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Change of Display Name

Started by Zoxo, October 12, 2013, 05:10:08 PM


Can I change my name to "(Reported)"?

I think it has a nice ring to it.


Quote from: Jackstar on June 20, 2015, 05:38:36 PM
Can I change my name to "(Reported)"?

I think it has a nice ring to it.

No. It looks too visually similar to (Redacted).


What other characters are available to use in a username?

It would be useful to know what the original names were.  I see a new name, see that's it's been changed, and don't know who it is


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 20, 2015, 11:16:28 PM
It would be useful to know what the original names were.  I see a new name, see that's it's been changed, and don't know who it is

Look in this thread. That's about as good as it's going to get.

I considered changing my name to PayPal.

But I just don't know how secure I would really ever truly feel about PayPal.

Then I'd be like, "oh, please change me back to Camazotz Automat."

No thanks.

I am however still considering the idea of Chief Test Pattern.

Very "retro fresh."


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on June 21, 2015, 03:12:20 AM
I considered changing my name to PayPal.

But I just don't know how secure I would really ever truly feel about PayPal.

Then I'd be like, "oh, please change me back to Camazotz Automat."

No thanks.

I am however still considering the idea of Chief Test Pattern.

Very "retro fresh."
Yes, The Chief has a very nice look but can we trust him?  Will his wampum be any good?  Not everybody is into beads and various bric-a-brack for trading purposes.  Should I dare say, "Indian Giver?"

I, myself, much prefer solid gold bullion.  It's much more convenient plus it's shiny.  Just go with "Yes, I am a racoon."

Quote from: MV on June 21, 2015, 01:49:32 AM
Look in this thread. That's about as good as it's going to get.

All I see are rocks, er, the new names..


I'd like to change my username to MB Wulf. Thanks in advance.

The General

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on June 21, 2015, 03:12:20 AM
I considered changing my name to PayPal.

But I just don't know how secure I would really ever truly feel about PayPal.

Then I'd be like, "oh, please change me back to Camazotz Automat."

No thanks.

I am however still considering the idea of Chief Test Pattern.

Very "retro fresh."

Also consider...
Chief Auto Parts


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 08:37:13 AM
All I see are rocks, er, the new names..


Well, if you guys could say what you're changing from in your request post, that would be nice.

Hello MV can you please change my display name to ASC

Understand login info remains the same. Thank you for your time.

- Autistic Star Children

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 20, 2015, 11:16:28 PM
It would be useful to know what the original names were.  I see a new name, see that's it's been changed, and don't know who it is

Formerly PortlandDangler/boba FETT. Now I'm know as fucker. Oops,  I mean rekcuf.


I'd like to request my username by changed to Blowtorch.

Thank you!


I would like to request that my username be changed from tmock00 to Horror Digest.  Thanks!


Stupid question MV... Is it difficult to merge WOTR and WOTR1 accounts?  I kind of like my original name (but the log in details are gone and the operamail that I used to sign up with closed up and defunct...)

If it is difficult, I have no problem continuing... If it is a keystroke or two, would it be possible?  Thanks.


Quote from: wotr1 on June 28, 2015, 05:26:29 PM
Stupid question MV... Is it difficult to merge WOTR and WOTR1 accounts?  I kind of like my original name (but the log in details are gone and the operamail that I used to sign up with closed up and defunct...)

If it is difficult, I have no problem continuing... If it is a keystroke or two, would it be possible?  Thanks.

I can merge. No big deal. PM me the email address associated with the other account.

Hey man, could I change my name to VoteQuimby please?

It's been a long time coming, but I formally request my display name to be changed to :


All caps, please, with a space between the CA and a space between the AM.

If I experience severe withdrawals, I may renege.

Thank you, sir.

Unicorn Sparkle Tail 43

The General

If you wanna change your username, you might want to reference what you're changing it from.  Just to make it a little easier for all those that are keeping tabs.   Yes, I'm keeping tabs on you.  All of you.


Quote from: The General on June 28, 2015, 10:53:09 PM
If you wanna change your username, you might want to reference what you're changing it from.  Just to make it a little easier for all those that are keeping tabs.   Yes, I'm keeping tabs on you.  All of you.

You know, General, you make a salient point, and PaperBoy pointed it out then MV mentioned it above as well.

While most members were probably just "not thinking" about any need to leave an electronic record when requesting the name change, I admit to having been deliberately oblique.

Yes. Guilty. Willful. And mindful.

Let me fix that....

Alright. Done.

I went back and edited my name change request post above just before the window closed, so it's all kosher.

Now in the distant future, gabblings and Google alike will be able to see my previous handle and why I felt the change was more than warranted.

( I would have also said that Bing will be able to see such a time stamped entry in the far distant future, but... you know.  Bing can't see it, if Bing is dead and gone. )


Just a reminder for everybody: After your display name is changed, you will continue logging in with your original username.

The General

Quote from: C A M on June 28, 2015, 11:42:08 PM
You know, General, you make a salient point, and PaperBoy pointed it out then MV mentioned it above as well.

While most members were probably just "not thinking" about any need to leave an electronic record when requesting the name change, I admit to having been deliberately oblique.

Yes. Guilty. Willful. And mindful.

Let me fix that....

Alright. Done.

I went back and edited my name change request post above just before the window closed, so it's all kosher.

Now in the distant future, gabblings and Google alike will be able to see my previous handle and why I felt the change was more than warranted.

( I would have also said that Bing will be able to see such a time stamped entry in the far distant future, but... you know.  Bing can't see it, if Bing is dead and gone. )

What about Dogpile and AskJeeves?

Roswells, Art

Quote from: C A M on June 28, 2015, 11:42:08 PM
You know, General, you make a salient point, and PaperBoy pointed it out then MV mentioned it above as well.

While most members were probably just "not thinking" about any need to leave an electronic record when requesting the name change, I admit to having been deliberately oblique.

Yes. Guilty. Willful. And mindful.

Let me fix that....

Alright. Done.

I went back and edited my name change request post above just before the window closed, so it's all kosher.

Now in the distant future, gabblings and Google alike will be able to see my previous handle and why I felt the change was more than warranted.

( I would have also said that Bing will be able to see such a time stamped entry in the far distant future, but... you know.  Bing can't see it, if Bing is dead and gone. )

I could figure out it was you, you have a very unique writing style. Same with your avatars.

P.S. There is a picture I will post one of these days in the Thoughts and Pics From The Road thread especially for you, I want to see if you can figure out where and what it is.

Quote from: Roswells, Art on June 29, 2015, 11:17:39 AM
I could figure out it was you, you have a very unique writing style. Same with your avatars.

P.S. There is a picture I will post one of these days in the Thoughts and Pics From The Road thread especially for you, I want to see if you can figure out where and what it is.

As Pat Benatar so famously vocalized... hit me with your best shot...  heh.

(I weave in and out of bellgab with an unpredictable pattern. If you post something specifically aimed at me and I don't respond for an unusually long stretch of time, pleassssssssse send me a "pay attention, dunderhead" PM which will activate the ol' email alarm.  :D )

Quote from: The General on June 29, 2015, 10:12:15 AM
What about Dogpile and AskJeeves?

R U Sirius?

Let me look into those names...

(pulling up my trusty ARCHIE FTP)

Huh. All I'm getting are tofu recipes and something about a new/revamped magazine coming down the pipeline called MONDO 2000 that was previously called Reality Hackers and previously High Frontiers? (Pssst. Prolly wanna steer clear of them. They are into Phone Phreaking. Intense.)

Need more research.

Gopher is God. God is Gopher. Peace.


Yes, you saw that correctly. I said "prolly." 

Don't worry. I'm already slapping myself.

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