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20150812 - Open Lines - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 12, 2015, 09:56:13 PM


Verve lozenges, I'm guessing?

I am addicted to nicotine but through dipping tobacco.  I switched to snus a few years ago and never looked back to Copenhagen.  Never smoked, though, thankfully.

Yeah if you have a suggestion for a show just email. Stop wasting our time on open lines!


The climate was supposed to kill us all 20 years ago....


Doofus pinhead climate change denier: "I was first in my class"

LOL  ;D ;D ;D

If you alter the way you collect the data sure it can look like it maybe going up, but when not adjusted it actually has been cooling, he's so right, Art should look into this.

Quote from: starrmtn001 on August 12, 2015, 11:52:10 PM
And, remember Icelandic Ponies.  Iceland has Icelandic Ponies!
Yes!  I read that most of the population are artists, writers, musicians, designers, etc.  Such a small population, too.  Amazing.
They have KILLER aurora borealis (and ponies)!



So sad all the callers requestin guestz. An how many times now haz art said conciousness iz hiz interest YET WE GET A ALIEN BUTPROBER 4A SHOW😒 or no guest.


Idiot climate change deniers message is really: ' You are too stupid to understand the science. '


I think Art is being a little closed minded now.. And like this guy says the satellite data does not show the same warming over the last decade.
And hurricanes are more linked with temperature difference and not warming. And the current data shows a small downward trend when it comes to actual global hurricanes/energy.

eddie dean

Quote from: Xitheron on August 12, 2015, 11:46:49 PM
Did Art just say that when youre a day old, a day is 30th of your life?

he said a month old


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on August 12, 2015, 11:50:11 PM
Or a smaller percentage of your cumulative experiences.

Nice! I'd never looked at it that way


Quote from: boxman on August 12, 2015, 11:59:01 PM
I think Art is being a little closed minded now.. And like this guy says the satellite data does not show the same warming over the last decade.
And hurricanes are more linked with temperature difference and not warming. And the current data shows a small downward trend when it comes to actual global hurricanes/energy.
Climate scare is designed to make money. Look into it. Weak arguments for the easily hypnotized.

Quote from: boxman on August 12, 2015, 11:51:43 PM
Basically the theory is that a lifetime always feels like a lifetime.. So when you are twice as old as you are now time will feel to be passing about twice the rate.

Well put.

How many hurricanes have made landfall in FLA over this 10 plus year heating trend?


Outside of climate science, there's actually a ton of blowback from physicists and engineers over how they're interpreting their data. Unfortunately the whole thing left the realm of normal science and became political long ago, so who the hell knows what's true at this point.

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