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Messages - michio

Quote from: El Kragen on October 17, 2012, 10:31:54 AM

What's this all about? Can you elaborate?

Certainly. Ian couldn't do the show last Sunday. In its place they played a past show of Ian hosting.  It turns out that Ian's studio guy or "tech," the one who was supposed to grant him access to the broadcast studio that night, became involved in a car accident on a rainy and slick road.  About an hour or so into this same 'live repeat' show, Ian had called in from his car to briefly explain the situation and update the audience with terse details. As I previously said, you could hear the clear distress in Ian's voice as he apologized profusely for his absence. He obviously wasn't in a mood to explain the night's events. After reading his tweets and listening to Noory's few sentences about it I'm still at a loss as to exactly who was hurt/killed in the traffic accident and what sequence of events transpired that night. If someone has the complete and accurate story, please do tell.

My previous post was a vent at Noory who evidently thought Ian's plight to be trivial and not worthy of a kindly start of the show update for the audience.  Many of us still don't know the full story, to be honest. It doesn't make sense from reading Ian's tweets @deaconpunnett who exactly was declared brain dead, who died in the studio guy's accident or if it was people from an unrelated accident who died at the same hospital where the tech was taken for medical attention, and who is okay besides Ian (Ian wasn't involved in any accident, TMK). To think of and mention a loved family member of the Coast to Coast loyal "crew" was an afterthought for 'Mr. Enlightened,' and then only because a kind-hearted caller reminded him of it with his inquiry.  Punnett cares for his fellow beings, this I know without question. As for Noory being spiritually attuned and connected to the greater "wireless Internet," I'm a resolute disbeliever.
Over three-quarters of the show is done and it takes a concerned caller to persuade George to relate the scoop about Ian (who really sounded shaken during his side of the road phone call to the show) and the tragic accident his Syracuse contact was involved in. "Truly unbelievable."
George just said he likes to have guests on that challenge him so that he doesn't surround himself with "YES!" men, because that's the only way he learns.  ::) Dramatic and so not true.
Quote from: margoloo on October 13, 2012, 12:51:48 PM
George N is god awful.  Why is he constantly forcing guests to proclaim their belief in his god?  Why does he have on "experts" and then when a caller asks the "expert" a question......George answers?  Is there nothing this mad man does not know?  The man is slipping into dementia, and his delusions or grandeur are getting out of hand. I just flat out cannot abide the man.  I know, then why listen?   :P  Another person that bugs me.....Katherine Albrecht.  They have her on as a privacy expert.  What she is really, is a wing nut fundamentalist Christian.  Her whole agenda is not privacy issues, but refusing the mark of the beast.  That is her only goal.  George let her spew on about Jesus Christ is our salvation.....blah blah blah.  Jesus H Christ.  I am so tired of the fundamentalist Christian agenda.

Beautifully said. *wipes tear from eye* Think of George's regular guests who fit this same profile you've described.  It's not a coincidence (thumbs up, George?). What I dread is the dissemination and absorption of aggrandized ignorance on a (inter)national scale, but there are those who would argue it's one's right to be blissfully ignorant and to enjoy freedom from facts. What a country we've made for ourselves.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
October 13, 2012, 11:44:17 PM
Wells is interviewing Paul Rodgers, one of the great voices of rock music.  Score +1 for Wells. Rodgers is no Noory, thanks to all the gods ever imagined.
Quote from: Widget on October 08, 2012, 10:22:47 PM
Yep, caught the first hour of last night's show about "online dating" and pondered why in the world this had anything to do with "Coast To Coast AM." I found it more creepy that the woman guest was in studio. Noory sounded very weird and I found myself thinking why the program has been allowed to become a creep-fest instead of something many listeners may want to hear.

How disgraceful. I gave up on it when Noory asked, after the guest noted she'd once be fooled by a "fake picture"...

"Why would someone post a fake picture of their self in a dating profile?"

That summed it all up. I cannot believe George Noory. This guy is on another level. He seems to have zero grasp of anything. He's off in his own little world, then expects everyone else to go along with it.

Are women that creeped out by him? Perhaps so. He seems to have trouble finding lady friends, despite his fame and wealth, so just about says it all.

What a weird program that was. "Coast" is getting worse by the day. I know I have plenty of solid subject matter to offer, but I will work for free. They have people they pay to come up with that. Time for them to earn it. I'd be darned if I let them rip me off for what I can contribute.
"What if the Colorado River dries up?" -- George Noory.

I have a better question: "What if  'Coast' subject material dries up? And we're stuck with some real creepy shows with nothing to do what the program was designed founded to address?"

Answer: We get more nonsense as we heard last night... :-[

I'm curious to know how Noory figured out there were lots of single women at the recent expo he was attending.  How do you deduce they are unattached and single? Look for a ring on the appropriate finger of every female? <creepy> Assume because they don't have a male with them they're single and omit the possibility they could be lesbian? <creepy> Have them answer an expo questionnaire that Noory pores over for relevant data? <creepier> Ask them in conversation if they're married, engaged, or if Noory could be their "when I'm in L.A." boyfriend? <creepiest> Damn creepy.
Quote from: Scully on October 06, 2012, 02:51:51 AM
George just bragged again that as a random act of kindness he "got cataracts" for a caller several years ago who was in desperate need.

He's talking about the common surgery to *remove* cataracts from one's eyes.

Hopeless ...  ::)

This man needs a lobotomy. STAT.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
October 06, 2012, 11:45:51 PM
Lots of Timetraks whoring going on tonight. It's practically an infomercial. Be well and be scammed?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
October 02, 2012, 12:30:59 AM
Quote from: Sardondi on October 01, 2012, 09:41:03 PM

And as for Mitch Battros, I agree he seems to be awful eager to claim I-told-you-so credit, and I think he does exaggerate almost as much as Dames. But solar activity alone can kill our grid, which event will be almost as bad as a global kill shot, because in a millisecond modern humans will lose 200 years of technological progress, yet be totally unprepared  to replace it with 19th century technology, because neither it nor the knowledge to use and repair it exist today.

I also think Battros is on the right track of solar activity having far, far more impact on earth than heretofore admitted by the usual scientific suspects, including having a much greater impact on climate change than anything else, including AGW or even A&W Rootbeer. I mean, look, the entire solar system has heated up, which trumps man in my book.

Battros is a Noory YES! man and shill, for this reason alone I distrust him.  I was seriously disappointed in Knapp's journalistic integrity when he introduced Much Batshat as a "scientific journalist." Battros is no more of an honest and credible science journalist than Hoagland is a "science advisor." They both take a modicum of factual information and add a humongous amount of wild speculation intermixed with bullshit propositions. This is their mind-numbing/dumbing magical formula for conspiratorial success in radio broadcasting. They basically pull what they're going to say out of their ass.

Scientists can accurately measure the solar constant (using space satellites, etc.), and as one of Noory's guests pointed out to Noory's denier dismay, using these scientific measurements we should be experiencing global cooling from a lengthy period of decreased solar output. We're not on a cooling planet at this time, and therefore we must explore other explanations for a rapidly warming planet (no, it's not volcanoes because human CO2 output pales it by comparison). As for the hard to kill myth about all of the planets warming, we have no temperature/climate measuring equipment on all of the other solar system planets to accurately and correctly make such an audacious claim, and certainly we can't call it scientifically valid.  It doesn't hold water and is relatively meaningless in relation to our rather intricate knowledge of the Earth.  Regardless of your personal belief, there are other plausible causes for planets to warm, such as their orbits around the Sun and axial tilt that affects the amount of energy a planet receives at its poles where ice appears to be decreasing (leading to the illusion of planet-wide warming).  The planet Earth is a different story, because we know the globe is warming far faster than it should be. Even if you did allow yourself to go off on a non-scientific tangent by including the false belief of the Sun trumping human influence on his nature's environment, the unnatural speed of this warming is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. We would be wise to pay heed for what it indicates and portends for the future.
Quote from: Morgus on September 25, 2012, 02:19:55 AM
Noory just asked Bara what some of the skeptics/debunkers say about his theories...
Bara said if they are on NASA payroll, then they have no credibility.
He claimed they make fake facebook pages and have even threatened to kill his cats...

Bara's confusing hard working and dedicated NASA employees (intentionally I'm sure) with common Internet trolls who live at home and troll from their dark basements. The deceitful fool.
Props to Dr. Alan Stern the first hour guest. He's been shutting down Noory's interjections of scientific ignorance in rapid succession.  Cheer up, Simple George, Dork Mission Bara is sure to be on your side.
Quote from: HAL 9000 on September 23, 2012, 12:41:42 AM
Below, members can find the mp3 attachment and listen for themselves how Noron handled that call. Personally I didn't have a problem understanding her, and it seemed the guest understood her too.

George is such a nice guy.  Bwahahahahahaha!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
September 16, 2012, 11:29:16 PM
Quote from: ShayP on September 12, 2012, 12:15:09 PM
I've been catching up on podcasts lately and I do like JBW for the most part.  One thing I have noticed over time is that JBW is a fan of Art Bell.  He has referenced different Art Bell shows, and has paid homage to him several times.  This is something I don't hear from Noory.  I know other host will reference Art, but....JBW seems geniuine and takes more time, and really seems to know the history of C2C.

It's funny you should mention that Wells is a fan of Mr. Bell.  He called Art a "visionary" during last night's show, to my recollection. I do like appreciate Wells for acknowledging the Art of talk and for knowing the shoulders upon which he stands. I agree with you that this hint of humbleness from Wells is something that Noory is remiss to do, because it must greatly pain him to swallow his gigantic ego. I also find the musical selections of Wells are often interesting, too, sometimes matching my own taste in music. It beats the sh!t out of Noory's normal play-list.
Quote from: Morgus on September 11, 2012, 12:00:13 AM
the only explanation to how Noory has remained host of c2c for ten years and keeps getting contract extensions:
Noory obviously sold his soul to satan years ago...

I fear you've drawn the ire and scorn of Satanists' everywhere with those nine little words. Go easy on him, folks, he meant well.   ;D
Quote from: Ben Shockley on September 06, 2012, 02:00:03 AM
Go to  http://funklobaldy.fatcow.com/11757.html?entryId=135f0cb929ebefe695e3a8d8015c70da#blogstart
and find the show on the list.  It's a .rar file so be prepared for that.

Thanks for the link. If anyone enjoys hearing Noory taking a verbal thrashing, there it is.
Quote from: Yiddle on September 04, 2012, 01:27:09 AM
He had someone on once that told him he's gotta be one of two or three people out there that actually believe in abiotic oil.  He explained why the specific wells that people claim are re-filling are actually misinterpretations of short term data.  The guest told him he was dangerously misleading people and urged him to stop.  I don't remember who it was, but I'm sure he'll never be on again.

I've told sNoory he's misleading people, but with him being an anti-science egomaniac, he's impervious to the smallest amount of reason and common sense.  I remember the person you're talking about, I believe it's Matt Savinar because I have the audio of him saying those words to Simple George.  Noory can't stand people who "have a different opinion" and refuse to ride the crazy train with him as the engineer.  Savinar, on July 3, 2008, dared to question Noory's gut feeling about abiotic oil and suffered the consequences.  Matt told the one neuron Nooron that even if his pet abiotic oil obsession was real, the oil was being replenished so slowly that it's useless and irrelevant due the the ever-increasing demand and the rapidly dwindling reserves.  You could hear the exasperation in Savinar's voice, having to deal with someone of Noory's "intellect" and needing to explain easily understandable concepts to him without success.  Noory just couldn't wrap his brain around it.  Savinar was on C2C one time later on Dec. 27, 2008 with Punnett, but according to the C2C guest archive pages that was the last time. I'd happily attach my copy of the 'Savinar smacks down Noory' mp3 but I'm not sure if it's allowed on the board?


I found this. Here's Savinar talking with Art Bell in June (23?) 2007.

Peak Oil - Last Oil Shock - (part 1 of 4)
Listening to Jerome Corsi climbing up Noory's arse as he tells lies about climate scientists (saying the 'climategate' emails detailed corruption, when in fact there have been 6+ official investigations that have proven no nefarious activity in the emails or by the scientists), brings me to reach a conclusion about him. What a stinkin' P.O.S.  But what else would you expect from one of Noory's choirboys.
Quote from: stevesh on August 29, 2012, 07:04:53 AM
Howard Bloom usually has something interesting to say, and tonight was no exception, except as usual, Simple George insisted on turning it into a 'debate' about Intelligent Design. He even asked Bloom about his current fixation - how can there be water on the earth that sustains all the species here if it wasn't designed that way ? IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND, YOU IDIOT ! THE SPECIES EVOLVED HERE BECAUSE OF THE WATER. The Intelligent Design people assume that humans and other living things were inevitable in their current forms, so someone/something must have manipulated the enviornment to that end. Stupidity.

Unfortunately, Bloom didn't do a good enough job of explaining the process to Noory, and seemed oddly eager to kiss Norry's ass last night.

I'm trying to imagine how a cancer treatment hospital that bills itself as 'one of the best in the country' could invite an assclown like Noory to speak about anything, much less health-related topics. Wonder if they're affiliated with Sean David Morton's 'clinics' in Mexico ?

When doesn't Noory push his ID/spirituality/religion on the listeners?  Pastor George is spreading the Gospel of Noory to every corner of the globe.

I actually fast blasted him that night and said exactly what you said.  Life started because of favorable conditions on the Earth and not the other way around. Did he read my message? Probably not. Would it have sunk in to the mush between his ears if he had read it?  Probably not. That's his new deep thought he's been repeating as a profound spiritual insight, "but....it knows when to rain on the crops!" Noory's such a mental lightweight it's a miracle he got the job he has.
George is talking with Richard Belzer who's an actor on Law & Order: SVU.  He also has a book out about conspiracies and is the primary reason he's on the show. George mentioned the Aurora, CO shooting, adding that immediately after the tragedy people were talking about the killer being manipulated by mind control, rather than believing it was a nut-job on a rampage. If George would listen to his own putrid show he would have heard his favorite boy, John B.elieve Wells, talking about it as if it were fact several times during the past few weeks. And George himself said he was hesitant but obviously anxious to bring it up. Duh.

Irritatingly, as only George can do, he is asking rapid fire questions, frequently interrupting by not giving Belzer enough time to elicit a thoughtful response before the next question arises. But you can hear the excitement in George's voice, because he's with one of his own kind.  ::)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
August 12, 2012, 01:13:26 AM
Quote from: slipstream on August 08, 2012, 02:08:00 PM

I don't understand where this idea comes from that talk show hosts should hide who they are.  If we use Art as an example, well Art talked a lot about his beliefs and life.

Sure Art did, but not not to the extremes of Seaman Wells and Captain Noory.  Search back in the Noory archives for your answer. There's audio on more than one occasion where Noory's said, "It's not my job to tell you what I think."  That's a direct quote I heard him say. Now you know why I view him as a hypocrite and a liar. He _always_ tells us what he thinks.  Wells has said words to the effect that he's politically neutral, this isn't a right wing or left wing thing, but I definitely don't hear unbiased comments coming from him when he's regularly ranting about George Soros (not one mention of the Koch Bros?) and how "Obama will take our guns" (has he in the last four years?). Another liar and hypocrite in training.

If you are going to make the show partially centered around about the host's personal beliefs and political viewpoints then plainly lay it out on the table for everyone to see.  Don't hide behind your claimed objectivity and neutrality that's nothing more than a facade and sham for your personal agendas. It's intellectually insulting to the listeners to treat them as the merry fools of Noory and Wells. If there's one thing Art had on C2C it was his integrity and his respect for his audience.  I receive no sense of integrity or respect from Wells or Noory.
Quote from: Morgus on August 06, 2012, 11:43:58 PM
Noory is doing it again, only having on guests who agree with his own beliefs on issues like global warming.
His guest tonight is of course on Noory's side, he never has one who believes in the opposite view like manmade climate change. Both him and his guest just get to team up bashing the other side, just cheerleading for him, no debate or information from the other side at all.

Well said and agreed 100%.  Noory's claim that he "wants the truth" is absolute bullshit.  It's incontrovertible. Noory doesn't give a rat's ass about finding truth. It's all about Noory; making himself look smart and fooling his listeners into believing his self-important and uneducated opinions.  That's why every time he talks about searching for the truth (He just did it a few moments ago!"I want the truth") I feel like taking an aluminum baseball bat to my radio. Noory is a classless hypocrite.
Quote from: onan on August 06, 2012, 06:23:46 AM
I was watching nasa tv I saw the dialogue you mention. A correspondent was asking a question a little girl had asked earlier. The question was more along the line of would kids have a chance to maneuver Curiosity. The answer was not in any way arrogant and for hoagland to suggest that makes him even more of a shit bag.

I was watching the live NASA feed and a couple other feeds on the Internet, all while listening to a couple of douche bags on the radio. I need to work on my multitasking skills. Thanks for the clarification on how the question was asked.
Richard C. Hoaxland is on-the-air adding his commentary about the Curiosity rover and its successful landing on the red planet Mars. Yay! to NASA for getting it there in one piece. The cameras are already beaming back B&W pictures and everyone is pleased by what they're seeing.


Evidently, a NASA dude was earlier asked by a youngster when she (I think) could drive the rover. Richard said the NASA dude told the girl there were about 400 scientists ahead of her before her turn would come up. Richard thought this was rude of the dude, saying "the typical arrogance of NASA." I agree that he could have been more pleasant to the lass in breaking the news. He's definitely not an eloquent Sagan. But Rich failed to mention his own convenient NASA praising and bashing arrogance when it suits him, with that of his "I'll never admit I was wrong" partner, Simple George.

Great submerging artists tonight.   ;)

Quote from: Morgus on August 04, 2012, 02:42:30 PM
or more likely will just result in another freebie CD to pass out to new streamlink (coast insider) subscribers, like they did in the past with an audio cd of Noory reading short stories like Edgar Allan Poe...  :P

Between Simple George's barely average "singing" ability (Frank Sinatra would have cringed at the sound) and his completely talentless "story telling" (Roddy McDowall is turning in his grave), sNoory should stick to what he's able to do best. He's mediocre at asking questions from 3x5 cards, saying "truly" and "dramatic" one thousand times a night, and making frequent references to his celebrity acquaintances. I've said it before and I'll say it again, sNoory has no shame and no humility.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
July 30, 2012, 12:45:05 AM
Quote from: CoastCanuck on July 28, 2012, 12:28:56 PM
I'm curious how this show will turn out... my first impression is that religion may be part of the conversation, not usually Knapp's dept.  Wonder how he'll deal with it.
Another Sunday night of Knapp, even if it's the third of the month, is always a good thing in my books.

I'm listening to the show and am enjoying it. I've heard no holy preaching, no mention of angels or J.C. (except when they invoked the name to send away the bothersome spirit), with the central conversation staying on the possessed woman and her devil-made-me-do-it shenanigans. The suggestion of evil induced divorce is a bit hard to swallow, but I can understand the stresses of invisible things bouncing on your bed and chest as the lights turn on and off with no one by the switch could be a factor. It's another fine job by a true and seasoned professional at the microphone.  But when they open up the lines to the scripture quoting callers, all bets are off for a sermon-free night.
George said it's going to be another "classic" Coast.  If you say so, George.

Please keep your collective mind power energy beams focused on creating a "deluge" of moisture and "torrential" rains for the dry Midwest, as George requested. I'll be using using my mind power to persuade George to read a dictionary. Wish me luck.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
July 22, 2012, 05:40:25 AM
Quote from: TheGrimCreeper1 on July 22, 2012, 02:19:48 AM
I have some serious questions about the story we're being asked to swallow by the mainstream media. Namely, why did Mr. Holmes bother rigging his apartment with explosives only to inform the police that he'd done so after he was apprehended? Wouldn't it be far more logical to utilize the element of surprise by allowing unsuspecting law officers to enter his apartment? Did he suddenly develop a conscience after having opened fire in a crowded movie theater?  Don't get me wrong, I won't be listening to C2C AM this morning. But it's because I think John B. Wells is a mental midget and a terrible host -- not because of a case of phony left-wing outrage.

You should consult a police psychological profiler for your answer as to why he decided to notify the police of the booby-traps. Maybe it was insane vanity and he wanted some sort of sick attention and appreciation for his efforts. How can anyone know why he did any of it without probing his psyche.  I don't think Alex Jones and company are the knowledgeable go-to-people to find answers of value.  But why should a lack of evidence and an absence of concrete answers so soon after the crime stop Wells and his packin' Infowars friend from imagining every impossible scheme in a transparent attempt to paint the killer as a victim of mind control (and simultaneously sidestep and distract from the pertinent and heated issue of easily accessible guns & ammo), who was forced to commit an atrocious crime beyond his control. Nothing is too insane for Wells, that much is readily apparent.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
July 22, 2012, 01:20:46 AM
And oh what a tangled conspiratorial web they've already woven. "It's a false flag! No, it's mind control!" Considering how quickly Nooron locked and loaded his concealed weapon at the tragic news, it's no surprise his protégé John B. would do the same. Like gun rights paranoid father, like gun rights paranoid son.
Open lines can be fun when the callers add their own interesting stories and contradict Simple George's crazed ideas. But after he dumped the guest and it converted into George's grandfatherly moron-side chats where he dishes out his life's collection of wisdom, it was too much to handle.  To top it off, he has to use his "I'm a thoughtful guy who cares" voice that makes it ten times worse because you know he's an intellectual fraud and a manipulator of people's emotions.

As I'm sure many have heard, he wants to use his mass mind control experiment to create a "deluge of storms in the Midwest" and "heavy rainfall," as he's done how many times before.  George is on another power trip.  Art stopped the experiments out of concern for what he couldn't control and the damage it could do. George blindly plows ahead with no concern for anything but his success and to hell with everything else.  But we should be relieved in the FACT he said he'd "take responsibility" for anything that went wrong.  Right, Simple George, add drought conditions and flash floods and nothing bad will come out of it.  It will be harmless in your warped and disconnected mind.

A severe flood.
Inundate with a great quantity of something
Quote from: Designx on July 20, 2012, 01:37:55 AM
Noory was deflated when every attempt to tie the pyramids to aliens was shot down. Even if this expert is wrong, I love the idea of attributing the pyramids to something mundane as a water pump.. No stargate, no starship, no hyper dimensional portal, not even the earthly depository of god.. Nope.. Water pump.

You disagree with George's opinions you get dumped. "There are no coincidences."[attach=1]

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