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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on March 17, 2020, 03:31:10 PM
Mercy and Comfort putting to sea.  Not sure how much help they'll be but it looks good in the newspapers I guess.


Normally they go to help in infection or disaster zones (and do a great job in at least setting up the situation for some Clinton or etc Foundation scam.)  Sad to seem they fleeing.....

Quote from: albrecht on March 17, 2020, 03:53:05 PM
Normally they go to help in infection or disaster zones (and do a great job in at least setting up the situation for some Clinton or etc Foundation scam.)  Sad to seem they fleeing.....

Well the whole damn Navy should have put to sea in January and stayed there.  Now they got a mess:



This is an official communication from the Dear Glorious Benevolent and Just Leader-for-Life of The People's Free Democratic Republic of Pate

Due to the current Coronablovia crisis an Official State of Emergen-C Peas-full Anarchy is hereby and forthwith declared.

If any Millineial or Boomer gives a PFDRP citizen (any citizenship status: 1st, 2nd, 3rd &or honorary) any guff or back-talk permission is granted to distribute a salutary punch in the face.

That is all, Carrie Anne.



Quote from: Walks_At_Night on March 17, 2020, 03:58:30 PM
Well the whole damn Navy should have put to sea in January and stayed there.  Now they got a mess:

Sailors and Naval forces know how to deal with viruses and other infections. A known concern in every port of call.

Not sure if the DHS does. They were hacked earlier. 

Interesting that the Administration and others are touting the Yang Plan about cutting checks to everybody....


Not sure how they can cut everyone a 1,000.00 check - is that even possible?


Quote from: Gunner65 on March 17, 2020, 04:14:42 PM
Not sure how they can cut everyone a 1,000.00 check - is that even possible?

Where does the money the fed issues come from?


Quote from: Gunner65 on March 17, 2020, 04:14:42 PM
Not sure how they can cut everyone a 1,000.00 check - is that even possible?
Don't worry. It is back by those believing in the "full faith and credit" of the government.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 17, 2020, 05:00:06 PM


China’s ramping up to war now.

Wouldn't be a bad time for them to make their move on Taiwan.  I don't think they are quite ready but opportunity knocks.  Question is, do they stop there or grasp the nettle and solve their Japanese problem once and for all?


China so far has:

1) Unleashed a bioweapon on the world from which they’ve mostly recovered from and we’re just starting to get.
2) Recently blamed the US for it.
3) Threatened to cut off our supplies.
4) Is kicking out our journalists.

I’m predicting there will be a military response to this.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 17, 2020, 05:31:04 PM
China so far has:

1) Unleashed a bioweapon on the world from which they’ve mostly recovered from and we’re just starting to get.
2) Threatened to cut off our supplies.
3) Is kicking out our journalists.

I’m predicting there will be a military response to this.



Actually did go shopping today;  realized I was on my last pack of smokes, so went to CostCo to grab two cartons (normal buy for me), and the had a line to get in the store.  Apparently business are restricted to 50 people at a time inside.  What would nomally take 5-10 minutes turned into about an hour an a half...

About a third to three-quarters of the 70+ people in line found my "The virus is only contagious inside CostCo, so we're all fine" to be amusing...


After that went to help a friend finish primering his house, because the rain finally stopped.  Neighbor lady came by and had a story about an office building down-town, apparently office buildings can conduct business, but the front doors are supposed to be locked.  This one did not have the doors locked, and a guy came in to conduct business and claimed that he had just left his son at the emergency room with a high-fever.  Then he left.  The employee that dealt with him was sent home, and told not to return for 14 days.  I found this story a bit suspicious, and false-flagish.  I don't think in the middle of a Corona-virus scare, I would leave my feverish son at a hospital and go to some office building to conduct business...

All three of us agreed that the guy is at best an idiot, but I speculated that (like this story, alleged) perhaps there was no "sick feverish son" at the Emergency room and this was what we would call "a crisis actor" setting up a situation for more draconian measures to be announced...

It is certainly, eerie but hasn't seemed to have gone "full-retard" just yet.  Hopefully, I am just being paranoidish...

I am also being a dumbass by not "sheltering-in-place," I suppose, and wandering the town making sarcastic type statements.

I hope I don't end up with my back to a wall during this nascent Communist takeover of what was once America.  I would like to survive at least to the Red Dawn stage before being summarily executed.


Asuka Langley

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 17, 2020, 12:29:04 PM
They are an EXTREMELY lucky people!!! Preternaturally so.

>Imagine being given an entire country all because of an event that may or may not have happened!

Well kind of...

It really makes you think 🤔


When will Trump release the strategic toilet paper reserves?

None of ya got the coofs, phew.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 17, 2020, 10:42:33 PM


Why is it that every still shot they use of Tucker Carlson for the youtube "cover" he looks slightly retarded?

He's not actually slightly retarded, right?


/self-reported -off topic


I got a book, small tome, by "Madame Chiang Kai-shek." Titled "The Sure Victory." A good book. With some interesting dots to connect.


Quote from: pate on March 17, 2020, 11:04:13 PM
Why is it that every still shot they use of Tucker Carlson for the youtube "cover" he looks slightly retarded?

He's not actually slightly retarded, right?


/self-reported -off topic

No but you’re more than slightly retarded.


Quote from: pate on March 17, 2020, 11:04:13 PM
Why is it that every still shot they use of Tucker Carlson for the youtube "cover" he looks slightly retarded?

He's not actually slightly retarded, right?


/self-reported -off topic

They missed the bow-tie era? Wish we all did. Tbough, I gjess wedding n black-tie affairs ok. But who ties them? I always scamed n fake one. Not 1% with valet or knowledge. Do do a double-windsor for normal tie. Doomed.

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Walks_At_Night on March 17, 2020, 11:59:50 AM

3D printers are cool as fuck i print all kinds of stuff I just got done printing some 5mm DualShock joystick extenders.

This is a great printer for the money https://www.amazon.com/Official-Creality-3D-Printer-Source/dp/B07D218NX3


Quote from: pate on March 17, 2020, 01:16:04 AM
Pict won:


Whenever I see Cass dancing, I get captivated. I used to bounce P/T for a few years and there was the occasional "larger" lady who just had such a presence on the dance floor you had to watch her. Cass was like that- you would swear that she was a buck fifty watching her dance... But she takes up the space and has a presence that a smaller woman just cannot match.

I always get a kick out of this video. You watch Cass just going to town next to Phillips dancing stiff as an iron rod...



Quote from: Gunner65 on March 17, 2020, 04:14:42 PM
Not sure how they can cut everyone a 1,000.00 check - is that even possible?

Assuming folks can take a moment away from virtual hating a tranny on Youtube, and COVID-19 dooming. Google 2 things.
# Google: September 17, 2019 repo crisis
# Google: Fed $1.5 trillion dollar injection

First signs the current economic bubble was about to burst appeared back in Sept., 2019, before Corona2019 emerged in December, 2019. Banks started withdrawing large amounts of cash from the Federal Reserve. Lack of cash for short term bank to bank lending sent repo interest rates of 2% skyrocketing to 10% overnight. High repo interest rates would impact the stock market. Leading to a downturn, or even a free-fall of the stock market. The Fed. injected over $320 billion into the repo market from mid September, 2019 until December 1, 2019.

September, 2019 marked the first time the Fed. intervened in the repo market, since its last intervention during the Great Recession of 2008. As of January, 2020 the Fed has pumped roughly $500 billion into the repo market. In what was originally pitched by the Fed. as temporary operations that would end on October 10, 2019.

Currently the government wants to add another $1.5 trillion on top of previous $500 billion. Seemly the 1% live in an economic system where profits are privatized & the risk is socialized. No expense is spared or questioned, because they are to big to fail. Great work if you can get it.

How much will the boom-bust economy cost Americans this time? Can America afford it? How will we pay for it? Who will pay for it? Where did the "lost" money go? Were will the additional trillions of dollars come from?  What can be done to keep this from happening again? Why does a system as perfect and glorious as Capitalism keep needing multi-trillion dollar bailouts? Could there a better way? 

Beware of such thoughts & questions. Least ye be judged a Communist by Dr.Dr.Dunningkruger. The ideas & questions above are deemed pure heresy, and a sign you are bootlicking Communist scum, comrade.

# The 1% Are Cut Much Larger Checks Than $1000.00 per person.
# 300,000,000 people / $1,500,000,000,000.00 = $5000.00
# Around $1000.00 Per Person For 5 Months.

# Conspiracy Theory Time!
# Foil Hat On
# GO!

# The 1% pumped and dumped the economy again, pocketing the profits.
# The Government & Federal Reserve pumps trillions back into an over valued market.
# Priming it for the next round of pump and dump.
# Which forces the 99% into debt accrued by the 1%.
# This creates a situation where the future labor of the 99% pays for the debt accrued by the 1%.
# The 1% owned media successfully panics the 99% into blaming Chinese WuFlu over their economic misery, instead of the actual perpetrators.

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