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Most destructive radio personality?

Started by West of the Rockies, July 21, 2014, 10:36:48 AM


Quote from: albrecht on May 26, 2015, 10:59:14 AM
WTF would you be hearing Joe Pags up there? I thought he was only a local San Antonio guy. Geez, shows how bad the big radio companies are. Find some local guy and syndicate his crap nationally. I don't even disagree with much of his politics, from the few times I got stuck listening to him in traffic, but can't stand him and his "banter" with the chick side-kick. Of course, I never liked Stern either but still clearly an attempt to emulate that style.

I've heard promos for his show on the local AM, although that was two years ago. Yes, it has literally been two years since I actively listened to terrestrial radio.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 27, 2015, 07:43:30 AM
Hannity does seem like the worst of the right-wing bunch

Mark Levin and Bill Cunningham are also kind of atrocious.

Cunningham is, I think, the least atrocious of the three.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 27, 2015, 07:43:30 AM
Hannity does seem like the worst of the right-wing bunch

Mark Levin and Bill Cunningham are also kind of atrocious.
Hannity is such a repetitious, hyperactive bore, with the same rants and routines day after day.  At least Rush, if you actually listen to him, is somewhat affable and humorous.  Levin is highly knowledgeable when it comes to the Constitution and history but his ranting and raving gets old very quickly.

I used to listen to Cunningham, or "Willie," as he's known in Cincinnati, when he just had a local, nighttime radio show back in the '80s and I lived in the area.  He and his sidekick, The Seg Man, were actually pretty unique and entertaining back in those days and he had some interesting regular characters that would should up, like Kenny the trucker.  I listen to his current local daytime show on WLW occasionally but it's usually more sedate than his old night-time '80s show.  I can't take his Sunday night show.  It's about like another version of Hannity.


Quote from: Paradox on May 27, 2015, 01:41:05 AM

But his followers can be a dangerous bunch.  Some scary people hang on every word he utters.

I don't think you can really hold someone responsible for what crazy people get up to, because the people that have been cited as 'influenced' by Jones clearly didn't need much impetus to get them going. Crazy people will do crazy things, and also say crazy things - someone might say that his pet Labrador told them to do it, I don't think that's any reason to put the mutt down. Most of the people who like Jones, judging by his callers, are just grumbling losers and dullards who like an easy target to blame for their miserable lives. I have never heard Jones actually articulate anything coherent about what he wants to do to make the country better - all he does is make noise. As soon as he comes up against someone who has genuine ideas (as opposed to simple minded libertarianism, which isn't really an idea at all) he gets annoyed and you realise all over again that he is just a big sack of hot air.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 27, 2015, 09:13:48 AM
I don't think you can really hold someone responsible for what crazy people get up to, because the people that have been cited as 'influenced' by Jones clearly didn't need much impetus to get them going. Crazy people will do crazy things, and also say crazy things - someone might say that his pet Labrador told them to do it, I don't think that's any reason to put the mutt down. Most of the people who like Jones, judging by his callers, are just grumbling losers and dullards who like an easy target to blame for their miserable lives. I have never heard Jones actually articulate anything coherent about what he wants to do to make the country better - all he does is make noise. As soon as he comes up against someone who has genuine ideas (as opposed to simple minded libertarianism, which isn't really an idea at all) he gets annoyed and you realise all over again that he is just a big sack of hot air.

Freedom can be a messy thing. I have clamored to restrict certain voices. Sadly I was wrong. Regrettably, it might have been for the best. I have to add that incitement can be dangerous... I know, obvious.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 27, 2015, 09:13:48 AM
I don't think you can really hold someone responsible for what crazy people get up to, because the people that have been cited as 'influenced' by Jones clearly didn't need much impetus to get them going. Crazy people will do crazy things, and also say crazy things - someone might say that his pet Labrador told them to do it, I don't think that's any reason to put the mutt down. Most of the people who like Jones, judging by his callers, are just grumbling losers and dullards who like an easy target to blame for their miserable lives. I have never heard Jones actually articulate anything coherent about what he wants to do to make the country better - all he does is make noise. As soon as he comes up against someone who has genuine ideas (as opposed to simple minded libertarianism, which isn't really an idea at all) he gets annoyed and you realise all over again that he is just a big sack of hot air.
I am not holding AJ responsible for what some of his followers have done or might do.  And I love your description of him as a big sack of hot air. Gave me a giggle.  I definitely agree that he offers no plan for making the country better.  But as I responded to albrecht, I realize I was too broad in my characterization of his followers. Most are, as you put it, grumblers.  However, I stick to my statement that some of his followers are not crazy, but dangerous and scary. 

Eddie Coyle

   Far and away, the California Raisin with a wasting disease: Al Sharpton, is the most repulsive shitpile allowed a radio show. That excrescence uttered aloud today whether the Texas floods were "God's rebuke". This is the type of thing that White Protestant preachers are mocked for, but Phil Griffin's ratings basement will continue to employ the FBI snitch who avoids taxes and hygene.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on July 21, 2014, 03:10:27 PM
    Sports Radio is synonymous with that moronic virus known as "Bro Culture". Actually, Pro and College sports in all forms is infected by that idiocy.

First host that came to mind upon reading that was Jim Rome.  "Have a take and don't suck, rack 'em," etc., so annoying and the archetypical "bro" broadcaster. Plus he loved mocking soccer, but the joke is on him since that's the fastest growing sport among the youth.  In terms of brain cells, he is probably one of the most destructive radio hosts out there.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on May 27, 2015, 11:49:27 PM
First host that came to mind upon reading that was Jim Rome.  "Have a take and don't suck, rack 'em," etc., so annoying and the archetypical "bro" broadcaster. Plus he loved mocking soccer, but the joke is on him since that's the fastest growing sport among the youth.  In terms of brain cells, he is probably one of the most destructive radio hosts out there.

   Yes, the rise of Rome and his imitators like JT The Brick, Scott Ferrall does make me wish that sportsradio would vanish. If not sports and radio vanishing as well as a just in case failsafe plan, that's how awful it's become.

Honorable mention: Danny Bonaduce for annoying impish gesturing and borderline malignant narcissistic whirlpooling radio show - serving as a poor role model to our youngsters who think life will be like The Partridge Family if they but pick up a bass guitar and lounge hop.

If you only knew how badly I wanted to get close to Shirley Jones. You didn't deserve her, Danny.

Thousands and thousands of us have deformed bass fingers because of you, you no good goddamned paper-hanging son-of-a-bitch!


Quote from: Paradox on May 27, 2015, 11:47:50 AM
I am not holding AJ responsible for what some of his followers have done or might do.  Most are, as you put it, grumblers. However, I stick to my statement that some of his followers are not crazy, but dangerous and scary.

No doubt. It's just a question of where to apportion blame when something bad happens. I think when people vilify someone like Jones they give him too much credit, as though he was an obese Che Guevara. I can guarantee that in ten years time he will be sounding off about the imminent collapse of America as he has done for the last twenty. He is just like Steve Quayle, another blowhard. Actually it's funny when those two get together and Jones tries to keep him on course about martial law and off giants and the Nephilim.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 28, 2015, 08:35:08 AM
He is just like Steve Quayle, another blowhard. Actually it's funny when those two get together and Jones tries to keep him on course about martial law and off giants and the Nephilim.
I've never heard the two of them on one show.  The thought is mind boggling.


Ann Coulter has been turning up everywhere lately, TV and radio.  Of course, she has a new book coming out soon so she's in full bomb-throwing mode.  I've always wondered if she's a professional beard (she used to be romantically linked to Matt Drudge...so).  Or, maybe if she'd only come out of the closet herself she would be less angry and shrill.   She makes my teeth hurt.


Quote from: lonevoice on May 28, 2015, 02:27:04 PM
Ann Coulter has been turning up everywhere lately, TV and radio.  Of course, she has a new book coming out soon so she's in full bomb-throwing mode.  I've always wondered if she's a professional beard

I don't know being being a beard, but she's probably blunted a few razors in her time, and not just on her legs. Perhaps it's just me, but I have always been suspicious about women with Adam's apples.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 29, 2015, 10:23:00 AM
I don't know being being a beard,

I think lonevoice means like a gambler's beard. (Maybe I missed your joke though SV).


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 29, 2015, 04:26:36 PM
I think lonevoice means like a gambler's beard. (Maybe I missed your joke though SV).
Ah, I was confused by the comment as I was thinking the Michelle Obama type of beard not the gambling type of beard. I don't think so, I think she has discovered what Sharpton and that lot has known for decades. Throw out extreme or controversial ideas and you'll get on the news and sell books. Though there could be some money behind her from a certain lobby, maybe. But I think she is just in it for the cash, not for a particular candidate.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on May 29, 2015, 04:26:36 PM
I think lonevoice means like a gambler's beard. (Maybe I missed your joke though SV).

It would probably have helped if I could type properly to start with.

I just meant that she looks rather masculine to me. I can't imagine what she must look like first thing in the morning, and it is something I am glad I don't know. I have never heard of a gambler's beard before, and I think the implication was that she was hanging around with someone to dispel any suggestions that the other one is gay. Although why you would elect to hook up with someone who looks and sounds like a dude is beyond me.


Coulter always makes the  rounds when she's flogging a book, and she cranks them out pretty frequently.  I can't stand her--she's one of my least favorite conservatives.  She said something nasty about 911 widows-that's enough for me. Hosts like Lars Larson are always fawning over her. Didn't she recently say something mean to a fat girl or something? Bitch.  Sorry, that's not Christian of me,  but...bitch.


I love reviving old threads.  Start Me Up(Which I think used to be the theme music of the Kirby Wilbur show here in Seattle.)

Kirby Wilbur was definitely NOT a harmful host.  He was especially good on American history.

Quote from: ItsOver on May 27, 2015, 08:46:31 AM
Hannity is such a repetitious, hyperactive bore, with the same rants and routines day after day.  At least Rush, if you actually listen to him, is somewhat affable and humorous.  Levin is highly knowledgeable when it comes to the Constitution and history but his ranting and raving gets old very quickly.

I  used to listen to them on my drive home from work and school. In time, they grew tedious, same old, same old. And the rants - no thanks. I prefer my radio rant free.

I don't know if he's still on the radio, but Curtis Sliwa is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, self-aggrandizing, self-promoting oaf that he is. The man is a legend in his own mind while a quick fact check of most of his glory stories show him on the perimeter rather than in the action. WABC radio gave him the boot a couple of years ago, mercifully.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 07, 2015, 03:38:45 PM
I  used to listen to them on my drive home from work and school. In time, they grew tedious, same old, same old. And the rants - no thanks. I prefer my radio rant free.

I don't know if he's still on the radio, but Curtis Sliwa is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, self-aggrandizing, self-promoting oaf that he is. The man is a legend in his own mind while a quick fact check of most of his glory stories show him on the perimeter rather than in the action. WABC radio gave him the boot a couple of years ago, mercifully.
Yeah, no doubt a lot of my preference is just me.  I'm at the stage in life where I just either want to listen to something for entertainment or relaxation. 


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 07, 2015, 03:38:45 PM
I  used to listen to them on my drive home from work and school. In time, they grew tedious, same old, same old. And the rants - no thanks. I prefer my radio rant free.

I don't know if he's still on the radio, but Curtis Sliwa is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, self-aggrandizing, self-promoting oaf that he is. The man is a legend in his own mind while a quick fact check of most of his glory stories show him on the perimeter rather than in the action. WABC radio gave him the boot a couple of years ago, mercifully.
yet you tune into a MV rant every time ...

Quote from: wr250 on June 07, 2015, 06:04:58 PM
yet you tune into a MV rant every time ...

He's not wearing a red beret. Or .... maybe he is!11!!  :o


Quote from: West of the Rockies on July 21, 2014, 11:30:24 AM
I did not know Sharpton had his own radio slot.  Where I live, it's almost exclusively rightwing stuff on the AM band, with evangelical proselytizing coming in second.  Bu Sharpton does not impress me at all.  How old is he?  He looked 65 twenty-five years ago.

You'd think his ego would be to big for any studio..


Quote from: RickySsan on June 07, 2015, 06:10:11 PM
You'd think his ego would be to big for any studio..

Yeah, all the other talk show hosts are nothing like that. Here is the rule, if someone is telling you what to think... Why?


Dr. Laura. Thank the living Christ that her fifteen minutes are over.


Quote from: onan on June 07, 2015, 06:13:44 PM
Yeah, all the other talk show hosts are nothing like that. Here is the rule, if someone is telling you what to think... Why?
that's a problem right there :)


It's gotta be Rush, so one sided one minded "We Have to FIGHT the Leftist Army!" The fact that he is popular really explains a lot of insanity among American Republicans. He's only enforcing the 'our side is better than yours!' politics that are hurting America. Doesn't matter what is good for the people its all about whether your side wins.

Alex Jones also comes to mind. He spews insane conspiracy theories and people think its fact because he is loud and yells (or cries) a lot

hahahaha people think this is real too!

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: henge0stone on June 24, 2015, 02:57:21 PM
It's gotta be Rush, so one sided one minded "We Have to FIGHT the Leftist Army!" The fact that he is popular really explains a lot of insanity among American Republicans.

  Thank goodness there's nobody on the left who thinks that way. Like anybody with a different opinion than yours clearly having "insanity".







Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 24, 2015, 03:02:02 PM
  Thank goodness there's nobody on the left who thinks that way. Like anybody with a different opinion than yours clearly having "insanity".

Oh there absolutely are insane Democrats, they just don't have a popular radio show. They would be included if there was any. I am not on the 'left' or 'right' the whole thing has become a team sport and the people of America are the victims.

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