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Messages - Big Chicken

Quote from: Parris001 on September 24, 2017, 08:54:53 PM
Episodes of the unexplained have been few and far between. Wouldn't be fair to call it "plagued". But I've seen stuff that I can't understand.

Lately I've had night terrors.

Hoo boy.   Seems like you are in a 'in-between' place.  Not exactly footloose and fancy free but not in utter
torment and despair.  Big Chicken's advice would be to hold fast at this time as it seems like you are at least
holding your own.  If the night terrors increase in frequency you may have to get some outside assistance.

Unfortunately many of those that could have helped you have passed on - Lou Gentile, Ed Warren and Jack Chick
are deceased.   One remains.....   That is Pastor Butch Paugh.   The self-proclaimed "Hillbilly Preacher that walks
like a tank but talks like a machine gun"    He lives way up some holler in the mountains of West Virginia and
he has had great success with these types of issues.  You might be skeptical but check out the Succubus thread
right here on Bellgab.   A young man bit of more than he could chew so to speak.   I recommended Pastor
Butch and the young man was saved.

If you wish you could try to call into Pastor Butch's radio show - Call to Decision   He is on Saturday and Sunday nights from 6 to 8PM Central time - this is over on the
GCN Radio Network

Pastor Butch Paugh:
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
September 24, 2017, 04:58:13 PM
Well Well Well.   I was helping out Parris in another thread regarding a candle issue and thought I would check up on George Senda.   

I had spent some time reaching out to George when he was first considering his live stream.  My thinking was that he did a one hour show once or perhaps twice a week.  The format I wanted him to use was 20 minutes on topics at hand - news items, happenings around his town, whatever.  The next 20 minutes was to be a segment where he would reminiscence on his remarkable past - I'm sure many listeners would enjoy learning more about him arising from the dead, meeting John Wayne or whatever.   The last 20 minutes was to be a no holds barred speed round where he would give a caller or chat room member 1 minute to speak there piece and he would respond for one minute.   After 4 weeks he would then slowly introduce a brief plug for his patreon account.     

Pfft.  What does the Big Chicken know?   Instead his show was a rambling 4 to 5 hour marathon of incoherent nonsense.  Finally he ended up attacking his listeners and getting banned from Youtube.  Lovely.   I think taking a mop out into a thunderstorm and mopping my driveway would have been more productive then the time I spent trying to help him.

Quote from: Parris001 on September 24, 2017, 12:31:14 PM
But what was the floating candle?  And in your experience, is it the whole candle or just the flame moving around the room?

As for the feeling of being misplaced in the house, I think that just speaks at to how horrified I was of that room and the furniture in it. Worst nightmare would to be to have to spend the night in that place. It was like a haunted house inside our house. Even after we turned it into a den years later I was uneasy in there for a time.

In my [admittedly limited] experience with this type of apparition it is  a full candle with flame that will be seen.  That is what the literature indicates and that is what I saw in my one experience with this type of phenomena.  Perhaps you experienced something different and of course your mileage may vary with these sorts of things.

Oh, before I forget.  Was this a one shot deal or have you been plagued with other incidents over the years?
Quote from: Parris001 on September 24, 2017, 08:15:12 AM
Here's my deal.

We moved into a brand new house in 1972. I was 5. It was a ranch style house, and most of y'all will know how a typical ranch style house is laid out.

The first bedroom in the hallway had been furnished by my parents with the bedroom suite of a great aunt. The old lady always scared me in that way that old people usually frighten young kids. Couldn't put my finger on it, still can't. But the old lady gave me the creeps. And having the bedroom furniture from the room she died in moved into a bedroom in our new house scared the shit out of me. The room was always dark, always cold, and I'd run by the door every time I had to pass it.

Flash forward a few months, maybe a year. It's the middle off the night and its one of those hot, sticky North Carolina nights in the hottest past of the summer. A very vocal thunder storm has popped up and I'm awakened by a deafening crackle of thunder. For some odd and hard to explain reason I get the feeling for a split second that I'm not in my bed. In my head I have the feeling I'm in the spare bedroom in the bed where my creepy old great aunt died.

The power is out and I laid there for a second with my eyes open in the pitch dark and a ghostly, disembodied flame from a candle passes from left to right in front of my face. I let out a blood curdling scream and my parent came running into my room. And I am in fact in my own bed. But when my parents get there there are still several of these flames wafting through the air. Rolling off the bed and onto the floor. There were several.

In my memory there was no smoke. No sulfuric odor. No sizzling or popping. I thought it might be ball lightning but that seems to be fairly different from what I experienced.

Any thoughts?

The floating candle is not terribly unusual Parris - certainly not in the American South.   Not at all sure about the
feeling of lying in the other bed. 

The floating candle flame goes back to an incident at a house on King Street in Charleston during the Revolutionary War.   The owner of the house was openly Loyalist but secretly sided with the  Colonials. He had stocked his cellar with kegs of gun powder which was fine until the maid went down into the cellarwith a candle.  He managed to avert disaster but his mind was broken in the process.  All anyone could get out of him was babbling about candle flames and death. The legend has it that he spends all eternity going from house to house trying to snuff out the candle flame before the explosion and fire.   Usually he succeeds and the home and family are saved - sometimes he fails and home is lost in the night.   It would seem that on that hot summer night in 1972 he was successful in his task and your home was saved! 

You can learn more about this in Norman & Scott's Haunted Heritage: A Definitive Collection of North American Ghost Stories - Look for The Candle in section on The South.
Random Topics / Re: Music
August 13, 2017, 07:06:05 PM
Quote from: Norm on June 30, 2017, 06:13:18 PM
Abe should spend a few nights with George learning the 'Art of Senda'

Or at least go out cruising with him looking for lactating ladies of the evening.   I am sure George knows all the Bay Area honey holes to snag them.
For once Falkie has impressed the Big Chicken. 

He was an Isis fan back in the day:

Even better he prefers classic Hawaii Five O over the lame remake

Quote from: Damon on June 10, 2017, 09:38:47 PM
good night all, the falkie show is putting me to sleep.

Yeah.  40 minutes seems like four hours.
Quote from: Seraphim27 on June 10, 2017, 09:28:23 PM
You guys sent him a pizza and didn't even pay for it??!!


My heart kind of stopped when someone knocked on his door. I was afraid he was about to get robbed or something live on camera.  :o

The pizza thing was lame.

I was hoping for the knocker to be a Jehovah Witness who would come in and show George the Guiding Light.
I think watching dudes mix paint down at the Sherwin Williams would be more fun than this.
Kathy has fleas that are immune to insecticide?  What's up with that?
So is this how the other shows were?  This is horrific
No one is in chat - presumably because all have been banned?
Live Senda.  Wow.

He's been lazy today and hurt his leg and he is out of ideas to discuss already.
Not much interested in tales of government bureaucracy.   Guess I'll try again on Tuesday.
Show Time
I'm hoping to learn more about the Nano Blood transfusions tonight.
Quote from: brig on June 10, 2017, 07:42:57 PM
So good to see you Pastor Big Chicken!   ;D

It is good to be back Brig.  It is good to be back.
Saturday show starts at 10PM Eastern

The Big Chicken listened in some on this past Tuesday's show and learned a lot.

It was revealed that  Dietrich is on SSDI [can you say dehydrated Falkie?] and that he once bit the crank off some sort of male relative.  He also tried to whip up some tears but he's no Alex Jones in that area - he really needs to practice to catch AJ there.

Omar Bradley was no armored warfare genius [although I've never heard it claimed that he was such], the German's stand in the Courland Pocket was supplemented by a nuclear blast and slogging thru French hedge rows really sucked for the Allies. 

Then there was more of the usual routine - Trump bad.  Putin bad.  Farmers bad. Caucasians in the United States are bad.  Aquino really, really bad.

Often wondered why Dietrich didn't return to Taiwan if he hates the United States so badly.  Seems the SSDI answers that.  Uncle Sugar shells out a nice check each month - not likely the Republic of China would match that amount for some Laowai.
Politics / Re: OMG, Arians Grande bombed in UK
May 22, 2017, 08:04:44 PM
Quote from: albrecht on May 22, 2017, 07:57:52 PM
It would seem to be well thought out to maximize the deaths and damage. Both killing kids, their parents waiting for them, timing of the audience leaving causing panic and secondary injuries, and shutting down the transit station. Hopefully it was just a suicide bomber because Muslim often like to have secondary attacks or coordinated attacks to cause further fear and mayhem.

Even if a suicide bomber he likely had help- even if just for shelter or procuring the ingredients. Hope they can track those people down and in the investigation catch other people or cells. Reports that cellphones weren't working? Is that just due to the surge in traffic volume on the network or as I maybe think the police/govt shut down the mobile networks in case of communications or another bomb possibly triggered by cellphone? I'm not sure how quickly the police could shut it down though.

Wow. Even CNN is allowing experts on talking about refugees and Muslim citizens who travel over seas to fight with groups like ISIS and return. And "thousands" (really more than that) that celebrate attacks like these living in our countries.

They can do it and quickly:

Does semi-public aka the workplace count or is just limited to rest stops and the like?

The Big Chicken has some tales from his gig that exceed the boundaries of belief.
Random Topics / Re: Thank You White Crow
April 09, 2017, 10:15:28 PM
White Crow?  Me and the 'Crow did some time at Oahu State Prison back in '69.

I had to have his attitude adjusted a bit but c'est la vie

Let's just leave The Love Boat out of this.   It was a dark time.  A very dark time for me.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: BellGabathon 2017
March 29, 2017, 09:52:32 PM

"and the winner of the Most obscure Fictional Character used as a Bellgab handle is...Big Chicken!"

"and the winner of the poster that saved a schlub's immortal soul from eternal hellfire and damnation is...Big Chicken!"

"What a night it's been for the Big Chicken"  < Applause sign on >

Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on March 18, 2017, 03:42:28 PM
Hot new topic for George's show or a YouTube video!

Why are Jesus and the Devil between AKwilly's legs while he is taking a poo into his wood stove? 

Is it Paranormal or Biblical?

Whoa Baby!  Whoa!

It is obviously Biblical.   By going Poo into an instrument as noble as a Garland Wood Stove, Willy  has
(unwittingly - I am quite sure) triggered the Abomination of Desolation  Just check out the latest
Rapture Index - it is through the damn roof.

Now it has never been clear if the Abomination occurs Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation or Post-Tribulation but
one thing is certain.   The 7 year clock is now running - we just don't know how many sands in the hour glass
are left.


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