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Messages - centaurie

Really enjoying the show, and I've noticed the quality improvement in the audio I was looking for, the volume between the callers, and the hosts, and comercials is much better during the week.
Has anyone sussed out how to automatically download the radio show episodes from the TalkRaido website? Sure I can use their player, but I'd rather just get the full episode into one file. Tried an older website ripper to no avail. The only alternative I could see is finding something that I could automate and download the show as it plays live.

I already have RSS fired up for the podcast version.
Been tooling around on the talkradio.co.uk website. Looks like you can listen to replays.

Checked out today's schedule and under each hour is a listen again link.


This should be the first date for the radio version of The Unexplained.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
January 11, 2016, 10:52:18 AM
Will be missing you PNI. This show made my trips to and from work more pleasant, especially when I was tired of everything else.

What don't people expect Australians to take long vacations over the Holidays? They have some of the best employment terms I've ever seen if you can become a 'permanent' employee. One of the things I miss about living over there.

SredniVashtar, I generally reserve Hotel California for Facebook. Anger, drama, leave, come back.... sometimes 2 days later.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Howard Hughes - The Unexplained
December 24, 2015, 09:26:32 AM
Ciardelo, you need to check out the last interview Howard had with RCH.

The Unexplained is one of my favorite shows on my commute.
Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 10:30:27 AM
I remember seeing 'Empire' when it came out and was affected by the carbon-freezing scene. That had a real sense of emotion about it, and Han had also been tortured before that as well. The whole film had a sense of threat that I don't think film-makers would be willing to put out there for a general audience these days. That's generally seen as the best film of the lot, of course, but the death scene in TFA reminded me of what we missed in the whole film: any real sense of identification with the characters. Any one of them could have been wiped out and it would not have been much of a loss. It felt, to me, that Sydow was available so they got him in the cast without any real idea of what to do with him. They could have used him to much better effect but they weren't interested.

Yes, I agree, that is how it went down. Also, we don't know how many ideas they had floating around, early scripts of the Star Wars saga tell a somewhat different story as well.
Quote from: trostol on December 23, 2015, 02:19:18 PM
word is she is going to be huge going forward from here

Yep, I've been reading the same, and I hope there is a joke about the trash compactor. :D
The Force Awakens is a good modern updating of A New Hope, and I enjoyed it. If a child had not seen Star Wars before, I think this would be the best show to inspire them to want more. My boys loved it. I just wish the youngest would learn to watch a movie and let it tell the story. Rather than ask questions every two minutes.

I have to agree with the Marlyn Manson statement.... and yes he needed to keep the mask on. My oldest son suggested Tom Hiddleston should have played Kylo Ren. That would have been a hoot.  I would have loved to seen more of Ben/Kylo's transformation. Pretty sure he has a lot of robotic parts.

I think Captain Phasma was wasted. Why make a cool Chrome Stormtrooper that should be flying around, only to have her get shoved into a trash compactor? Hell, kick out General Hux and let her lead. Hux seemed like a wimp anyway.

Like everyone else, why did they kill off the Max Von Sydow character so quick, and why make him an unknown character that seemed so much like Obi-Wan? They could have made him old Boba Fett, but then his dialogue would not make sense.

Supreme Leader Snoke? Still not sure on that one, and it took me way too long to realize he was all hologram. I would be impressed if the appearance is just a disguise, but I doubt it (mostly). I just hope Emperor Palpatine is really dead... I never liked Dark Empire.

The super weapon? Another Death Star, ok Sun Sucking, Shotgun Death Star? Meh. I'm not sure if in the first EU it was called the Starkiller, but I remember a superweapon, that was a nearly indestructible small spacecraft armed with a special torpedo that could kill suns.

On the funnier side, I'd have loved to see the First Order's Super Star Destroyer done up like a Christmas Tree, in the beginning, scene.

I don't like Han dying, but much better than the cheap shot of killing the Wookie, like they did in the EU. When I saw the setup, I pretty much knew it was going to happen, especially the music.

BB-8 was a scene stealer, I'd like droids if they were like 'him' and R2
I'm glad they did some scenes differently. Loved all the old show references on the Millenium Falcon.

If I were not driving, I'd take a shot every time David Jacobs got mentioned in the past week. Also, every time I say to myself please apply Occam's Razor to this guest's bullshit, please.

I'm mostly entertained. However, I do like to change up which shows I listen to on my commute. So, I have not listened to the open lines show yet, but those have never been my favorites.

Missing Art, and I do see Heather sliding down to being too agreeable, but even Art was for some guests.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
December 16, 2015, 10:19:11 AM
Still enjoying and still listening to this bucking horse of a podcast. :D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Why So Technical
December 04, 2015, 09:07:26 AM
I'd love an audio only version I could pull off an rss feed. Can't easily watch videos at work, or while driving.
Thanks, TheMudKing Was not sure you had set one up actually. Just added to my Zune software. Can't wait to listen.

-I've had a Zune for yonks and don't really use it to listen for podcasts. I just use the software to download them, then I use mp3gain to get them to a volume my car Bluetooth can deal with. It works for me.

Let me know when you lot get a non-iTunes RSS feed I can load into what I'm using.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
December 02, 2015, 02:00:09 PM
I may have to leave the office.... just got to the last ten minutes.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
December 02, 2015, 01:57:59 PM
You guys are funny. Almost too funny for the commute! I almost had to pull over listening to the "This Bucking Podcast" episode.
So that's a video of a video of the wrong sound from The Price is Right.... I'm up way too early.

Have to listen to the show soon, honestly my interest has been dropping for a while now.
Enjoyable interview, but did anyone else notice the volume fluctuating? I kept thinking the host was moving closer and further away from a stationary microphone.
Thanks for making this episode funny and interesting. If it was not for this vaguely lovable lot at bellgab I would not have tuned in or had so much fun with this one.

Honestly, I would prefer if we don't' have David Jacobs back for a long time. So many cool guests, interesting guests, even crazy ones. This one just does not interest me.
A couple of months ago we had some serious issues with one of the phone lines in the office. The phone guy looked at it said nothing wrong. he was leaving and I tested the phone. The phone was dead! Made the technician open the port again, and all the wires were loose. So the wires were punched down again. The phone is working better now, though that was not the only problem.

Never seen a bad punch down job before that phone line.

Does Art use an old CRT monitor in the HAM Shack?

Back in the day when I had CRTs I did notice a few strange things, but playing Doom/Quake for long periods of time is more likely to blame.  Of course, that does not mean there are not strange things out there.

Definitely less issues and eye fatigue since going to LCD/LED flat panels.
Dammit bellgab, you got me hooked on RSS! I even found a solution for my issues!

I've never really been happy with the Android podcast players, they insist on storing the file in your primary storage, rather than the sd card you bought for such a purpose. Also, most don't have a way to normalize the audio. 

No one records a show (or song) at the same volume gain. I see a range from 70db to 99db. Personally I use mp3gain to adjust this to 98, so I don't have to adjust the volume on my car (or any other stereo) between shows.

I have found one Windows tool that works. I did not even expect the Zune player to be of use for this. I tried Miro, and a few others and they all were upsetting/annoying/unsatisfactory.

Now I use my Zune player to subscribe, by copying the RSS link, often the same one used for iTunes. The Zune player even asks you for the credentials if prompted!

Since I will not use a Windows Phone, I don't currently have an auto sync. Yes, it does go to my rather old and functional Zune30gb, not that I use it for that. That function is not as important for me as I normalize my audio before I add it to the phone's sd card.

So once I have easily subscribed with Zune, and the files downloaded, I normalize them and copy to my Note 2. So much easier not hunting them down! Also, I don't have to worry about finding my phone's primary storage full.

My next steps are to get normalization scripted, and set up a semi-automatic transfer to my phone's sd card. That is when things calm down at work. :)

Honestly enjoyed the show. Still have a few minutes left to go, as it was one heck of a day.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven is Live
August 24, 2015, 01:38:14 PM
Thanks, RoseGirl!
Don't forget the Motorcycle Time Traveller. Though I think he saw one particular season (possibly episode) of Doctor Who.

I wonder if I could survive a trip to Scotland.... I adapted to Australia, but even at the worse they are not that bad.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven is Live
August 24, 2015, 01:10:40 PM
Quote from: RoseGirl on August 24, 2015, 12:14:04 PM
Tonight, August 24, 2015 is the maiden voyage of The Outsider: Messages from Beyond with Lasha Seniuk

The show airs at 7-9pm (pt), 10-12pm (et) Monday through Friday...and, if the wind is right, we may even include weekends.

To listen to The Outsider kindly tune your web browsers to:


Or, if bold enough, please Skype in to the show and talk live on air with Lasha. Skype address: lasha.seniuk

Also, Lasha will open the Outsider Live Stream at 12 midnight after Art Bell's Midnight in the Desert for those of you who may wish to talk about Art's show or just generally pelt each other with fish and funyuns.

See you at the Show! Be afraid, be very afraid.

So what about us peeps that value sleep quite highly? Will there be a replay/recording etc?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Matter News
August 24, 2015, 12:38:59 PM
Gee and the only thing I disliked about DMN was when he read news in a click-bait format.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven is Live
August 14, 2015, 04:05:15 PM
Quote from: serenity on August 14, 2015, 03:00:31 PM
Diversity of opinion is the spice of life. Something I forget at times..........

nbirnes is there a chance at some future date that you might talk about Long John Nebel? He is a subject that I am actually fairly new to and would love any insight.

If you go into Long John Nebel, let me know. If you can find any radio recordings that'd be awesome.

Keep on trucking people. I still here "Strange Days" fading out in the background, and am finding a lot of work on my side of the screen recently.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven Cafe'
August 13, 2015, 09:09:05 AM
Quote from: wr250 on August 13, 2015, 08:46:25 AM
i know this isnt the thread for this but here goes :

most of $micro$oft$ privacy issues are no worse than apples, or googles. however, if you want to use bitlocker (ms encryption) the bitlocker key WILL be uploaded to $micro$oft$ servers, where on a whim they may give out to whoever asks. this defeats the purpose of encryption. the key should be backed up to a removable medium then stored off site , and not with the backups (which may be encrypted with said key).
additionally the windows 10 EULA states that $micro$oft may access your computer if it feels you are a danger to :
1: someones copyright
2. you are doing some illegal acts with said computer
3. $micro$oft feels you are pirating something
4. $micro$oft wants to.

An eon ago I was curious about Microsoft's Project Azure. I then ran across one of their white papers about "Trustworthy Computing".  After reading through the document, I determined. a trustworthy computer is not to be trusted by the user. If I could keep my kids away from the touch screens I could keep Windows 10 out of the house, for a while at least.

I think this is the paper I read. Basically, IMO you have no expectation of any type of privacy.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven Cafe'
August 13, 2015, 06:03:06 AM
Quote from: serenity on August 13, 2015, 05:29:01 AM
Welcome back nbirnes. Hope you were able to re-charge your feminine batteries  :)

Bella-Haven #32 is posted and should be up in about 1hour and 30 minutes +-
for "live" stream or
http://aliendreams.ddns.net:8000/radio.m3u if you want to listen on your streaming device.

Good morning everyone, All is right with the world.
And for today we have Seaport Coffee, Dark from Beaumont Texas and some (poorly) made Scones. Welcome, chat and enjoy!  :o

Scones look fantastic!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven is Live
August 13, 2015, 06:02:26 AM
So what did you put in the coffee Serenity? Also have you ever looked at the difference between scones and biscuits? Kinda funny when you think about it.

Seems like I missed a long night.

You know nbirnes you can change up the schedule, and program in some downtime for yourself. I can barely keep up with the days I have to get up early to reset the phones in the office and clear the static.

Wish I could teleport you guys some donuts! They are my treat to myself when I have to go in early. I share with the office, but they are all on diets. :D

Don't worry I won't call in while I'm still mostly sleeping. However, if I'm up you can help me futz with my headset. LOL.

Maybe this is why I kept waking up every hour on the hour? LOL Also that damn blue lightning again. Thinking about putting my IP camera out tonight to see if I can catch it. Though it is either a cop from the lightning storm I saw heading North West this morning.
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