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20150827 - Dr. Ron Klatz, Anti Aging - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 27, 2015, 09:33:05 PM


Quote from: albrecht on August 28, 2015, 12:33:46 AM
Monsanto, etc have A LOT of problems. But they aren't the total bad stuff people think. I don't like what they (and government policies) have done to farming but we get much better yields, feed more people, have more stable crops, etc because of certain types of hybridization, fertilizers, and even GMOs. I'm NOT saying they are all good (or the legal policies/campaign of sueing farmers for seed use, cross-pollination, and weird DNA stuff etc.) But, like many things a gray issue. And it is not just Monsanto btw! It needs a whole-scale real look at things. And not just here, where I can afford buying local organic etc. Send hate now... but especially as "commodities" fall...
Mark Lynas stated that GMOs are going to be necessary as climate change continues. We're going to need them.


Quote from: JamesMcDonald on August 28, 2015, 12:29:41 AM
Feeling a bit like this...   :o

hahahahahahahaha i spit out my natural tobacco stick😝


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on August 28, 2015, 12:31:20 AM
It's not limited to tobacco. Much of what we eat is radioactive. There's a question there about phosphate fertilizers.

The radionuclides lodge into the lungs and other areas of the body build up over time. It's not the only factor in cancers but it's a huge contributor.
Also the fertilizers used in the growing of tobacco contain radium.


Quote from: starrmtn001 on August 28, 2015, 12:36:17 AM
Life, itself, is a sexually transmitted condition with a fatal prognosis.  Just sayin'.
I thought the going theory was reincarnation or a human psychical body in which spirit was trapped?


Quote from: boxman on August 28, 2015, 12:35:19 AM
That depends on how it is used. If you for example modify some crops to handle more pesticides, then that is not something that will be healthy for us. Problem is that the industry is not regulated tight enough and that big companies do everything they can to make more profits as long as they can get away with it.
Not tightly regulated? Look at the bastards running the organic food business. Very little regulations there and there should be something done about it.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on August 28, 2015, 12:31:20 AM
It's not limited to tobacco. Much of what we eat is radioactive. There's a question there about phosphate fertilizers.

and there is no way to filter out phosphates. its so easy to get into water sources and stay there. There is a lot of talk about farmers and how they do drainage. But no answer how phosphates come from cities.


pppssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. "medical advice."


Quote from: albrecht on August 28, 2015, 12:38:27 AM
I thought the going theory was reincarnation or a human psychical body in which spirit was trapped?
Sure, why not? ;D


Quote from: boxman on August 28, 2015, 12:35:19 AM
That depends on how it is used. If you for example modify some crops to handle more pesticides, then that is not something that will be healthy for us. Problem is that the industry is not regulated tight enough and that big companies do everything they can to make more profits as long as they can get away with it.

Indeed. Making a blanket statement that "ALL GMOs ARE SAFE" is logically inept. It's a generalization that doesn't hold true under all circumstances. Profit driven companies that don't give a crap about health consequences should always be scrutinized.


Quote from: chefist on August 28, 2015, 12:28:55 AM
True! As well as granite counter tops! Take a Geiger Counter around your granite and watch it go nutz!

A little bit of radiation can be a good thing.
As with everything, the dosage makes the poison.  ;)


Quote from: Bradsmith313 on August 28, 2015, 12:37:02 AM
Mark Lynas stated that GMOs are going to be necessary as climate change continues. We're going to need them.
Yes, I fight (haha) you with on some things and politics, but like most things there should be rationality. Not ALL is bad. Don't "throw out the baby" etc, but, of course also be smart about things with some regulations (whether this comes from government, lawsuits, common-sense, social order, etc.) Science in agriculture and animal husbandry should be encouraged.


Quote from: Bradsmith313 on August 28, 2015, 12:29:36 AM
GMOs have NOTHING to do with autism.
I'm thinking part of too many things for our system to deal with....gmos r just one of the cards in the deck. And I don't agree that gmos r not bad for us. Our hormone systems r out of whack from the psuedohormones from plastics in our food. Cascade effect causing a lock out. Gmos may not cause something, but they could be the cause for issues that we don't realize yet at a cellular level. Especially with our kids down the road. You can't tell me human kind is getting smarter and kinder on the daily food the Average American eats.


Quote from: Designx on August 28, 2015, 12:37:53 AM
The radionuclides lodge into the lungs and other areas of the body build up over time. It's not the only factor in cancers but it's a huge contributor.
Also the fertilizers used in the growing of tobacco contain radium.

Yeah, but the fertilizers used in commercial vegetable farming contain radium and polonium-240. You can lodge it in your lungs or you can lodge it in your digestive system, but either way it's going to emit alpha radiation very close to cells.


Quote from: Spinner on August 28, 2015, 12:41:08 AM

A little bit of radiation can be a good thing.
As with everything, the dosage makes the poison.  ;)

It's all low level stuff...granite is what you grind up to purify Uranium...you have to grind up a shit ton of it! LOL  8)


Is LED the same same as infrared? 

I had an infrared device which was the only thing that helped me with tooth pain. 


Dentist's use a certain wavelength of light not general LED's.


Richard will be discussing more about this LED machine Art is talking about on Other side.


Quote from: JamesMcDonald on August 28, 2015, 12:29:41 AM
Feeling a bit like this...   :o

this makez me think of cheech wen the girl passez out in the truck. HEY WAKE UP, DONT U WANNA B AWAKE 4 THIS😀

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