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Messages - Hautex

Quote from: MV on April 21, 2016, 10:53:35 AM
problem is, i couldn't see myself doing an internet radio show about horrible internet radio shows i'll never listen to.
Ahh, but here is where a guest host from the other shows can pedal their wares to an untapped fan base and I am pretty sure that BellGab callers would put them through their paces and also those guest hosts would bring their supporters this way. It could evolve into a challenge to see how good those show hosts are. Heck, look what it did for Falkie..... :o
Praise MV   Praise MV   Praise MV  ( I was a few Praise MV's behind, sorry)
Quote from: chefist on April 21, 2016, 08:40:50 AM
Well, thank you...it was all an experiment...here's what I'm hearing out there on BG right now:


I think most would agree that things have slowed down on BellGab since Art has permanently retired. There are a lot of questions about the future, especially about this forum. Here are some things that people have been communicating to me:

1. It is clear that Art is gone for good this time, and his rare posts on BG mainly revolve around promoting MITD and Heather, while complaining about BG at the same time. The posts have left even the most strident AB fan with a bitter taste in their mouths. Therefore, the AB thread has slowed down significantly, even with Art posting his hospital bed pic. Although we all wish him a speedy recovery, it is clear that AB does not have the same loyal devotion on BG that he once had. We would all love to hear Art back on the air, and even his most of critics would listen in if he did. However, is the "history" of AB enough to keep the thread going? I guess time will tell.

2. Even though he has many detractors and haters, George "Falkie" Senda continues to be a popular (some argue the most popular) figure on BG. Even thought it was not intended to be "YAFT", the gossip thread eventually turned to the topic of George. I did an experiment where I wanted to see if you eliminate George, where would the organic growth continue. It was clear almost immediately, if you don't have Falkie, there are those users on BG that will make a new Falkie. This time, I played the "heel" in this theater. There are those that need a repository for hate, bitterness, humor, etc and they find it in George. However, if George is not around, they will find it in someone else.  If interest is lost in AB, the other paranormal show threads, etc, can Falkie alone carry the forum? Who knows...

3. The future of MITD with Heather Wade is a very popular topic that is being bandied about. The underground discussion is on when the show will shutter it's doors for good. Some users have told me it will end by the end of May, and DMDN will go the way of the dodo.  Although I and many are not HW fans, and don't listen to MITD now, I think many feel the way I do in that we don't want the show to end. There are fans out there (just how many is not certain) that like Heather and the show, and for that reason I hope it continues. Are their enough of these fans to keep the show afloat? Will Art's teases about being a fill in host be enough of a hook to keep listeners on board? Clearly the thread has fewer and fewer postings each day, and most of the posts seem to be critical of the show. How long can that continue?

4. The future of BellGab has also been discussed in the underground. Now that the topic of Art and his broadcasts are coming to a natural conclusion, and the fact MITD seems to be struggling for its very existence, what will people talk about on BG? Are there enough of the old school GNS posters, Falkie posters, Art Bell SIT fans to keep the site up and running? BG has made it through lean years before, can that trend continue? I am a BellGab fan, and there are some of the most talented and funny people on here that I have ever seen/read. My gut says that BG will continue as long as the current posters make up their own entertainment. If the vast majority just sit back and wait to be entertained, then I am frightened there will not be enough content on BG to keep it going. I'm glad to see that Curtis and Jazz are working on some new things, and that is a good sign.  The GabCast has always been the binding glue on BG, but it as well will need new topics of discussion.

So, I'm just trowing these topics out there...maybe they are interesting to some, maybe not...either way, have a great day everyone! See you around BG!
I feel that since Art has been the primary innovator of paranormal style radio, Bellgab could successfully become the central clearing house for all paranormal shows in todays market. Reviews, news, trends, and yes, losers and lunatics. Income from these other shows advertisers may wander over this way as well? This site has a unique quality and a solid core of "vaguely lovable" posters who are very intelligent, funny, opinionated, and sometimes brutal, but on the whole dedicated to the unknown. The Gabcast could expand to a weekly review of shows that the callers have liked or hated from all the networks. That way if, Digital Matter wanders away, the site (and this family) will continue.... Just my two cents... (2 sense for Pate) ;D
Random Topics / Re: Music
April 21, 2016, 09:26:42 AM
From Eric Clapton and Friends, This is something I would have loved to see live... Saxophone on "Little Wing"?! Surprisingly cool idea....over the top?...maybe

Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
April 20, 2016, 08:15:51 PM
Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2016, 06:49:30 PM
Something about Park-O-Meter also early on in their career. Hot Springs was also well-known mafia spot back in the day, not sure if the Billaries had any connections there. And, of course, the Arkansas prison blood scandal giving people Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS around the world.
If all the young'ins here want a sadly forgotten piece of government tragedy, look up facts on the Tuskegee Experiments that told blacks there that they were being treated for syphilis. In reality, they were just being watched for the diseases' progression until they died.... Government sanctioned murder...
Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
April 20, 2016, 06:45:18 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 10, 2016, 10:11:54 PM
I haven't looked into it or studied the issue. Always heard insinuations and rumors but haven't taken the time to look deeply into the subject. That's why I'm curious what other people think. I'm also curious about Bill and Hilary being huge coke smugglers in their early political careers. Someone on here was talking about it not too long ago but again another subject on to research list.
It was supposed to be linked to the Tyson folks after Bill gave special customs clearance to their corporate jet... was a news blurb decades ago..
Too good to pass up... Hey! y'all started this...

This is fun, maybe it's the 3rd pot pizza, don't know, don't care, uh......
Quote from: whoozit on April 19, 2016, 06:38:16 PM
I see where your hands are on that koala you monster!
He's birthin them babies..... always lend a hand, or a fist or maybe an arm?
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 19, 2016, 06:46:30 PM
How in hell did we go so wrong.... please make it stop.....
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 19, 2016, 05:13:59 PM
Quote from: diyrob on April 18, 2016, 06:19:42 PM
That's a pretty fucked up EKG. Looks like elevated s-t, which is sometimes indicative of previous MI. And there's a slight arrhythmia (skipped beat.) Source: I'm an amateur gynecologist.
me too, but I only practice on weekends....
Quote from: Roswells, Art on April 19, 2016, 05:09:54 PM
Just saying, if you're calling out someone on their lies than maybe you should look inward. Also why are you so interested in what bellgabbers are doing with each other? How about minding your own fucking business?
How many rounds will this go? Do I need to just get popcorn or order a pot-pizza?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 19, 2016, 05:09:43 PM
Quote from: GravitySucks on April 19, 2016, 03:24:53 PM
We don't want to lose you either.
glad you made it through that hellish storm in Houston
Quote from: username on April 17, 2016, 07:10:32 PM
Im here for the lesbians
isn't every hetero guy a male lesbian? we like to do the same to women that they do, plus we never lose the strap-on 8)
Quote from: rekcuf on April 17, 2016, 05:25:14 PM
GabCast tonight or no?
let us pray...
Quote from: coaster on April 17, 2016, 04:46:16 PM
Rarely do I stray from beer. I have drunk liquor maybe 2-3 times in quite literally 10 years. I am just a raging alcoholic...
I work, I am a caregiver to an ailing mother, and I hit the gym every day. I am far too busy to be a drunk. Believe me, I am fine.
Lots of pressure there, friend. God bless you for caring for mom, stay strong
I'm guessing that no gabcast tonight?
Random Topics / Re: Music
April 17, 2016, 07:24:03 AM
Happy Sunday morning wakeup tunes.... Great band (prejudiced since Andy is my best buds nephew)

Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 17, 2016, 07:13:17 AM
Quote from: zeebo on April 16, 2016, 11:11:57 PM
Hope all is well.  Be safe and avoid those damn Munchkins.
Thanks! Have another chance right now, alarm just went off again... ahh, springtime in Texas... :o
Quote from: MV on April 17, 2016, 12:54:50 AM
i recall it simply being called the ASVAB test.

edit:   and it was administered by military people.
BTB Battery test is done to determine eligibility... or has this old memory faded.. I remember I aced a few sections and went in as an E-3, non commissioned officer in 6 months. Surprised the shit out of me.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
April 16, 2016, 08:18:05 PM
Well, crap... 2 days ago, a good friend (who is a legit psychic) calls and tells me that I need to watch the weather because she saw me flying like Dorothy in the wizard of OZ.... I've known her since we were 12 and I believe in her gift... My weather radio just went off so looking to my west, there are tornadoes coming. Wish me luck..."Auntie Em! Auntie Em!? When it's our time, it's our time, I'm going to bed..  :o
Until this election is over, we should all be treated for "electile dysfunction", paid for by the news media and all political parties.
Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
April 16, 2016, 02:20:28 PM
Until this election is over, I feel we should all be treated for "electile dysfunction" at no charge... Costs should be handled by the news media and all political parties.
Quote from: analog kid on April 15, 2016, 06:46:24 PM
He wants to be noticed, and he probably sells scrap iron to support his meth habit.
Good guess, analogkid, and you may be partially right, but whatever side issues this guy follows, he is accused of killing a 9month old boy.... sometimes, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a friggin duck...
It's BellGab storytime, boys and girls... Below is a picture from a local tv station and todays story subject is to guess who this guy may be and what is he like?
Quote from: zeebo on April 15, 2016, 02:30:48 PM
Damn those were fun.
It was an upgrade for my old girlfriend from the washers spin cycle.... to each their own, I guess...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 15, 2016, 04:46:01 PM
Quote from: bobo17 on April 15, 2016, 02:07:27 PM
you are ALL missing the point!
I am the only one who can save this situation.
I no all the people, art keith, bob and sue crane etc.
I can solve this.
I just need the respect and admiration from my fellow bellgabbers and all will be well

Please please recognize how important i am to the future of Art Bell being in radio
I will give you a nother warning....if you don't give me support, consider my offer
of saving this unfortunate situation done...I will not be mocked by posters who have contributed
nothing to the sucess of Art.
I am the one who can solve all this stuff and finally get rid of heather and bring back
Support me and we will be fine, mock me and it will be all yours fault.
I will keep a score card and if the unthinkable happens, i will post all the names of those
who screwed it up.

you have been warned for the last time.
lets make this happen
Isn't character doing the right thing when nobody is watching? Or is that integrity? Either way, why do you need the world's love, admiration, and support to do what you feel is the right thing? Very simple question.
Random Topics / Re: Any Good Jokes?
April 13, 2016, 02:02:55 PM
A guy answers an ad for a talking dog he can buy for $10
He shows up, asks the owner about the dog, the owner says "he's upstairs watching TV"
Guy finds the dog and asks the dog what his story is.
Dog says: "Well, once I started talking, I played the TV circuits until that got old, then the war came and the military drafted me to carry medicine to our wounded, until I got wounded saving my commander, after that I retired and moved here to Florida with a medal of honor".
The guy goes back to the owner and asks: "Why in hell would you want to sell an incredible, brave, talented dog like that for only $10?"
  The owner answers: "Because he's a fuckin' liar"
Random Topics / Re: Music
April 13, 2016, 01:40:45 PM
Again from the 70's... Think this was based on the Austin college tower sniper, but what a relevant topic for today.. Great storyteller, artist and humanitarian who died too young.
Quote from: changes2012 on April 12, 2016, 08:21:13 PM
I'm endeared to Art Bell (and I don't care how much he's put us through, I still want to hear him on the radio.) Anyway, Killing the Momentum is WELL SAID. Thank you.
Well put.... Thankfully Art's past shows are very available and most are timeless. Since this whole thing started, I have tried my very best to gauge any enjoyment of MITD as if it is a brand new show and not connected to Art at all, tough thing to do. But out of respect to Art, (who I have considered extraordinary for decades) I have tried to respect his decision to use Heather in his place. I just pray for Art's and his family's future health, prosperity, and happiness. Heather shows promise, but I suggest that she listens to every show after it's completed to help her grow as a talent. In my opinion (as someone who has had to speak in presentation mode over the years) the only way to improve is pretend that you are listening to a stranger. She may do that already, don't know....
Can I ask what this "Fortress List" is.... Does it have something to do with a secret bunker the farsight institute is building? Are they building a BellGab wing?  ???
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