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perfect place to discuss this too

Started by Max, May 02, 2008, 08:17:05 PM


When is a conspiracy not a conspiracy??

Lets Grab a dictionary meaning so we are on the same page:

Quotecon?spir?a?cy     Audio Help   /kənˈspɪrəsi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhn-spir-uh-see] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
?noun, plural -cies.
1.   the act of conspiring.
2.   an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3.   a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4.   Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5.   any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/conspiracy

In regards to 9/11, MLK, 2000 election, JFK, RFK, Marlyn Monroe, 1930's depression, this forum, etc etc..

I am asking where do you draw the line at when things are no longer a conspiracy? I have listened to everything about 9/11 I can stomach, and I tell you when is it enough??

When are conspiracies not worth talking about anymore??


When nobody buys the book or movies. When tinfoil hats go out of of style.


when it becomes evident there is no remedy to the evils perpetrated by the supposed conspiracy, whatever it happens to be.  and when tinfoil hats go out of style.

And when we ALL BOW DOWN TO THE ILLUMINATI!!!!!!!!  :o :o

Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on May 02, 2008, 09:59:54 PM
..... When tinfoil hats go out of of style.

Quote from: admin on May 02, 2008, 10:25:23 PM
.....  and when tinfoil hats go out of style.

The Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy is born...

Is it illegal to overthrow the government in America? I seem to recall that one of our forefathers, which one I have no idea, said if the government sucks you should get rid of it. I'm paraphrasing. So doesn't that mean it shouldn't be illegal?

Yeah. It's in our founding documents. It's called The Declaration of Independence, which in part says:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ? That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. PRUDENCE, INDEED, WILL DICTATE THAT GOVERNMENTS LONG ESTABLISHED SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED FOR LIGHT AND TRANSIENT CAUSES; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. [caps added for emphasis]

Sorry for the length, but context was important. I've had two years of constitutional law and more than a few years in study/teaching of United States/World history. Very little of U.S. history is taught in schools these days and nothing on the founders trials in creating a form of government. If it had been taught over the past several decades, we would actually have leaders we could feel good about electing IMHO.  8)


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on May 03, 2008, 10:53:46 AM
Very little of U.S. history is taught in schools these days and nothing on the founders trials in creating a form of government. If it had been taught over the past several decades, we would actually have leaders we could feel good about electing IMHO.  8)

I agree with the whole post, however I wanted to quote this and state you are correct 1000% as it were... people would know more and actually think about the people they are electing, not just liking.. the dumbing down of america is part of the plan... as they say..

Quote from: Max on May 03, 2008, 11:35:04 AM
Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on May 03, 2008, 10:53:46 AM
Very little of U.S. history is taught in schools these days and nothing on the founders trials in creating a form of government. If it had been taught over the past several decades, we would actually have leaders we could feel good about electing IMHO.  8)

I agree with the whole post, however I wanted to quote this and state you are correct 1000% as it were... people would know more and actually think about the people they are electing, not just liking.. the dumbing down of america is part of the plan... as they say..

I agree with both you guys big time.  I'm Canadian (married to a Yank), and as much inherent cultural differences as the 2 societies might have, one thing I always admired about Americans was "The Power of the People" vibe. In Canada, society generally is and has been lackadaisical when holding their government and it's actions up to scrutiny.  This was something that USED TO be different in the U.S.A. However, now the U.S. seems to be changing to a point where they don't actually hold the government accountable for much.  It seems like Americans are starting to forget that THEY ARE the "bosses" in this country.


Quote from: Art is the Best on May 03, 2008, 05:17:41 AM
Is it illegal to overthrow the government in America? I seem to recall that one of our forefathers, which one I have no idea, said if the government sucks you should get rid of it. I'm paraphrasing. So doesn't that mean it shouldn't be illegal?

In theory, yes - though the "how" matters.    In practice it's a bit like that very old joke:

Q:  What do you call a mutineer who wins?

A:  "Captain"

While I don't have a collection of tinfoil hats, I do have the unusual hobby of collecting various bits of propaganda materials. Some of the collection dates back to the 1920s. I probably have the largest collection of Chick publications, American/European Antisemitism materials, Fluoride propaganda posters and various publications on how the Government is going to get you.
As a kid, I would read any UFO/Flying Saucer material I could get my hands on in my local used book stores. In college, I had access to some great instructors in the sciences as well as in esotericism and religion. I've several Academic degrees, but found traveling most of the planet to be a more useful education.
I believe there are many things that predate our known history or are just plain lost to us. I've been to some of the same places that many of the authors of the books I read as a kid and found those authors to be out for a buck at best... liars at worst. I've seen and worked with advanced hardware while in the armed services including spending a lot of time at China Lake.

Have I seen some very strange things that I can't find an explanation? Absolutely. My existence prolly being one of the big ones as I am very strange. It kinda goes along with two of the most annoying questions I was always asking my instructors, "Why?" and "How do you know?". Annoying because, they then would have to teach me what they knew and which often led me into weeks of sitting in on lectures... uninvited.
One of the primary reasons I enjoyed Art Bell was his ability to entertain the possibility that something a guest presented might be true. He would probe the subject until enough information was shown to allow the listener to decide if it be true or no.

Conspiracies? Yeah, I'm sure there are a few. Like many of you, I've done my homework on many a conspiracy theory. I don't buy into very many of them. Then again... I'm from Missouri.  8)

again... sorry for the post length. enjoy.


Yeah, don't question the media, the government or authority. Sounds like a good plan.


Yeah, I'm sure Einstein would hang around with the likes of you and the Snoron. Sure, whatever. And you don't love your country if you believe every line of crap you are fed by TPTB. Sheeple are of no use to anyone, except those trying to destroy America.

**This post was written in response to a troll who got himself deleted from this site, and all his posts deleted. Otherwise, it just sounds crazy!

Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on May 03, 2008, 03:35:27 PM
I agree with both you guys big time.  I'm Canadian (married to a Yank), and as much inherent cultural differences as the 2 societies might have, one thing I always admired about Americans was "The Power of the People" vibe. In Canada, society generally is and has been lackadaisical when holding their government and it's actions up to scrutiny.  This was something that USED TO be different in the U.S.A. However, now the U.S. seems to be changing to a point where they don't actually hold the government accountable for much.  It seems like Americans are starting to forget that THEY ARE the "bosses" in this country.

Whaddya mean I couldn't be President,
of the United States of America?

Tell me something, it's still
We The People, rriiiiiiiight?

-"Peace Sells ... But Who's Buying?" by Megadeth

Examine video for indoctrination; parse free will; raise Holy Hell.


Quote from: Spikegirl on May 05, 2008, 06:59:03 PM
Yeah, I'm sure Einstein would hang around with the likes of you and the Snoron. Sure, whatever. And you don't love your country if you believe every line of crap you are fed by TPTB. Sheeple are of no use to anyone, except those trying to destroy America.

**This post was written in response to a troll who got himself deleted from this site, and all his posts deleted. Otherwise, it just sounds crazy!

OMG - I hadn't NOTICED!   I thought he just got weary of us.  What on earth could he have done that was bad enough to piss off MV?  DAMN - I missed it!


Quote from: EvB on July 05, 2008, 01:58:23 PM
OMG - I hadn't NOTICED!   I thought he just got weary of us.  What on earth could he have done that was bad enough to piss off MV?  DAMN - I missed it!

it was just that he was posting messages for the sake of posting messages, none of which really added anything of substance to the site.


Folks, I am here to tell you that September the 11th was a conspiracy.  Yes, a group of Muslim extremists conspired to attack the United States.  One can read all about this in a book by Lawrence Wright.  Only a few crazies deny this conspiracy.

Have a nice day!


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 05, 2008, 09:29:35 PM
it was just that he was posting messages for the sake of posting messages, none of which really added anything of substance to the site.

Kind of like Snoory doing shows just for the sake of doing shows, not to add anything of substance to the Coast legacy...

Quote from: Spikegirl on July 08, 2008, 07:20:03 PM
Kind of like Snoory doing shows just for the sake of doing shows, not to add anything of substance to the Coast legacy...

I'll go one step further if I may:

Not only not adding, but actively subtracting from said legacy!  A most insidious type of conspiracy.

The current Coast is at best a zombied version - a stiffly shuffling corpse sporting in tandem a cherry Kool-Aid hued bristle brush mustache and vulcanized prostate that would put a WHAM-O! Superball to shame.

Stewie Griffin: Wait.  What's that?  I believe I just repulsed myself with my own writing.  My God.  The Power!  Where is Scott Baio?  I want to offend him!



Quote from: Camazotz Automat on July 08, 2008, 07:45:34 PM
Stewie Griffin: Wait.  What's that?  I believe I just repulsed myself with my own writing.  My God.  The Power!  Where is Scott Baio?  I want to offend him!

is there audio to that? :p


Quote from: slipstream on July 08, 2008, 01:40:15 PM
Folks, I am here to tell you that September the 11th was a conspiracy.  Yes, a group of Muslim extremists conspired to attack the United States.  One can read all about this in a book by Lawrence Wright.  Only a few crazies deny this conspiracy.

Have a nice day!
hi there, slipstream.  hope all is well.

i wanted to encourage you to create a new thread and expound upon this matter, as you appear to have far more to say on the subject.  i'd like to see a focused, direct discussion of the topic on this site... which to date, doesn't exist.


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 11, 2008, 07:42:35 PM
hi there, slipstream.  hope all is well.

i wanted to encourage you to create a new thread and expound upon this matter, as you appear to have far more to say on the subject.  i'd like to see a focused, direct discussion of the topic on this site... which to date, doesn't exist.


I've thought about starting a formal thread on the subject.  I certainly would be interested in hear other points of view on 9-11.  When I posted that message though I almost immediately got 2 negative points.  Feelings run strong with this one.  I'll give it some thought and see what I can come up with.


Conspiracies do not exist when you know the truth..


Quote from: Max on July 13, 2008, 05:35:28 PM
Conspiracies do not exist when you know the truth..

HUH!?  Of COURSE they do!  Conspiracy doesn't mean something unknown - although a conspiracy THEORY my no longer be valid once the truth is known.  Princeton's Word Net [ http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ ] defines a conspiracy as:

# a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act
# a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
# a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose

Happens all the time. 

That doesn't  mean you have to buy every tin-foil hat on the market.  It just means that knowing the truth of a conspiracy doesn't make it less of a conspiracy.


Quote from: EvB on July 13, 2008, 06:40:08 PM
It just means that knowing the truth of a conspiracy doesn't make it less of a conspiracy.

I just dont buy into the fear mongering is what I am saying...

if you do the research about something long enough you get to the truth after all the bullshit.


Quote from: Max on July 13, 2008, 06:44:03 PM
I just dont buy into the fear mongering is what I am saying...

if you do the research about something long enough you get to the truth after all the bullshit.

True enough Max - and I don't buy into that stuff either.  However - that's not what you SAID.


Quote from: EvB on July 13, 2008, 06:54:39 PM
True enough Max - and I don't buy into that stuff either.  However - that's not what you SAID.

I know its not what I said...

I have spent 6 months of last year researching 9/11 and all that and I tell you it gets kinda freaky when you get into that group of people..

allot of them are angry at the government for what we don't know, but its probably related to hating their parents for some reason or another....

within that group there are some serious drug addicts and what not... and well you know what drugs can do to your mind..

the other part I find is many of these people have some sort of psychological disorder or issue that has not been diagnosed...

living in fear and being scared over one thing or another its something I won't do or buy into.
/end rant.

I firmly believe that if we take the principles of math and physics and involve them with everything related to 9/11. The Math will tell the truth. Period.  Math will not lie with you calculate everything properly with all possible accuracies.

That is why I said what I said.

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