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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM


Aqeuous (sp) Solution, I haz moog repekt!

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oops I mint:


Error level +/- 4.something^4...

Looks like the Starfleet insignia from Voyager. I've been watching that for the first time. Not going too well halfway into the second season.


Quote from: SaucyRossy on September 01, 2015, 02:47:47 AM
I didn't say it won't ever happen, just takes time.

George Takei would be great.  Brent Spiner would be a great guest, too.  Whoever it is I'm sure it will be entertaining. :)


Guest is actually talking about a thing that is really interesting.

Not Sure what an "AstroLabe" is, but the AnikThera Device is really cool, IF the ancient Greeks had such a thing.

Would be VERY useful for navigation in a Naval (or where the heck you are on the planet kindof thing, I digress...)


Quote from: The Coincidence Kid on September 01, 2015, 02:48:16 AM
Looks like the Starfleet insignia from Voyager. I've been watching that for the first time. Not going too well halfway into the second season.

im calling it now its harry kim  ;D


Awesome Sauce, that device would be USELESS on Mars...

Act Facts... hehe.

Gud shoe, sur!

I think this may have been the best guest on either MITD or OSM so far. He's awesome and I enjoyed the whole thing. Normally all the fucking about in the background I find funny but tonight it was annoying because it was distracting from how interesting the conversation was.



Quote from: ShayP on September 01, 2015, 02:53:18 AM
I'll say Robert Picardo.

i know he ended up staring on stargate atlantis and sg1, but was here ever on xfiles?


Quote from: MichaelFromVA on September 01, 2015, 02:49:39 AM
George Takei would be great.  Brent Spiner would be a great guest, too.  Whoever it is I'm sure it will be entertaining. :)
Walter Koenig (Chekov) might be available too - he is now "Admiral Chekov" on the recently released fan-made Star Trek Renegades movie, free to view/download; directed and also features "Tuvok" from Voyager. Robert Picardo (Voyager's doctor) may also be in there too...


Quote from: norland2424 on September 01, 2015, 02:55:12 AM
i know he ended up staring on stargate atlantis and sg1, but was here ever on xfiles?

I dunno.  ???

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 01, 2015, 02:52:52 AM
Sounds reasonable.

Hedging, I'll guess him, Picardo, or Tim Russ.

I hope it's Picardo because he seems like the most well developed character so far, funnily enough.

I didn't watch DS9 so I'm not sure if they used that insignia on there too.


Tuvok does not equal Seven of Five or that Bialek (sp) hottie>?

Huh?  What?

Hera?  Greek Goddess?

I love me some hot greek lady goddesses...


Mike Ed, PhD.

Great show, sir.

Many apologies for my retardation!

Quote from: The Coincidence Kid on September 01, 2015, 02:58:42 AM
Hedging, I'll guess him, Picardo, or Tim Russ.

I hope it's Picardo because he seems like the most well developed character so far, funnily enough.

I didn't watch DS9 so I'm not sure if they used that insignia on there too.

I thought of Picardo, but I have a feeling he's too big of a name.  The Harry Kim guy sounded more likely.  Actually, my first thought was Geordi Laforge, but the image wouldn't fit him.


An absolutely great show.  8)  Always better sharing it with the fine people of this thread.  ;)

Love, Peace, and Hoagie grease.

BRAAPS!!!!!!  :D

I hope this guest returns soon...there's so much fascinating stuff still to discuss. 
Until then...later!


Quote from: Étouffée on September 01, 2015, 03:02:39 AM
I hope this guest returns soon...there's so much fascinating stuff still to discuss. 
Until then...later!


Will ask him to come back on to discuss sir Isaac in depth and his own work which they were only able to briefly discuss.

Brilliant guest, engage;
Torsion field held at sickbay;
What is braappening?

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