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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



You all have completely ruined C2C for me, and I want to thank you for that.

I've been listening for about 15 years, and it used to be that I'd have it on in the background while I worked. I remember back when it was strictly the Art Bell show, and I transitioned into the Noory era without too much pain. As background noise, both were pretty inoffensive. While Art certainly had a better interviewing style, I always found Noory an acceptable late night listening experience.

Now, however, I just can't listen to him. Browsing this forum for the past few weeks, and finally really listening to the old Art Bell shows again (thanks to your streams), I realize just how atrocious Noory really is. In every metric by which you can judge a radio host, he's abysmal.

And it isn't just the lack of prep, the laziness, the horrible questions, the inability to hold a conversation, and his love of checking out early on Fridays. What's really gotten me offended at Noory are, compared with Art, his total lack of spontaneity and intellectual curiosity.

I caught the old Art show with the Fidget Man earlier today. A really hare-brained guy who invented a neat toy and managed to baffle Art with some technical acumen. Nothing really as a topic as such, but Art suddenly did a full 180 on his show, had the guy on as the full guest, and it made one of the better shows I'd ever heard. Art had such a courageous sense of when to abandon a premise and go with something else. And from that impulse, you get a really neat show about an inventor, and a good look at the wacky community of late night fellow travelers that put stock in Art Bell. It was magnificent. George would have asked if the fidget was an ahhhhnnjil before moving on to whether the fidget was cog 803-2298 in the great Illuminati machine. And then he would have moved on, because Premiere docks his pay if he remains below the accepted 35 calls/hr rate. That is, if the Fidget Man survived the screeners, which he would not have.

As I look back now and really think, all of my best memories of this show are Art doing wacky crap that pays off spectacularly. Mel Waters comes to mind. No real over-arching story. No need to make it about Obama confiscating fiscal cliffs or whatever. "Art, I'm a guy with a hole in the ground." "Yep, we can work with that. This'll be a legend."

The other side is the stunning lack of intellectual curiosity that Noory exposes as he shovels words through the swampy bog that must exist inside of his mouth. What comes out is the laziest sort of deductive reasoning where he asks banal questions from general principles that he consideres beyond discussion. "Could it be Angels?" I mean, where do you even start with that? Which scholarly tradition? Which denomination? Which crazy aunt who sees angels? What's our term here? Why would anybody think that anything is an Angel, when Angels as the messengers of God did not perform most of the functions that modern folks now ascribe to them. What I mean is, he asks whether they're angels already with some nebulous vision of angel-dom in his head, but a completely non-rigorous one. There's no content. He's put no thought into it. Angel just means Angel. Screw the scholars and the complexities. "Caller, look into my brain, take what I think an angel is, then see if that over there is the same. I can't be bothered to think about changing ideas. I'm busy napalming insurgents on the roof of my mouth."

And on it goes for a decade. Instead of a basic sense of curiosity about the weirdness of our badass little planet, we get ossified views, weird obsessions with dead children and angels and portals, and a whole lot of self-righteous paranoia.

So, you cured me. I will listen to Rob Simone, and my new, once again, and always favorite, Art Bell. I cannot listen George Howarrrreeyyyyoooooooooooony. and will wait for the glorious day when Art has his brain transplanted into a robot, that he might rule over Coast for ten thousand generations.


Quote from: scifinj on December 29, 2012, 05:45:54 PM
....And, by the way, how can it be possible that Premier doesn't notice how bad it gets sometimes? WTF?

Remember that Prem Rad is made up of people who would likely fellate a canine if it made them an extra buck or two, so it's little wonder that they're satisfied with how crappy C2C has become just so long as ad revenue is acceptable. And I suppose it is, although it's hard to see how. My guess is that there's a connection between how most of the C2C advertisers today seem hucksterish, and what appears to be the more gullible Noory audience. Listeners loyal to Noory have what we might call lower "critical reasoning skills",  and are probably buying the heck out of the turmeric, MREs and "certificates of ownership" of gold George sells. So Prem Rad is probably happy as hell.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 29, 2012, 06:09:01 PM

Between his personal stories that don't quite ring true yet make him seem creepy, to the rudeness of refusing to come prepared or often seemingly not even listening to guests or callers, to his fixation on odd deaths and kids and animals in distress, to his lounge lizard act when a woman with a young sounding voice calls in or guests, to his condescention to women callers with older sounding voices, to his apparent outright lies - it's hard for me to make the case he's a 'nice guy'.

You know, you all are convincing me that maybe I'm being too much of a "nice guy" about Noory!


Quote from: Sardondi on December 30, 2012, 12:10:17 AM
Remember that Prem Rad is made up of people who would likely fellate a canine if it made them an extra buck or two, so it's little wonder that they're satisfied with how crappy C2C has become just so long as ad revenue is acceptable. And I suppose it is, although it's hard to see how. My guess is that there's a connection between how most of the C2C advertisers today seem hucksterish, and what appears to be the more gullible Noory audience. Listeners loyal to Noory have what we might call lower "critical reasoning skills",  and are probably buying the heck out of the turmeric, MREs and "certificates of ownership" of gold George sells. So Prem Rad is probably happy as hell.

As George would say, good point (though, in his case, without a good idea of what the guest or caller said). Having a broadcasting background I should have thought of that. But then I've always been more focused on the performance rather than the business end.
By the way, as a "newby" here I would love to post while the show is live, but I do my listening the next day in the car. It's great to have found so many kindred spirits.


Quote from: Tetriarch on December 30, 2012, 12:03:02 AM
You all have completely ruined C2C for me, and I want to thank you for that.

I've been listening for about 15 years, and it used to be that I'd have it on in the background while I worked. I remember back when it was strictly the Art Bell show, and I transitioned into the Noory era without too much pain. As background noise, both were pretty inoffensive. While Art certainly had a better interviewing style, I always found Noory an acceptable late night listening experience.

Now, however, I just can't listen to him. Browsing this forum for the past few weeks, and finally really listening to the old Art Bell shows again (thanks to your streams), I realize just how atrocious Noory really is. In every metric by which you can judge a radio host, he's abysmal.

And it isn't just the lack of prep, the laziness, the horrible questions, the inability to hold a conversation, and his love of checking out early on Fridays. What's really gotten me offended at Noory are, compared with Art, his total lack of spontaneity and intellectual curiosity.

I caught the old Art show with the Fidget Man earlier today. A really hare-brained guy who invented a neat toy and managed to baffle Art with some technical acumen. Nothing really as a topic as such, but Art suddenly did a full 180 on his show, had the guy on as the full guest, and it made one of the better shows I'd ever heard. Art had such a courageous sense of when to abandon a premise and go with something else. And from that impulse, you get a really neat show about an inventor, and a good look at the wacky community of late night fellow travelers that put stock in Art Bell. It was magnificent. George would have asked if the fidget was an ahhhhnnjil before moving on to whether the fidget was cog 803-2298 in the great Illuminati machine. And then he would have moved on, because Premiere docks his pay if he remains below the accepted 35 calls/hr rate. That is, if the Fidget Man survived the screeners, which he would not have.

As I look back now and really think, all of my best memories of this show are Art doing wacky crap that pays off spectacularly. Mel Waters comes to mind. No real over-arching story. No need to make it about Obama confiscating fiscal cliffs or whatever. "Art, I'm a guy with a hole in the ground." "Yep, we can work with that. This'll be a legend."

The other side is the stunning lack of intellectual curiosity that Noory exposes as he shovels words through the swampy bog that must exist inside of his mouth. What comes out is the laziest sort of deductive reasoning where he asks banal questions from general principles that he consideres beyond discussion. "Could it be Angels?" I mean, where do you even start with that? Which scholarly tradition? Which denomination? Which crazy aunt who sees angels? What's our term here? Why would anybody think that anything is an Angel, when Angels as the messengers of God did not perform most of the functions that modern folks now ascribe to them. What I mean is, he asks whether they're angels already with some nebulous vision of angel-dom in his head, but a completely non-rigorous one. There's no content. He's put no thought into it. Angel just means Angel. Screw the scholars and the complexities. "Caller, look into my brain, take what I think an angel is, then see if that over there is the same. I can't be bothered to think about changing ideas. I'm busy napalming insurgents on the roof of my mouth."

And on it goes for a decade. Instead of a basic sense of curiosity about the weirdness of our badass little planet, we get ossified views, weird obsessions with dead children and angels and portals, and a whole lot of self-righteous paranoia.

So, you cured me. I will listen to Rob Simone, and my new, once again, and always favorite, Art Bell. I cannot listen George Howarrrreeyyyyoooooooooooony. and will wait for the glorious day when Art has his brain transplanted into a robot, that he might rule over Coast for ten thousand generations.

Wow! That was quite an epic, but very well written.
And what I just wrote reminds me how GN so often unnecessarily (or even inappropriately) adds the modifier "very" when reading a guest's introduction/bio.


I'm doing research for what should be my next podcast on the Face on Mars.  I was listening to Sept. 1, 2011 episode with "Doctor John Brandenburg" (I don't necessarily doubt his doctorate, but I doubt his training/knowledge).  He claims to be a physicist who's re-written various laws, figured out things that would win Nobel prizes (not his words -- mine, since I know about these problems), and various other things.  Meanwhile, his book(s?) is published by Adventures Unlimited Press, the thing that put out Mike Bara's Ancient Aliens on the Moon book earlier this year and is run by Childress who has almost as large an imagination as Hoagland.

Anywho, I was listening to him and Noory have a mutually self-serving three-hour session and came upon a part where the good doctor stated emphatically that Napoleon's army shot a cannon at the Sphinx which knocked off its nose.  To which George replied, "That's right!"

Of course, it's wrong.  The Arab historian, al-Maqrizi, writing in the 1400s, attributed it to a guy in 1378 ... several hundred years before Napoleon.

Why do I relate this tale?  'Cause it's another thing I CANNOT STAND of Noory, his inane filler phrases to make it seem like he's listening, paying attention, and already knew what the guest had just said.  Phrases like, "Exactly!" and, as above, "That's right!"

No, George.  That's WRONG.


Quote from: Sardondi on December 30, 2012, 12:10:17 AM
Remember that Prem Rad is made up of people who would likely fellate a canine if it made them an extra buck or two,
They most certainly would not.  I worked for these people.  They'd make an intern do it.


Forgive me for jumping back to the Christmas Eve show momentarily. That for me was the absolute rock bottom of the Noory experience and he revealed himself in his true, impenetrable, self-centred colours. After the ghost of Liberace/Harvey Fierstein called in to wish Bill & Hillary and Barack and Nancy Pelosi and the entire population of the planet on an individual named basis (at least that's what it felt like) a Merry Christmas, The Nooron adopted his oiliest unctuous voice and went into a long list of personal thanks to everyone on the Coast team. It included this. Bear in mind these are his fellow professionals and colleagues he's tokkeen about.

'And then our other hosts - our George Knapp, Ian Punnett, John B Wells - all of them who have made my job so important...er...and they keep propping up our weekend shows, and filling in for me every once in a while...erm...I could not ask for a better support team.'

I found this quite breathtaking in its condescension. No mention of Rob Simone, either, who he surely knew was going to give him a night off on Friday. Someone explain to me exactly what he means by suggesting that his fellow hosts make his job 'so important'? What is the mindset that could possibly come up with such a bizarre way of thanking people? And 'propping up our weekend shows'? If I was one of the three, I'd be proffering my resignation short of an on-air apology. This is the same guy who won't read the title of Ian's book on the air because it contains the word 'pissed', while Ian is trailing his GaiamTV crap.

And be warned: he trailed his 10th anniversary show in the same spiel and said 'Let's hope for ten more'. God forbid.

John Smith

Quote from: armyvet8896 on December 29, 2012, 01:23:44 AM
The atheist amateur astronomer just called in.

LOL. Yep, Bill "The scientific-minded atheist" must have a speed-dialer, he usually gets-through whenever there is a guest who might entertain his string-theory hypothesis for near-death phenomenon etc.  Bill's theory has been shot-down by every guest he has run it past yet he clings to it and has not moved-on.

I enjoyed the show, it could easily have gone another hour as they were just beginning to scratch the surface of the topic. I was very thankful that JBW was not hosting that night.   :)


When I heard sNoory talking about Friday night, he just said that he would not be there and that someone would be filling in. Did he not know who the fill in host would be, and if so, does that mean that Cheap Channel is interested in Simone?  Or, did sNoory know and fear promoting Simone?

Either way, sNoory sucks.


Quote from: UFO Fill on December 30, 2012, 09:55:53 AM
When I heard sNoory talking about Friday night, he just said that he would not be there and that someone would be filling in. Did he not know who the fill in host would be, and if so, does that mean that Cheap Channel is interested in Simone?  Or, did sNoory know and fear promoting Simone?

Either way, sNoory sucks.
I wondered this too. George was vague about who would do the show; I figure they had to scramble to get Simone to do it.

CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: Jasmine on December 28, 2012, 03:44:52 PM
Ooookaaay...now I really feel legally blonde.

Thanks for the heads-up, you Crabby Old Bat! ;-)

You're very welcome. I'm a brunette -- nearly raven-haired -- and yet I have plenty of legally blonde moments myself.   ;D  Anyway, I wish I could have helped you find some downloadable Long John programs. Good luck with that.

Now back to being Crabby...   >:(

CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: UFO Fill on December 30, 2012, 09:55:53 AM
When I heard sNoory talking about Friday night, he just said that he would not be there and that someone would be filling in. Did he not know who the fill in host would be, and if so, does that mean that Cheap Channel is interested in Simone?  Or, did sNoory know and fear promoting Simone?

Either way, sNoory sucks.

I also noticed Snorge's hesitation to name the fill-in. I wondered if it meant Snorgie's vacation day was unscheduled and that sent people scrambling to find a last minute replacement. In any case, I'd love to hear more of Simone. But if Snorge was purposely avoiding promoting Rob, chances of that happening seem slim. Still, Ian Punnett's days may be numbered because of his health issue (tinnitus?) so sooner or later someone would have to take over his limited C2C broadcasts. (Please don't let it be Wells. Ugh.)


Quote from: astroguy on December 30, 2012, 02:43:32 AM
I'm doing research for what should be my next podcast on the Face on Mars.  I was listening to Sept. 1, 2011 episode with "Doctor John Brandenburg" (I don't necessarily doubt his doctorate, but I doubt his training/knowledge).  He claims to be a physicist who's re-written various laws, figured out things that would win Nobel prizes (not his words -- mine, since I know about these problems), and various other things.  Meanwhile, his book(s?) is published by Adventures Unlimited Press, the thing that put out Mike Bara's Ancient Aliens on the Moon book earlier this year and is run by Childress who has almost as large an imagination as Hoagland.

Anywho, I was listening to him and Noory have a mutually self-serving three-hour session and came upon a part where the good doctor stated emphatically that Napoleon's army shot a cannon at the Sphinx which knocked off its nose.  To which George replied, "That's right!"

Of course, it's wrong.  The Arab historian, al-Maqrizi, writing in the 1400s, attributed it to a guy in 1378 ... several hundred years before Napoleon.

Why do I relate this tale?  'Cause it's another thing I CANNOT STAND of Noory, his inane filler phrases to make it seem like he's listening, paying attention, and already knew what the guest had just said.  Phrases like, "Exactly!" and, as above, "That's right!"

No, George.  That's WRONG.

"Exactly!" The frequency with which this stuff happens is one of his most annoying habits. "No doubt about it."


Quote from: Tetriarch on December 30, 2012, 12:03:02 AM
As I look back now and really think, all of my best memories of this show are Art doing wacky crap that pays off spectacularly. Mel Waters comes to mind. No real over-arching story. No need to make it about Obama confiscating fiscal cliffs or whatever. "Art, I'm a guy with a hole in the ground." "Yep, we can work with that. This'll be a legend."


"...I'm busy napalming insurgents on the roof of my mouth."


And on it goes for a decade. Instead of a basic sense of curiosity about the weirdness of our badass little planet, we get ossified views, weird obsessions with dead children and angels and portals, and a whole lot of self-righteous paranoia.


So, you cured me. I will listen to Rob Simone, and my new, once again, and always favorite, Art Bell. I cannot listen George Howarrrreeyyyyoooooooooooony. and will wait for the glorious day when Art has his brain transplanted into a robot, that he might rule over Coast for ten thousand generations.

Welcome into the light.  I listened to one of my favorite Art interviews on youtube yesterday.  It's broken up into 12 parts, and well worth clicking on and listening to every single part.  It's his second show with Mad Man Marcum. 
This is part 1.

Art Bell pt.1With Mad Man Markum.

Anyone who can listen to this and not end up agreeing that George Noory Sucks is beyond our reach.

Quote from: CrabbyOld Bat on December 30, 2012, 11:03:37 AM
I also noticed Snorge's hesitation to name the fill-in. I wondered if it meant Snorgie's vacation day was unscheduled and that sent people scrambling to find a last minute replacement. In any case, I'd love to hear more of Simone. But if Snorge was purposely avoiding promoting Rob, chances of that happening seem slim. Still, Ian Punnett's days may be numbered because of his health issue (tinnitus?) so sooner or later someone would have to take over his limited C2C broadcasts. (Please don't let it be Wells. Ugh.)

Don't forget the website listed Wells. And Wells talked about 'naked lines Friday' on last week's Saturday broadcast... So ....?


Quote from: HorrorReporter on December 30, 2012, 01:18:19 PM

Don't forget the website listed Wells. And Wells talked about 'naked lines Friday' on last week's Saturday broadcast... So ....?
and Rob Simone Friday night mentioned he was contacted at the last minute earlier that day to fill-in, so Wells must have had to cancel very late that week...

Quote from: UFO Fill on December 30, 2012, 09:55:53 AM
When I heard sNoory talking about Friday night, he just said that he would not be there and that someone would be filling in. Did he not know who the fill in host would be, and if so, does that mean that Cheap Channel is interested in Simone?  Or, did sNoory know and fear promoting Simone?

Either way, sNoory sucks.

He's not even interested in his own show, let alone someone else's. 

He's there for the paycheck, and knows that just being Host of this show will generate offers to do other gigs like Ancient Aliens and Bee On Bleef.  Someone should contact him or his agent pretending to have a part in a movie that George would be perfect for


Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 30, 2012, 03:03:29 PM

He's not even interested in his own show, let alone someone else's. 

He's there for the paycheck, and knows that just being Host of this show will generate offers to do other gigs like Ancient Aliens and Bee On Bleef.  Someone should contact him or his agent pretending to have a part in a movie that George would be perfect for

Dumb and Dumber Part 2?


Quote from: Tetriarch on December 30, 2012, 12:03:02 AM
You all have completely ruined C2C for me, and I want to thank you for that.

I've been listening for about 15 years, and it used to be that I'd have it on in the background while I worked. I remember back when it was strictly the Art Bell show, and I transitioned into the Noory era without too much pain. As background noise, both were pretty inoffensive. While Art certainly had a better interviewing style, I always found Noory an acceptable late night listening experience.

Now, however, I just can't listen to him. Browsing this forum for the past few weeks, and finally really listening to the old Art Bell shows again (thanks to your streams), I realize just how atrocious Noory really is. In every metric by which you can judge a radio host, he's abysmal.

And it isn't just the lack of prep, the laziness, the horrible questions, the inability to hold a conversation, and his love of checking out early on Fridays. What's really gotten me offended at Noory are, compared with Art, his total lack of spontaneity and intellectual curiosity.

I caught the old Art show with the Fidget Man earlier today. A really hare-brained guy who invented a neat toy and managed to baffle Art with some technical acumen. Nothing really as a topic as such, but Art suddenly did a full 180 on his show, had the guy on as the full guest, and it made one of the better shows I'd ever heard. Art had such a courageous sense of when to abandon a premise and go with something else. And from that impulse, you get a really neat show about an inventor, and a good look at the wacky community of late night fellow travelers that put stock in Art Bell. It was magnificent. George would have asked if the fidget was an ahhhhnnjil before moving on to whether the fidget was cog 803-2298 in the great Illuminati machine. And then he would have moved on, because Premiere docks his pay if he remains below the accepted 35 calls/hr rate. That is, if the Fidget Man survived the screeners, which he would not have.

As I look back now and really think, all of my best memories of this show are Art doing wacky crap that pays off spectacularly. Mel Waters comes to mind. No real over-arching story. No need to make it about Obama confiscating fiscal cliffs or whatever. "Art, I'm a guy with a hole in the ground." "Yep, we can work with that. This'll be a legend."

The other side is the stunning lack of intellectual curiosity that Noory exposes as he shovels words through the swampy bog that must exist inside of his mouth. What comes out is the laziest sort of deductive reasoning where he asks banal questions from general principles that he consideres beyond discussion. "Could it be Angels?" I mean, where do you even start with that? Which scholarly tradition? Which denomination? Which crazy aunt who sees angels? What's our term here? Why would anybody think that anything is an Angel, when Angels as the messengers of God did not perform most of the functions that modern folks now ascribe to them. What I mean is, he asks whether they're angels already with some nebulous vision of angel-dom in his head, but a completely non-rigorous one. There's no content. He's put no thought into it. Angel just means Angel. Screw the scholars and the complexities. "Caller, look into my brain, take what I think an angel is, then see if that over there is the same. I can't be bothered to think about changing ideas. I'm busy napalming insurgents on the roof of my mouth."

And on it goes for a decade. Instead of a basic sense of curiosity about the weirdness of our badass little planet, we get ossified views, weird obsessions with dead children and angels and portals, and a whole lot of self-righteous paranoia.

So, you cured me. I will listen to Rob Simone, and my new, once again, and always favorite, Art Bell. I cannot listen George Howarrrreeyyyyoooooooooooony. and will wait for the glorious day when Art has his brain transplanted into a robot, that he might rule over Coast for ten thousand generations.

I swear before all you and I hold holy that Tetriarch is not me....(s)he just sounds like it.


I saw Ancient Aliens is back with a new season of episodes that started last Friday night on H2.
Noory's head didn't appear in the first new episode, but Linda Howe did...

Quote from: Morgus on December 30, 2012, 05:48:55 PM
I saw Ancient Aliens is back with a new season of episodes that started last Friday night on H2.
Noory's head didn't appear in the first new episode, but Linda Howe did...

The first Season 5(!) episode was actually on 12/21 and George was limited to one comment.  Thankfully he was not on the second episode as you mentioned - although it's nearly as nerve-wracking waiting for him to appear as his sudden appearances are.


I don't see how so many people can be so wrong all on one show.

CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: HorrorReporter on December 29, 2012, 12:14:15 PM
The show has sunk to brand-new lows, and continues to sink, and yes I think that 2013 may be the end of coast-to-coast a.m.

Please call this in during the second night of the 2013 Predictions show when Snorge is hosting. With any luck he won't be paying attention to what's being said (as usual) and will respond with "That's right".

Quote from: CrabbyOld Bat on December 30, 2012, 06:51:06 PM
Please call this in during the second night of the 2013 Predictions show when Snorge is hosting. With any luck he won't be paying attention to what's being said (as usual) and will respond with "That's right".

Someone PLEASE do this!!!


I'm debating calling in this year to predict that 2013 will be nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary. :D


I lke it astro guy, we could predict that nothing is happening.


Without Art Bell's prediction requirements, I predict tonight's show will be 95% political predictions.  Which, if I am correct, is what Art Bell wanted to thwart.  No?

F*ck I hate Coast to Coast AM now so much.   George, producers, and higher-ups should all be embarrassed at how poorly they have steered Art's ship.


Quote from: DAE on December 31, 2012, 12:56:04 AM
Without Art Bell's prediction requirements, I predict tonight's show will be 95% political predictions.  Which, if I am correct, is what Art Bell wanted to thwart.  No?

F*ck I hate Coast to Coast AM now so much.   George, producers, and higher-ups should all be embarrassed at how poorly they have steered Art's ship.

Art also had rules like only one prediction per person.
But so far tonight there has been two predictions taken from several callers.
Lots of sports related predictions so far tonight.
Only political prediction so far was a woman predicted Obama would be impeached for raising taxes too much.

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