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Topics you want Art to cover when he comes back in July!

Started by henge0stone, February 23, 2015, 02:49:55 PM


First I would like Bell to disavow the notion that Obama would be the disclosure president because as Dr. Greer stated they think he's the 'least controlled by banks and corporations'. I laughed like heck when I heard them say that! Dr Greer is very naive if he doesn't know Obama was selected and put in power by Kissinger and the banking cartels. How else does someone totally unknown with zero accomplishments become president? So I was shocked that libertarian Bell would be fawning over him.

Second, Bell must separate himself from the hoax that is the global warming scam. A man of his intelligence should understand that this is the global elites plan to control us all and that the earth has warmed and cooled naturally for millions of years.

I don't think I could stand to listen to any more of the above.

That said, I like Richard C. Hoagland, Linda Moulton Howe, and subjects that cover UFOs and Bigfoot.

Underground bases, Area 51 and HAARP and weather manipulation are also interesting subjects.

The ghost and OBE and afterlife religious stuff I can't stand.

Remote viewing can sometimes be interesting.

If I forgot anything I will edit.   ;)

OH yes my good friend Katherine Albrecht, who has been ill of late, we should hear more from her about chips, spying and other security issues.

Also, the fact that foreign armies are being used here in the USA to militarize our cops.

I kind of wish Art would do a "tv series" format. By that I mean, do x number of episodes and take a few months off. I think Art would be less likely to get burned out. Maybe do a Patreon as well?

As for subjects, maybe some religious body horror (stigmata), giggle foot, EVP sans Chunga, Halloween Ghost show, Shadow People, Digital Spying, Dark net, famous ghost of Civil or any war would be neat, I dunno anything as long as there is passion and a weirdo to talk about it.


I'd like an update from the Ghost Buster Gals regarding the Elisa Lam case:  http://thestir.cafemom.com/in_the_news/163050/3_Seriously_Creepy_Circumstances_Surrounding .  This was the woman who was found in a water tank on the roof of a LA Hotel.  The video of her behavior before her death is quite disturbing.

I'd also love if he would interview David Paulides and Tobias McGriff.


About 6 weeks into his march across the airways,  'What ever happened to...' show where he follows up on the disapperance of Dave and his screw of misfits, and other assorted lost folk.

Quote from: morgana213 on March 06, 2015, 10:16:09 PM
I'd like an update from the Ghost Buster Gals regarding the Elisa Lam case:  http://thestir.cafemom.com/in_the_news/163050/3_Seriously_Creepy_Circumstances_Surrounding .  This was the woman who was found in a water tank on the roof of a LA Hotel.  The video of her behavior before her death is quite disturbing.

I'd also love if he would interview David Paulides and Tobias McGriff.

Totally agree with the Lam case. I'm not a believer, but that creeped me out.

Bonanza Pilot

I forget the fellows name, but I remember a Dark Matter show with a new guy to the paranormal/haunting scene. He was a investigative journalist/author type. The show was brilliant. Any one remember who I'm talking about?

Things of very high strangeness such as encounters with fairies, elfs, gnomes, etc have always interested me for some reason - would make a good open lines. Also shadow people/top hat man. I used to see 'top hat man' all the time as a kid and into my early teens. I was floored the night of the show when this subject was first broached and people were submitting drawings of exactly what I had seen.


Quote from: WebGurl on March 05, 2015, 08:25:40 AM
First I would like Bell to disavow the notion that Obama would be the disclosure president because as Dr. Greer stated they think he's the 'least controlled by banks and corporations'. I laughed like heck when I heard them say that! Dr Greer is very naive if he doesn't know Obama was selected and put in power by Kissinger and the banking cartels. How else does someone totally unknown with zero accomplishments become president? So I was shocked that libertarian Bell would be fawning over him.

Second, Bell must separate himself from the hoax that is the global warming scam. A man of his intelligence should understand that this is the global elites plan to control us all and that the earth has warmed and cooled naturally for millions of years.

I don't think I could stand to listen to any more of the above.

That said, I like Richard C. Hoagland, Linda Moulton Howe, and subjects that cover UFOs and Bigfoot.

Underground bases, Area 51 and HAARP and weather manipulation are also interesting subjects.

The ghost and OBE and afterlife religious stuff I can't stand.

Remote viewing can sometimes be interesting.

If I forgot anything I will edit.   ;)

OH yes my good friend Katherine Albrecht, who has been ill of late, we should hear more from her about chips, spying and other security issues.

Also, the fact that foreign armies are being used here in the USA to militarize our cops.

Greer says this about every president every year. It's always "this is the one!" then nothing happens. Poor Greer. His shows are so boring though its always something BIG is gonna happen! Then it never does. Those are the worst kind of shows because you can't even listen to them years later without shaking your head.


Quote from: MV on February 28, 2015, 10:29:21 AM
I want to hear guests who refute some of the things Art's guests said in the 90s.
that's probably like 99.9% of what Art's guests said in the 90's that is now thoroughly debunked. Of course not everything that gets debunked is untrue, because debunkers often are ideological blockheads too.

What I wonder is - are all Alien abductees simply people with mental health issues, or are there any real victims, and is it aliens or some government agency doing the abducting.
Watch the show below - it's got a lot about Dr. Roger Leir who's apparently been one of the biggest bullshitters in that genre.

I remember one old Art Bell show, where a girl called in, talking about her abductions. She sounded very honest and authentic. I'd really like to hear more of her and her case. Anybody know if there was a follow up to this girl? (sorry, don't remember which show it was). Sounding honest doesn't mean it happened of course. Could also be mental issues, brainwashing, abuse that the mind has covered up with a fantasy story, etc...

Obviously on a show like this you can't be too tough on the guests, because the listeners want to hear nice tales and believe in them, and the guests might just decide to join that other show instead where they know they won't get too much trouble for talking BS all night. Art knows he has to find the right dosage of embracing a story and questioning it.


I want to hear some of the same time travelers that called in the 90's.


Bob Newton and/or Anne Tittensor  Garden of the Gods,  Peru and Mu

There is a drop down list of their fellow researcher on the website.  Those people would be good guests as well.

Richard Gabriel and/or Judith    Egypt, NC2/Cavern System

Steven and Evan Strong -Egyptians in Austrailia, Human origins

Robert Bauval

Graham Hancock


Quote from: Paradox on March 09, 2015, 02:09:36 AM
Robert Bauval
Graham Hancock
2 of the biggest bullshitters. Especially Bauval, I hate this guy. He's always ranting about how Zahi Hawass kept him away from archeological sites. Of course Zahi did the best he could to keep the guy out, he's got zero credibility, no credentials, no scientific education. All he does is write crappy new age books for morons.
Hancock is basically the same, unless he changed, which I doubt.


Quote from: rzr1911 on March 09, 2015, 07:31:02 AM
2 of the biggest bullshitters. Especially Bauval, I hate this guy. He's always ranting about how Zahi Hawass kept him away from archeological sites. Of course Zahi did the best he could to keep the guy out, he's got zero credibility, no credentials, no scientific education. All he does is write crappy new age books for morons.
Hancock is basically the same, unless he changed, which I doubt.

What's wrong with Hancock? At least he goes to places and investigates stuff not just quoting the insanity that is Zacharia Sitchen (like so many guests do). He and Zahi made up a long time ago in like 1998. He is actually a credible journalist and who worked for the huge newspaper in Britain and not just some nut like William Henry.


Quote from: henge0stone on March 09, 2015, 03:12:19 PM
What's wrong with Hancock? At least he goes to places and investigates stuff not just quoting the insanity that is Zacharia Sitchen (like so many guests do). He and Zahi made up a long time ago in like 1998. He is actually a credible journalist and who worked for the huge newspaper in Britain and not just some nut like William Henry.
here's just one article which proofs how Hancock is deliberately misleading his audience.

50 minutes of BBC debunking Hancock & Bauval. Obviously Hancock disagrees and says it is unfair, biased, etc.
I don't particularly like the BBC propaganda channel myself, and mainstream scientists often are way too sure of their theories themselves and are oversimplifying things when trying to debunk stuff.
I love the Atlantis story, and I also enjoyed watching Hancock stuff a while back, but I hate nothing more than new age people who deliberately FOOL their audience by omitting evidence, sources, or by actually lying.
Especially the Khmer draco temples (in the movie above) are total BS, one more stupid claim from Hancock constructed by omitting and misconstruing facts to his audience.



The creator of this movie would certainly make a good guest indeed.
He sure has some storytelling skills at the least.
name's Trey Smith
he also has a long video about the Nephilim


I'd also love to hear Art interview Robert Ferrell
He's an expert on the Nephilim, Book of Enoch, but comes from the spiritual side instead of "they were Aliens".
He also claims there's a description of a "black hole" in the book of Enoch... interesting stuff.

(his youtube channel, links to some Enoch analysis)
contact: http://www.scriptural-truth.com/
(reposted this from the Art Bell thread, because it is easier to have all suggestions in one thread here.)


Quote from: rzr1911 on March 10, 2015, 03:45:53 AM
here's just one article which proofs how Hancock is deliberately misleading his audience.

50 minutes of BBC debunking Hancock & Bauval. Obviously Hancock disagrees and says it is unfair, biased, etc.
I don't particularly like the BBC propaganda channel myself, and mainstream scientists often are way too sure of their theories themselves and are oversimplifying things when trying to debunk stuff.
I love the Atlantis story, and I also enjoyed watching Hancock stuff a while back, but I hate nothing more than new age people who deliberately FOOL their audience by omitting evidence, sources, or by actually lying.
Especially the Khmer draco temples (in the movie above) are total BS, one more stupid claim from Hancock constructed by omitting and misconstruing facts to his audience.

I think Hancock has already stated in Fingerprints that he did NOT think the pyramids were built in 10,000 BC, but that the ground plan was laid out earlier. Honestly that was a pretty weak part in his whole theory anyway. The video was extremely brief on the water erosion on the sphinx and didn't disprove it in any way. As for the hieroglyphs way more in there was taken out of that picture than just the bottom. He's been making books for decades and if this is the only 'omission' is part of a hieroglyph I think he comes out looking pretty good especially compared to other people in similar fields like Sitchen, Von Daniken and basically everyone who used Sitchen (so most of the Ancient Alien field).

He is wrong about a lot of things but the general idea that civilization is older than we we led to believe (I think) has merit and Hancock looks at this idea without going too far into wild fantasy ideas.


however, lets keep this a wishlist for guest+topics and not debate too much here.
I want to see more suggestions, topics, old favorite guests, and new guest candidates who were not on the shows yet.


Quote from: rzr1911 on March 16, 2015, 10:40:09 PM
however, lets keep this a wishlist for guest+topics and not debate too much here.
I want to see more suggestions, topics, old favorite guests, and new guest candidates who were not on the shows yet.

Singularity. It's the new, New World Order.

We are The Borg

" You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."


Love an update on the latest in nanotech, AI, cryonics, transhumanism etc.  Prof. Bart Kosko was one my faves on these topics.  Ray Kurzweil also would be cool.

The General

Is the Pope a communist?
Is nanotechnology here already?
Is the global warming scam over yet?
Is cold fusion ever going to be a reality?
Are the ghost hunting TV shows fraudulent?


I want to hear from the lady that headed the 'squatch genome project:

This was pretty heavily ridiculed in the mainstream science community, a la:

But I'd like to hear her side of the story.


I'd like to hear real scientists and futurists - Michio Kaku was always a good listen. The universe is interesting enough without making stuff up.

Cats, faces in Hoagland's stools and end of the world predictions will work though.


This might fall more under: Guests I’d like to Hear Art Talk To…I’ve been watching Paranormal Home Inspectors on NetFlix -  and while it’s nothing great as far as reality ghost shows go (very formulaic and at 20 minutes minus commercials is over with pretty quick)..BUT I like the “psychic & vibrational healer” Nadine Mercey on this program…She gives some interesting background readings as far as people who’ve passed away in a particular home â€" or famous battles or conflicts which may have happened near the site in question. Think she works in the Canadian real estate business as a psychic… She’s 40-ish, cute and believable … I think she’d make a fresh, interesting guest for Art some night…


In October, in days closer to Halloween, I want Art to interview Bruce Campbell. He has a massive knowledge of and many friends and peers in Horror movies. I am sure he can be enticed to talk about Horror movies that were more than just horror movies! Movies which had an underlining message. Or the completely creepy story line that was based on a truth.

He is a funny guy, but a good interview too.

I am sure he is full of tales!

Hi Art,
How about Pitcher, Oklahoma. The most unlucky town in America.
From link: "The Mother Nature Network"
Quote[size=12]Picher, Okla.
The Environmental Protection Agency calls it the most toxic place in America, but six determined residents still call Picher home. The city was once the most productive lead and zinc mining area in the world, but today it’s full of abandoned buildings and enormous piles of mine waste. In 1967, contaminated water from the mines turned the local creek red, the giant chat piles were found to be laced with lead, and Picher’s cancer levels skyrocketed. The area was declared the Tar Creek Superfund site in 1981, but most residents didn’t leave until 2006 when it was discovered that the town was in imminent danger of collapsing into the mines. Picher was declared too toxic to clean up, and a federal buyout program began paying residents to leave. In 2008, the city was further destroyed by a tornado.

Picher’s post office, city hall and high school closed in 2009, and the city ceased operations as a municipality on Sept. 1, 2009. In January 2011, Picher’s remaining commercial structures were demolished, with the exception of the Old Miner’s Pharmacy. Its owner, Gary Linderman, refuses to leave his home, and his business survives only because he serves customers in surrounding areas, many who have respiratory problems possibly linked to the toxic environment.

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