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Messages - Coasted2astop

Am I knew hear?  :o
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
January 31, 2013, 05:19:35 PM
Is Art too much of a radio man to consider doing a podcast? Seems the way to go to me..but then I live online.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
January 31, 2013, 12:35:58 PM
Quote from: MV on March 18, 2012, 01:37:17 AM
i never brag about myself, but holy shit... when i listen to some podcasts, i come to realize just how awesome the trainwreck show actually is in comparison.  WOW.  why these people SEEK to sound like NPR is beyond me.
I think I'm still subscribed but haven't gotten one in quite awhile.. better recheck my rss reader. I don't like the regular radio show podcasts - too over-produced.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
January 31, 2013, 12:30:25 PM
Quote from: onan on May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM...So now that I am up earlier than I planned I thought does anyone else have moments of--I am going to kill them?

All I ask is the issues revolve around your day to day. No politics please.
I used to listen to a national, late-night, paranormal talk radio program whose regular host could often bring rage of this sort - but I've stopped and it's all good now.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
January 31, 2013, 10:13:59 AM
Quote from: Fly By Night on January 30, 2013, 08:39:33 PM
I put money on it that Art blasts C2C within his first week..
If he makes it past the first 11 minutes I'd be surprised. Nothing really hateful or direct, but more like his 'wind' webcam message.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
August 16, 2012, 08:39:57 PM
Quote from: Fly By Night on August 16, 2012, 08:06:25 PM
It's still visible if you are FB friends with him
I was on the wife's acct - that explains it. Thanks for straightening that out. I can't stand fb..
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
August 16, 2012, 08:02:41 PM
Quote from: morphiaflow on August 16, 2012, 06:22:05 PM
The original post is still readable here, at least for now, but I haven't seen a clarification/confirmation from Art himself yet.

Seems to be gone now..

Sad if true but I am thinking his fb page was hacked.
Quote from: Michael Vandeven on February 25, 2012, 12:42:31 AM
i spent my time on the road listening to phil hendrie, fox news on XM, phil hendrie, opie and anthony, rollye james, and phil hendrie.  i at least felt like i was exposing myself to intelligent, coherent thought processes and ideas that inspired some modicum of intellectual consideration. the alternative is listening to some trucker complain about our oppressive government that gave him a ticket for driving with no functional headlights and 10,000 pounds overweight on his rear tandems.
I see a name missing from that list I emphasized above..
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Stream!
January 09, 2012, 11:15:40 AM
Thank you very much, linden2k!  :D

This will make me and many others very happy. The current C2C entity is dead to me and has been for at least three years.  I tried again to listen last summer but failed to tolerate what seemed like an even more ignorant Noory host than I remembered. His show becomes completely unbearable as soon as he offers his thoughts, ideas, opinions on the air. I'm amazed he's still on the air and has advertisers. This fact speaks tomes on him, his market and the products that make money selling thru C2C. Stupid people must be willing to buy about anything if scared properly. Sad, really..

Also, thanks to MV for putting this link in my coastgab.com email too.  Great listening has just been RE-added to my stream line-up.

Listening now and Art is making the plea for mass-healing of Rush Limbaugh's opiate damaged hearing. brings back memories.
The show only sux when main host is on the mic or when there are ads..the rest of the time it's good listening.

Specifically?  When main host's mouth is open and he's talking anything off script he blows..or sux. He doesn't engage his audience or his guests. TV is perfect for him. His made-for-radio face will enhance the creepy factor of his show and help compensate for his goofy sounding voice.
Quote from: anagrammy on June 01, 2011, 09:30:44 AM
Old Spice, Ageless Male, Help-I-Cant-Get-Up necklace, shamanistic beads and all depilatories...

They had a new website which was pretty goodlooking.  Then they added a banner ad right at the top, which was so defacing I emailed Lex and complained.  Then they added a second under the title and a third block to the right.  SO GET READY FOR THIS:  The front page will be six ads and six pictures of George.  The content will be in the footer. 

And George will end up not being able to make any personal appearances because of 1) the gut and 2)obvious toupee being so very yankable.  Wait- maybe that already happened...

I liked the new site too..the old one was getting stale,anyway. But I like green.. I don't think Noory was a fixture in the header at first either, during Lex's beta stage. He's not in mine either as I even adblocked the image on the left too. All black up there..why it took my third browser to find the ads, lol.


Makes you wonder what exactly is the C2C moneymaker? Is it the website with all the flashy ads? Or the fan's favorite radio show supreme, hosted by the great one-and-only. .? Or none of these; the show is dying.

I took a couple years off and have listened recently and it is different, completely from what Art did, and not the same as he did either. Basically the show now is one big ad from what I can tell. Maybe it always was, even with Bell, but we didn't notice. Now, it is very obvious.

Quote from: HorrorReporter on June 01, 2011, 07:33:52 AM
I have to imagine the folks at the c2c office were a little squeamish with these photos.

It also can pass as a rogaine ad

I wonder of he takes off the toup to exercise
I can't imagine anyone saw them..that mattered.

Rogaine works.  AARP, Geritol, Fruit-Of-the-Loom Tees, Lady Clairol all decent campaign options for this
Thanks for taking that screen cap, bmd88. The ad is long gone now. I thought it was my ad block but turn that off and still can't see it ..

Nevermind..still there. See it in Opera. Thanks anyway. Nothing gets past you guys. I can't listen anymore..to him anyway.
True Believers would say he'll be getting his after those last few years on the island..for being satan's mouthpiece, false prophet, or however the appropriate dogma describes it.
QuoteYou act like Ian lines up his own guests... or writes his own questions...

Sure improv is used but the majority of interviews in media are pre-scripted. The interview questions are given the interviewee before the interview.

Lets give credit where credit is due...

I always figured it was more like there were questions that were not allowed and the hosts stay away from those topics.
Quote from: valdez on May 14, 2011, 05:14:13 AM
    A cameo by RCH, then[..snip... introduces the New Fantastic Forum (of which Noory is a member, lots of people greeting each other, then falling asleep, oh, I'll be nice, I'm sure it's a swell place, my best wishes), but still no shout-out to coastgab.  We are obviously not playing our cards right.  Shame.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for noory to plug or wave at this board. You guys are onto him and he'd hate for word to get out there is a group so unified in our distaste in his show.

So is this new Fantastic Forum II is a partner with the old one?  I don't think so. The old board is still kicking, all things considered.
Quote from: morphiaflow on May 15, 2011, 11:26:01 PM
Quayle and Marrs are both interesting examples of how different hosts treat different guests. George sounds like he believes pretty much everything every guest has to say, even if two different guests have wildly contradictory views on the same topic (unless of course it's about climate change, abiotic oil, or any other tea party darling topics). Quayle and Marrs are both pretty much "George" guests--I don't know if Art ever interviewed them and if he did I suspect he'd chew them up and spit them out. Ian called them out, rather clumsily in Quayle's case, but still--he deserves props for that, even if the producers made him give a phony, ass-kissing apology (which as far as I'm concerned wasn't necessary since Quayle is an absolute nutjob and all Ian did was point it out).
I would have loved to have heard that one.

And yes, Art would have never cozied up to quayle or corsi and the whole worldnetdaily news bunch either.
Random Topics / Re: Bin Laden is Dead
May 11, 2011, 03:10:42 PM
Quote from: Pirate King Atomsk on May 10, 2011, 11:38:32 PM
I've decided to go as his missing death photograph for this Halloween.

Trendy, topical costumes are the best...

I've been tossing around a "Long Form Silver" design but can't find a properly fitting codpiece.
Bob Crane needs to make a special radio for listening to George. It would need to be padded to protect the radio from damage by knocking it off the table or heaving it across the room and to soften the blow from and to the listener's hand. Being mobile this way, rechargeable, impact resistant and light-weight would be good features also.
Quote from: Michael V. on May 08, 2011, 02:34:05 PM

i love dvorak.

Ha! Dvorak blog  Or should I say, In the mornin', Slave!

Just caught your tech podcast...good one; subscribed.

Listening to backstory now, not bad.

Subscribed to both, thanks.
Quote from: Michael V. on May 08, 2011, 11:03:33 PM
nah, that's ok, coasted2.  go ahead and post the link.
The recording site is dar.fm, owned by Michael Robertson who is the founder and former CEO of mp3.com and the guy that did the Microsoft-like Linux distro, Lindows, now called Linspire. This is the main service that you subscribe, schedule and can listen on. They are stored on another site of his, mp3tunes.com. You can access them either site using your home PC, Roku box, or other internet radio and on-the-go using a smartphone or iPod Touch and their free apps.

http://dar.fm/faq.php links to the FAQ

I just started using this since I heard about it a couple of weeks ago but still don't catch Coast much. I try and try to listen over the last decade or so but the show most always sucks now..even the good ones.

Also, Michael V., I've read somewhere here that you and another member, evb have a show? Is it available just on the stream or do you release it in podcast form also?  I've been meaning to look but haven't yet. I briefly scanned your personal site but only saw rss links for comments and the blog.

Nevermind..found it!

Without mentioning the obvious person with this talent, it takes a special host to be able to make callers (screened or unscreened) interesting to me. Most that call into shows are idiots. No Agenda has no callers..lots of media clips to mock and deconstruct, but the only voices you hear live are adam and john.

I searched and was surprised not to find this here.

It is the No Agenda Podcast with John C Dvorak (tech journalist) & Adam Curry (reformed MTV VJ). It has been my staple for conspiracies and media scrutiny since the failure of C2C for me. It's live every Sunday and Thursday morning about noon Eastern, 9 Pacific (Right now, in fact).  Runs a little over 2 hours per episode and it's listener supported so it has no sponsored ads..they do take time to ask for donations in a couple of spots.

No Agenda Chat and Stream - Stream links above mibbit chat
Dumping Streamlink sounds good to me. I don't have it and see no real need for it now since most all the shows are unlistenable to me.

Here is a free and legal way to get Coast or most any other streaming show. I just discovered it last week, heard about it on one of my many netcasts I download/stream thru the week. ..

Well, maybe I'll wait to post a link till I get a few posts under my belt, heh. I'm a noob here and not a spammer - I don't want to give that first impression. PM me and I'll give you the link. It's a cool service that records the audio of the stream to mp3 files stored in the cloud on its servers in 15 minute blocks. They give you 2 GB free storage, which is loads for lq audio stream mp3 files. I haven't took it this far, but I imagine there's a way to scavenge the mp3 file from your browser temp folder or wherever, then rename, splice, edit, etc.. But not sure. It could be impossible(not likely)..haven't checked yet.

In the day when the show had value I'd have already checked..but there's not much demand for Coast content in my house anymore.  :P But this service works great for real-time listening..skips the multitude of ads great and downloads fast.
Quote from: Scully on May 08, 2011, 12:33:56 AM

Love your name, "Coasted2astop."  Says a lot.  Welcome to this disgruntled group of people.  I think you'll find us entertaining.  8)
Already do! Thank you.
Quote from: anagrammy on May 07, 2011, 11:54:08 PM
Welcome, Coasted, we are all kind of in the same boat.  So welcome aboard as OA says.

Thanks anagrammy.  Some might say it's a ship of fools, this boat we're in. I don't mean you guys - I don't know enough here to make that call, heheh - but the boatload of us foolish enough to attempt to make sense of most Coast topics. A fool's errand? Maybe..but fun as hell.

Quote from: the_wanderer on May 08, 2011, 12:07:55 AM
you'll find all types here but most tend just to focus on ripping Snoory's hosting ergo lack of skills/talent.  you'll eventually come up with your own 'pet' name for him.
Been there, done that. Ripping Noory is impossible to avoid if you're honest and have ears that hear attached to a working brain. But in the last few years I've typed thousands of words about George's shortcomings. I'm about done. Not that he is improving - quite the opposite from what shows I've heard of his recently. He seems to have went right wing wacko on us? I guess being in that Clear Channel lineup closed whatever sliver of his mind that was open. But if you like ripping into noory, there's plenty of material and he's an easy enough target. More power to you! Nuke him good. He's heard it a million times already tho..I think he's got his ignorance shield fully charged and is numb to all criticism.
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