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 01, 2020, 09:46:20 PM
OK, coofiyeh, Morocaan poncho...what about the bottoms?



Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 01, 2020, 09:51:30 PM

I don't know; this looks like a pretty efficient virus-distribution machine to me.


I’m going to go ahead and recommend Doc Martins for the footwear. Comfortable but stompy. ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 01, 2020, 10:37:58 PM
I’m going to go ahead and recommend Doc Martins for the footwear. Comfortable but stompy. ;)
Wooden shoes. The Dutch get all the credit but others also wore them in the swampier lowlands or for work (like our current steel-toed or steel-shanked boot.) And various designs. They can look silly but actually have practicality (since a wooden footwear can't flex.)


Quote from: K_Dubb on May 01, 2020, 10:11:14 PM
I don't know; this looks like a pretty efficient virus-distribution machine to me.

No it is a filter. Whisky and Corona-Chan don't mix well and whisky kills it- and the bladder (instrument not the drinker's) help kill it!  It also can be remodeled into a ventilator.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 01, 2020, 09:20:13 PM
Mrs. Walks and I stopped by a pond out on the land my employer owns.  She likes to look at the baby geese and it is that time of year.  Of course a  rent-a-cop in a golf cart, appeared out of nowhere and hassled us about not social distancing.  The three of us were probably the only human beings for a square mile and we get dogged. 

Passed by two homeless camps. Still existing. With- in full view- tents, trash, and lots of carts stolen from the nearby Target. Clearly due to branding on carts. Then in back of 'big box store area' (used to be a ranch, than was a concert venue saw Willie, DAC, Metallica, and others there- not same show, ha) people were fishing in the retention ponds. None homeless but folks who like to fish. I see more of this during the lockdown even at my local creek.  Credit to one guy in waders today though even! Two cop cars parked as cops do, talking to each other. Harassing nobody but just chatting to each other on the tax-payer's dime.


Quote from: aldousburbank on May 01, 2020, 09:58:06 PM
Oh really I think most people know where im from because of what caller on coast to coast they think I am haha.


I'm actually too angry to type much. But our fucker of a Prime Minister has decided to use COVID to bypass having to actually have a vote in the house. He has declared 1,500 guns to be "prohibited" as of today in Canada. Guns that last week you could buy and use hunting you can no longer own or even take out of your house to the range. Overnight.

All in the space of one day. I didn't vote for the weasel piece of shit dictator, and I have resolved to vote to separate from this country if given the opportunity. I had already said that I would. But it was with some regret. Under his leadership, I no longer would have a second thought. Let the chips fall where they may, and let the west be harmed economically. At least we would no longer be under the thumb of any left leaning fucker that the progressive Eastern voters decide to force on us.


Quote from: WOTR on May 02, 2020, 12:28:33 AM
I'm actually too angry to type much. But our fucker of a Prime Minister has decided to use COVID to bypass having to actually have a vote in the house. He has declared 1,500 guns to be "prohibited" as of today in Canada. Guns that last week you could buy and use hunting you can no longer own or even take out of your house to the range. Overnight.

All in the space of one day. I didn't vote for the weasel piece of shit dictator, and I have resolved to vote to separate from this country if given the opportunity. I had already said that I would. But it was with some regret. Under his leadership, I no longer would have a second thought. Let the chips fall where they may, and let Alberta be harmed economically. At least we would no longer be under the thumb of any left leaning fucker that the progressive Eastern voters decide to force on us.

It’s sad. He really does seem to be acting like it. And excuse me but how is one able to purchase surplus RCMP stuff there that will pass for it to any unsuspecting citizen?! This whole thing reeks of crazy false flag to ram through heavy-handed gun control legislation.

If memory serves me this sort of thing always seems to happen on the East coast there too, doesn’t it? Weird.

I just checked The Rebel but nothing on this yet. They did have this though:



Quote from: ItsOver on May 01, 2020, 09:29:00 PM
Heresy!  The both of you, as traitors to The State, should have bowed your heads in shame, committed seppuku, using one of the baby geese, and thrown your disgraced selfs in the pond.

I'm still irate- but that was damn funny.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 02, 2020, 12:32:16 AM
I just checked The Rebel but nothing on this yet. They did have this though:


Thanks MD. If I were to consult a blood pressure monitor right now, I'm pretty certain that it would have a reading that would prohibit me from watching anything from the rebel news at this moment. I'll save it for tomorrow out of fear that I may end up at the hospital and die from a stroke (thus, obviously, leading to a higher death rate from COVID) were I to watch it now.

Quote from: ItsOver on May 01, 2020, 09:06:15 PM
Good news!  Corona Chan has succeeded in lowering deaths from everything else in NY state!  Huh?... oh wait.



Quote from: WOTR on May 02, 2020, 12:44:26 AM
Thanks MD. If I were to consult a blood pressure monitor right now, I'm pretty certain that it would have a reading that would prohibit me from watching anything from the rebel news at this moment. I'll save it for tomorrow out of fear that I may end up at the hospital and die from a stroke (thus, obviously, leading to a higher death rate from COVID) were I to watch it now.

Yep, don’t end up a phoney Covid stat.


Quote from: ItsOver on May 01, 2020, 04:44:04 AM
One of the biggest failings of the Corona Chan circus is the lack of proper PPE for EVERYONE.  Sure, the so-called front line needs it, and this, alone, has been a major problem, but if you had the proper PPE (N95 masks or comparable, gloves) readily available, the draconian shut-down, cower-in-place measures wouldn't be needed, at least not as extensively as some want.

This problem was worsened in Australia because in Nov/Dec Sydney and Melbourne were blanketed in smoke from the bushfires for days on end, causing any type of mask to be completely sold out (despite not doing anything to help with the smoke) long before the wuflu appeared and they were never restocked. I think somehow the government managed to acquire the proper PPE because you never hear doctors complaining about a lack of it anymore, but admittedly the caseload is small.

Ahhh....   Here we go.  1-800-HURTLINE is swinging into action.  Trillions up for grabs in a jump ball and they want a share.

First wave of virus litigations are filed
QuoteNEW YORK - Hundreds of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus pandemic are rapidly amassing in state and federal courts, the first wave of litigation challenging decisions made early during the crisis by corporations, insurance companies and governments.



Quote from: albrecht on May 01, 2020, 10:54:47 PM
...Two cop cars parked as cops do, talking to each other. Harassing nobody but just chatting to each other on the tax-payer's dime.
I always chuckle a little when I drive by a doughnut shop and see the parked cop cars.  Doughnut shops must be on the FBI's list of high crime rate locations.  They must also be high on the list of essential businesses.


Quote from: WOTR on May 02, 2020, 12:28:33 AM
I'm actually too angry to type much. But our fucker of a Prime Minister has decided to use COVID to bypass having to actually have a vote in the house. He has declared 1,500 guns to be "prohibited" as of today in Canada. Guns that last week you could buy and use hunting you can no longer own or even take out of your house to the range. Overnight.

All in the space of one day. I didn't vote for the weasel piece of shit dictator, and I have resolved to vote to separate from this country if given the opportunity. I had already said that I would. But it was with some regret. Under his leadership, I no longer would have a second thought. Let the chips fall where they may, and let the west be harmed economically. At least we would no longer be under the thumb of any left leaning fucker that the progressive Eastern voters decide to force on us.
Do you think most folks will comply, without any push back?


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 02, 2020, 05:57:10 AM
Ahhh....   Here we go.  1-800-HURTLINE is swinging into action.  Trillions up for grabs in a jump ball and they want a share.

First wave of virus litigations are filed

Great.  Now I know what'll be on the tube for the foreseeable future.  Scumsucking lawyer ads for suits against Big Bro, Corona Chan fouls and virtue signalling, Corona Chan pawn asses.  Thank God for DVRs and the mute button.


I happened to make a trip out to the ghetto-ish part of town yesterday.  Some enterprising folk had set up one of those pop-up abandoned corner tent "stores" (usually selling unlicensed sports T-shirts etc) this one had a big sign "CORONA SUPPLIES.'

I wonder if they had any coofiyahs in the "Creamed Corn Teen" pattern (unlicensed of course)? 


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