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Topics you wished C2C covered

Started by Juan Cena, December 27, 2014, 03:32:40 PM

Juan Cena

The more homoerotic aspects of the Bohemian Grove.

Bitcoin: Scam or fraud?

Cosplay, furries, and furpiles.

Real life Vegas "Lady Heathers" (I'm sure Knapp has the numbers of one or two on his smart phone)

Missing television history, such as lost episodes of Doctor Who or The Tonight Show.

The theory that the universe is really a hologram.


Real persucition of Christians worldwide.

King Arthur

Bears, wildcats, and other wild animals in urban/suburban areas.


King Arthur is one I really wished they covered. I think one guest talking about giants mentioned him and said he was like 8 feet tall. Noory was just like okay, when in fact the audience (me anyway) is sitting there wondering how he got that information since Arthur is little more than a composite of 3 or 4 people in Welsh history. Noory doesn't ask followup questions though.


This doesn't qualify as a topic, but I would love to see George and Art go head to head in a debate on show topics. Rules of the game- no toupees, no ear piece, headphones, computers, or any other device that could help the participant (you know who I mean) by feeding him answers.


ufo's (not ufophil)
time travel
govt black ops , along with not so crazed conspiracies

all of which should be handled by knapp or possibly schrader


Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on December 29, 2014, 01:14:05 PM
you should watch this

Trevor Paglen. interviewed by Knapp a few times
Very cool presentation. Can't believe I've missed this guy!


-Stephen King killed John Lennon conspiracy theory (instead of a caller sneaking in get that guy on as a guest. What not?)
-a show about how Norry killed C2C (not a conspiracy. Could have media pundits, share-holders, management, survey companies showing listener decline, and, "of course" open-lines where we can vent.)
-a dating show with open-lines and featuring conference calling (maybe an atheist astronomer can find his girlfriend with an Annie in Alabama. Who knows?!)


How about the back story and conspiracy that was post punk group 'Suburban Lawns?' 

"Oh my genitals!"

Juan Cena

Quote from: paladin1991 on January 04, 2015, 12:14:23 AM
How about the back story and conspiracy that was post punk group 'Suburban Lawns?' 

"Oh my genitals!"

Care to share details?

Juan Cena

Quantum computing
Feudal Japan
Mad King Ludwig of Barvaria
The Hapsburgs (other than the usual random conspiracy spank talk)

Juan Cena

 Tiki culture and the Tiki revival from the past decade or so. I've been fascinated by it recently, especially the "exotica" music that accompanied it from artists like Les Baxter and Martin Denny.  Sounds like something up Knapp's avenue.


The murder of Olaf Palme. It might not interest some people, hell most people in the US probably never even heard of him, but it was quite a shocking and major political event. And a lot of unsolved questions regarding the assassination. It would be important, though, to keep it on track as many of the conspiracy theorists regarding his murder can quickly go off the rails and expand the subject to JFK, MLK, Aldo Moro, -->OKC, 911, etc and I've even heard Sandy Hook non-sense mentioned in the same breath now. So the show would be better to keep it within the confines of that one assassination and the politics, domestic and international, at the time.

Juan Cena

The  "Stevie Wonder is not blind" conspiracy


With ESPN's Boomani Jones as a guest, if possible.

Juan Cena

 Elizabeth Bathory, the 16th and 17th century Hungarian countess who is considered the most infamous female serial killer in history. Dark City recently interviewed Kim Craft, who wrote a recent biography on the countess, and it was quite interesting. Would be an interesting guest for Knapp.


ART BELLs imminent return and Jorch's new job at Down The Road Motors, where he will put the CARnivora in your car.    No really, he will put a bottle of Carnivora in your glove compartment. 

Juan Cena

Quote from: albrecht on December 27, 2014, 05:58:41 PM
1) Feral people (not abused children raised feral because that is too sad), isolated or "lost" groups of people (those Confederates who moved to Brazil, old German and Dutch colonies in South America and Asia), the blue-people (Fugates) of Applalachia, limited gene-pool societies or societies formed by runaway slaves (Melungeons, Gullahs, etc)

2) people who have "gone native" after either military desertion, crash-landings or ship-wrecks, just wanting to become a "king", etc.

3) Famous Unsolved Mysteries:
Mystery of the Somerton Man
Lead Masks Case
Natalie Wood case
Jonathan Luna

On a related note, Gawker had a story on conspiracy theories surrounding Kurt Cobain's suicide. Basically all involving the idea Courtney Love killed him or had him killed.



i wish there was a show about the age of exploration!

NIce thread !

Juan Cena

Quote from: nextgen.fm on March 11, 2015, 09:48:36 PM
i wish there was a show about the age of exploration!

NIce thread !

Thanks. I hope we get some more good suggestions.

An age of exploration show might be interesting. I recall seeing a documentary that suggested that Columbus may not have been Italian, but was actually from Catalonia, and possibly may have been part of the opposition to the unification of Spain.


I wish they did more shows on history. Maybe get people like Nathanial Philbrick or other authors of historical nonfiction books. Talk about early America, the Revolution and maybe some myths mixed in there.

Also shows about conventional ancient history (particularly Stonehenge) not just crazy sitchen and alien theories.

Juan Cena

The chalk giants of Great Britain. Their origins are as shrouded in mystery and controversy as those of crop circles.


Quote from: Juan Cena on March 18, 2015, 09:45:22 PM
The chalk giants of Great Britain. Their origins are as shrouded in mystery and controversy as those of crop circles.

Yes. Would be an interesting show.
I would also like some shows on the Masons. Not the kook theories now but on the anti-Masonic hysteria in the early 19th century ("Morgan Affair", the Anti-Mason Party, etc.) And influence in the French Revolution.

Also a history of the American native secret societies (OSSB etc), and parties ("Know-Nothings" etc), concerned with immigration (primarily of Catholics) in the 19th century and also how that influenced public schooling, the secularization thereof, and the backlash of parochial school systems.


Chalk giants, stone circles, Celtic myths, King Arthur all that would be awesome. I'm such a Anglophile.


Quote from: henge0stone on March 20, 2015, 05:52:03 PM
Chalk giants, stone circles, Celtic myths, King Arthur all that would be awesome. I'm such a Anglophile.
Agreed! Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail. Also about Blake's hymn/poem "Jerusalem" and the idea that Jesus himself came to Albion (and could bring in the popularity even in modern times: the banned ELP version and its popularity even now at cricket etc.) And the analysis of the poem/hymn "dark satanic mills" being political? And the sort of strange idea, I won't say cult, of ANGLO-ISRAELISM
That Britons are one of the "lost tribes."

I also would like an episode about "Prestor John" and similar legends.


Well, I suppose I would rather hear about polyamory on coast than on KLEAN radio, but generally I'm happy not to have sex topics.   It might be a way to get rid of Noory, though, since he's such a prude.

I would like more debunkers, maybe even debate type- formats between debunkers and say, alternative medicine people..  I don't know if Stephen Barrett, the quackwatch guy, does radio, but he's be a good guest. I'd like to hear Al Carroll, the guy from New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans, too.  I don't know if he does radio either, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

I like hidden or forgotten histories.  They used to do more of these when Ian was on.  For example, there was an article in the Everett Herald a few days ago about "balloon bombs".  That might make a good one hour segment.

I love the true crime stuff.  I would like to hear Edna Buchanan, a former(or maybe still) crime reporter for the Miami Herald.  She  is especially good on the Amy Billig case.

Juan Cena

Quote from: albrecht on March 20, 2015, 07:02:17 PM
Agreed! Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail. Also about Blake's hymn/poem "Jerusalem" and the idea that Jesus himself came to Albion (and could bring in the popularity even in modern times: the banned ELP version and its popularity even now at cricket etc.) And the analysis of the poem/hymn "dark satanic mills" being political? And the sort of strange idea, I won't say cult, of ANGLO-ISRAELISM
That Britons are one of the "lost tribes."

I also would like an episode about "Prestor John" and similar legends.

That reminded my that my grandmom would watch and get literature from Herbert W Armstrong's organization. He always claimed the Brits were descended from Jews who traveled to the British Isles.

I'm surprised it doesn't come up more often on C2C.


OMG, Herbert W. Armstrong and Garner Ted Armstrong, that's a blast from the past! The Wonderful World Tomorrow used to run on the western Montana blowtorch KOFI when I was a kid in the late sixties and early seventies.

Juan Cena

I've always wanted to see C2C tackle Ayn Rand. Not just the usual economic and general liberaterian stuff, but some of her more metaphysical ideas as well.

Obviously, this is a topic I'd rather see Knapp tackle, as Dave just doesn't have the chops to handle it.

1.King Arthur myths and basis (any folk or romantic hero)
2. More Cults
3. Show debunking bad guests or busting them (Mel)
4. Where are they now (Mad Man)
5. Search for JC and Dallas Thompson
6. Voynich Manuscript
7. A myriad of topics covered in How Stuff Works, Stuff You Missed in History, and Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
8. Creepy pasta things based in reality
9. Urban legend origins
10. Historical mysteries

Juan Cena

Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on April 12, 2015, 11:54:18 PM
1.King Arthur myths and basis (any folk or romantic hero)
2. More Cults
3. Show debunking bad guests or busting them (Mel)
4. Where are they now (Mad Man)
5. Search for JC and Dallas Thompson
6. Voynich Manuscript
7. A myriad of topics covered in How Stuff Works, Stuff You Missed in History, and Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
8. Creepy pasta things based in reality
9. Urban legend origins
10. Historical mysteries

Would #8 include the "church" of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? That's something I've wanted C2C to cover for a while.

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