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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 28, 2020, 05:22:37 PM
I don't wanna be "That Guy" but these Mother's are pushing me man.........................

You have to know that I am jealous of that picture... I'm envisioning a future avatar.  :D

Quote from: WOTR on April 28, 2020, 05:37:12 PM
You have to know that I am jealous of that picture... I'm envisioning a future avatar.  :D

I found it just for you dude.   Enjoy..............................


The Socialist-Communists in Austin are upset that the Democrat-Socialist leaders are even tempting to ponder a partial return to work for some people and so they vandalized City Hall and also remind people about May Day and painted various slogans and CCCP symbols like a "Socialist Revolution is the Cure for US Imperialism."




Quote from: albrecht on April 28, 2020, 05:52:52 PM
The Socialist-Communists in Austin are upset that the Democrat-Socialist leaders are even tempting to ponder a partial return to work for some people and so they vandalized City Hall and also remind people about May Day and painted various slogans and CCCP symbols like a "Socialist Revolution is the Cure for US Imperialism."


This is so obviously a false flag.  Any real communists would be smart enough to lay low.  "When the enemy is making a false move we must take good care not to interrupt him." -- Napoleon, supposedly


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 28, 2020, 04:53:59 PM
I just watched Schumer pushing for more hearings on the administration’s handling of this before we can open back up. Civil war time yet?
Fuck that guy.



Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. He’s been the ‘official’ spokesman for the coronavirus. He’s also in the back pocket of Bill Gates. He recently praised Brad Pitt’s performance of him on Saturday Night Live as ‘classy.’ Pitt mocked President Trump for his handling of the virus. Trump once called Pitt “A little wise guy.”

Trump needs to dump Fauci and Deborah Birx, too. Both are in the pocket of Bill Gates. Fauci saw to it that millions in taxpayer money was sent to the Wuhan lab that cooked up the coronavirus.

Fauci and Gates want worldwide vaccination with the ‘mark of the beast,’ tagging technology. They both want medical tyranny. They don’t want you to have any choice about what goes into your body.

Gates, who has neither a college degree nor medical training, once said a vaccine would be the ‘final solution.’ Where have we heard that phrase before?

Gates is an arch eugenicist. Fauci is one of his demonsâ€"and since he’s in the medical field, let’s make him a blue one.

â€"Ben Garrison

The media said I would be dead by now.... yet here I am.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 28, 2020, 10:23:51 PM
The media said I would be dead by now.... yet here I am.

Yes but it’s only because you followed their orders that you’re still alive. ;)

The second wave is coming! :o

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 28, 2020, 10:25:59 PM
Yes but it’s only because you followed their orders that you’re still alive. ;)

The second wave is coming! :o

My only regret is that I have but two lives to give to Corona.


Where can I find my nearest local convention of koovid coofers? Is that fucker Cuomo serious? If you have antibodies, you can return to work? I assume if you don't... Well, then you can just starve, you useless eater.

How is this NOT going to convince people to stop social distancing and licking the grab handles on the subway cars in order to be able to go back to work?

From the New York post- "If those with antibodies have built up an immunity to the coronavirus â€" as is the case with many other diseases â€" they may be able to return to work in the near future, Cuomo contends."

Fucking unreal. If you have been exposed, then go back to work. Earn a living. You will probably be free to see your family and be allowed in public parks (presumably with an electronic wrist band to ensure compliance.) If not, then you are now a second class citizen completely unemployable and not allowed in public.

I'll say that I'm still working. But if I saw this coming my way, I would be participating in a party at the nearest seniors center where they are dropping like flies...


Quote from: WOTR on April 29, 2020, 01:46:19 AM
Where can I find my nearest local convention of koovid coofers? Is that fucker Cuomo serious? If you have antibodies, you can return to work? I assume if you don't... Well, then you can just starve, you useless eater.

How is this NOT going to convince people to stop social distancing and licking the grab handles on the subway cars in order to be able to go back to work?

From the New York post- "If those with antibodies have built up an immunity to the coronavirus â€" as is the case with many other diseases â€" they may be able to return to work in the near future, Cuomo contends."

Fucking unreal. If you have been exposed, then go back to work. Earn a living. You will probably be free to see your family and be allowed in public parks (presumably with an electronic wrist band to ensure compliance.) If not, then you are now a second class citizen completely unemployable and not allowed in public.

I'll say that I'm still working. But if I saw this coming my way, I would be participating in a party at the nearest seniors center where they are dropping like flies...

Isn’t it obvious that the elites have to decided to go hard core fascist now?



Quote from: analog kid on April 28, 2020, 12:10:48 PM
lol 4D chess. This forum was denying Trump ever said that just a few days ago.

So, like, the SMF Forum software became sentient?  Tell us more!


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on April 28, 2020, 01:20:49 PM
Expect the Trump Administration to make a deal with China, for Chinese troops who outnumber Americans ten to one,  to come in and go door to door to take away your guns.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on April 28, 2020, 03:25:33 PM
I've selfishly been enjoying my pedestrian experience, living in the ghost town environment.  No asshole drivers running red lights and stop signs, cutting me off in the crosswalk.  No prick skateboarders and bicyclists passing too fast and too close on the sidewalk.  No dogs on too, long leashes, molesting me with their stink and fleas with their fat cow masters abrogating control to their canine masters.  Nevertheless, it's good to see these fallible humans waking up.



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 28, 2020, 05:12:15 PM
You should ask them who they think has created that culture. ;)

Baby steps, MD. Next comes the "discovery" that the video has been removed. Slowly we piece together a larger picture.

I'm even getting a few people over to signal messenger. Some people are sitting up and taking note of China's "social credit" scores and surveillance and staring to wonder "could that make it here?" And then I ask if they know who Snowden is (and invariably, they don't.)  :-\


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 28, 2020, 11:36:48 PM
My only regret is that I have but two lives to give to Corona.

If this was a throw-away comment, I have spent too much time pondering it. The one life that you are forced to not live while you "shelter in place" and avoid all contact as well as the more traditional definition of "life?"

Kind of fits with what we are seeing...


Quote from: Liberace! on April 29, 2020, 03:17:49 AM
So, like, the SMF Forum software became sentient?  Tell us more!


I am beginning to lose track, we are in the middle of Week 7 of the apocalypse, I think.

I see more & more folks violating Corn Teen with each passing day.  Traffic gradually getting heavier, I even spotted a few fat, stupid & ugly people wandering around.

I await rogue non-essential store openings, especially the bars.


Ediot:  maybe the 'speak-easy' will make a come-back, complete with shibboleths?


Quote from: pate on April 29, 2020, 05:38:36 AM
I am beginning to lose track

I'm not a doctor (I never really bothered) but I believe that's one of the symptoms of being a gibbering, alcoholic asshole.


Quote from: Liberace! on April 29, 2020, 03:17:49 AM
So, like, the SMF Forum software became sentient?  Tell us more!

"We speak as one.  We are the SMF Forum software.  The Anal Kid will be assimilated."


Quote from: WOTR on April 29, 2020, 01:46:19 AM
Where can I find my nearest local convention of koovid coofers? Is that fucker Cuomo serious? If you have antibodies, you can return to work? I assume if you don't... Well, then you can just starve, you useless eater.

How is this NOT going to convince people to stop social distancing and licking the grab handles on the subway cars in order to be able to go back to work?

From the New York post- "If those with antibodies have built up an immunity to the coronavirus â€" as is the case with many other diseases â€" they may be able to return to work in the near future, Cuomo contends."

Fucking unreal. If you have been exposed, then go back to work. Earn a living. You will probably be free to see your family and be allowed in public parks (presumably with an electronic wrist band to ensure compliance.) If not, then you are now a second class citizen completely unemployable and not allowed in public.

I'll say that I'm still working. But if I saw this coming my way, I would be participating in a party at the nearest seniors center where they are dropping like flies...
I'm not surprised by anything Godfather Commieo does.


"The letter was heartbreaking as it recounted the death of an 88-year-old woman in a New York nursing home. But it was also angry and accurate about a strange New York policy that is ­fatally wrongheaded.

“I am wondering who will hold Gov. Cuomo accountable for the deaths of so many older people due to his reckless decision to place covid19 patients in nursing and rehabilitation homes,” the letter began. “I am writing as a daughter who lost her beautiful 88 year old mother who was receiving physical therapy at one such facility.”


I got a hair cut today (from a professional no less) and no longer look like one of them long haired hippy peace creeps.  I’ve been sworn not to divulge my tonsorial benefactors name under pain of being given a Mohawk the next time I beg her for a haircut.  I am feeling quite superior to the unshorn masses out there and those who in their desperation have resorted to bowl cuts, self clipping or shearing by a well intentioned but slightly palsied mother-in-law.  After all, Governor DeSantis apparently is not as well connected as I am as he continues to look like a bum from the neck up in his television appearances while I am impeccably coiffed.  Eat your heart out Mark.

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