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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM

Quote from: swordpoint9 on October 14, 2015, 04:21:47 PM
The eyes that see faces and structures on the moon , and Pyramids on mars from grainy Shots .....Dick will become Dave in short order ,IMHO !

Sumpthin's gowin' on out there


Fly on the wall footage. Halloween show prep with RCH and the new "executive" producer Scott.



Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 14, 2015, 09:03:54 PM
If it's cancelled through PayPal, will Keith even know before the next monthly bill is transmitted? 

Unless PayPal sends them a notice, it seems like they wouldn't find out that sub was cancelled until they tried to collect the next payment?

But they have been reading the thread i imagine

Quote from: MichaelFromVA on October 14, 2015, 08:07:07 PM
You don't like Ian Punnett?  Nobody doesn't like Ian!  He's the best.

Have you checked the Ian Punnett thread?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 14, 2015, 09:03:54 PM
If it's cancelled through PayPal, will Keith even know before the next monthly bill is transmitted? 

Unless PayPal sends them a notice, it seems like they wouldn't find out that sub was cancelled until they tried to collect the next payment?
PayPal sends them a notice just like they send you a confirmation.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 14, 2015, 09:13:39 PM
Have you checked the Ian Punnett thread?

No.  I haven't kept up with him for years.  I used to listen to him regularly on the weekend C2C shows but not recently.  Did he do something stupid?

Quote from: MichaelFromVA on October 14, 2015, 09:15:18 PM
No.  I haven't kept up with him for years.  I used to listen to him regularly on the weekend C2C shows but not recently.  Did he do something stupid?

There are a lot of people who don't like him, and they list their reasons

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 14, 2015, 09:16:35 PM
If there's no way to know the number of cancellations, it'll give them something to worry about, that's for sure. 

If PayPay doesn't send notice on cancellations, I wonder if they would respond if asked about it.

So Hoaxland said he got tons of emails sunday, after Rossy quit, of people sending their resume. I can only assume those were of lurkers. Given that Scott sent his resume in an email it would mean he lurks.


Quote from: Sandra Kristen on October 14, 2015, 08:41:46 PM
The only reason people listen to DMDN is because of Art Bell. I wasn't listening to any paranormal radio, or podcasts, until I found out the guy who hosted a show I loved, in the 90s, was returning. Art is the only reason I am listening to that network and Hoaxland simply had a sweet spot after Art along with an amazing group I could listen with. I'd probably watch paint dry with the OSOM regulars.

All this drama? It's not hurting the network because the only reason why most of us are here is for one man. I don't really have a hardcore interest in the subjects to listen to others. There are times Art's subject is so awful I don't listen. But,really, I am only here because I enjoy Art Bell as a radio host. I spent a lot of nights going to bed, in the 90s, with the radio on.
Oh, I agree, aside from the forums now the only reason I'm here is for MITD and Art Bell. (Initially, here, for the GNS and trying to find old Art archives etc and forum came up.) But listened for a longtime, off/on if driving, up, etc but I think became longtime, due to his dedicated, and breaking, and controversial, stuff. OKC coverage because it was a crazy time. And the Classics happened upon also in those days and before due to random being up at night (camping, driving, hunting, moving stuff, at old relatives in country with no tv, etc.) Awesome stuff, that we all know. And he is still good but harder to get "new" stuff, I think but he still does awesome. Some is better than old stuff even.

I just don't know how much of the "business" is for/on him and for the rest of the network and what that might portend. Obviously, I want Art to succeed and want on the most formats available. But these personalities and frequent crap. I'm sick of it. Want Art, guests, interviews, and callers...willing to dismiss callers for a more Dreamland type even if quality isn't up to Art's par everynight. Don't care about news, other shows, etc. I also don't much, care, about audio quality. But understand, I guess.


Quote from: GravitySucks on October 14, 2015, 08:08:31 PM
I always enjoyed Ian. I think my favorite shows were the ones on DB Cooper.
So have I.  I like Ian's voice and I like his delivery.  I think he was an excellent host.


Maybe Amy should host OSOM and the big Dick can read the news (until they decide it isn't worth it and cancel it)


Quote from: starrmtn001 on October 14, 2015, 09:30:47 PM
So have I.  I like Ian's voice and I like his delivery.  I think he was an excellent host.
Same and despite his Christianity he did it in a good way, and would question some guests callers (or even cut off.) I say this because Christianity is verboten in many circles unless qualified ect, so an actual personal with a degree or education? No way. Unless, maybe an "urban" degree or random "ministry." He could put a stop to random callers and "Bible" experts. Because he actually studied stuff. And argue that actual texts, to a point. Instead of just accepting that whatever some guest says is "the Bible code" or Jewish doomsday etc. Then again we had the "hoover" so who knows? but he had some good shows.


One thing that could keep RCH interested doing the show is money. The guy is 70 and probably doesn't get shit from Social Security. He needs income.


Quote from: b_dubb on October 14, 2015, 09:38:01 PM
One thing that could keep RCH interested doing the show is money. The guy is 70 and probably doesn't get shit from Social Security. He needs income.
Well he sure choked the goose that was laying, didnt't he?

Rix Gins

Quote from: norland2424 on October 14, 2015, 12:36:23 AM
since im sure he still has people reading bellgab, do any of you see RCH bailing on doing the show some night this week?

Bingo, norland!


Quote from: b_dubb on October 14, 2015, 09:38:01 PM
One thing that could keep RCH interested doing the show is money. The guy is 70 and probably doesn't get shit from Social Security. He needs income.
Wouldn't he get more? (Hey, I'm not say from donations or funding from those on fixed incomes- you cynic!)


Quote from: b_dubb on October 14, 2015, 09:38:01 PM
One thing that could keep RCH interested doing the show is money. The guy is 70 and probably doesn't get shit from Social Security. He needs income.

Or for his own vanity, remember he believes we all stopped a hurricane and are keeping jimmy Carter alive, and that nasa is speaking in codes to him  ::) ::)


Quote from: trostol on October 14, 2015, 08:46:25 PM
problem with DMDN is..while it is a haven for all that is weird..there just really is far too much of the same stuff on a nightly basis and some of the hosts on those shows are...well..awful...i would try to change some of it up personally..maybe a bit more science on there..maybe old time radio suspense/thillers or just creepy stories..i mean i know i love Cthulhu ..you could get shows of his stories out there..much more could be done on the network then have 5 sets of hosts with 5 different opinions on the same thing

amen -- DMDN is like a shaky pyramid with Art at the top followed by RCH being held up by a bunch of half-assed lumps of mud. The rest of it is pure crap.  Even KGRA or (insert douche voice) the Paracast is better than most of it.  Where the hell did they find all these crap shows?


Quote from: norland2424 on October 14, 2015, 09:40:15 PM
Or for his own vanity, remember he believes we all stopped a hurricane and are keeping jimmy Carter alive, and that nasa is speaking in codes to him  ::) ::)
I don't listen most nights so I'm not current on the crazy. Torsion field blessings to you all.


Quote from: norland2424 on October 14, 2015, 09:40:15 PM
Or for his own vanity, remember he believes we all stopped a hurricane and are keeping jimmy Carter alive, and that nasa is speaking in codes to him  ::) ::)
the fact that he torsioned to get some to forget JC, sorry Carter, times could be an interesting torsion equation? And does his UFO thing or making playforts for poor types make up for economic and international politics? Or just gas lines- forget the Bryzenski and what's going on even now.....

Quote from: norland2424 on October 14, 2015, 09:40:15 PM
Or for his own vanity, remember he believes we all stopped a hurricane and are keeping jimmy Carter alive, and that nasa is speaking in codes to him  ::) ::)

He also believes his show is forcing NASA into disclosure and that they are releasing pictures as a secret message to him


Quote from: albrecht on October 14, 2015, 09:37:11 PM
Same and despite his Christianity he did it in a good way, and would question some guests callers (or even cut off.) I say this because Christianity is verboten in many circles unless qualified ect, so an actual personal with a degree or education? No way. Unless, maybe an "urban" degree or random "ministry." He could put a stop to random callers and "Bible" experts. Because he actually studied stuff. And argue that actual texts, to a point. Instead of just accepting that whatever some guest says is "the Bible code" or Jewish doomsday etc. Then again we had the "hoover" so who knows? but he had some good shows.
I don't ever remember Ian pushing his beliefs on his listeners, that's one thing I liked about his shows.  And he kept the religious stuff to a minimum if I remember correctly.

Ah, yes.  The Hoover.  Um, that was a perk! ;D


Quote from: Sandra Kristen on October 14, 2015, 09:46:10 PM
He also believes his show is forcing NASA into disclosure and that they are releasing pictures as a secret message to him

Yes but they are still doing it slooowly, so as not to freak us out all at once.  Hoagie can handle the truth but we're not quite ready for it (without his steady guidance).


Quote from: VoteQuimby on October 14, 2015, 02:09:21 PM
The thing I feel the most upset about is just the feeling I was taken in by this con man creep. I think we all wanted Bella-Haven to succeed because we hated this creep yet when there wasn't an alternative and with Rossy working hard to build a fan base here, somehow we all got taken in.
Funny you mention that.  I believe that is precisely why I never really got into RCH... I listened to BH instead- and really enjoyed it (and the chat.)  I did listen to a few episodes of RCH with certain guests and enjoyed them after BH ended- but usually there were better things to do.  Still, I had contemplated signing up for a sub.  My thinking was the Dick had staff to pay and probably had to pay something towards DMRN for streaming- and I want to see DMRN a success.

I have downloaded exactly 0 episodes of Arts show, but was the second to subscribe (based on posts on this forum at the time... If not for that bloody Australian living in the future, I would have been first...)  I pay Art because I want to see the network a success and he is footing all of the costs to that as well as (hopefully) paying producer Paul a little, Heather a little and the others involved as well.  I was actually considering subscribing to this show for the same reasons.

I suspect that a small show cannot pay very much to staff.  And I assume that they do it more out of enjoyment than to get rich.  I just hope that they are compensated better than the co-hosts of the Gabcast.  I hear that MV is raking it in while refusing to spread any of the copious amounts of cash around. ;)


Quote from: starrmtn001 on October 14, 2015, 09:48:19 PM
I don't ever remember Ian pushing his beliefs on his listeners, that's one thing I liked about his shows.  And he kept the religious stuff to a minimum if I remember correctly.

Ah, yes.  The Hoover.  Um, that was a perk! ;D
Ian didn't much, but he wouldn't abide some stuff. But was very ecumencial etc with regard to things. And had a legit issue to leave, the other show. But, I also, would suspect some issues with others. Who knows? He shut down some folks and others abide, so? I liked him though he would go against he didnt believe more. but that fine. He brought us Jason the Horse!

Quote from: norland2424 on October 14, 2015, 09:40:15 PM
Or for his own vanity, remember he believes we all stopped a hurricane and are keeping jimmy Carter alive, and that nasa is speaking in codes to him  ::) ::)
Not to mention we fed his ego. Me especially with the "Cult" & the "Order". He probably believed he had an actual cult following when, in reality,  they were started on a whim because of his technical fumblings and odd noises. He really let it go to his head and doesn't realize it was started in good natured fun.


The live thread is still locked.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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