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Anyone here know law?

Started by Delphi, April 14, 2015, 09:03:17 AM


If you have a lawyer, all communication should go through the lawyer.


Quote from: Juan on April 17, 2015, 10:10:10 AM
If you have a lawyer, all communication should go through the lawyer.
Absolutely.  I can't imagine how painful this process must be for you.  As a child of divorced parents, I know some of what your daughter might be feeling and will be feeling.  This shit is fucked up, no doubt.  You must protect yourself if you are going to be there for your daughter.
DO NOT LET YOURSELF GET FUCKED OVER BECAUSE OF YOUR FEELINGS.  You have to remain as clinical in your approach as possible.  It's gonna hurt and it's gonna hurt more.  You have to suck it up and carry on.  Not for your sake.  For your daughter.  Any feelings, good or bad, cannot be allowed to influence your behavoirs.  Love can kill you just as quick as a bullet. You HAVE to stay cool.  Use an attorney. 
Whatever brought your family to this precipice, it doesn't matter anymore, you are here now and must work thru this situation for the best resolution for your daughter....through an attorney.   


Yes I have a lawyer.. The best one im told.. And he friends with the judge...

I am advised not to make contact.. Even though I want to see my baby sooo bad...  Thank you guys for the support and advice


Sorry there isn't more I can give you on this, bro.  Hang in there.


Quote from: paladin1991 on April 17, 2015, 04:12:24 PM
Sorry there isn't more I can give you on this, bro.  Hang in there.
Your good..What you have said is good enough for me..its something..and i need all i can get right now

Never in my life have i contemplated suicide..that has now changed

No i am not that greedy, could never do that to my daughter.. but its amazing how warped the mind can get when traumatized

Quote from: Delphi on April 17, 2015, 12:15:32 PM
Yes I have a lawyer.. The best one im told.. And he friends with the judge...

I am advised not to make contact.. Even though I want to see my baby sooo bad...  Thank you guys for the support and advice

Perhaps your lawyer can arrange a meeting at his office


what do you mean a meeting? with my (ex)wife?

Roswells, Art

Quote from: Delphi on April 18, 2015, 02:47:33 PM
what do you mean a meeting? with my (ex)wife?

I think he is saying anytime you talk to your wife, lawyers should be present so you don't get blamed for anything that she may decide happened to her during your one on one meeting with her when you want to spend time with your children.  I would add that if not a lawyer, then a cop should be there.

Quote from: Delphi on April 18, 2015, 02:47:33 PM
what do you mean a meeting? with my (ex)wife?

Yes, you mentioned a restraining order and also that the wife would let you see the child.  Since it could be a trick or a trap and something to be used by the ex against you later - but you do want to see the child - you may be able to see her without causing yourself problems if it's done clearly at her request, and supervised by an officer of the court (your lawyer).  I don't know if this would be a good idea, but it's worth exploring.  In the meantime, work on getting that RO removed.

If you were to meet, be ready to walk away without responding if she gets angry or emotional

I'm just offering an idea - check with your attorney

Heather Wade

Quote from: Delphi on April 17, 2015, 05:00:48 PM
Your good..What you have said is good enough for me..its something..and i need all i can get right now

Never in my life have i contemplated suicide..that has now changed

No i am not that greedy, could never do that to my daughter.. but its amazing how warped the mind can get when traumatized

I know, man.  I do know.  Here I sit just about on the other side of my long, dark, shitty situation and I just want to tell you... it will be alright.
The mind will start to play tricks on you, please don't fall for them.

Yes, former paralegal. Never ever text or post anything bad about her. Watch your social media, no pics of partying, weapons, talking/pics about drinking/substance abuse (duh, I know. But you would be surprised). Meet in public places. Be aware that some people may hire PI's (really depends on money). Treat former in-laws well. NEVER say anything bad to child, or ask about their mother's life. Your witness is only as good as your relation to them. Courts still side with women more. Try to show unstable environment, but I would just push for equal time. Let them know you respect her and want to share.


Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on April 19, 2015, 01:12:51 AM
Yes, former paralegal. Never ever text or post anything bad about her. Watch your social media, no pics of partying, weapons, talking/pics about drinking/substance abuse (duh, I know. But you would be surprised). Meet in public places. Be aware that some people may hire PI's (really depends on money). Treat former in-laws well. NEVER say anything bad to child, or ask about their mother's life. Your witness is only as good as your relation to them. Courts still side with women more. Try to show unstable environment, but I would just push for equal time. Let them know you respect her and want to share.

Every part of this was excellent advice, especially the part about asking for only equal custody and scrubbing your social media. Definitely have your atty call her to arrange a meeting if they say its ok.


Just wanted to let anyone who cared that she came to her senses and dropped it. . I dont have to go to court or anything.. and I got to see my daughter!

Now I need advice on now to protect myself from it happening again


Quote from: Delphi on April 22, 2015, 09:36:44 AM
Just wanted to let anyone who cared that she came to her senses and dropped it. . I dont have to go to court or anything.. and I got to see my daughter!

Now I need advice on now to protect myself from it happening again

Now you get your attorney to sue her and make her life miserable for putting you through this.


Quote from: Delphi on April 22, 2015, 09:36:44 AM
Just wanted to let anyone who cared that she came to her senses and dropped it. . I dont have to go to court or anything.. and I got to see my daughter!

Now I need advice on now to protect myself from it happening again

I hate to pee in the punch... but I wouldn't let my guard down. It is one thing to be angry and cause some grief, but to leverage your child is beyond that.


Yep. Not to be a "glass half-empty" but it could be your wife has talked to a lawyer (or at least someone sensible) and was told to change her behavior lest it looks bad for her chances in court or settlements later. I would keep your attorney abreast of this development and (depending on local laws) record all interactions and maintain civil behavior. I would be happy for you if I am totally wrong though.

Heather Wade

Quote from: onan on April 22, 2015, 11:46:50 AM
I hate to pee in the punch... but I wouldn't let my guard down. It is one thing to be angry and cause some grief, but to leverage your child is beyond that.

I'm glad to hear the good news!  SO happy you got to see your daughter.  But, there's something that doesn't sit well with this new precedent.  It reminds me of something a wise man once said, "Never trust found money.  Wait." 

Agree with onan here, enjoy, but remain watchful.  Not too sure how to prevent something like this from happening again, unless you go full combat & get custody.

Let the lawyer know, if you haven't already, watch, wait, and savor the moment dude.   ;D


And change all your email, FB, Twitter passwords as soon as fucking possible.


Quote from: Delphi on April 22, 2015, 09:36:44 AM
Just wanted to let anyone who cared that she came to her senses and dropped it. . I dont have to go to court or anything.. and I got to see my daughter!

Now I need advice on now to protect myself from it happening again

Yes but it is on record without being proven wrong.  The next time she does it you will be saying hello to Ben Dover in the next cell. 

Roswells, Art

Quote from: Delphi on April 22, 2015, 09:36:44 AM
Just wanted to let anyone who cared that she came to her senses and dropped it. . I dont have to go to court or anything.. and I got to see my daughter!

Now I need advice on now to protect myself from it happening again

Glad to hear it Delphi! At the very least every time you see your wife you may consider having someone else there besides your children so there are witnesses just in case she hurts herself being clumsy she won't be able to blame the bruises or scratches on you even if you weren't even there when she for example hit her shin on a coffee table.


Just so everyone knows. . No  not letting my. Guard down.. She actually got served the divorce papers and sue today.. She is not happy.

And yes im taking every precaution. . She tells me she will never keep my daughter from me...

Thank you everyone for the comments.. You guys are all so awesome and have helped me a ton


Oh just so im clear.. I still hate the bitch.. She went somewhere I never thought she would go.. and thats keeping my daughter from me.

Also.. I talked her into dropping the RO. . No lawyer told her anything, I had to drill it into her head for days about how she is hurting Khloé and not just me.

She has no money for a lawyer.. she got her money from me.. She cut off except for of it is a need for my daughter.

She was so pissed when she found out I had gotten a lawyer and already filed...  Wish you guys could have seen


Quote from: Delphi on April 24, 2015, 04:37:49 PM
She was so pissed when she found out I had gotten a lawyer and already filed...  Wish you guys could have seen

Good move.  You shouldn't be with any woman who would pull that crap on you.  As much as I'm not a fan of divorce for the sake of the child, if you're going to do it, it's better when they're very young so that this is normal life for them as they grow up.   I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all this, but it sounds like it should work out for you.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Delphi on April 22, 2015, 09:36:44 AM
Just wanted to let anyone who cared that she came to her senses and dropped it. . I dont have to go to court or anything.. and I got to see my daughter!

Now I need advice on now to protect myself from it happening again
The best thing you can do is have a visitation agreement set up, legally.
Redacted, you make cops sounds like not so much as the good guys?. It is always best to look and act in a calm and respectful manner in all things, but believe me, if you are a good guy or a dirtbag a good cop will spot that a 100 miles away. It is obvious when say a guy, person is a bad guy and tries to look and act nice. Or if a good guy say doesn't have the money to get the Brooks Bros look for court?  Cops and judges know. We should all try and put our best foot forward no matter what. Now having said all that, the deal with CDV has taken on a life of its own. To many times in the past the police had been hood winked. Classic case...DV call, cops get there...one or the other person either wants the partner out or sent to jail. When the cops go to take the one person away it most times gets violent. Now when that happens 9 times out of 10 the other person now sees the police as the bad guy, remember who you called for help and that lost love is rekindled as the cop now finds that he or she is fighting two people in mostly a tight apt or home with other family and children around. Force now has to be used to protect the officers and other people. It just is a no win and one of the worst, definitely not cut and dry, situation a cop can be thrown into. Then you get the charge counter charge thing...when they realized both were going to jail, people would listen to reason and the police most times could get one of the two to leave for the time being so everyone cools off until the next time. Of course when somebody, mostly men lay hands on the woman it used to be that the woman had to want to press charges. But when they didn't so many times and the cops just got them to basically go to their neutral corners for the time being, later on more and more of these situations  would end very badly. So in and around the early 90's at least in NYC, sndbI do believe we lead on this...it was no longer up to the victim and no more counter charges BS. The NYPD was required under law to arrest the aggressor regardless of the victims wishes. If the cops came and saw evidence of physical contact an arrest better be made. In fact it was so serious, and this was put in place just before the law was changed if I  remember correctly...that if the police didn't act or left and someone was later hurt or God forbid,  killed...the responding police officers must, yes...MUST be charged with a misdemeanor for not taking action. For their, in the eyes of the law it was a misfecene of duty punishable for up to 1 yr in jail and of course you lost your job, career. So it sux all around. Boys and girls please keep your hands to yourselves walk away and live for another day. Since most likely the situation will look better the next day. Man can I tell you some hortor stories. CDV  calls are one of the top most dangerous and difficult calls the police go on.

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