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20150812 - Open Lines - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 12, 2015, 09:56:13 PM


Quote from: Pumamama on August 12, 2015, 11:58:46 PM
Idiot climate change deniers message is really: ' You are too stupid to understand the science. '
But if you actually checked the data yourself you would know that what he said is basically true. Satellite data does not show any real warming since 1998 and is diverging more and more from surface station data even though they showed pretty much the same in the past.
Not that it should even matter, as a few decades or centuries of warming means very little when there have been plenty of periods in the holocene"current interglacial" that has been warmer without any added co2. The temperature data they go by now was basically started when we were still recovering from the very cold little ice age period, so of course it is going to warm. On top of that we have had the strongest solar cycles in over 8000 years and yet we are not as warm as earlier in the holocene.

I am sure co2 has an effect, but the fact is that NO ONE knows how much of the current warming is from natural causes.

Quote from: boxman on August 13, 2015, 12:01:09 AM
But if you actually checked the data yourself you would know that what he said is basically true. Satellite data does not show any real warming since 1998 and is diverging more and more from surface station data even though they showed pretty much the same in the past.

1998 was an abnormally hot year due to a strong el nino.  It skews the data when it is used as a start date.

The master variable is the amount of energy that is being retained by the entire system.  Satellites also show that about 373 Watts/m^2 are coming in and only 372 W/m^2 going out on average.  That's a Joule of energy per square meter every second that's just accumulating.


Ugh caller, Lexus DID develop a hoverboard, it was all over the news this week...


Quote from: boxman on August 13, 2015, 12:01:09 AM
But if you actually checked the data yourself you would know that what he said is basically true. Satellite data does not show any real warming since 1998 and is diverging more and more from surface station data even though they showed pretty much the same in the past.

Shows that the results maybe relative to who's doing the measurement and how they do it. Which if we maybe following science anomalies maybe not supposed to occur if the data agrees with other forms of experiments, when in fact it doesn't. Cooling since 1998 if you take satellites, heating up if you take surface, we need to make up huge taxes and stop this if your Al Gore, the data's in for his interpretation.

Kevin Sorbo

Art's inability to examine the climate change issue objectively has always surprised me given his ability to consider most subjects with an open mind. This will be unpopular here, but yelling "climate-change-denier" is about as silly as yelling "Jesus-denier." I do think it's happening, but to accept all of the ridiculous theories that come along with accepting the premise is silly and seems to be what's happening. I can believe Jesus lived, and not believe he is the son of God. I don't see the same objectivity when it comes to climate-change positions from either side. It's relatively well established that it's happening. It's less well established at what rate. And it's not established at all what it means. I do wish people examined this issue with more skepticism, as there is a lot that is commonly accepted that is simply not true.

Call me what you will.


How bout Dr james Fadiman? Yah u producer😒


Maybe because 97% of all credible, publishing scientists agree that climate change is real.


Quote from: Sandra Kristen on August 13, 2015, 12:02:43 AM
Stop letting her call.
Sandra.  What is the name of the actor you're using for your avatar?  I know the face and can't place the name.


Quote from: QuantumMystics on August 13, 2015, 12:05:17 AM
Shows that the results maybe relative to who's doing the measurement and how they do it. Which if we maybe following science anomalies maybe not supposed to occur if the data agrees with other forms of experiments, when in fact it doesn't. Cooling since 1998 if you take satellites, heating up if you take surface, we need to make up huge taxes and stop this if your Al Gore, the data's in for his interpretation.
And if you look into the surface station data then you will see there is alot of adjustments as well as bias going on with cold stations often being excluded from the records. They have also gone so far as to adjust the past historic temps to make for example the 40s warming look less warm.

Quote from: starrmtn001 on August 13, 2015, 12:07:44 AM
Sandra.  What is the name of the actor you're using for your avatar?  I know the face and can't place the name.

Kurt Cobain of Nirvana.


I am sure John the Flat-Earther does not believe what Nasa and Noaa has to say either.


Quote from: CampsieNP on August 13, 2015, 12:06:58 AM
Maybe because 97% of all credible, publishing scientists agree that climate change is real.

Scientists also used to think that saturated fat was bad for you.


Mickey Hart doin research in to how rythemz an tones effect consiousness. Hez doin work in how rythemz change life styles in elderly. THER SO MENY WAIZ TO EXPLORE CONCIOUSNESS AN MY BUTT BEIN PROBED IZNT ON THAT LIST.


Quote from: boxman on August 13, 2015, 12:08:34 AM
And if you look into the surface station data then you will see there is alot of adjustments as well as bias going on with cold stations often being excluded from the records. They have also gone so far as to adjust the past historic temps to make for example the 40s warming look less warm.
I have read lots about surface station data anomolies. I don't believe any of the climate crap, other than as a taxation scheme.


Quote from: Sandra Kristen on August 13, 2015, 12:09:12 AM
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana.
Ah.  I was mistaken then.  Thanks for the correction.  R.I.P. Kurt.

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