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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM

Why was the Hawaiian apocalypse guy taking about Obama birther stuff?

Sounds like an over-the -cliff conversation...right up Hoagie’s algorithm.   I wouldn’t be surprised if these two become friends.


Quote from: AlternativeSide on June 10, 2018, 10:56:11 PM
what proof he said that

His own archives & also my recording of it. ;-)
You obviously missed that then.
This is just after he got back on air from the lull.


Quote from: Sean92008 on June 10, 2018, 11:03:18 PM
Did he say he (the guest) runs archive.org?

Got tired after an hour and a half, but what I heard him claim was that he had an 8,000+ volume rare book collection, sold it, but now has replaced all of his books with .pdf files (which are preferable) which he now has uploaded to archive.org.  And he repeatedly claimed that when Albanians send him a hard drive, he gladly downloads his 'archive' for them and mails it back . . .but is careful not to ask what they're using it for.  ???  It wasn't clear what the point of uploading them to the internet is if they're not just going to download what they want at their leisure.

So, yeah, nuts.  He sounds like a burned-out druggie.  He's repeatedly name-dropped Harvard as a place he supposedly lectured at back in the 70s.  Apparently he doesn't teach there any more because he understands the earth is getting larger/more massive and they don't.


Quote from: Étouffée on June 11, 2018, 12:12:44 AM
Why was the Hawaiian apocalypse guy taking about Obama birther stuff?

Sounds like an over-the -cliff conversation...right up Hoagie’s algorithm.   I wouldn’t be surprised if these two become friends.

It was funny earlier when Hoagie was bragging about first meeting him (voice drop) "on the phone." 


Hoagie changed his Club 19.5 commercial after we laughed at his pretentious 'You can even talk to meeeee (voice drop) if I have time.'

He's much more solicitous now.


This guest must have inherited a bunch of money.  I can't determine that he's ever held a real job.  To hear him tell it, he's spent his life flitting about the third world (plus the Balkans) harrassing the local women.  He apparently bribes the local potentates with a 'gift' of his 'library' (no doubt on a USB stick).


Sony is part of a Rockefeller conspiracy.  You can tell because Standard Oil of New York.

Also, Hitler and the Pope.


It's like the guest has shifted gears into a manic episode.  It's hard to keep up because he's shifting so quickly and illogically.

Quote from: Hoegee on June 11, 2018, 12:57:56 AM
It's like the guest has shifted gears into a manic episode.  It's hard to keep up because he's shifting so quickly and illogically.
Yeah, one minute he’s talking about Indian vedics pouring milk over the lingas, and the next he’s reminiscing about grooming organgutans in Sumatra. 

He praised Hoagie for being “relaxing to talk to”, but listening to him was anything but.


I tried listening but that guest was a goof.  Hoagie asked a pretty good question about why humans throughout history have been so drawn to gemstones.  Dude misses the point entirely and instead boasts about his cool life selling rubies to Saudi princes and hanging out poolside with jewelry-shopping celebs.  I turned it off before I could get to any 19.5 volcano connections.

This is still a thing? This show was a failure the day he fired SaucyRossy. Richard needs to quit this gig, get down on bended knee, crawl back to Jorch and beg forgiveness.  Maybe he can leave this life with a better reputation than he has now.

Quote from: Hoegee on June 11, 2018, 12:57:56 AM
It's like the guest has shifted gears into a manic episode.  It's hard to keep up because he's shifting so quickly and illogically.

hahaha this. i was listening to tonight's show in bed half asleep, this guest seemed quite docile and reasonable, being in and out of sleep all I picked up about him is that he at one time was in the expensive jewel business and changed streams mid-life and had been traveling the world and living in exotic Southeast Asia like a hippy. I wondered why he was even on the show. Then suddenly as if an invisible needle dropped down and scratched across a vinyl record album producing that high pitched zip sound  he was off to the races with batshit insane but very familiar conspiracy theories - like somebody flipped a switch.

surprised me when he revealed himself to be a Trump fanboy.


RCH is entertaining to listen to.  Ego and anti-Trump stance aside. Too bad he didn't go to LNM, they'd love him and say all the old recordings were fakes by hackers.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 11, 2018, 01:53:55 AM
This is still a thing? This show was a failure the day he fired SaucyRossy. Richard needs to quit this gig, get down on bended knee, crawl back to Jorch and beg forgiveness.  Maybe he can leave this life with a better reputation than he has now.

No! Hoagie dreams the impossible dream...and that's why we love him. ;)


Quote from: Mad_Martian on June 11, 2018, 12:17:06 AM
His own archives & also my recording of it. ;-)
You obviously missed that then.
This is just after he got back on air from the lull.

I shouldn't say it but your the one chummy with vara. Except when you get kicked off for lack of self control and f bombs lmao.

Grammer aside I figure you know more than you show. Or just a homocidal idiot. Damn Grammer. Never was good at english. 8)



That's sad. Probably a sibling, remember Hoagie claims he and his brothers/sisters had a Partridge Family type band and recorded an album.

I always figured Hoagie would be estranged from family if the family members were normal people, 'Hi I'm Dave Hoagland from Hoagland Auto Body and this is my brother Dick who discovered the face on Mars, the ancient glass cathedrals on the Moon, too many NASA coverups to mention and of course the entire field of torsion field physics.'

In this age of the ubiquity of information, it’s amazing how little biographical and personal information about Richard is actually known and accessible.   I almost feel that his is a triumph of the individual’s fundamental right to autonomy and privacy, even ifâ€"or especially ifâ€"the person is such a colorful (some say outrageous) a character as is Richard C. Hoagland.

We don’t know if he was distant from, or close to, his relatives.  I have a sneaking feeling it was the latter, but I have no “data” upon which to base this claim. 

In either case, when you lose a family member, it’s like losing a part of your history, and I offer Hoagie my condolences upon his loss.


Quote from: Étouffée on June 16, 2018, 08:22:40 PM
In this age of the ubiquity of information, it’s amazing how little biographical and personal information about Richard is actually known and accessible.

He's not that much of a celeb. He was mighty chuffed when some waiter in Amsterdam recognized him, but I bet he could walk into a coffee shop in most US cities and not turn a head.


How's the show been?  I'm near the end of two straight months of travel every-other-week, I've been recording the show but not listening ... I'm about 2 months behind.

From reading the thread / catching up on here, it seems like it's been about the same as it's been since he got on BBlogTalk: Basic crap, occasionally some funny moments.  Yes?


Quote from: astroguy on June 17, 2018, 06:23:22 PM
How's the show been?  I'm near the end of two straight months of travel every-other-week, I've been recording the show but not listening ... I'm about 2 months behind.

From reading the thread / catching up on here, it seems like it's been about the same as it's been since he got on BBlogTalk: Basic crap, occasionally some funny moments.  Yes?

I gave up the night his producer started sitting in.

Last night i went to sleep listening to the stream on the TOSOM website, think it was the show about Bean the astronaut's artwork and Richard introduces Keith somebody running down a bunch of imaginary credits Keith had and the final one is Keith is an accomplished 'amateur space scientist' Richard pauses for a moment then says 'We have to do something about that. We work hard night and day doing research. Are we amateurs just because we didn't go to Harvard? I think not'

Delusional, I enjoy history, sports, music as millions of others do, people spend thousands of hours reading and watching things about subjects that interest them, it doesn't make them professionals at any of those things.

If he and his fellow amateur scientists want to be considered more than kooks submit some of this research in the proper format to recognized science journals.

Who is Cynthea or however she spells her name? Where did he find her? What's her background has she done anything of note in life? She pronounces her name with a hard 'C', I'm gonna bet that's not how her parents pronounced it, another weirdo attracted by and invited into Hoagie's sideshow.

She's pathetic, they played a show where she subbed for Richard with a guest who was there to discuss some cave art for which he had some typically crazy theories about, aliens left it and this guy is so brilliant he's decoded the drawings. She kept trying to present herself as some kind of art expert because she is an artist herself and kept challenging anything the guy said not because she had any knowledge about anything but she wanted to play Hoagie. Richard's nuts but he's got a lot of knowledge, much of it wrong, but he can use it to make an interview interesting. This woman had nothing, I felt bad for the guest. I'm gonna guess her husband left her long ago, she has 2 adult sons.

Rix Gins

Quote from: CronkitesGhost on June 17, 2018, 09:06:39 PM
Who is Cynthea or however she spells her name? Where did he find her? What's her background has she done anything of note in life? She pronounces her name with a hard 'C', I'm gonna bet that's not how her parents pronounced it, another weirdo attracted by and invited into Hoagie's sideshow.

She's pathetic, they played a show where she subbed for Richard with a guest who was there to discuss some cave art for which he had some typically crazy theories about, aliens left it and this guy is so brilliant he's decoded the drawings. She kept trying to present herself as some kind of art expert because she is an artist herself and kept challenging anything the guy said not because she had any knowledge about anything but she wanted to play Hoagie. Richard's nuts but he's got a lot of knowledge, much of it wrong, but he can use it to make an interview interesting. This woman had nothing, I felt bad for the guest. I'm gonna guess her husband left her long ago, she has 2 adult sons.

Yes, Kynthea is an artist.  She once sculpted a three-D model of the face on Mars and Richard tried to use it to convince Art that the face was real, how else would Kynthia have been able to sculpt it?  Yeah, I know, it would only make sense in Richard's brain.


Quote from: Rix Gins on June 17, 2018, 10:57:59 PM
Yes, Kynthea is an artist.  She once sculpted a three-D model of the face on Mars and Richard tried to use it to convince Art that the face was real, how else would Kynthia have been able to sculpt it?  Yeah, I know, it would only make sense in Richard's brain.


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