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What 'winter is coming' preps do you ordinarily make?

Started by Caruthers612, September 05, 2015, 08:35:41 PM


        This is a somewhat different question than in my other 'prepping' thread. This isn't about the end of the world, but rather about the kinds of things you start doing at about this time of the year to prepare for the coming winter, and any disasters that might occur during it. Everything from stocking up on batteries to heading over to the LL Bean site to hunt for new silk thermal underwear, to making sure you have a generator that works and some fuel, to stockpiling rockets, mortars and grenades--you get the idea.

I begin gradually slowing my metabolism in early November, which enables me to spend the winter in a torpid state.  I also make arrangements beforehand to have someone turn me over every few hours so I don't get bedsores. The importance of that cannot be overemphasized.


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on September 05, 2015, 10:24:38 PM
I begin gradually slowing my metabolism in early November, which enables me to spend the winter in a torpid state.  I also make arrangements beforehand to have someone turn me over every few hours so I don't get bedsores. The importance of that cannot be overemphasized.

          I deeply dig. How do you prepare for the release of poo-poo and pee-pee? A vacuum nozzle up the butt and some shrink wrap around your schlong? Also, do you invest in heavy drugs and keep them in a drawer next to your bed, the better to keep you under for three months and stimulate dreams in colors not found in the rainbow.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on September 05, 2015, 10:24:38 PM
I begin gradually slowing my metabolism in early November, which enables me to spend the winter in a torpid state.  I also make arrangements beforehand to have someone turn me over every few hours so I don't get bedsores. The importance of that cannot be overemphasized.

Oh boy am I glad I took your advice on the bed sore issue. I think the extra wooly pullover and bedsocks are helpful too.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Caruthers612 on September 05, 2015, 08:35:41 PM
        This is a somewhat different question than in my other 'prepping' thread. This isn't about the end of the world, but rather about the kinds of things you start doing at about this time of the year to prepare for the coming winter, and any disasters that might occur during it. Everything from stocking up on batteries to heading over to the LL Bean site to hunt for new silk thermal underwear, to making sure you have a generator that works and some fuel, to stockpiling rockets, mortars and grenades--you get the idea.

Are you conflating cold weather with war? I know they both begin with w, but they're different things.

Quote from: Caruthers612 on September 05, 2015, 10:39:17 PM
          I deeply dig. How do you prepare for the release of poo-poo and pee-pee? A vacuum nozzle up the butt and some shrink wrap around your schlong? Also, do you invest in heavy drugs and keep them in a drawer next to your bed, the better to keep you under for three months and stimulate dreams in colors not found in the rainbow.

I was just making a little joke about prepping for winter. No offense intended.  Feel free to imagine what you want, though, if it helps you make it through the night.


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on September 06, 2015, 03:11:01 PM
I was just making a little joke about prepping for winter. No offense intended.  Feel free to imagine what you want, though, if it helps you make it through the night.

            Offense? Heck no, I was just being equally silly in return.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 06, 2015, 12:13:21 AM

Are you conflating cold weather with war? I know they both begin with w, but they're different things.

           No conflation. I was just thinking about the eight feet of snow we're going to get here, and the severe storms, power outages, and ocelot rampages. That last one is becoming increasingly common, especially if you own garden gnomes.

Quote from: Caruthers612 on September 06, 2015, 06:01:49 PM
            Offense? Heck no, I was just being equally silly in return.

Okely dokely then.  Sometimes it's hard to tell around here. Cheers!

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 06, 2015, 12:09:47 AM
Oh boy am I glad I took your advice on the bed sore issue. I think the extra wooly pullover and bedsocks are helpful too.

Glad to hear it!  Now, how about changing your avatar to one where you're wearing a longer frock, because I'm tired of looking at those cottage cheese thighs of yours.

Bring down the woolen tights, get out the Uggs, hand wash the knit beret and scarf and then it's all done and dusted.


I'm still sorta on the Navy Bean Soup.

Only because I can't get over the beef tongue taco...

The whole lime and cilantro thing, wow.


Quote from: pate on September 08, 2015, 03:20:40 AM
I'm still sorta on the Navy Bean Soup.

Only because I can't get over the beef tongue taco...

The whole lime and cilantro thing, wow.

       Death before cilantro, that's my motto. Blimey, do I hate the stuff. Speaking of beef tongue, my sister went to a party the other day where they served cow heart as a delicacy. If I had to spend the winter with naught but cow heart and cilantro to eat, I think I'd shoot myself and rise from the grave as the undead, like zombies, are immune to cold and can make do with the flesh of small forest rodents.


Quote from: Caruthers612 on September 08, 2015, 04:33:45 AM
       Death before cilantro, that's my motto. Blimey, do I hate the stuff. Speaking of beef tongue, my sister went to a party the other day where they served cow heart as a delicacy. If I had to spend the winter with naught but cow heart and cilantro to eat, I think I'd shoot myself and rise from the grave as the undead, like zombies, are immune to cold and can make do with the flesh of small forest rodents.

Modern twine-twisters and such...

(aside) Doan be the butcher, hearts and coriander are a winning hand in some countries...

Check this out, Caruthers:

Modern knots on mono, di & tri-filiament (sp)!

Good Stuff.


Good kit.  Has "now" use and "aw dang" use...



Quote from: pate on September 18, 2015, 03:17:46 AM
Modern twine-twisters and such...

(aside) Doan be the butcher, hearts and coriander are a winning hand in some countries...

Check this out, Caruthers:

Modern knots on mono, di & tri-filiament (sp)!

Good Stuff.


Good kit.  Has "now" use and "aw dang" use...

    Good sir, was your post passed through some kind of language shredding software? I'm sorry but I cannot make heads or tails of it.


A simple, easy, thing not to ignore- though getting more expensive (why with other hydrocarbons getting cheaper it isn't) is ensuring your propane tanks are full and stocking up on full spares. Useful for any eventuality or circumstance when power or gas goes down, blizzard, storm, hurricane, etc. Can still cook, heat, boil water, or power generator (if one has right kind.)


Living in Minnesota I start growing out a beard in October.


Quote from: Rocky4228 on September 23, 2015, 07:08:04 PM
Living in Minnesota I start growing out a beard in October.
Oddly, I do the same for other reasons in the summer down here in my FEMA Region VI. Less sunburn, windburn out on boat, less time needing to shave in a bathroom that, often due to vents n showers warmer than other rooms, etc. And, this year, due to Jade Helm  ;)


Quote from: albrecht on September 23, 2015, 07:11:09 PM
Oddly, I do the same for other reasons in the summer down here in my FEMA Region VI. Less sunburn, windburn out on boat, less time needing to shave in a bathroom that, often due to vents n showers warmer than other rooms, etc. And, this year, due to Jade Helm  ;)

           FEMA Region VI? Jade Helm? Do I smell conspiracy theorist, or is that just your aftershave?  :P

I understand the thing about cilantro. It seems when questioning people about cilantro , some people taste an extreme soapy flavor when cilantro is in something, some people don't. I for one taste soap with cilantro.
Winter preps: stock up on things to throw into a soup pot( no soup) cans of tomato,vegetables, beans, rice and such.Lots of cayenne pepper.


Have to fix the snow blower. There are fourteen properties that won't shovel themselves. I hate winter.


Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on September 23, 2015, 09:19:46 PM
I understand the thing about cilantro. It seems when questioning people about cilantro , some people taste an extreme soapy flavor when cilantro is in something, some people don't. I for one taste soap with cilantro.
Winter preps: stock up on things to throw into a soup pot( no soup) cans of tomato,vegetables, beans, rice and such.Lots of cayenne pepper.
Not lying!
Have you tried the "Mexican Cilantro" by the way (different herb? But, sorta related.) Curious if you get same soap taste.

For other poster (idk how to combine replies): kidding. About JadeHelm (since it is over) but I am in that FEMA Region and do like growing beards in summer vacation time due to sunburn, boats, and (in this case) gov't identification during JadeHelm. Kidding  ;) And, btw, in winter, long beards aren't good. Still keep it short (covering all) but in low cold you want ability to clean, not retain moisture in in. Also never use soap in winter, especially around face or surfaces exposed. A "high sheen" works best (even stuff like crisco will work in a bind. Tho I've heard lard or suet works better from old timers....probably helps the kids learn to run quicker to whereever they were sent lest wolves etc. hahaha)   

Quote from: albrecht on September 23, 2015, 09:29:40 PM

For other poster (idk how to combine replies)

Easy peasy. Quote a post, then highlight and cut that post. Go back a page to before you quoted and quote a second post. Then paste the original post that you cut in the new reply box. Now you will have 2 quotes.  :)


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 23, 2015, 09:39:02 PM
Easy peasy. Quote a post, then highlight and cut that post. Go back a page to before you quoted and quote a second post. Then paste the original post that you cut in the new reply box. Now you will have 2 quotes.  :)
Easy peasy. Quote a post, then highlight and cut that post. Go back a page to before you quoted and quote a second post. Then paste the original post that you cut in the new reply box. Now you will have 2 quotes.  :)

I don't know if this worked but it tasted, almost, as good as mushy peas (which I love.)


Quote from: albrecht on September 23, 2015, 09:55:30 PM
Easy peasy. Quote a post, then highlight and cut that post. Go back a page to before you quoted and quote a second post. Then paste the original post that you cut in the new reply box. Now you will have 2 quotes.  :)

I don't know if this worked but it tasted, almost, as good as mushy peas (which I love.)

         I hear mushy peas are a great canned item to store in case of apocalypse. They're right up there with heirloom seeds and glow in the dark condoms. (Hey, you never know when the lights will go out.)


Or you can just reply and use the insert quote button alongside each post under the reply text box.

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