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George Knapp

Started by ArtBellFan, April 27, 2008, 09:05:01 AM

Maybe she is a nutjob, but this does not prove that Knapp is a corporate shill. He wants to believe. He wants to see that these interesting topics are exposed. She stated that she has worked on many murder cases and such, its her word vs the news. Of course people are going to bash her for taking on this subject. Just because a news station put veterinarian instead of geneticist does not make it true either...

CrabbyOld Bat

I can't hold Knapp in disregard for following up on what began as a potentially legit Bigfoot-related story. (Could proof of Bigfoot's existence be confirmed through DNA analysis?) It was the exact type story that C2C should cover. I'm not sure if she was Snorge's guest initially or if Knapp had her as a guest first, but I know she made "update" appearances on C2C in the past. She was on tonight's show to finally reveal the DNA analysis results and discuss the long-awaited publication of her paper on the study.

How could Knapp not give her air time for that? She was entitled to give her version of the events, wasn't she? Isn't that how an ongoing investigation/story should be covered?

And in fairness to Knapp, he did question her about accusations concerning her study's legitimacy and he raised questions about how/where her paper was published. And in fairness to the nutjob Ketchum, she acknowledged that her career has been ruined -- albeit she didn't take much, if any, responsibility for it.

So all in all, I think Knapp did his job very well. The fact that another Bigfoot story turned out to be controversial (to say the least) shouldn't have surprised anyone. And as such, neither should Knapp suffer backlash for giving Ketchum the chance to announce the results and answer questions about her methods, etc.

He's still the best host of C2C since Art.

Snorge sucks.
John Be Unwell sucks.
Punnett sucks.

Knapp rocks! (At least in comparison.)

Quote from: Nebraska888 on February 02, 2013, 10:25:21 PM
As I have posted again and again....Knapp rocks....period!  Yep, the first guest was "difficult".....BUT AT LEAST KNAPP DIDN'T DUMP HER!  He manages through with intelligence,  grace and skill!  We didn't have to listen to Joshua (who is fine....but, come on.....) or Lional (who is OK....but, come on....).....Knapp is a

Yep I agree with this. About six months ago Knapp had on an older lady that was obviously nervous and stuttered (her topic was negative near death experiences) and in my opinion after the first 30 minutes it turned out really well. Fascinating subject and actually very scary.

Wells had a guest about 2 weeks ago that said "you know" at the end of every sentence. It was horrible and that guest got dropped. Hopefully they can have him on again when he gets his interview skills up because the content was interesting.


Problem with last night's show is that Knapp probably knows little to nothing about mitochondrial DNA and I don't blame him since few of us do.  It's part of the DNA that we inherit only from our mothers.  The guest stated the supposed Big Foot mitochondrial DNA was human; the first thing I would have asked her is from what haplogroup.  There are a couple dozen of these groups which show us our deep ancestry.  Seven of these groups are common in people of European ancestry; three from those whose ancestors originated in subSaharan Africa.  Asians and Native Americans have their own groups. 

I would have liked to ask the guest what are the haplogroups of this supposedly human Big Foot mitochondria, European, African, Native America?    I wonder if she even knew or cared.

If per chance it was from human African haplogroups, I would doubt it came from a Big Foot in the Northwest USA.

I know this may be boring to most on CoastGab, but this woman could easily have shown to be a fraud.  I didn't listen to the entire show so I don't know if any of the later callers asked her about haplogroups. 

I've had my DNA tested and my mitochondrial DNA is from group H, the most common in Western Europe.


I only heard the first half of George Knapp's show last night. I like his interview style and am always grateful to hear a new show with GK as the host. I wish he was on a lot more often. While I enjoy hearing him, it also makes me sad we do not get to hear him even more. I am sure you know what I mean....(GN is not good).


Quote from: CampsieNP on February 18, 2013, 08:14:11 PM
I only heard the first half of George Knapp's show last night. I like his interview style and am always grateful to hear a new show with GK as the host. I wish he was on a lot more often. While I enjoy hearing him, it also makes me sad we do not get to hear him even more. I am sure you know what I mean....(GN is not good).

Knapp is the best.....and, he'll be hosting again next Sunday.  Thank God!


Quote from: Tara on February 18, 2013, 07:58:44 AM

..I know this may be boring to most on CoastGab...

Not at all. Follow-up stuff like yours and hal's posts is exactly what CoastGab should be about.


Quote from: BobGrau on February 19, 2013, 10:29:37 AM

Not at all. Follow-up stuff like yours and hal's posts is exactly what CoastGab should be about.


HAL 9000

Quote from: polarissucks01 on February 18, 2013, 02:42:29 AMJust because a news station put veterinarian instead of geneticist does not make it true either...

Except for the fact that when I gave out her credentials in my initial post, that information came from her own biography. She is, in fact, a veterinarian (DVM) and not a geneticist, or any other type of scientist - unless you consider Richard C. Hoagland a scientist, in which case, we're operating with a different set of definitions.

Quote from: CrabbyOld Bat on February 18, 2013, 04:10:23 AMHow could Knapp not give her air time for that? She was entitled to give her version of the events, wasn't she? Isn't that how an ongoing investigation/story should be covered?

And in fairness to Knapp, he did question her about accusations concerning her study's legitimacy and he raised questions about how/where her paper was published. And in fairness to the nutjob Ketchum, she acknowledged that her career has been ruined -- albeit she didn't take much, if any, responsibility for it.

I knew when I posted I'd likely ruffle a few feathers, but here's the deal. I agree with the portion of your comments that I quoted above. Knapp wants to interview someone that might be newsworthy - fine. He asks her a few questions about her views being controversial - fine.

However, in the last link I provided in my initial post, Knapp had already done exactly this two months ago. To quote from the story at the link dated 12-24-2012:

QuoteLast night (12/23/2012) George Knapp interviewed Melba Ketchum on C2C to address any updates with her DNA study. Unfortunately the first two hours were used to establish that Melba Ketchum is well-respected in the international genetics community and tortured by a vicious Bigfoot community.

and this is from a pro-bigfoot site.

So my main point was/is: Knapp did almost the exact same interview two months ago, with a somewhat apologist attitude. Now Knapp comes back with essentially the same attitude and questions, but no hard questions. No questions like:

"Melba, I see that your company's building is vacant, the property is for sale, your phone is disconnected, and the Better Business Bureau gives your company an F rating due to many complaints. What could you tell our audience about these, Miss Ketchum?"

Or perhaps:

"Dr. Ketchum, I see in your biography that you obtained your veterinary degree from Texas A&M in 1978. Could you tell our vast Coast to Coast audience what other credentials you possess that would qualify you to head a study on genetic interbreeding between species, specifically homo sapiens and other homonids?"


Instead, Knapp chose to do a Noory interview, albeit with better radio skills, and not ask one tough question. She has provided NO data regarding her study - only brief "abstracts." The reason her submissions for peer-reviewed journals has been laughed at by the scientific community, is because her study/lack of data are laughable. There are criteria for studies to be considered for legitimate peer-review, and unfortunately for her, Ketchum's data, or lack thereof, is unable to withstand the rigors of accepted scientific scrutiny.

So I call out Knapp, not because of one softball interview, but because he did two-in-a-row, with absolutely no scrutiny on his part. I see this as genuflecting before the corporate gods, or ratings, or both. I hold Knapp to a higher standard because he purports to be a journalist; instead I get puff pieces.

As a bonus, I'll provide a link to Knapp's article, titled George Knapp: I’m dreaming of a Bigfoot Christmas dated December 5, 2012. In the article, Knapp states:
QuoteThe results are unequivocal: The hairs are not only from an unknown species, but they show a common link to humans. In other words, whatever these creatures are, they share a common ancestry with humans dating back about 15,000 years.
George Knapp: I’m dreaming of a Bigfoot Christmas (click here to read article)

But George, the study has not yet even been published, yet you're expert enough to say the results are unequivocal?

Georgie Porgie Noorgy Knapp. Sorry pal - you're just gonna have to do better than this.

CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: HAL 9000 on February 19, 2013, 11:12:17 PM
However, in the last link I provided in my initial post, Knapp had already done exactly this two months ago.

Hmm. I still think you're faulting Knapp over nothing. He gave Ketchum the benefit of the doubt when he could in order to be fair. He also asked about the most important controversies in order to be fair. If he didn't ask the exact questions you would have, so be it. He still covered the real story: Did she find proof of Bigfoot? (Answer: No. The results were inconclusive.)

Keep in mind that this interview was the first time she announced the results; that was the main, and possibly only, reason she was on again. Also, when Knapp asked about ongoing issues (her critics and what effects the study had on her career) some repetition of previous interviews was inevitable. Ketchum once again acknowledged that her career (regardless of how it's defined) has been destroyed and she updated the problems concerning getting her paper published. Knapp didn't need to beat her over the head about a 'for sale' sign on the lawn of her office or the BBB rating. "Career destroyed" pretty much sums up everything at that point. Sometimes there's simply no need to delve into details.   

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about Knapp's handling of this particular guest. My opinion of Knapp hasn't changed. He's not perfect but he's still the best host of C2C except for Art.  :)

HAL 9000

Quote from: CrabbyOld Bat on February 20, 2013, 01:12:29 AMI guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about Knapp's handling of this particular guest. My opinion of Knapp hasn't changed. He's not perfect but he's still the best host of C2C except for Art.  :)

Maybe I'm becoming CrabbyOldHAL. Except for the wild horses shit which is becoming tiresome, Knapp is the best of what's left. I guess if I were hosting the show, I'd be the "Mike Wallace" of c2c. Let's talk about the topic, but if I smell bullshit, I'm callin' ya out on it. And if you have fake degrees, I'm callin' ya on that too.

I'd like to see someone at c2c have the balls to at least inform the audience, either by questioning the guest, or real show prep, challenge guests as to their credentials. That doesn't mean the whole show should be that way - it is partial entertainment too - but let's lay a fair and truthful foundation, so the audience can make up their own mind, rather than the host simply reading the pre-scripted bio from the guests website or publicist.

C2C never seems to have any countervailing viewpoints from legitimate academicians when it comes to medical quackery (Morgellon's, alkaline diets, ad nauseum). Their science adviser is a fucking lunatic. There seem to only be a few legit guys - Michio Kaku (and even he is careful with his words sometimes, because I can tell he's on-air to sell his books, and doesn't want to become too controversial by pointing out the callers or hosts are just plain wrong), Phil Plaitt, among others.

I'm beginning to blather, so it time for bed.

CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: HAL 9000 on February 20, 2013, 02:15:46 AM
Maybe I'm becoming CrabbyOldHAL. Except for the wild horses shit which is becoming tiresome, Knapp is the best of what's left. I guess if I were hosting the show, I'd be the "Mike Wallace" of c2c. Let's talk about the topic, but if I smell bullshit, I'm callin' ya out on it. And if you have fake degrees, I'm callin' ya on that too.

I'd like to see someone at c2c have the balls to at least inform the audience, either by questioning the guest, or real show prep, challenge guests as to their credentials. That doesn't mean the whole show should be that way - it is partial entertainment too - but let's lay a fair and truthful foundation, so the audience can make up their own mind, rather than the host simply reading the pre-scripted bio from the guests website or publicist.

C2C never seems to have any countervailing viewpoints from legitimate academicians when it comes to medical quackery (Morgellon's, alkaline diets, ad nauseum). Their science adviser is a fucking lunatic. There seem to only be a few legit guys - Michio Kaku (and even he is careful with his words sometimes, because I can tell he's on-air to sell his books, and doesn't want to become too controversial by pointing out the callers or hosts are just plain wrong), Phil Plaitt, among others.

I'm beginning to blather, so it time for bed.

Except for the blathering part (which you're not doing), I agree with everything you said.  ;D


Re: Bigfoot DNA research paper/project ... if this research had any real merit a respected journal would print it. but the paper is flawed and the research is sketchy. if there was solid evidence of a new large mammal species science would be all over it. I'm disappointed Knapp was so eager to embrace this paper as fact. there's no conspiracy here

I think HAL is right on the money with his comments.  George K gets a lot of credibility from members here for being a "real" journalist.  Why the free pass when he screw's up?

Quote from: b_dubb on February 20, 2013, 07:28:56 PM
Re: Bigfoot DNA research paper/project ... if this research had any real merit a respected journal would print it. but the paper is flawed and the research is sketchy. if there was solid evidence of a new large mammal species science would be all over it. I'm disappointed Knapp was so eager to embrace this paper as fact. there's no conspiracy here

Summed it up perfectly.



First Half: Futurist Ray Kurzweil joins George Knapp to present a provocative exploration of reverse engineering the human brain to understand precisely how it works, and using that knowledge to create intelligent machines. 

2nd Half: Lon Strickler, paranormal researcher and creator of the website Phantoms and Monsters, speaks about his most recent research subjects including Bigfoot, an alien encounter in Connecticut, and a claim made by a miner in the Yukon Territory that he was infected by an ET life form.


Quote from: 999 on February 22, 2013, 05:14:17 PM

First Half: Futurist Ray Kurzweil joins George Knapp to present a provocative exploration of reverse engineering the human brain to understand precisely how it works, and using that knowledge to create intelligent machines. 

2nd Half: Lon Strickler, paranormal researcher and creator of the website Phantoms and Monsters, speaks about his most recent research subjects including Bigfoot, an alien encounter in Connecticut, and a claim made by a miner in the Yukon Territory that he was infected by an ET life form.

Can't wait.........Knapp rocks!     :)


Kurzweil is so smart, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's an alien hybrid.  One of the space brother space aliens, not the reptilian, eat the humans, kind.

CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: 999 on February 22, 2013, 05:14:17 PM

First Half: Futurist Ray Kurzweil joins George Knapp to present a provocative exploration of reverse engineering the human brain to understand precisely how it works, and using that knowledge to create intelligent machines. 

2nd Half: Lon Strickler, paranormal researcher and creator of the website Phantoms and Monsters, speaks about his most recent research subjects including Bigfoot, an alien encounter in Connecticut, and a claim made by a miner in the Yukon Territory that he was infected by an ET life form.

I'm not too sure about the second half, but the first half of sounds promising.  ;D   

If Knapp ever leaves C2C to go elsewhere (and I think that's possible in the not too distant future) I may stop listening to C2C altogether. As it is now, I pretty much only listen to hear Knapp and to laugh at Snorge's idiocy. Wells is nearly as brain-dead as Snorge and 10 times worse when it comes to crackpot, insulting conspiracy theories. Add to that his monotone, slow, and exaggerated deep voice and he's unbearable. Punnett is too annoying in general to bother with most times. So unless he has a truly interesting guest or topic, I won't even consider tuning in when he's on; even then I worry that he'll interrupt the guest or go off on tangents so much that it may not be worth the risk.

Good solid show tonight. I enjoyed the first half a bit more than the second, but still very interesting overall.


Quote from: Nebraska888 on January 20, 2013, 01:50:54 PM
I'm taking a nap so I can stay up and listen to the entire program. ;)

Nap before Knapp, but Snore through Snorge :)


Just my quick thought listening to this tonite, after skipping the last couple weeks ... I'm so thankful we have Knapp with Ray Kurzweil, not Noory, god what a waste that woulda been.  This I'm actually enjoying.


I missed the first half of tonight's show, but loved the second half.

To me the weird sightings of the public at large (even the crackpots) are where the fun comes from.  ;D


I enjoyed Kurzweil, but in my head, I heard sNoory asking, "Is it an angel? Could it be a portal?"

Quote from: zeebo on February 25, 2013, 04:21:13 AM
Nap before Knapp, but Snore through Snorge :)

That's pretty good! I think we may have a new top-right-of-the-page quote, if MV thinks it fit.

Quote from: UFO Fill on February 25, 2013, 05:39:28 AM
I enjoyed Kurzweil, but in my head, I heard sNoory asking, "Is it an angel? Could it be a portal?"

Would it be a mean portal?


Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 25, 2013, 04:03:59 AM
Good solid show tonight. I enjoyed the first half a bit more than the second, but still very interesting overall.


CrabbyOld Bat

Quote from: Scully on February 25, 2013, 04:44:34 AM
To me the weird sightings of the public at large (even the crackpots) are where the fun comes from.  ;D



darn. noory is on tonight :(


Quote from: 999 on March 03, 2013, 05:40:32 PM
darn. noory is on tonight :(

It's a double whammy, with Jorge and The Submerging Artists.   :P   At least I'm going to be well-rested for the start of the week.

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