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Messages - Mr. Fidget

Quote from:
Fade to Black with Jimmy Church's thread:
Quote from: wr250 on Yesterday at 03:36:12 PM
eddie wouldnt let mr fidget go full tilt, as he was muting mr fidget.
   Which brings me to "hypocrisy," and that is exactly what that is. You gentlemen value your freedom of speech so much, and yet you limited mine. That is hypocrisy in spades.
   You all should be ashamed of yourselves. As you bring it to everyone's attention wr250, I doubt that nuance was apparent to you.


ps. Free speech is good on the Gabcast until it's not yours, not potty humor, or beyond your ability to comprehend.
pps. I exclaim Hypocrites!
ppps. I forgive you, I just can't "respect" that, apologies are in order.
pppps. May I draw your attention, potential bellbots, that your collective "insightful perceptual skills" have had ZERO comment on any of the actual specific events leading to my debacle.
Quote from: bateman on July 24, 2014, 10:31:49 PM
I like to jump like a horsie!
All I can suggest is you check out "The American Royal" in Kansas City, Missouri. It's a great equestrian event I have been privileged to attend in the past.
   You won't find any fancier horsie jumping in America than you will there. I'm sure the carpal tunnel syndrome is kicking in again for you, so I'll throw you a link: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Royal
   Make sure you dress up in the native garb, if you go in your geek outfit you might get beat up by a cowboy.
   You're going to need a cowboy hat, 10x prefered. Justin "Ropers" are de rigueur, if you don't have any yet... stop by "Brads Discount Boots"... and say hello for me while you pick them up.
   Don't forget tight "boot cut" jeans, a bolo tie, and a nice shirt like the one that you have in your picture but... long sleeves, more colorful, & you want the pearl buttons on it. It should go without mentioning, but in your case I'm not sure you would know... also a big shiny belt buckle. Just a few words from the wise.

ps. If your hat is beat, Brad will shape it for you for free, with a purchase of any boots!
   No transcription tonight, I am not going to listen to four hours of fearmongering hype. It's just wrong in so many ways. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.
   Check out the accidental truth on the Tonight's Show page:

Geopolitcal Round-up/ Economic Crisis
Thu 07-24
First Half: Analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy, Craig Hulet, comments on the situations in Ukraine and Israel, and other current events.

2nd Half: Author and ex-banker John Truman Wolfe is the editor/publisher of The Hard Truth magazine. He'll discuss the state of the US and world economies, and why some economists think the situation is more fragile than in 2007, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family from the next crisis by design.

Quote from: bateman on July 24, 2014, 09:28:48 PM
Me too! Look, here is a selfie from my archive!
Wow, that's some kind of getup you have Mr. Bait. Did you save those glasses? I bet you could get a pretty penny for them in the vintage section of ebay! You could invest that penny in a NordicTrack, and increase your cardiovascular circulation. I hope you've been working out anyway, but with a better system like NordicTrack you will get better results.
Quote from: Bart Ell on July 24, 2014, 09:03:36 PM
I bet it was a big region, too, Mr. Fidget.
A REAL big region!
In fact it was the "Western Region," I was 16. Let's suffice to say COSMOS was a bit of a hot button back in the Shadowland days. Ahh... where oh where has "The Broadway Show" gone.
   Sometimes I do wish my fidgets were a trans-locational chronological manipulation apparatus.

ps. One hole punch, double the storage of that there 5 1/4 you just tossed into the mix. :)
Quote from: wr250 on July 23, 2014, 08:55:28 AM
as soon as i get it.
Ok wr250, here is the way it is: I just read your last 300 postings, it was not a mammoth undertaking. I have less than 300 posts on this forum. 299 in fact, including this one. I dare you to reciprocate that "investigation," by reading mine.
   You seem to fancy yourself a "tech guy" and an open source practitioner. That is interesting... in a way. But you're dealing with a guy here that ran punchcards, logged in on a vt-100, and has a substantial "tech background."
   Burning bridges into uncharted territory is unwise. How many alpha's are you in on? How much dialogue have you engaged in with RMS? How many machines running an 8088 that booted the os from 5 1/4 floppies have you owned? Would I recognize your aliases from the glory days of bbs's? Do you remember what it was like to go from 300 baud to 1200 baud? How many times has a regional director of Bell security showed up at your door, to take you to lunch?

Nevermind, as you were.
ps. I'm ok with you as a human being, you just DO NOT have my respect right now, and I don't know for sure you can grok the 299 posts it will take to earn it.
pps. Go take a nap.
Quote from: wr250 on July 24, 2014, 03:21:37 PM
sorry mr fidget, but you were going on like a meth addict who was on the verge of od'ing. maybe thats just you, but personally i avoid people like that.
You do, of course, know that is both a faulty comparison... and an exaggeration EGGzaderation? If not, you should. You just wanted to make a funny... it was not. It just shows how little actual communicating skill you bring to the table. I apologize if you find that insulting, it is more from the place of "analytical analysis" than personal debasement.

ps. Strike out edit on behalf of humor, not harping on the egg buy "rumor." If you recall earlier in this thread I took the FTB side... in a way. I was not choosing allegiance, just saying it's natural to do what you can to try to succeed... and after all "fake it, till you make it" is deeply engrained canon in showbiz.
Quote from: albrecht on July 24, 2014, 11:13:40 AM
That Dr.Wendy Lockwood and Mr.Fidget show of Aug 14 1997 is one of the better shows Art has had. He was on his game (he questions/responses/commentary to Lockwood was great), the callers were good, and the impromptu Mr.Fidget attracting random people to a phone booth (some of whom got on air) was awesome. That kind of show is what made C2C great and what we never, ever get these days from the current show.

-keep on fidgeting
Hi Gabbers, I'd like to introduce you to my pre-planted pr shill Albrecht... just kidding Sir. Thanks for the kind words, I obviously concur. Again... to quote Art from the show in question... "It's all a little much for me."
   On a tangential note, that day was the day Timothy McVeigh was sentenced if I recall correctly. That was Art's lead into open lines that night, before I knocked him off his stool. I can't help but wonder how any of this might have worked out had I not been rolling boxcars, every roll, for the duration of my call's... the legal snafu, and the ongoing saga in general.
   It's no surprise that the mainstream won't touch it with a seventeen year pole. That's truth in America folks, rare... scarce... and a fleeting commodity... so scarce in fact the "powers that be" pull out all the stops to suppress it's potential impact.
   Albrecht, thanks also for your post in the "Best first C2C show" thread. I'd have said likewise, however I am not wanting to give my critic(s?) any more "you're a narcissistic bully, hell-bent on vindictive grandiosity" ammunition than they already "think" they have.

ps. Per your suggestion, I'll be "keeping on fidgeting!"
   Awww... shucks! I missed a "there" that should have been "their" in that first post. Well I never was a professional proofreader, that's a fact. Dock my pay.

ps. Where is intui-complete? Auto-complete is just WRONG. ;)
Random Topics / Let's talk work experience gabbers.
July 24, 2014, 06:02:53 AM
   Alright gabbers, let's talk work experience. What have you done? Where have you worked? What was it like? What did you learn? Was it worth it financially? Would you do it again? Would you recommend it for others? Did you learn any trade secrets, or have experiences that people would find helpful in their day-to-day lives? Were you the boss? Did you like your boss? Did you trick your boss? Did your boss trick you? What was your best co-worker like? Were you a good co-worker? Did you do something that is obsolete now? Are you trying to find another type of job now? What's your dream job? Have you ever been self employed? What's the hardest job you ever had to do? What's the stupidest task you ever avoided? What's the smartest idea you ever came up with for your employer? Were you under paid, over paid, or never paid?
   I'm just looking for generalities I'm not trying to blow anyone's anonymity on the forum. Work is a huge part of life, and as a result, a huge portion of the experience accumulated in life... sharing it could help other people get a leg up on the system.
   Myself I've had more jobs than I have fingers and toes multiplied by 5, so I have a wealth of experience to draw from. I have walked away from rooms full of millionaires, and I have walked away from a rescue mission. There is a wide degree of latitude represented in such experiences, and as a result I am very qualified to speak about employment.
   I am not going to detail my entire work history beginning this thread, however as it is topically relevant, I will certainly speak about the experiences I've had in relation to the experiences you've had.
   Most children are indoctrinated in kindergarten, their spirit broken, and there will destroyed. My father had another plan for me, instead of kindergarten he took me with him to the coffee shop everyday. I learned to socialize with adults before I learned to socialize with my peers.
   My very first job occurred during this time frame. I assisted the window washer Gene in Boulder Colorado on Pearl Street, before it was a mall. Gene was an interesting character, he had an old Volkswagen he started with a screwdriver.
   Gene fired me because I couldn't resist playing with the bubbles in the top of the window washing solution.
   My next job was at the Sobriety ice cream parlor near Pearl Street, the owner there (whose name I've forgotten) liked me and let me scoop ice cream whenever I was in the store. My ice cream was always on the house.
   Well, that's a start for this thread, and in case you were wondering, I never did attend kindergarten. I went straight to first grade. In the first couple days the teacher wasn't treating me fairly, in my opinion, since I was used to being treated like an individual by the adults. The teacher treated me like a piece of property, or a dog to be trained. Within the first week, one day, I raised my hand to go to the restroom... and instead left the school. I walked downtown to Pearl Street, went into the Little Professor bookstore (where I was well known) and sat down to read pop-up books. I might circle back around and tell you what happened when my Dad had to go to the school and talk to the principal... eventually... but for now I'm done and we're still in first grade.

ps. That laundry list of questions is just some basic suggestions, share what you feel is appropriate.
Quote from: eddie dean on July 23, 2014, 11:07:41 PM
It can be overwhelming!

   You are a brave man, and the world is better for it. I can just close the thread... you have the whole thing on your hard drive... defrag often. ;)


ps. Yes defraging has no practical value nowadays, but if you think of it as a digital placebo, or hard drive therapy... you could perhaps save the poor little platter &/or ssd from some painful indexing... think "charitable busy work."
Quote from: wotr1 on July 24, 2014, 02:33:37 AM
There are two major problems with the idea.
I suggested that before I knew Eddie was drowning in clips already, so I guess it would just be overwhelming anyway.
ps. It's the thought that counts.
Random Topics / Re: Intolerably pompous words
July 24, 2014, 02:27:45 AM
   If you want to hear National Propaganda Radio admit they are accepting advertising themselves... go to http://www.noagendasoundboard.com and play the clip "npr" | case closed

ps. To bring this around to wordage... I'd submit: "indubitably."
pps. Sometimes communication is momentary. ;)
11:37 well if somebody came up to you on the street and said hey take this it's free for 10 days take it you can not take it but let me tell you beyond belief is free and you can take advantage of it... (close to what he said)
11:39 and welcome back let's take your calls here with Mike Bara, Mike let's get back into the... city again what fascinates you #
11:40 hehehuh #
11:41 it also looks like small little subdivision houses doesn't it #
11:42 eh huh he huh # sure #
11:43 let's go to George in Anaheim California west of the Rockies hi George thanks for calling + thank you + uhhuh + sure will +
11:44 was that phobose + Might mars have of had a regular orbit Mike #
11:45 oh sure #
11:46 and didn't "shraparelli?" many many years ago see canals #
11:47 let's go to Knoxville Tennessee hello Vicky its your turn on Coast to Coast AM + sure + # + mmhuh + # (tounge smack hereinafter=TS) great theory # thats right #
11:49 didn't that face on Mars comic book come out years before Mars and the Viking photographs #
11:50 eh huhuhu I love it, it is identical, let's go next to Harold east of the Rockies in Louisville Kentucky + ok sure thing go ahead Mike
11:51 #
11:52 Mike what if somebody else gets to Mars with roverd and they releasing credible information about artifacts # the Chinese are going to get there eventually # you think
11:53 #
11:54 well let's go to st. Louis Colton's with us on the wildcard line Colton go ahead + sure + what with the face have been for Mike #
11:55 #
11:56 that could be,... out in Buffalo New York final caller go ahead + thank you +
11:57 + the moon does have weird structures, Mike, we got a minute left go ahead # eh heh huh #
11:58 alright Mike Bara always a pleasure having you on a program thank you my friend... up next to spirits of Weegee
(...=missed, #=guest spoke, +=caller spoke)
(Thats all for tonight folks, Ouija board lady doesn't get my attention at all)
11:09 what is it about Mars that simply captures our fascination, our imagination, what is it, I remember looking at Mars with a telescope when I was a kid... just a speck... truly amazing and we'll be back with your phone calls after this...
11:11 welcome back mike bara with us Mike (stutter) the only... in your book #
11:13 it its weird how big #
11:14 exactly and the mermaid in Copenhagen how big is that figurine in your opinion # and which of the rover shot that # the late Arthur C Clarke talked about glass worm structures... what did he mean
11:15 hehehe # in in in natural state #
11:16 well you know that was one of my next question... of the devastation... they have gone underground like you say #
11:18 yeah let's take some calls still a lot to talk about it with you Mike... + (+ now = caller spoke) #
11:20 some of the other fashionating... pictures in the book Mike #
11:21 yeauh # hehuhu if its not vegetation what the heck are they #
11:22 let's go east carl truck driving in Georgia Carl you're on with Mike Bara + super + ok +
11:23 that's the head-dress Mike isn't it #
11:24 and it has similarities to the Sphinx in that... structures made of Rock it's strange... #
11:25 the eye socket is amazing #
11:26 huh we have now Damon in Cedar Rapids Iowa welcome Damon + yeauh + what do you think of that possibility Mike #
11:28 what if Mars was merely a base for some extra terrestrials and they got out of there just in time and the planet #
11:29 Mike when we come back from the break let's get back into the pyramid city on Mars and tell me what really fascinates you the most about that people want to pick up your book on the ancient aliens Mars to where do they go #
11:30 we shall be back with final cost with Mike Bara on Coast to Coast AM

(... = missed words | # = guest spoke | + = caller spoke)
(Still a bit rough but I'm dialing in on it, see legend at bottom of post... new transcription convention.)

10:36 come on and join the club like so many people become a Coast insider visit our website coast to coast am .com or you can even go to george noory . com whichever is easier for you... to fill out the information it is 15 cents a day....
10:39 and welcome back Mike Bara with us since we're talking about his latest work incredible job on ancient aliens on Mars two let start just some of this first of all but I do have to ask you what was the impetus besides having so much material what were the areas that just truly boggled your mind?
10:40 (missed a word)
10:41 going to ask you this because you have looked at this... wasn't there a picture of the shadow of something coming app that craft...
10:42 getting closer yeah
10:44 hmmm it was a fascinating excuse
10:44 what fascinates me about Mars mike is the fact that whatever happened happened fast it was a monumental catastrophe and it was quick.
10:45 mmhuh so 10  times... mmhuh
10:46 oh sure Mike through been a civilization on that plant exploded... # yeah. # I sure do.
10:47 mmhuh # in these artifacts that are on Mars that you depict in your book like the skull for example actually does look like a skull I mean you can see the eye sockets you can see where the jaws were ripped off whatever happened it happened so fast... #
10:48 right #
10:49 thats... the jaw its been ripped away that portion looks like it could've... # yea it does
10:50 alright let's go to one of your favourites spots Cydonia and your buddy Richard C Hoaglands favorite spots Cydonia... #
10:52 now tell me about this city that's close by in that area too # (chuckle) #
10:54 mmhuh # if it collapsed within itself like an earthquake #
10:55 it is ironic that Cairo means Mars isn't it strange # I don't believe in coincidences you know that everything has a reason it just happens
when we started looking at these photos in these areas what are the natural NASA scientists... #
10:58 we're going to come back much more to talk to Mike Bara about and will take your phone calls next on Coast to Coast AM

New legend (...=went on missed by transcriptionist) (#=guest spoke)
10:07 later tonight the spirit of the Ouija
10:08 we have, they have extended the no fly zone into the..
10:08 it needs to stop
10:09 in the prior wreek
10:10 some Wall Street analysts are saying that the stock market can't keep going the way its going...
10:11 you can track Catherine Austin Fitts
listen to the story the doctor leading the fight against the bowling in Sierra Leone is not being treated for that deadly virus in self he tested positive and now he's been admitted to a hospital so far more than 630 people died to be bowling in 3 West African states in the outbreak begin in Guinea it's the world's deadliest outbreak to date there is no cure for a bowling it kills up to 90% of those infected...
10:11 a story it coast @ coast am .com in the news doctors in India have extracted 232 teeth from the mouth of the 17 year old boy in a seven hour operation the teenager had been suffering for 18 months in travel into the city...

10 happiest cities
number 10 Middlesex Somerset and henderson New Jersey number nine West Palm Beach Boca Raton Florida number 8 Nashville Tennessee number 7 Jacksonville Florida
number 6 Houston Texas number 5 Atlanta Georgia number for Raleigh Durham number 3 Washington DC number to Norfolk in Virginia Beach Newport News Virginia in the 10 number 1 happiest city population greater than a million Richmond Petersburg in Virginia

Now the unhappy ones number 10+ Philadelphia then Buffalo number 8 Las Vegas number 7 Saint Louis I would agree with that but that's what they say
Indianapolis number 5 Detroit
(Lost a couple)
Kentucky number 2 most unhappiest metropolitan area to live in New York New York

10:?? Zombies witches and ghosts have been reported to the police...

???? 2 years ago the earth experienced a close shave something we've been talking about for a long time an x class flair but most Media did not mention it the impact was an extreme solar storm the most powerful in as long as 150 years you Will Baker at the University of Colorado says if it hit us we'd still be picking up the pieces
10:20 huhuhu
(Mike Bara intro)
10:21 I was mesmerized by the pictures you got in ancient aliens on Mars to me the pictures were just absolutely...
10:23 I can't wait to get into it..
10:23 you're everywhere
10:23 you know I like Bob and went out to lunch with him once and he did admit to me. The special on the alien autopsy was not real and so that kind of tainted me about this because when I was watching this...
10:24 I think he later found out about it...
10:25 it was high drama
10:25 you made a mistake you
10:26 and I think if I recall too, what he did say was...
10:26 what was your experience on the Syfy show...

guest says "I deserve an emmy."

Ahhh a good interview is when you listen... Larry King told me that a long time ago...

you know one of the most difficult things about a radio interview mike is...

George goes on to state that he doesn't interject the people stop talking...

10:30 well let's talk about the space on ancient aliens on Mars just ahead...

(A bit rough... so it goes...)
   I would speculate that the easiest way to get these soundboard clips is the "Tunein Radio" app. The pro version (just a couple bucks) both records, and has a 10 second rewind that can be repeatedly pressed for further rewind. Collecting them that way would be elementary my dear gabbers.
   If my phone was not bottom of the barrel, I'd do it. I imagine somewhere within the BG legion there is a better equipped gabber.


ps. Every time I write, type, or say "app" my stomach turns. The app'ification of computer programs... "applications" seems to me somehow a wrong turn for humanity. I should have gone to onan'd'onagain's annoy thread. I'm still waiting for his acknowledgement of my point by point counter of his personal attack upon my "state of mind" before he even exists... as far as I'm concerned.

pps. Nothing wrong with eating a little "crow" when it's properly prepared. "Catharsis?"

ppps. I submit this quote for BG consideration from early in "his" BG career:
« on: November 10, 2010, 05:59:29 AM »
Well at any given moment in someone's day I could probably make a case for mental incompetence. I am a forensic psychiatric nurse... trust me I could.

pppps. Man up "dude."
Quote from: Bart Ell on July 23, 2014, 07:16:31 PM
The pics come from some good Russian friends I have, the Egginati.
Nano nano...
ps. You can see me as a young kid in Mork & Mindy's "Skate Race" episode, just at the end of the race... for about a 1/4 second. My Hollywood debut as an extra. I left the craft services snack tray alone... thank goodness. ;)

Quote from: albrecht on July 23, 2014, 08:16:18 PM
Listening to the Dr.Wendy Lockwood show just now n guess who got on?
That was a moment, to be sure. Thinking back on it all, I can't help but wonder how any of this even happened.
   I hope you heard the first call clip above, that was two or three days before the full (3hr) show.
   The nuance of that call was asking Art if he remembered my call a year earlier about [important information to send him about "how people cope with time" under the pseudonym of "Sam"] which he did in fact remember. In part I did that to prove my ability to take my inventions national at any moment, and show my ex-partner I had a plan.
   The ensuing legal snafu (detailed above through irrefutable documentation) is what screwed it all up. I just have to "go with the universe" on this, and trust it was all for the best.
   I hang my hat on the hopes that my "how to make fidgets" instruction, and the photos Art & Keith posted helped more people get a fidget than ever ordered, anyway. I was also featured in the After Dark newsletter, sometime when I find it... I'll post it.

Quote from: wotr1 on July 22, 2014, 05:18:46 AM
Also, I would love to contribute to your project, but I am afraid that I could not concentrate that long on George.  There is no way that I could properly document a show...
One way to help would be selecting quotes and isolating, clipping, and then serving them up for the soundboard. :)
Quote from: cweb on July 22, 2014, 06:52:47 AM
What's truly eerie to me is how a lot of these George quotes have been in circulation for a number of years.
Indeed. If I keep this up, I'll likely make a "clip-board" saving some work. Thanks for commenting.
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 22, 2014, 12:14:09 PM
Therefore I have abandoned my previous notion.  The FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, whoever... could do a lot better.
I look at it like a Maxwell Smart level secret agent. A call goes out from Raytheon, (or whoever is really pushing all the buttons) to GN's handler, the handler drops him a note and points him back into the woods with a turkey phone and a new number to call if he has any trouble. [That's a joke George, I do not think you have a turkey phone. I do however think you are working on behalf of the oligarchs.]
Quote from: Immy on July 23, 2014, 02:32:18 AM
Wow, this is tremendous work Mr F! That "me too" moment was equal parts sad and illuminating.
I just could not let it go, I stayed up for the rebroadcast to get the verbatim quote. It had to be done. Glad you like it, sorry about the sad part... I share that emotion myself.
Quote from: Tarbaby on July 23, 2014, 09:32:53 AM
Fact-based personal attacks. They require a more complex waiting system. ;-)
Yes indeed, the long-term effect of these transcripts may take a while... but I can see how they will filter over to GNS as time goes on. The real potential is for the soundboard.
ps. As I compose all this I wonder to myself "is a turkey sandwich joke a personal attack, or insult?" I've decided NAY! it's just a joke, about a joke.
Quote from: Bart Ell on July 23, 2014, 06:34:15 PM
We can be pals, Mr. Fidget!
Heck, with all the humor you serve up on BG... there should be a line of BG'rs at your door, to do your dishes... that serving must make a mess of your kitchen. I think you're all ACE's, and not in the "low" sence, pal.
ps. Where do you find all those FNS pic's, do you have an offshore photoshop crew... or are you just plugged in "matrix" style to the internet?
20,000 views... and I'm probably only 19,999 of them!
ps. If you have not listened to the "first call to Art" in my prior post, like me or not, I am confident you'll enjoy it. It is not the 3 hour show, it's the first "fidget call" that started it all. The way he takes my call, and segways it into his prepaid cellular ad is am radio gold. Follow the binary road----->http://bellgab.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1643.0;attach=21852
Random Topics / Re: Intolerably pompous words
July 23, 2014, 03:45:10 PM
   I like vocabulary far more than grammar, as I am sure is apparent in my posting. I think comprehension is at the core of this issue.
   Without a good basis of understanding any unknown word can make make even the most erudite nomenclature obtuse.
   I don't use the word milieu as a matter of perfunctory course. It seems that word does have a negative effect, and I've felt that effect myself... as I have heard people expound their "profundity."
   It may be the effect of the mind interpreting the phonetics of "you" as it's ending syllable. Many negative anchors are comparably placed in statements like ... f'you, I hate you, don't you... ad infinitum.
   Lazy is easy, and poking at people who have an enhanced vocabulary is often the way these more complex utilizations of english end up. If you prefer simple language, or are challenged by the complexity of language... read a dictionary.
   Attacking what is "perceived" as incomprehensible is not a very evolved position to go through life with.
   I like, and use, nuance because it is a great word to describe those areas where the information presented is far less than obvious.

ps. nuance > milieu
pps. <edit> If you have not seen the flick "Idiocracy" I'd recommend it: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/idiocracy/
Re<edit> fixed link.



noun: nuance; plural noun: nuances


a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.

"the nuances of facial expression and body language"

synonyms:fine distinction, subtle difference;

shade, shading, gradation,variation, degree;

subtlety,nicety, overtone

"the nuances of light are very effective"


verb: nuance; 3rd person present: nuances; past tense: nuanced; past participle: nuanced; gerund or present participle: nuancing


give nuances to.

"the effect of the music is nuanced by the social situation of listeners"




noun: milieu; plural noun: milieux; plural noun:milieus

a person's social environment.

"he grew up in a military milieu"

synonyms:environment, sphere, background,backdrop, setting, context,atmosphere;

location, conditions, surroundings,environs;

stomping grounds, stamping grounds, turf

"the political milieu in New England"


mid 19th century: French, from mi ‘mid’ + lieu‘place
11:37 next we are going live the United Kingdom and talk about the struggle of David darling with make a catastrophe is dangerous from space fascinating and by the way if you've ever been to a restaurant. It'd be great if you could sample something for free before you ordered it what you can do that with beyond believe television program for free you got 10 days to do it go to this website beyond belief. Com that's www dot beyond belief. Com
11:40 and welcome back to coast to coast Robert Stanley with us as we talked about the strange structures in Malibu and his work on the covert encounter is in Washington DC and also...
11:40 Robert do you ever see government disclosure
11:41 something's happening and (garble) been you would think something might be...
11:41 it went right by
11:42 Ilove it, let's go to Utica New York Jay's with us on the wildcard line good morning Jay
11:43 let me ask you a quick question J why did they try to talk to you telepathically did they try to tell you anything
11:44 where they from any particular star system
11:44 oh, what an interesting fascinating moment for you Jay thanks for sharing that with us you know what I wonder how many people that's happening to Robert
11:45 hmmm
11:46 let's go to Jeff in Culver City California, hi Jeff
11:46 (chuckle)
11:47 we have now Rich in Phoenix Arizona on the first time: rich thanks for calling
11:47 You've been listening a long time
11:47 I hope that's a good thing
11:48 it's you you still think you're being monitored
11:49 well there was, all they have to do is turn on the switch
11:49 let's go east Ann is with us in New York
11:50 I tend to think that there are more bad ones and good ones what do you think
11:51 oh you are
11:51 what's that in the  background, by the way, a little alien friend

I mean are you part human are you all et

I mean when you grow up I mean did you grow up here as a little girl did you go to that kind of change

now your parents are they human or who are they

the bad ones are the ones in charge I would guess

yeah I would I would guess that's where they are

so can they tell you, do you see the future at all

well there's no time on this one but there might be a on one of our open lines show we've still got 10 more people on hold trying to...

how many of them are there out there Robert walking amongst us

at that time yes


oh he never laughs though

you can play a Rodney Dangerfield movie in front of me and you wouldn't laugh

jackie is in Salt Lake City welcome to coast to coast Jackie

(Missed Elon Musk banter)

good for you, mike in Connecticut lets squeeze you in here, let's go Mike

alright Robert lets you react, go ahead ok Robert

(Lost track of time... sorry)

and it's coming sooner than later isn't it

I agree robert thanks for being on the program

[Thats all for tonight folks... the taintco check bounced, and my carpal tunnel has crumbled ;) )
[This post had some screwed up transcription,  better than nothing... sorry!]
[I do hope that all of this transcription ends up making really nice cuts on the soundboard in order to make it more responsive] :)

11:08 and again take a look at the structures that Robert provided us at coasttocoastam.com, fascinating, and we're going to take your calls with him when we come right back on Coast to Coast AM
11:10 welcome back to coast to coast Robert Stanley with us Robert these submersible UFOs are still fascinating to me because you know a lot of credible military people Navy people have seen these objects underwater lights moving at a tremendous speed and then shoot right out of the ocean and off they go it's amazeen
11:12 (chuckle)
11:12 what was that experience
11:13 that's something else back to those Malibu structures for a moment what would it take to get an independent private group to go out there and Scout around...
11:14 yeah
11:14 you can feel it
11:15 okay lets take calls for you I will start by going west nancy is in north Carolina and now on Coast to Coast hi Nancy
11:16 the late the late William Cooper
11:16 well you know there have been some people Nancy you're right I believe we have had knowledge and information in some type of sharing but Robert I'm not sure if that's the case
11:17 let's go next East Mike is in Staten College Pennsylvania
11:18 uhhuh
11:19 (chuckle) when I can I tell when I can I (dont?) tell the Russians that's for sure
(Missed joke about bomb droping)
11:20 alright let's go now to Malibu California Neal's with us, hey Neil.
11:21 oh not good not good probably
11:23 are we getting back in 1952 when we had the encounter DC did it ever repeat...
11:24 anytime they want
11:24 let's go to david Nashville Tennessee hello David thanks for calling
11:25 it it it could be go ahead with the question and we react to your statement
11:26 Uh still believe there was nothing on...
11:26 uhmhuh
11:26 now back to Malibu some say its weird its weird if it's a natural structure
11:27 now let's go back to Malibu Jessica's with us what do you got for us Jessica
11:27 umhuh
11:28 (chuckle)
11:29 now this dolphin structure Jessica this dolphin structure you're talking about earlier some say people say its natural
11:29 exactly, uh huh, yep it has that big it has a snout.
11:39 alright robert stay with us were going to come back and take final phone calls with you in just a minute

[Sorry I left the guest out, I'm focusing on GN]
10:36 podcasting and downloading for 5 years
10:38 welcome back Robert Stanley with us before we move on to covert action, do you think there's anything to do with UFO activity in this region
10:39 so do UFOs though and what people are beginning to see in that region may not have any direct correlation to the structures
10:39 yeah (interjected)
10:40 well its a heavy activity area there's no doubt about that in terms of the US for activity specifically what do people see what are they reporting
10:42 Robert a couple days ago SciFy channel in the 45th anniversary of...
10:42 no, on, on, Aldrens comments
10:42 alright back now to covert encounters in Washington DC any follow up in that area
10:43 that's weird
10:44 how did they do that (regarding guests friends cameras being destroyed by energy beams)
10:45 oh absolutely and John's been on the show before
10:45 it's bizarre
10:46 well you know robert I'm tipping towards that these visitations aren't friendly and the reason I say that is to me when you come in under the cloak of darkness when you try to hide generally because they haven't made themselves well known well you were up to something
10:46 think they're up to something and they don't wanna really dunno about it
10:47 or they'll be one heck of a war
10:48 well what you just deshcribed Robert you just described the book of Genesis
10:49 Oh go ahead
10:50 geeesh
10:50 mmmmhuh a great story
10:51 shut em' down and turn em' back on again
10:51 well that didn't work
10:52 I don't know if that's it Robert I mean honestly if they didn't stop us in 45 they haven't stopped the Koreans from doing what they're doing I mean if they really wanted to intervene they dismantle everything right now
10:52 yeah uh sure thing
10:53 uhuh do you throw the racket
10:54 every teenager thinks we're nuts
10:55 we did the same thing didn't we
10:56 Robert what keeps driving you nuts the passion here cuz you dont stop
10:56 who would I don't blame you
10:57 and we always are Robert were going to come back and talk some more with you next hour but will also open the phone lines with Robert Stanley right here on Coast to Coast AM

(I took a nap)
10:08 wow! (Re: meat price went up)
10:09 (shortness of breath)
10:22 what I depict when I look at this is an object that is under a lot of...
10:23 has anybody gone down there its 2000 feet down there has anybody gone down there that we know of?
10:24 Alright Robert its 2000 feet below the surface how far out is it from sure
10:24 alright so could it be part of California that's broken off a long long time ago
10:24 you could use some of that flood now
10:25 are you tipping towards man made or extraterrestrial
10:27 well it's bit strange and even a small submersible wouldn't have to be part of the Navy can get down there take pictures and we need to get somebody down there
10:27 are there other structures like this around the planet Robert?
10:28 its just amazing to see these structures and try to imagine civilizations vibrant and living there and then something happens a catstrophe and I gotta believe robert whatever happened it happened quickly
10:29 they did, we'll come back and talk a little bit more about your works too

   Thanks for all the input folks, I've had a long day... unearthing my first call to Art:

( http://bellgab.com/index.php/topic,1643.870.html)

...amongst other quandaries. I'll respond to you folks (where appropriate) in the near future.

   No transcription tonight, I'm toast. Have a good night!

   I am happy to be able to share today the very first call I made to Art regarding "Linkey Fidgets." A moment in time some people would prefer history forgot. It's 12 minutes, & 7 seconds that started this whole fiasco in motion... 17 years ago.
[attachmini=1] <--- follow the binary road.

ps. Enjoy your time travel!
   Of all my "bold and outrageous" claims which seem to keep being proven... riding my bike figure eights w/ coffee balanced on my head had a very low probability of being true. I would guess it's .001% territory. I imagine there could be some folks around here glad they did not try to call me out on that one.

The (reposted) bicycling proof:

ps. For all the insinuations (and straight accusations) that I am/was lying... I see ZERO evidence to support those assertions.

pps. There is such a thing as "healthy narcissism" and saying the truth (in spite of the fact some may not like it) is not "narcissistic" it's more aptly called "descriptive factual observation."

ppps. <edit> I thought I would explain how it is that I came to be able to ride my bicycle no-handed in figure eights. What happened was a friend of mine had a home built recumbent, and I asked to try it. He said "sure you can..." and with a little pause.. continued on to say "when you can ride your bike figure eights no-handed."
   It took me about a year and a half, back in the mid-90's.
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