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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: coaster on February 21, 2012, 09:50:32 PM
So I edited that noory video. I was going to edit the whole thing and have him saying stupid shit, but then I realized he already says stupid shit. Also, I'm sick, and listening to noory when you have a fever really, really makes your head hurt. So here it is. perhaps in the future, Ill make a proper video of the Nooron. Until then, enjoy-

George Noory Singing Elvis

So happy the my challenge was accepted. This is great comedy and deserves 1 million views. Maybe this could be played in place of the live video chat next month.

Good work. Favorited.

Quote from: coaster on February 21, 2012, 09:50:32 PM
So I edited that noory video.

Brilliant! It's been a long time since I laughed that hard. I think it was the montage of pictures beginning with Hoagy and ending with Jorge that put me over the edge. Great work.

Quote from: Diego Paz on February 21, 2012, 07:56:06 PM
As a new member I can't tell you how happy I am to find this group of liked minded
individuals... Noory is killing me. ...A guest could be having me on the edge of my seat
and I'll be like, please, Noory come through, ask an appropriate question, but no. Out of nowhere.
A Robert "The Doll" analogy.

Hi Diego, welcome aboard. In many ways, Jorge is a lot like Robert "The Doll": he has a wooden head, doesn't have much to say and all you have to do is look at him to be creeped out.


Quote from: tmock00 on February 22, 2012, 12:31:44 AM

Great - loved it!  Hope you feel better soon, too.

Actually, this is the first time I've heard Noory's version of the  song, and I kept thinking the voice sounded vaguely familiar and then it dawned on me why - it reminded me of Jason Segel's character as the puppeteer in the film Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  One of Segel's puppets is Dracula, who sings a song called Dracula's Lament, and I swear the two voices sound exactly alike.

That's the exact thing i thought of when i heard Noory's Elvis 'cover'. :)


Quote from: UnscreenedCaller on February 22, 2012, 10:29:31 AM...In many ways, Jorge is a lot like Robert "The Doll": he has a wooden head, doesn't have much to say and all you have to do is look at him to be creeped out.

Heh. I suppose adding "...and he's suspected of having caused the deaths of countless victims unlucky enough to have come into physical contact with him" is going a bit far, eh?


Quote from: Sardondi on February 22, 2012, 11:58:46 AM
Heh. I suppose adding "...and he's suspected of having caused the deaths of countless victims unlucky enough to have come into physical contact with him" is going a bit far, eh?
Meh, I don't know.  How about "he is suspected to have contributed to the slow death of countless victims unlucky enough to be born gullible or with a low IQ who came in earshot of George and his featured "doctors" only to believe that turmeric and colloidal silver cure all disease so long as you steer clear of medication and hospitals"?  Same result, different cause... George doesn't even need physical contact to kill.


Yep, I gave George a week when he first took over and the magic was gone from c2c.
Haven't listened to ONE show since that time.

Premier has completely missed the reason why C2C was so successful. It wasn't just "Art Bell" that made the show so addictive and exciting.
It was:
1. Knowing that this show was being broadcast very near dreamland/A51/S4/Groom Lake.....
2. Knowing that it was being broadcast from the High Desert Late at night.
3. It was Art Bell house!
4. No caller screening.
5. We know Art did his own board work. There was always the possibility for chaos and mistakes.
6. Art was pretty private and any glimpse of what was going on with the show and Art was always something to look forward to.
7. Unpredictability!!
8. Of course, last but not least, Art himself. His voice, His idea's, his ability to make ANYTHING seem exciting and worth paying attention to.
All of that,
= Magic that I fear will never be seen again......Unless of course we all petition Art to do Podcast's once a week over the net.

I'm not kidding. I think we should all suggest to Art to do a Once a week stream from (wherever home is) for an hour or so. Hosted by Coastgab and Fine Art.

Why not? He does it on Ham radio, why not post a stream of it for an hour a week.

I would bet after word got around, an Hour of Art would draw more peeps than a weeks worth of noory.

Common Art! Just an Hour!



You're right about Art's board work.  I was in broadcasting for years and knowing that Art was doing everything all by himself made the show more exciting.  I remember several times when he pushed a button and nothing happened - he'd cuss the computer. Ah, nostalgia for cart machines.  Or McKenzie repeaters.


Quote from: UFO Fill on February 22, 2012, 01:22:36 PM
You're right about Art's board work.  I was in broadcasting for years and knowing that Art was doing everything all by himself made the show more exciting.  I remember several times when he pushed a button and nothing happened - he'd cuss the computer. Ah, nostalgia for cart machines.  Or McKenzie repeaters.

Yea, Art had every angle covered! If you were just listening for entertainments sake you got your sleepless nights worth!
If you were a tech head or Ham operator, he made it fun for those folks as well.

All i'm asking for is that maybe, just maybe, Art would be willing to get a one hour a week stream on a Saturday night going with our help.
Give Art some freedom and no leashes and who knows. Could be the biggest internet stream draw in history once folks learned that the great "Art Bell" was once again wishing Good morning to the cosmos.

Here's to wishing!



Quote from: BobGrau on February 22, 2012, 01:29:19 PM
hmm page 401...

...401,000+ views.



Anybody have access to Art? Let him know the world needs him for an hour a week......



Quote from: oracle on February 22, 2012, 02:24:19 PM
Last night's guest was incredible...

What show was that?  If it was a C2C Noory show then hey, one out of a hundred shows ain't bad right?




Quote from: Test4echo on February 22, 2012, 01:42:47 PM

Anybody have access to Art? Let him know the world needs him for an hour a week......


You might be surprised to learn that YOU have access to Art \cryptic grin\

If you build it etc etc


By the way Test, your avatar makes me think of R2D2 with his clothes off and C3P0 taking him from behind. But maybe it's just me.


Quote from: BobGrau on February 22, 2012, 04:40:30 PM
By the way Test, your avatar makes me think of R2D2 with his clothes off and C3P0 taking him from behind. But maybe it's just me.

:) Never heard that one before! I took that picture a long time ago with a Canon G3. I had a ton of BNC connecters (I'm a network Admin) and decided to connect some of them and take a pic. I loved the way it looked and have always used it as my my avatar/profile pic everywhere I went.

Never thought of it as sexual though. You must have issues....heheheh



Quote from: BobGrau on February 22, 2012, 04:38:28 PM
You might be surprised to learn that YOU have access to Art \cryptic grin\

If you build it etc etc

Not me Grau!

I have no access to Art. But, I do know that Art loves radio, he loves talk. If he is willing to speak on c-band and stream though s meter then hey! Maybe a one hour stream over Fine Art's setup with Coastgab as the fast blast you never know!



It's my opinion Noory is not stupid, but lazy. Granted, I don't think he's in Larry King's league by any stretch, but It's my opinion that only a tiny fraction of humanity is chemically "stupid." Noory is lazy, apathetic, and judging by the quality of his interviews - he just doesn't give a shite about his guests or the topic from what I can hear.

I have to ask myself - how did such a no-talent get a syndicated radio show?

What y'all thunk?  ;D

Quote from: Test4echo on February 22, 2012, 05:53:48 PM
Maybe a one hour stream over Fine Art's setup with Coastgab as the fast blast you never know!

Now THAT is a cool idea

Oh great.  Noory is going to have tonight's guest do tarot card readings for the lucky callers.  Is there a tarot card for death by boredom?  If so, I am sure I would get that one.


Quote from: SomeVelvetMorning on February 23, 2012, 12:35:51 AM
Oh great.  Noory is going to have tonight's guest do tarot card readings for the lucky callers.  Is there a tarot card for death by boredom?  If so, I am sure I would get that one.

I can just imagine it...

GN: Hello, caller. Would you like Dr. Art Rosengarten of Moonlight Counseling to do a Tarot reading?

Caller 1: Uh, okay.

Dr. Art: I see some real surprises coming for you. And a lot of unexpected travel. And a very long life. And great riches, too!

Caller 1: Hey! Great! Thanks, Dr. Art! Thanks, George!

GN: You're quite welcome. We here at the Coasttocoast team love it when we can be a part of your good fortune. Back to the phones! Hello, Caller. Would like Dr. Art Rosengarten of Moonlight Counseling to do your Tarot reading?

Caller 2: Sure.Go ahead.

Dr. Art: I see some surprises and travel and long life and riches.

Caller 2: Wonderful!

Dr. Art: George, could I tell folks we're running a special on readings this month?

GN: Maybe later. Wow, a lot of good fortune out there, huh, Doc? How many people around the world have good luck? One thing is for sure, it's not a coincidence. Okay, Caller, would like Dr. Art to do your Tarot reading?

Caller 3: I guess you're not gonna let me ask anything until we do it, are you? Go ahead.

Dr. Art: Yeah, yeah, surprises, travel, long life, riches. Uh, George, the special is that for all new clients seeking a Life Reading, this month we have our Enlightenment Special, which gives you 8 sessions for the price of 7! We take credit and debit cards.

GN: Okay, I think we have time for only one more reading. Go ahead, Caller, and get your Tarot reading from Dr. Art.

Caller: Crap. Look, I called in on the Wild Card line. I wanted to talk about chemtrails.

Dr. Art: Listen, buddy, all your wildest dreams come true.

Caller 4: Hey, you didn't have enough time to do my personal reading! And it's the same as the others! You're nothing but a fraud, you...(buuuuuzzzzzzz)

GN: I'm sorry, folks. Sometimes we get those awful haters on here, even though we try to screen them.

Dr. Art: George, I just don't want people to miss out on a wonderful opportunity to get Tarot readings, or any kind of holistic emotional healing, at Moonlight Counseling...

GN: Okay, that'll do it for tonight. Gosh, didn't the time just fly? For Lisa Lyon, Tom Dan...

Dr. Art: You get a free Tarot deck after your 5th session. And we do validate parking!

Aaaaand another successful show.

In regard to tonights show...been listening for the last twenty minutes or so whilst browsing memebase...but how can two people talk for so long, and not say anything at all? It is a load of mumbo jumbo with 'god' and 'consciousness', 'dark' and 'light', 'multiple dimensions' mixed in here and there, doesn't really mean anything, can't really disprove what the guest is saying...

There is no substance whatsoever. It's like when an adult speaks in charlie brown. There is just nothing to take from this conversation. I feel dumber just for listening, for the nth time.


Apparently Noory never learned that doing personal readings on the air by a guest is boring for the audience except for the one caller getting the reading.
Other hosts for that reason always forbade personal readings by psychics, and instead only took general questions...


Quote from: thefamilyghost on February 23, 2012, 02:01:11 AM
There is no substance whatsoever. It's like when an adult speaks in charlie brown. There is just nothing to take from this conversation. I feel dumber just for listening, for the nth time.

heh heh


I've been reading this thread for months, thinking I ought to join, but untli this morning I didn't have anything to say (except, of course, GN can't pronounce anything, but you already knew that).

I finally confirmed it though: The largest radio station in Albuquerque (KKOB) and one of it's little brother stations (KTBL), both bastions of right-wing, "business" talk, have dropped at least 90% of Coast to Coast now. There seems to be some programming on the weekend, but it's hard to confirm (and I sleep through it anyhow).

I noticed several weeks ago that KKOB (770) seemed to be playing the program on delay by an hour, starting at midnight (mountain time) rather than 11pm.  The other station, which had been mirroring normal-hours C2C had earlier showed some independence by switching to something called "Red Eye Radio", which seems to be some guy talking all the time about subjects that don't interest me.  Now both stations simulcast RER, except on the weekends one may play some C2C.  Oh, and KTBL also plays a delayed hour of Phil Hendry from 3-4 am.  Stations around here do not keep to their own program guides, then seem to wonder why folks complain. The progressive station here is particularly bad, with a huge portion of their programming being delayed broadcasts and scattershot on the weekends.

On a sader note, sometime back in January, KOA out of Denver let go 30-plus-year-long host Rick Barber.  Rick was probably the smartest man in radio and had really great guests, like Douglas Adams several times.  Rick's great show was ended in favor of C2C. Weather conditions prevented me from hearing Rick many times, but I found out that KOA did post his show as a podcast so I could download good ones.  Now I've deleted the url altogether.

So that's my experience with C2C.  Note that I also used to listen to Art Bell (I started in the 1980s), but only for his guests because I never liked AB very much (there's gotta be one of us out here; for one thing, I didn't like him smoking and having an asthmatic wife...).  I was pleased when Hoagland seemed to lure AB from being a Rush Limbaugh wanna-be to exploring and broadcasting shows with weird mystery themes.  Those were often worth listening to.

And, on a final note, I find Noory to be a maroon who sucks like an expensive vacuum cleaner.


     When George asked Craig Hulet what he would do, if he were president, to prevent Iran from getting the bomb, Hulet said, "nothing."  Thank you, Mr. Hulet. Dr. Art Rosengarten's on air tarot readings was kind of gimmicky, but at least he gave George the opportunity to ask the question he always ask these folks: "Are these predictions of what will be, or what could be?"  I think he even asked it again with environmentalist Lori Toye, who was given a map called "I am America," by some spooky "ascended masters," showing the changes that will come this way if we don't do something or other, and somebody called in and accused Mrs. Toye of being deceived, and that her ideas would lead to a future of no property ownership, and George said, "Yeah, but that hasn't happened yet."  What?  Ever since he became "vegas lounge act boy" he just ain't been right.
whoa...where is Tupelo?


Quote from: DebbyS on February 23, 2012, 05:07:39 AM
...And, on a final note, I find Noory to be a maroon who sucks like an expensive vacuum cleaner.

     Welcome aboard, Debby.

Not should who saw the most recent Coast chat, but I did. Noory was questioned more than once about Art Bell. At one point noory said that he wanted to interview Art on his show for a recent developments type update. However, George went on to say that 'Art is extremely private'. He went on further even to say this: Paraphrasing: We reached out to Art it's up to Art to reach out to us.


Quote from: HorrorReporter on February 23, 2012, 06:53:20 AM
Not should who saw the most recent Coast chat, but I did. Noory was questioned more than once about Art Bell. At one point noory said that he wanted to interview Art on his show for a recent developments type update. However, George went on to say that 'Art is extremely private'. He went on further even to say this: Paraphrasing: We reached out to Art it's up to Art to reach out to us.

Heres the problem with that.
I don't think Art will EVER associate himself with C2C or Premier again. Judging from his Ham conversations it a bitter situation.
However, the good news is that I don't believe Art ever gave up on his listeners nor his passion for talk.
They can reach out to him however much they want but I doubt there is any good intent on their part. More like their ratings are shit and they know the "return" of Art would be the biggest show of the year for them.  I'd feel used if I were Art.

Now if WE reached out to Art as a community of loyal listeners, he just may feel good about something like that. Who knows.
He may be perfectly comfortable with doing say a one hour Saturday night "podcast" or live stream in which those who love him can have a bit of fun
discussing whatever pops up.
Maybe, even a few old guest's would be willing to chip in if the first stream went well.
Of course, he would be doing it for free. Maybe that would be an issue. After all, we are asking him to satisfy our longing for some new Art for no compensation besides the love of it.

Pipe dream? Yea probably. But can't hurt to put it out there. (again...lol)



noory interviewing art... itll never happen.  something about that just doesnt seem right.


Quote from: coaster on February 23, 2012, 12:14:21 PM
noory interviewing art... itll never happen.  something about that just doesnt seem right.
I can tell you exactly what about that does not "seem right."  It would be the equivalent of putting a preschool student in charge of teaching advance physics in university.

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