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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 14, 2015, 01:29:32 AM
Dude, they think John Carter was real.
;D ;D ;D
Though admittedly Dr.Strangelove was based on real people and real thought of some of the establishment on both sides. Satire but it was crazy times.

It does strike me funny how the right-wing conspiracy types have been talking about Iron Mountain for decades, although the author even said it was a satirical fraud- a fiction, and now the more lefty types are going on about it decades later. Having said that, like some stereotypes, the Iron Mountain Report has some basis on how some of the egghead experts and control freaks think. Read some of other legit studies, UN reports, Club of Rome stuff, etc and you see this kind of thinking about "the little people" and "masses" versus "them" and government. It is important to note, though, that the military and think-tanks often study/model almost EVERY possibility. Not that they PLAN to do it but "what if" etc. Contingency plans: "War Plan Red" comes to mind but many others.


"tricky dick hoax-land"

I thought Iron Mountain was this HUGE documentation storage company.  They used to sub work out to one of my previous employers actually... so technically you could say I've worked for them.

Was totally unfamiliar (and unconcerned) about hoaxy last night.  He's delusional and so are his guests and now he's proven himself a cheap bastard as well.  I'd like to see him lose all his subscriptions and go back to appearing at conventions with Norry and the crystal-wearing hippies.

fuck him


I haven't listened to RCH in several weeks.  Has it been officially proclaimed he now sucks?  Do I need to organize an official watch or is it already a given?


Quote from: ItsOver on October 14, 2015, 09:56:12 AM
I haven't listened to RCH in several weeks.  Has it been officially proclaimed he now sucks?  Do I need to organize an official watch or is it already a given?
oh stop with this... you are veteran gabbling!!  you can take the hoag out of the con-game but you can't take the con-game out of the hoag.


Not to worry....if things go really far south on OSOM I can always open my stream at 12 midnight and put some kind of a show together. Maybe even just an after Art phone in show or something....then we can braap all we want.



Quote from: Schlyder7 on October 14, 2015, 01:22:23 AM
Boy a lot of you are fickle as hell.... Sure last night sucked... but in the long haul everything will be ok.  Chill and Braaaps.

  Of course we're fickle.  Art's been showing us how to be for years.


Quote from: ziznak on October 14, 2015, 09:24:35 AM
"tricky dick hoax-land"

I thought Iron Mountain was this HUGE documentation storage company.  They used to sub work out to one of my previous employers actually... so technically you could say I've worked for them.

Was totally unfamiliar (and unconcerned) about hoaxy last night.  He's delusional and so are his guests and now he's proven himself a cheap bastard as well.  I'd like to see him lose all his subscriptions and go back to appearing at conventions with Norry and the crystal-wearing hippies.

fuck him
It is "Iron Mountain, Inc" there are also various mountains, mines, former mines (and Super-fund site,) etc named "Iron Mountain." RCH's "experts" though were rehashing the book/paper "Report from Iron Mountain" that was a best-seller and considered the "best literary hoax," though debate in many circles continue about it. Wiki says "alleged hoax" which is funny spin...a hoax or is it. It reads like some other policy, UN, think-tank, military papers/studies and it seems to have attracted the attention of both the far-right and the far-left/hippie who think it is real to this day.


Quote from: Schlyder7 on October 14, 2015, 01:22:23 AM
Boy a lot of you are fickle as hell.... Sure last night sucked... but in the long haul everything will be ok.  Chill and Braaaps.

LOL....no kidding!!

Most of us I am assuming don't know what really happened between Rossy and Hoagie and likely won't. Rossy has asked for us to leave it alone, move on and out of respect for Rossy and the wonderful job he did as producer, why don't we do just that.

I feel sick to even think that Rossy was treated poorly by Hoagie and if that is the case, then it's good he cut bait and moved on.

That said, a good talk radio show is the product of a good marriage between a producer, a host, a guest and the audience.

Guess time will tell whether RCH can bring it or not.

Many thanks again to Rossy for bringing us, with RCH some really great radio these last few weeks!


Quote from: Sandra Kristen on October 14, 2015, 02:04:15 AM
So it really just is Richard's family and friends. He has someone on the show because they are a friend and Libertarian? And he thinks this is compelling radio? That'd like having me on the air because I am a Socialist.
I'd listen


so, just to be clear, we're once again allowed to say nasty things about hoagland, right?  got it.


Quote from: MV on October 14, 2015, 12:03:20 PM
so, just to be clear, we're once again allowed to say 19.5 nasty things about hoagland, right?  got it.


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on October 14, 2015, 02:07:53 AM
I've always had a thing for Valkyries

Woo..hoo! Charge of the Hot Brigades. Hot North vs. Cool South. Thanks, Logan


Quote from: paladin1991 on October 14, 2015, 08:53:50 AM
Richard, in a crazed falsetto:  "I'm the talent!  I'm the talent.  'I'm smart!  I can do things!'  Robin says so."


Quote from: expat on October 14, 2015, 12:00:05 PM
I thought this little saga was worth reporting...


Might be worth mentioning in the article that Rossy was a Bellgab member long before he worked with Hoagland. My own butthurt is more out of "loyalty" than any particular change of opinion about RCH, about whom my feelings remain cheerfully dissonant.


I've unsubscribed.  There's no way I'm going to listen to Richard name drop all night long and boast about all the things he's done. I have a feeling this is going to turn into a show that's all about Richard - if it hasn't already.   He's got to grow up.  He's too old for this shit.  I'm embarrassed for him really.  I don't wish anyone any harm, just that they continue to learn from their mistakes.  Scott seems nothing more than Richard's puppet.  You can't grow that way.  I hope they can get it together in time.


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on October 14, 2015, 03:15:52 AM
He seemed to really push for subscribers tonight. Many have left.
I'm pretty sure he reads this thread even if he don't post here.

*sniffs air in thread*  Smells like fear.  I think he's been here.


Quote from: BobGrau on October 14, 2015, 12:16:48 PM
Might be worth mentioning in the article that Rossy was a Bellgab member long before he worked with Hoagland.

Done. thx.


Quote from: BobGrau on October 14, 2015, 12:16:48 PM
Might be worth mentioning in the article that Rossy was a Bellgab member long before he worked with Hoagland.

i noticed that, too.  the article does give the impression that he was a producer who also used bellgab rather than a bellgabber who also produced hoagland's show.

Quote from: expat on October 14, 2015, 12:22:21 PM
Done. thx.

oops, never mind.


Quote from: Sandra Kristen on October 14, 2015, 02:16:37 AM
I am not as radical as others. For example I vote for Democrats while others would call me a horrible person for supporting one of the mainstream corporate parties. I am practical and care about things like the Supreme Court! I also have really loved Obama's 2nd term for it's social progress. I also like Hillary Clinton which is like a huge no no. :)

Compared to most Bellgab people I am very radical but compared to others I am more practical and realistic. But it's fun to play the radical on here!
Bernie stole my line last night when he talked about socialism in places like Denmark. When people ask my politics I tell them I am a Progressive Democrat Scandinavian Socialist


Quote from: ItsOver on October 14, 2015, 09:56:12 AM
I haven't listened to RCH in several weeks.  Has it been officially proclaimed he now sucks?  Do I need to organize an official watch or is it already a given?

I think we need a TIME OF DEATH : The End of The Other Side of Midnight show, thread.  Everybody chimes in on what will be the last official broadcast of the shit sandwich that TOSM has become.   MMMMMkay?

Who's with me?


Quote from: MV on October 14, 2015, 12:03:20 PM
so, just to be clear, we're once again allowed to say nasty things about hoagland, right?  got it.


Quote from: expat on October 14, 2015, 12:00:05 PM
I thought this little saga was worth reporting...


Nicely written expat!!

OK....maybe all of you know, however I don't so I am going to ask the question.

Who is this ayala who wrote the post which allegedly spilled the real beans on what happened? Can someone tell me why we should believe what she wrote?....just asking....and not saying that I don't....


Quote from: MV on October 14, 2015, 12:13:38 PM

Why is it MV that you are the only one who 'gets it'?  Who gets me? 

I've reconsidered, I am going to allow you to carry my child.  I'll be by tonight to make your life more complete. 

You've earned it, big guy.


Quote from: paladin1991 on October 14, 2015, 12:27:31 PM
I think we need a TIME OF DEATH : The End of The Other Side of Midnight show, thread.  Everybody chimes in on the what will be the last official broadcast of the shit sandwich that TOSM has become.   MMMMMkay?

Who's with me?

You better not be giving a damn, sir.


Quote from: Freyja on October 14, 2015, 12:31:13 PM
Nicely written expat!!

OK....maybe all of you know, however I don't so I am going to ask the question.

Who is this ayala who wrote the post which allegedly spilled the real beans on what happened? Can someone tell me why we should believe what she wrote?....just asking....and not saying that I don't....

To be honest I just assumed that was bullshit. But far too easy to believe in Hoagland's case.


Quote from: Freyja on October 14, 2015, 12:31:13 PM
Can someone tell me why we should believe what she wrote?....just asking....and not saying that I don't....

Mostly cuz Rossy appeared shortly after and didn't contradict her, which, given his willingness to defend Hoagie in the past, we'd have expected.

I was perfectly willing to accept Hoagie as a harmless nut, with Rossy's character reference, out of good will towards Art's latest venture.


Quote from: BobGrau on October 14, 2015, 12:34:06 PM
You better not be giving a damn, sir.

I don't give a DAMN, Grau!  I'm just saying that some things need to be said and dammit, I'll say them. 

Damn, I think I just gave a damn. 

Where's Sredni?  I need an English English major to check my grammar and make the call.


Quote from: K_Dubb on October 14, 2015, 12:37:15 PM
Mostly cuz Rossy appeared shortly after and didn't contradict her, which, given his willingness to defend Hoagie in the past, we'd have expected.

I was perfectly willing to accept Hoagie as a harmless nut, with Rossy's character reference, out of good will towards Art's latest venture.

While that may very well be.  The SauceMan reminds me of the Knapster, both gentlemen warriors in their fields. 

And anybody that says otherwise, sucks cock by choice.

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