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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 11, 2016, 01:43:18 AM
Trolls will be combing over this new testimony for months now  ::)

Lord, people, Google it.  This story is old news.


This is the short version...is just tanking air time...why go through that whole story of Art going off the air for one person


Is this caller describing a scene from Backdraft with Kurt Russell..."IF YOU GO, WE GO"


Quote from: Firefighter on March 11, 2016, 01:46:41 AM
This is the short version...is just tanking air time...why go through that whole story of Art going off the air for one person

It's almost as if she's trying to eat up time for some reason.


Brutal is the only word that comes to my mind.


All 25 time zones or all 25 listeners ....bahaha

Quote from: TigerLily on March 11, 2016, 01:55:17 AM
This last hour has been so strange

This has actually been really uncomfortable to listen to.

I don't know whether Art really is gonna be on tomorrow, but I'll bet she's praying for it.  Caaause... tonight's ONE hour of open lines was just... yikes.  Three hours of that tomorrow, she'll break her own two drink max on the air.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 10, 2016, 10:30:34 PM
Hmmm...you assume a lot and in the process make an ass of you and...well, just you, really. Perhaps you joined the conversation late; didn't read far enough back, etc.? If you had you'd see that the conversation started out with people discussing the possibility of reincarnation and psychic resonance and such ideas and I pointed out how I could vacillate between my rational, scientific mind and my more speculative, philosophical mind (they're the same mind, BTW, before you make an issue out of that). The conversation eventually got around to discussing what consciousness might be and the possibility of psychic resonance through some of the gabber's personal experiences of getting specific feelings at specific places. We were then exploring how we might reconcile these two perspectives. However, you've obviously gotta be the smartest guy in the room so have at it! Tare me a new one!  :P

You state, "...one can verify such claims personally.  I think we need to develop a reliable methodology for evaluating mystical assertions through independent personal replication, because in that respect modern science is a few millennia behind the mystical tradition." Aren't you contradicting yourself here? How does one scientifically verify these claims personally? What sort of "reliable methodology" could be developed that wouldn't be considered anecdotal by the standards you claim to uphold?

I never claimed or argued for the veracity of homeopathy. It could be and is, by today's scientific standards, bullshit. However, every once in awhile there are paradigm shifts that occur in science that fly in the face of conventional wisdom and those standards change. I don't have all the answers yet. I'm just curious, unlike you. You're not a scientist. You're just a pompous ass trying to keep others thinking in line with what's comfortable for you.  :P

BTW, you seem to keep wanting to goad me into saying if I'm an actual doctor or not but it's irrelevant here and what good would it do anyway? If I say yes you say I'm a liar. If I say no you say, "See! He was lying." I'd say we're just minds here at Bellgab but we're really just the words our minds left here at a certain point in time. So, it'll have to remain a mystery.  :P

All of this is pointless garbage, except for the questions.  But since you're being such an asshole, I'm not going to waste anymore time on you to answer them.  Funny how to claim to be "open minded," but lash out when somebody cites actual research that disagrees with your "magical water" myth.  Hypocrite.


Quote from: Chronaut on March 11, 2016, 02:07:52 AM
All of this is pointless garbage, except for the questions.  But since you're being such an asshole, I'm not going to waste anymore time on you to answer them.  Funny how to claim to be "open minded," but lash out when somebody cites actual research that disagrees with your "magical water" myth.  Hypocrite.

We were having a GROUP discussion; just pondering possibilities with each other. None of them were "mine," per se. You're just too much of an anti-social asshole to understand that. Unlike you, I'm not using Bellgab to write my manifesto. I feel a certain liberty to be able to explore ideas here (if other gabbers are open to it) beyond your obsession with conventionality. Please, don't waste anymore of your precious time on me, professor! You can fuck away off now. You're dismissed. Asshole!


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 10, 2016, 10:30:34 PM
Hmmm...you assume a lot and in the process make an ass of you and...well, just you, really. Perhaps you joined the conversation late; didn't read far enough back, etc.? If you had you'd see that the conversation started out with people discussing the possibility of reincarnation and psychic resonance and such ideas and I pointed out how I could vacillate between my rational, scientific mind and my more speculative, philosophical mind (they're the same mind, BTW, before you make an issue out of that). The conversation eventually got around to discussing what consciousness might be and the possibility of psychic resonance through some of the gabber's personal experiences of getting specific feelings at specific places. We were then exploring how we might reconcile these two perspectives. However, you've obviously gotta be the smartest guy in the room so have at it! Tare me a new one!  :P

You state, "...one can verify such claims personally.  I think we need to develop a reliable methodology for evaluating mystical assertions through independent personal replication, because in that respect modern science is a few millennia behind the mystical tradition." Aren't you contradicting yourself here? How does one scientifically verify these claims personally? What sort of "reliable methodology" could be developed that wouldn't be considered anecdotal by the standards you claim to uphold?

I never claimed or argued for the veracity of homeopathy. It could be and is, by today's scientific standards, bullshit. However, every once in awhile there are paradigm shifts that occur in science that fly in the face of conventional wisdom and those standards change. I don't have all the answers yet. I'm just curious, unlike you. You're not a scientist. You're just a pompous ass trying to keep others thinking in line with what's comfortable for you.  :P

BTW, you seem to keep wanting to goad me into saying if I'm an actual doctor or not but it's irrelevant here and what good would it do anyway? If I say yes you say I'm a liar. If I say no you say, "See! He was lying." I'd say we're just minds here at Bellgab but we're really just the words our minds left here at a certain point in time. So, it'll have to remain a mystery.  :P

Also, I think I prefer my original, unedited words. Thanks  ;)


Quote from: Ciardelo on March 10, 2016, 10:38:56 PM
Plus, some folks need to lighten up. /Francis

He flew into a blind rage after Tiger Lily asked me to be her boyfriend and then tried to use science as a club to beat me over the head with; but not before he tired to warn her that the movie she recommended was a giant rabbit hole to be avoided; as if she wasn't even self-aware enough to figure things out without his assistance. I can't help it that women find me irresistible. Don't be a hater. Get a life, dude!  :P


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 11, 2016, 03:50:40 AM
He flew into a blind rage after Tiger Lily asked me to be her boyfriend and then tried to use science as a club to beat me over the head with; but not before he tired to warn her that the movie she recommended was a giant rabbit hole to be avoided; as if she wasn't even self-aware enough to figure things out without his assistance. I can't help it that women find me irresistible. Don't be a hater. Get a life, dude!  :P



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 11, 2016, 03:50:40 AM
He flew into a blind rage after Tiger Lily asked me to be her boyfriend and then tried to use science as a club to beat me over the head with; but not before he tired to warn her that the movie she recommended was a giant rabbit hole to be avoided; as if she wasn't even self-aware enough to figure things out without his assistance. I can't help it that women find me irresistible. Don't be a hater. Get a life, dude!  :P
Talk about an attention whore who needs to wake up and see what time it is!  >:(


Quote from: Chronaut on March 11, 2016, 02:07:52 AM
All of this is pointless garbage, except for the questions.  But since you're being such an asshole, I'm not going to waste anymore time on you to answer them.  Funny how to claim to be "open minded," but lash out when somebody cites actual research that disagrees with your "magical water" myth.  Hypocrite.

In all fairness, it was I that started the "magical water" "myth" with this post:

Quote from: GravitySucks on March 10, 2016, 01:22:31 AM
I have a theory I haven't been able to make much headway on, and that is the theory that water molecules have memory. Virtually all of the water that has ever been on the planet is still here. We are over 90% water. If water had memory, it may explain things like deja vu and past life regressions.

I know it's out there in the woo woo, but I let my mind wander on it at times.

It was a thought I had while pondering the ripples in a mountain pond in the Green Mountains in Vermont years ago. I admitted I haven't been able to make much headway on the theory. It was meant to be a discussion starter and to kind of change the subject because the whole Gettysburg discussion was causing me to experience a totally senseless anxiety attack. What are the Quantam Mechanics reasons behind that reality?

I don't believe in homeopathic remedies. I've tried some. They don't work.

As far as the rest of the senseless arguments you two seem to enjoy, just remember, that while Russell Wilson beat me out for the "Most Soulful Eyes" award during the TigerLily Cute Guy Bowl, I did receive Special Recognition.

Quote from: TigerLily on February 07, 2016, 07:22:51 PM
Last but certainly not least.

GravitySucks    the Special Recognition Award for Recognizing how Special it is to be an Honoree in the TigerLily Cute Guy Bowl and Most Valuable Poster

Not everyone got a participation trophy.

Now go play science.


I'm shocked, appalled and rather flattered. 


Quote from: TigerLily on March 11, 2016, 10:27:47 AM
I'm shocked, appalled and rather flattered.

Clearly, you have some mystical effect on people.  Like drawing a horse to water from some distant locale. It's in the senses.

Shouldn't you be gathering up the randy band of Art's Tarts and Vestal Virgins in anticipation of tonight's open lines?


Gathering up my dear Sister Princesses is like herding cats. If Art shows up they will come. If they want


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 10, 2016, 10:30:34 PM
I'd say we're just minds here at Bellgab but we're really just the words our minds left here at a certain point in time. So, it'll have to remain a mystery.  :P
Maybe Bellgabbers are just brains-in-vats.


i'm sorta pondering wtf did i miss in here lol


Quote from: albrecht on March 11, 2016, 12:14:24 PM
Maybe Bellgabbers are just brains-in-vats.
Is this perhaps the real TigerLily? Bwa Ha Ha!


Just listened to the Dave Shock show on a flight.  Wtf first of all???  Second... If these guys are serious about raising money for this cubesat project, they're gonna need to find another spokesperson with a bit more advanced level of grammar skills.  I can overlook a couple of things but good lord this guy has to be aware of how he sounds.  Plus he rambles on about bizarre tangents way too much.  Seriously wtf was going on lol? 

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