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Messages - henge0stone

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Has anyone played Prey?
March 21, 2015, 05:05:34 PM
It was such a good idea to integrate Art's show into the game as a storytelling element to let the player know whats going on back on earth.
An update on Robert Bigelow's space cruise to the Moon (Man that sounded like fun) as well as any new goings on at the Skinwalker Ranch.

Chalk giants, stone circles, Celtic myths, King Arthur all that would be awesome. I'm such a Anglophile.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Has anyone played Prey?
March 20, 2015, 05:49:07 PM
Quote from: analog kid on March 19, 2015, 04:36:48 PM
I ripped all of the Art Bell audio files from the game resources a while ago. They're linked below.


Thanks! I added it to my collection
Quote from: rzr1911 on March 10, 2015, 03:45:53 AM
here's just one article which proofs how Hancock is deliberately misleading his audience.

50 minutes of BBC debunking Hancock & Bauval. Obviously Hancock disagrees and says it is unfair, biased, etc.
I don't particularly like the BBC propaganda channel myself, and mainstream scientists often are way too sure of their theories themselves and are oversimplifying things when trying to debunk stuff.
I love the Atlantis story, and I also enjoyed watching Hancock stuff a while back, but I hate nothing more than new age people who deliberately FOOL their audience by omitting evidence, sources, or by actually lying.
Especially the Khmer draco temples (in the movie above) are total BS, one more stupid claim from Hancock constructed by omitting and misconstruing facts to his audience.

I think Hancock has already stated in Fingerprints that he did NOT think the pyramids were built in 10,000 BC, but that the ground plan was laid out earlier. Honestly that was a pretty weak part in his whole theory anyway. The video was extremely brief on the water erosion on the sphinx and didn't disprove it in any way. As for the hieroglyphs way more in there was taken out of that picture than just the bottom. He's been making books for decades and if this is the only 'omission' is part of a hieroglyph I think he comes out looking pretty good especially compared to other people in similar fields like Sitchen, Von Daniken and basically everyone who used Sitchen (so most of the Ancient Alien field).

He is wrong about a lot of things but the general idea that civilization is older than we we led to believe (I think) has merit and Hancock looks at this idea without going too far into wild fantasy ideas.
Radio and Podcasts / Why is Noory's job so safe?
March 16, 2015, 03:00:21 PM
I'm not as big a Noory hater as some others but after all these years and of crappy performances on the air why isn't Clear Channel thinking about replacing him? I mean C2C has only lost listeners since Art left and the show is so stale, why not bring in some new blood? If they ever listened they would see how Noory is basically just browsing his computer while a guest is on. Once in a while there will be a fun guest but its all on the guest Noory adds nothing to the show.
No it would be boring and technical. Have a paranormal guest or a scientist or something.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Rods
March 16, 2015, 02:50:58 PM
Rod's are the worst topic ever. They move like bugs, look like motion blur bugs but they are NOT BUGS! The Rod show was such cramp. Art should watch this

specifically 00:39:00 

Quote from: rzr1911 on March 15, 2015, 05:27:47 PM
Sitchin doesn't even need to be debunked. The guy already debunks himself with his extremely silly faery-tales. 3600 year orbit? Aliens use their planet as a spaceship to visit us? They need us as slaveworkers to dig for gold, but their planet is already gone again? If they had an urgent need for gold, I'm not sure the fastest method is to create and breed humans and give them pickaxes.

I disagree, he DOES need to be debunked. People go around quoting Sitchin like he is some kind of wonderful scholar when he never even studied languages. I think Hancock and other people who believe their was an ancient civilization farther back than previous historians believed should separate themselves from the Sitchen nuts. At least Hancock in his books admits he could be wrong, whereas Sitchen walks around like jesus having people worship his bogus theories.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 15, 2015, 02:57:51 PM
Quote from: rzr1911 on March 14, 2015, 03:17:02 PM


would you consider this to be a good intro song for your radio show, Art?
(Saki Kaskas, Callista) (callista means "most beautiful" in Greek)

I would vote yes. Most Mass Effect songs have great rhythm and a classic scifi feel that would fit wonderfully with Art's show. The Chase certainly had a that mystical feel and lord knows Dreamlands oh! had it 1000 %. He should stick with new age/new wave stuff because honestly even though I like 99.9 % of his bumper music a lot of it doesn't fit anywhere near as good as Cusco and Loreen Mckennitt.
Quote from: rzr1911 on March 15, 2015, 11:02:50 AM
Both, Hancock and Bauval are simply feelgood new-age writers.
They just pick a target audience and then manufacture a bunch of total BS - whatever they believe the audience wants to read.
I guess Hancock switched to writing fiction and drug-induced revelations because nobody can debunk that.

Just wondering, what do you think about Zachria Sitchen? Hancock is Zahi compared to him.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's book
March 14, 2015, 03:42:19 PM
Quote from: coaster on March 13, 2015, 04:20:37 PM
Noory has never written a book, he just let people use his name. Even if he did want to write a book himself, I am not sure there is a market for pizza roll pop-up books.

It is a little odd that he only co-writes books. I am probably one of the few people that enjoyed Art's books, even though I have hated on them in the past. The Quickening wasn't that bad, Art of Talk and The Source were both good reads. Haven't read coming global superstorm yet but I will.
I wish they did more shows on history. Maybe get people like Nathanial Philbrick or other authors of historical nonfiction books. Talk about early America, the Revolution and maybe some myths mixed in there.

Also shows about conventional ancient history (particularly Stonehenge) not just crazy sitchen and alien theories.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Hilly Rose
March 14, 2015, 03:23:16 PM
I wonder why he wasn't asked to do C2C after Art left. It would make the most sense since he was already filling in.
Honestly I can't stand listening to Richard any more, I just can't! He rambles on and on and on and links the smallest things together like 19 and NASA which somehow equals Masons and Aliens and I just had enough! He had a show on the archive called Coral Castle (an interesting topic) but he just rambled on about some crap with a NASA guy in a cave and how that meant something BIG is going on and I just can't take him anymore.
She did a lot more than Cattle Mutilations. There was the Bigfoot scream, Art's parts, hunting the Chupa, Hale Bopp and other space related stories. She did a lot of UFO sighting but they were all different reports. Maybe it's just me but a different interview of a UFO or Bigfoot sighting at the start of each show was cool, I never get tired of those quick reports.
Radio and Podcasts / Hilly Rose
March 13, 2015, 04:45:32 PM
Whatever happened to Hilly? He subed for Art here and there in the late 90s and early 2000s. He wasn't bad why didn't they use him more?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Has anyone played Prey?
March 12, 2015, 05:57:37 PM
Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on March 06, 2015, 12:07:37 AM
I hadn't heard Art in years before I played Prey. I called my friends freaking out that he was in the game. None of them cared. I thought it made the game. Sure you heard this before, but here's Gordon Freeman from Half Life giving Noory the business:

haha I haven't heard that one. I never played Half-Life but I some stuff about it. Its amazing how little Noory questions people. Art would have asked to more detail about the guy and probably slipped in a joke and made the call entertaining, Noory just sits there.

If it hadn't been for Prey I might never have known about Art Bell, thank god he was in it. Defiantly fit the game, I wonder if Art ever mentioned it anywhere .

Under his imdb page it says he's going to be in the movie Hostage to the Devil Malachi Martin's book. Probably just going to play stuff from his interviews with him but its going to be awesome!
Quote from: rzr1911 on March 09, 2015, 07:31:02 AM
2 of the biggest bullshitters. Especially Bauval, I hate this guy. He's always ranting about how Zahi Hawass kept him away from archeological sites. Of course Zahi did the best he could to keep the guy out, he's got zero credibility, no credentials, no scientific education. All he does is write crappy new age books for morons.
Hancock is basically the same, unless he changed, which I doubt.

What's wrong with Hancock? At least he goes to places and investigates stuff not just quoting the insanity that is Zacharia Sitchen (like so many guests do). He and Zahi made up a long time ago in like 1998. He is actually a credible journalist and who worked for the huge newspaper in Britain and not just some nut like William Henry.
Quote from: Razlo on March 08, 2015, 06:26:46 AM
My favorite guests were always the scientists and researchers. It's probably between Graham Hancock and Michio Kaku. I also really liked the interview with McAfee on DM.

Least favorite...Red Elk!!! I mean, it was hard listening to Art do it but I could not imagine listening to Dave interviewing him for three hours? Listening to that would be hellish!

The best part about Graham was he didn't just quote sitchen like half the ancient civilization 'researches' do. He actually made his own hypothesis and theories based on his finding and not just using sitchen, who is totally discredited in my opinion. 
Quote from: WebGurl on March 05, 2015, 08:25:40 AM
First I would like Bell to disavow the notion that Obama would be the disclosure president because as Dr. Greer stated they think he's the 'least controlled by banks and corporations'. I laughed like heck when I heard them say that! Dr Greer is very naive if he doesn't know Obama was selected and put in power by Kissinger and the banking cartels. How else does someone totally unknown with zero accomplishments become president? So I was shocked that libertarian Bell would be fawning over him.

Second, Bell must separate himself from the hoax that is the global warming scam. A man of his intelligence should understand that this is the global elites plan to control us all and that the earth has warmed and cooled naturally for millions of years.

I don't think I could stand to listen to any more of the above.

That said, I like Richard C. Hoagland, Linda Moulton Howe, and subjects that cover UFOs and Bigfoot.

Underground bases, Area 51 and HAARP and weather manipulation are also interesting subjects.

The ghost and OBE and afterlife religious stuff I can't stand.

Remote viewing can sometimes be interesting.

If I forgot anything I will edit.   ;)

OH yes my good friend Katherine Albrecht, who has been ill of late, we should hear more from her about chips, spying and other security issues.

Also, the fact that foreign armies are being used here in the USA to militarize our cops.

Greer says this about every president every year. It's always "this is the one!" then nothing happens. Poor Greer. His shows are so boring though its always something BIG is gonna happen! Then it never does. Those are the worst kind of shows because you can't even listen to them years later without shaking your head.
Hearing newer Dreamlands (past 96 ) on the new archive and I have to say once LMH started reporting on weather changes and environmental crap she should have gone. Dreamland was Art's paranormal/strange topic only show and her environmental reports at the beginning were so boring I had to skip her segments. She was on the top of her game back when she got the Bigfoot Screams but she really screwed the pooch later on.
Quote from: CampsieNP on July 24, 2013, 06:29:17 PM

He was a member of the Howard Stern Wack-Pack. I don't know if he still goes on Howard's Sirius show.
Riley is completely insane. It made me laugh to think of him being on C2C as if he has any credibility whatsoever.
I burst out laughing when I saw he was a guest on C2C. I never heard the interview. I'll bet it is funny. At least Howard put the guy out there as a kook. To hear C2C play it straight has to be another "classic" for comedic value alone.

I think he is still a wack-packer he bitches about money every time he calls into Howard. Howard keeps him around because his show is funny because he is so crazy.

The worst guest I think was Gary North, the starter of the whole Y2K bs. Since Art was in his Quickening omg world changes mode he bought right into the Y2K crap then every other show the second half of 98 to where I'm at (mid 1999) so far he has mentioned it. Everyone Gary North Argued with Art totally backed him up and then of course nothing happened. I hope to GOD that someone after 2000 said "listen Art, Y2K was bs and we totally fell for it."
Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on March 07, 2015, 02:17:11 AM
The Twin Towers: Fire Melting Steel http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4054

the best part is at the end of the transcript...  8)

That's exactly how I feel about the Moon hoax people too. They are really just unintelligent A holes who use their lack of physics to try and say there's a conspiracy. The only conspiracies that are maybe feasible are the one's where there aren't hundreds of hours of video and news about. SO not 9/11 or the moon.
You mean Ishawn sam or something like that I can't spell it. He was pretty nuts
Abduction line was the best so far, Really creepy stories.
I bought a hardcover copy of the source (it was 2 dollars) and in the back theres a newsletter with a book by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber with the name of this post. I even found it on Amazaon but its not available.


What happened to this book? It looked cool it Stonehenge, UFOs and sounds like its about ancient civilizations.
Where did this book go?
Armageddon, Deep Impact, Independence Day
Quote from: wotr1 on March 04, 2015, 12:05:08 AM
"We" either caught him and detained him, killed him or we knew he was dead (or we paid him a billion dollars to never show his face again and trusted his word.)  If he were still around and free I cannot help but think he might show the president to be a liar...

If the government was going to lie about it why not do it, lets say sooner? The Bush administration would have loved to have caught him and it would have looked much better if we caught him earlier. People are just looking for conspiracies everywhere because they don't trust the government or news at all anymore.
I liked Hoagland when he was talking about the face and egypt and stuff but once he became a conspiracy templar nut I started to get bored with him.
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