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Messages - michio

Quote from: Rat-eating Hater on October 22, 2015, 10:25:03 PM
Oh please. Scientists are perfectly capable of destroying our faith in science all by themselves.

sNoory was discussing the nearly 1500 light-year distant star KIC 8462852 that's been in the news. He went on to say other media thought it was aliens who had built a Dyson sphere, a device designed to capture the energy of a star for whatever purpose(s) they deemed worthy for their advanced civilization. He made a big deal about the other media going overboard and not being levelheaded by rushing to a conclusion.  Georgie thinks there's a scientific explanation for that situation.  sNoory mentioned they'd tried to contact this Jason Wright and have him on the show, but Jason had declined the invitation. Maybe he was tired of talking about the object, or he had been wise enough to first read this thread. I'm guessing the latter.

I quote the sNooron verbatim: "Another possible story, I think, has been blown out of proportion. When you want to get the truth you just come here to C2CAM."

Quote from: LuvFineArt on October 11, 2015, 07:26:08 PM
GOD if this is supposed to be Art Bell's supporters and George Noorys's detractors, then George must be laughing his ass off!

Relax, young apprentice of sNooron. They won't kick you from the forum like the sNooron rudely kicks off his guests with no warning.  They'll probably put you on ignore and deprive you of your flaming AWS - Attention Whore Syndrome.
Quote from: chad2wycked on October 05, 2015, 11:42:07 PM
The news sounds fine without what's his name. Go figure ::)

Even with bouts of vocal fry, the absence of that dude's bad actor pauses when he was reading the news is a plus.
Quote from: coaster on October 05, 2015, 11:09:41 PM
That must be an incredible experience.

Until you see your helmet is filling with water and you're in danger of drowning in space. July 16, 2013.
Quote from: whoozit on September 26, 2015, 04:32:14 PM
Do you know where I can find out how much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere each year and how much is the result of human activity?  I remember hearing the portion from humans was minuscule but have not been able to find any real data.  I'm not trying to perpetuate an argument, I'm just curious and want to know the truth.

Sorry for the late reply. On the new Cosmos science series they gave the figures below. They can differentiate volcanic vs. human sources by the signature of the atomic isotopes. Human sources of CO2 include; energy, industry, forestry, and so on. We're the heavy hitters. Don't forget that melting permafrost (CO2 & methane which is a shorter-lived but far more potent greenhouse gas) and warming oceans that will outgas more CO2 as the waters warm further, will continue to release additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.  It's estimated more than a trillion tons of carbon is still locked in permafrost, but as it melts it's unlocking that carbon. I honestly can't understand how anyone could continue to believe this is a natural cycle, when all signs say this sort of accelerated climate change is not how mother nature normally works.

500 *M*illion Tons of CO2 yearly - VOLCANOES

30 *B*illion Tons of CO2 yearly - HUMANS

Quote from: malachi.martini on October 02, 2015, 10:29:32 PM
I've heard the same thing said about Art and Keith to be fair.

Amen to the battle of the egos. What ever happened to getting together on Skype and hashing out any differences of opinion and miscommunications before molehills become mountains?  Whatever.
 Beyoncé is grief-stricken by this going to the dark side news.
Georgie had his good friend and shooting buddy John Lott on to discuss the tragedy in Oregon.  sNoory was talking about the shooter's background and said "some people kind of edged him on." I believe the word is egged on, but why should it matter. Georgie is the bad mustached Sarah Palin of talk radio, as he creates his own language because he believes he can. When Georgie wills it it shall forever be.

The other night sNoory was talking to a guest about Russia.  Georgie thought he'd toss into the Q&A his love of nuclear weapons by suggesting how a tactical nuke would be a great way to deal with ISIS, because it would be a bing-bang-BOOM kind of event.  The guest must have thought he was talking to a stark raving mad lunatic, reminiscent of Slim Pickens' character in "Dr. Strangelove," when B-52 pilot Major "King" Kong was astride a descending nuclear bomb, riding it to its sweet destruction like it was a bucking bronco in a rodeo (hint to Photoshop gurus).  In response to the mad man-child who dreams of being the POTUS, the guest used the word "rubicon" to describe what setting off a nuclear device on the battlefield anywhere in the world planet would entail.  His message was by using even a small nuke, it would immediately encourage and condone other nations to start using nuclear weapons as a means to settling their own disputes. I have the same viewpoint as sNoory's shocked guest.

Once Georgie convinces himself of an idea it becomes permanently burned into his tiny mind until the end of time.  Should sNoory be "drafted" and crowned 'King of America,' may all the gods that have ever been imagined help us all. It was nice to know you. Now, let's sit back and watch the lovely mushroom clouds and pretty fires at our feet, courtesy of President sNoory who loves him some shiny nukes.
Quote from: Bodach on September 25, 2015, 10:29:55 AM
If you're actually interested in this answer, sift through this very informative page:


Mountains of reasons.

Not to mention the dogma of this being claimed as settled science:

Oh, it's as reasonably settled as it can be without knowing exactly how every little thing is going to unfold in the years to come.  Global warming has human fingerprints all over it. I may have stolen a line from Neil deGrasse Tyson there.  ;D

You expect me, a non-expert to sift through a bunch of cherry-picked data and quotes taken out of context and make a long rebuttal? No, thanks. I'll leave that to the actual experts who could easily pick it apart, just as Trenberth did to a number of the denier callers.  You should take note that "Climategate" has been officially investigated by the British government, for one, and they've found nothing nefarious or deceptive in their investigation with the climate scientists emails.  In that video I linked, they said as of 2012 there were NINE official investigations and NOT ONE found anything illegal or deceptive on the part of the climate scientists who wrote those emails. About all that "climategate" accomplished was make people and denier politicians go on witch hunts for innocent climate scientists who had to waste their valuable time and energy defending themselves against those witch hunts. Any link that references "climategate" as a reputable and valid source of information isn't worth my time.

Science is not a religion nor is it dogma. Science changes based on new/updated evidence and it has changed in the past and it will change when required in the future.  Here's a tip for you about how science works. Doubt is a part of science. It's integral to how it works. When they say they're sure AGW is real, they are saying we're not going to lie and say we're 100% incontrovertibly certain, but it's as close to being reasonably sure, based on a broad spectrum of scientific discipline evidence, as can be without pretending to be god-like and dogmatic.

Richard P. Feynman - "Doubt is clearly a value in the sciences."

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on September 25, 2015, 05:12:37 PM
Rather than argue over whether climate change is "real" and who's at fault, isn't sustainability the real issue here? 

Look up how much of the world's fresh drinking and crop irrigation water comes from those melting and disappearing glaciers no one cares about. Note I said disappearing as in not to be back for who knows how long.

I think it's critically important to know if it's real, judging from a number of the comments I've read calling it nonsense and only done for the money. Will it be nonsense for your children or your children's children when they have to deal with the brunt of a quickly changing climate and a hotter world? Will you be saving them money by leaving our problems to them? Is it cheaper to fix a problem at its early stages or wait until it's developed into a full-blown disaster?  What's better, being proactive or reactive? Are you willing to bet your progeny's future on your ignorant, non-expert armchair opinion? I certainly hope not, because it isn't what I'd consider as doing the right or smart thing.

It's absolutely important to know what's at fault because if you don't figure out what's behind GW and resultant CC, then what's to stop an already monumental problem from becoming increasingly worse?  Magic? God? Wait for and depend on a technological marvel and near miracle that may never arrive? The Earth takes a long, long time to respond to greenhouse gases, but it does respond and it's now doing so in unexpected ways in the form of positive feedbacks that amplify the warming and make a complex situation even harder to understand, as this is a mad global climate experiment unprecedented in the history of the Earth.  Global warming is speeding up, though it was already way too fast for a natural type of climate change.  We're like the naive little children who are playing with nature's dangerous matches.  What's too much CO2 for you, 400PPM (present day), 1000PPM, 2000PPM?  More is better!, they like to say about CO2. No, more is not always better.  More can be worse.  If there is no end to the rise of CO2 because you can't/won't agree on what the source of it is, you run around in circles and go nowhere.  You fight against an invisible enemy and swing wildly to no avail.  If you don't know what's causing it then how can you expect to mitigate/solve it?  We'll just go on being as happily oblivious to the hazards of burning fossil fuels in the 21st and maybe into the 22nd century (should we not deplete it all before then) as we were in the 20th and earlier centuries.  The difference is we had the excuse of honest ignorance in the earlier centuries, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries we have no one to blame but ourselves and willful ignorance.
Why do people believe astronomers, geologists, paleontologists, and other scientists they trust as telling the truth, but when it comes to climate scientists they're seen as evil and underhanded? Maybe this 2012 video will shed some light on that question for you. Watch online for free.


One does not believe in global warming like it's a matter of faith in the unknowable, one is a supporter of the science and its knowable evidence that tells us there is global warming, and the evidence that tells us what is largely behind the current climate change.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
September 22, 2015, 06:54:20 AM
Quote from: Lunger on September 22, 2015, 05:28:30 AM
Trenberth being part of the IPCC is all you need to know.

I know I can't wait for the anti-science/anti-reality peeps to call in and angrily accuse Trenberth and Art of being in cahoots with the Global Climate Conspiracy Consortium. Fun times ahead.
Quote from: Johnny from PA on September 11, 2015, 10:48:57 PM
This is not bullshit.  Unfortunately Ron has no idea what he's talking about.  It starts with Jonathan Cahn's interpretation of the Shemitah and what could happen.  Combine that with Jewish Feast days (trumpets and tabernacles), Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashana, the 4 blood moons, and TONS AND TONS of pop culture references to 9/23/15.

Now, some people think it's a meteor strike...see Lyn Leahz on youtube.  Also check out C Ervana and Renee M.  None of these are sure of a meteor strike, but all think something HUGE will happen.  There are more videos than I can count for the dates between 9/13 and 9/28 or so....  Do your own research.

Add to this, Pope's visit to Obama, CERN, 500 days til climate chaos.

The climate is already in chaos so it's too late for that prediction.  CERN is a non-issue and needless fear mongering. Cosmic rays hit the Earth all of the time and are far more energetic than what that little particle accelerator is able to generate.  I wish Art would put CERN black hole fears to bed and let it take a long nap.  Pres. Obama isn't the Antichrist and the Pope sees other leaders of nations, along with the regular people.

The problem with people doing their own research, as you suggest, is that they also tend to make up their own facts like the YouTube scholars you spoke of.  There are plenty of real and pressing problems in the world to address without inventing new ones by pulling them out of our rear ends.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
September 09, 2015, 07:41:43 AM
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 09, 2015, 03:03:58 AM
Is that the case Dave Shraeder was going to investigate personally?

The woman Schrader interviewed is Christine Parker back on Jan. 23, 2015.

Google: watch?v=NW2I5zRNMyA
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
September 05, 2015, 07:02:13 AM
I wonder if Good Dave is associating the legendary Fleetwood Mac's music with a tough period of his life - maybe a breakup with a girlfriend, a car crash, or some other unforgettable event. Music is like that, it plays with our memories and emotions. It is part of what we are as humans, as it often eloquently speaks for and about us.

Here's one of my favorites that was written by Stevie.

More guest suggestions...

Charles Shults III: I never tire of hearing what he has to say as he's always an interesting guest. There isn't a whole lot of doom and gloom in his vision of the future, which is refreshing and encouraging.

Dean Kamen: Inventor of the Segway and various medical devices that help people live longer and better lives. Kamen's an advocate for science and technology. IOW, my kind of dude.

Bill Gates and/or Steve 'Woz' Wozniak: Microsoft and Apple co-founders who would have a wealth of early personal computer stories to tell. Get your geek on.

The Allagash Abduction four: I was hoping Knapp would have interviewed them by now, but no luck. Two of them were twins and the other two were friends of the twins, but they all might have been part of something extraordinary in Maine's Allagash Wilderness during a camping trip.  Maybe it's a contrived hoax as some say, maybe it's due to confabulated memories from the hypnoses they underwent, or perhaps it's a glimpse of a rare and difficult to see hidden reality that continues to enthrall us.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
August 28, 2015, 08:19:44 AM
Quote from: MichaelFromVA on August 27, 2015, 06:30:46 PM
Alex Jones I'm sure would be delighted to have Art on.  Alex Jones is buddies with Joe Rogan and maybe Joe could help set that up in exchange for Art going on his podcast?

I could be wrong, but I don't see that happening in the third millennium.
Quote from: Noorynoid on August 24, 2015, 10:42:18 PM
EMP devices would send us all back to candles and firepits

Yeah, it's hard to pinpoint your EMP burst so it only affects enemy vehicles and not your own. I suppose it's similar to that other host's idea about using a small nuke to take out ISIS and expecting nothing bad to happen anywhere else.
Suggested guests for MitD to follow....

Richard Alley: "Richard Blane Alley is an American geologist and Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences at Pennsylvania State University." Expert in climate change of the past and its causes. I like this guy because he's sharp as a tack and very knowledgeable on whether what we're experiencing is a natural cycle or a forced kind of climate change. Some of what he proposes as the ancient climate and what Art/Whitley wrote in 'The Coming Global Superstorm' may not be as science fiction as once thought. Given certain conditions the Earth's climate system can be a precarious thing, meaning it's not as unshakably stable and slow to change as we'd like to believe. Are we there yet?

Michael Mann: "Michael E. Mann is an American climatologist and geophysicist, currently director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, who has contributed to the scientific understanding." He's the "Mann" at the center of the global warming and hockey stick "debate." He's practically guaranteed to stir up a hornets nest of GW "skeptics." Bring it.

Lisa Randall (previously mentioned): "Lisa Randall is an American theoretical physicist and leading expert on particle physics and cosmology. She is the Frank B. Baird, Jr. Professor of Science on the physics faculty of Harvard University." Art's interviewed her before. Smart cookie. I'd love to hear her back on with Art branestorming about what may have caused the Big Bang and other cosmic mysteries.

Max Tegmark: "Max Erik Tegmark is a Swedish-American cosmologist. Tegmark is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the scientific director of the Foundational Questions Institute. He is also a co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, and has accepted donations from Elon Musk to investigate the risk of artificial intelligence." I've watched this guy on space-based TV programming from time to time, but rarely have heard him on radio shows.  Would love to hear him talk about cosmology and if Musk's fears of a superior runaway AI are are inevitable or preventable.

Brian Greene (previously mentioned): "Brian Randolph Greene is an American theoretical physicist and string theorist. He has been a professor at Columbia University since 1996 and chairman of the World Science Festival since co-founding it in 2008."  A very smooth and intelligent guy who wrote 'The Elegant Universe' book and starred in the PBS series.  Always a great guest.

Lawrence Krauss (previously mentioned): "Lawrence Maxwell Krauss is an American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University and director of its Origins Proj." I really, really would like Art to interview this guy.  Yes, he's the 'universe from nothing' dude, and yeah, he's an atheist who doesn't see a need for a universe from something, even though the universe of nothing is still coming from something. Errr, you know what I mean. I hope.

That's enough for now. I thank you for reading.
Quote from: albrecht on August 22, 2015, 02:29:36 PM
So Annie from Alabama's first call to MITD last night? When will Bill the AAA check in? And Corny? Norry losing even the die-hard callers....

I heard her unmistakable drawling voice speak on the PWtD line and I let out a sigh.  Art must not know of her regular presence on that other show, along with the aforementioned cast of that other show career talk show callers. I'd prefer for Art to remain as neutral and fair with his selection of callers as possible.  The predictable career callers are one of my biggest pet peeves about that other show. I typically hate hosts selecting favorites who typically tend to be notorious call screener and/or host ass kissers, which has been implicitly stated as not a requirement to be on MitD.  For every career caller talking several times a week it's one more person who must wait years to get on, if at all. Who cares about Bad Mustache losing his regular cast of career callers (as if they'd so quickly abandon their easy access for a stairway to radio celebrity fame). Their absence (or at least infrequent calls) on MitD would not be something to lament. Variety is the spice of life.
Quote from: Designx on August 14, 2015, 10:06:01 PM
I called it on the Satanist last night - lying and deceit!

I say the same thing about the Christian barkers or other religions that are smooth but deceptive operators like the Barton gal. I seriously don't understand why Art felt he had to "apologize" for the interview, for lack of a better word to explain what he did.  All believers of faith are "had" in one way or another, IMO.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
August 09, 2015, 05:28:30 AM
I read "David's" letter to Art.  I found it peculiar to note he made no mention of coastlines and cities being inundated by rising oceans, and he offered no discussion of climate change and its world-wide effects in his past history or his future present, nor how these global challenges were eventually mitigated/solved by the generation(s) preceding or including his.

As far as his saying world maps not changing all that much in the future, I'd pretty sure that Nat Geo recently had to update their world maps due to a rapidly changing planet.

"The shrinking of the Arctic ice sheet in the 10th edition of the National Geographic Atlas of the World is one of the most striking changes in the publication's history."

If one should be connected to "David" on the temporal line, one might consider asking him about those trivial details.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
August 09, 2015, 04:40:35 AM
Quote from: BellBoy on August 08, 2015, 07:24:23 PM

There are no coincidences Art!

Clear evidence for Al Einstein saying or writing those words is non-existent. The quote has been attributed to three or four people.
There was an excellent TV show about Walton's experience that aired on SyFy a long time ago. It's probably as close to his actual story as has been recreated, with a few of the men involved discussing their fear of the object and of being accused of murdering Travis.  According to my DVR, the production date is 2012 and the program was 'Paranormal Witness: The Abduction.' It's a highly recommended show to find and watch if you're interested in this stuff.
Speculation time. I wonder if Travis has ever thought that the craft he and the others saw could be considered an independent entity/AI, in that it may have zapped him because "it" thought Travis was an immediate threat based on his movements, etc.  It defended itself and Travis paid for his bravado and curiosity. For all we know, there may have been no beings (as we understand them to be) on the craft Travis witnessed, and it may have been a scout/exploratory ship with the sole purpose of collecting data/observing the environment.
Quote from: RoseGirl on August 07, 2015, 10:06:22 PM
I thought Travis said that the movie was quite different from what really happened.....hope Art asks for the real details.

Some of the movie was based on his story, certainly not all of it. It definitely wasn't a documentary.  :o
Quote from: coaster on July 31, 2015, 05:10:13 PM
Something metal fried on the back of the drive. The fan in the pc went ou and the harddrive overheated i think. Not exactly sure. I just remember a puff of smoke and the harddrive being melted. Lost thousands of dollars worth of software too. Birthday is coming up on the fourth so I might splurge and by a new pc.

I can imagine what that moment felt like. Ouch.

What's the current status of the smoked HDD?
I don't know why but I have the urge to hear Art play the fantastic 'White Bird.'  There's one thing that I do know, in this program there's a whole lotta shakin going on.  Do NOT unfasten your safety belts until the show has come to a complete stop.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
July 26, 2015, 12:58:39 AM
I thought I'd add a good word for Schrader and his show last night.  His guest, who sounded like a paranormal-minded Henry Winkler, was quite interesting and a decent storyteller.  Check it out if possible.
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