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Hillary Clinton

Started by albrecht, June 21, 2014, 10:05:45 AM


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 14, 2016, 05:45:16 PM
No halfway loyal American would think of getting in bed with a country we've been fighting, one way and one place or another, since World War II.

asinine jingoism


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 14, 2016, 05:35:52 PM
I didn't say I was "into" them but that compared to the numerous other media sources I also watch and read I'm finding them to be the least propaganda-filled these days. RT actually has some serious journalism on it, unlike ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. Nice try though.  ;)

Have fun in your paranoid McCarthyland with Hillary as the head of your politburo.  ;D
Considering the health issues of Hillary and the drinking etc I think we need to start some more attention on Kaine since he might end up being the candidate or if that ticket wins, via fraud or legitimately, he might quickly become President if she has another serious "medical episode." From what I can tell about Kaine is that he is one of those weird situations that he is a Catholic but pro-homosexual marriage but against contraception and abortion and according to some sources was inspired as a young man by the Soviet-influenced leftist unapproved Catholic doctrine of "Liberation Theology" while in South America.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 14, 2016, 05:45:16 PM
Keep digging that ditch. It's clear who you trust and it's the Russians. No halfway loyal American would think of getting in bed with a country we've been fighting, one way and one place or another, since World War II. Your position is indefensible. Consider moving to Moscow.

Are you really trying to demonize me for watching the wrong TV station?! Is this the level of demagoguery you guys are willing to stoop to?!  ???

Shouldn't the fact that I also watch Fox (a station I'm sure you'll describe as right-wing) cancel that out?! How can I be both a communist and right-wing?! Yet it really is amazing how similar the coverage is on these two stations these days.  :D

All I can hope for is that people wake up and see you for the social engineering shill that you are.  :P



Even papers in her control sometimes need to report so much of the bad news surrounding Hillary's campaign. I guess even her supporters and PACS (or publisher) didn't do the usual pre-sale or order lots of books or push books to stores to inflate numbers?
One would think even if libraries ordered it out of some supposed public interest (though likely would have to be cataloged in the fiction area) it would have more sales than this.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 14, 2016, 05:53:12 PM
Are you really trying to demonize me for watching the wrong TV station?! Is this the level of demagoguery you guys are willing to stoop to?!  ???

All I can hope for is that people wake up and see you for the social engineering shill that you are.  :P


You're a stooge, not a demon. Demons are generally way smarter and more capable than stooges.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 14, 2016, 06:10:25 PM
You're a stooge, not a demon. Demons are generally way smarter and more capable than stooges.

And you're just a monkey in Hillary's cage, trying to throw your poo at me. Can we get this chimp some bananas?! He's getting restless!  ;D



And he's talking about how things were in the 70s. Imagine how much more embedded the CIA has become since.  :o

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 14, 2016, 06:13:24 PM
And you're just a monkey in Hillary's cage, trying to throw your poo at me. Can we get this chimp some bananas?! He's getting restless!  ;D
Be sure to save the tinfoil the bananas are wrapped in.  Make yourself a nice hat.

Ahhhhh good old Amy Goodman, I remember listening to her from my liberal days.  Actually, I might have to give her another listen given that independent/alternative media is getting close to be all that we have left, since the Internet may be effectively gone next month too.  Even PBS censored Jill Stein, JILL STEIN for Pepe's sake!


Quote from: albrecht on September 14, 2016, 05:51:37 PM
he is one of those weird situations that he is a Catholic but pro-homosexual marriage but against contraception and abortion...
I don't understand why this would be a weird situation?  It seems to me that very few men in a homosexual marriage have to be concerned with contraception and even fewer have likely faced the question of abortion.  Those positions fit very well together. 8)


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on September 14, 2016, 06:35:38 PM
Be sure to save the tinfoil the bananas are wrapped in.  Make yourself a nice hat.

Umm..the suit you're wearing seems to be made entirely from it.  :P


Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on September 14, 2016, 06:36:06 PM
Ahhhhh good old Amy Goodman, I remember listening to her from my liberal days.  Actually, I might have to give her another listen given that independent/alternative media is getting close to be all that we have left, since the Internet may be effectively gone next month too.  Even PBS censored Jill Stein, JILL STEIN for Pepe's sake!

Yes, I think the US intelligence community is viewing this election as a test run to see how completely they can control the message or not. We know they're already starting to censor the internet with disappearing pages and tweets and such. I believe we're entering Brave New World phase now.  ;)


Quote from: WOTR on September 14, 2016, 06:37:56 PM
I don't understand why this would be a weird situation?  It seems to me that very few men in a homosexual marriage have to be concerned with contraception and even fewer have likely faced the question of abortion.  Those positions fit very well together. 8)
Logically, maybe, but I meant as more of a Roman official doctrine and dogma aspect ( we all know what goes on 'in the rectory stays in the rectory.')


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 14, 2016, 06:44:50 PM
Yes, I think the US intelligence community is viewing this election as a test run to see how completely they can control the message or not. We know they're already starting to censor the internet with disappearing pages and tweets and such. I believe we're entering Brave New World phase now.  ;)
https://firstdraftnews.com/about/ (the social media giants coupling with newspapers to determine truth. Nobody mentions that all, or at least most, parties involved have been involved with, at least in some part of their business life, with shadowy agencies and certain politicians in addition to the more mundane corporate ownership and reading press releases and making marketing of new products "news".)
And once the internet is given up by Obama to some international body one could expect some more "European," or worse,ideas about speech, defamation, "hate," copyright, etc.


Quote from: albrecht on September 14, 2016, 06:48:48 PM
Logically, maybe, but I meant as more of a Roman official doctrine and dogma aspect ( we all know what goes on 'in the rectory stays in the rectory.')
Some days I cannot resist being a jackass. ;)


Looks like they might be willing to take us to war with Russia to move their program forward. I really hope they keep this guy on a very short leash. ::)



Quote from: albrecht on September 14, 2016, 06:54:26 PM
https://firstdraftnews.com/about/ (the social media giants coupling with newspapers to determine truth...
All leading to one monopoly to "determine the truth."  Hell, they can't even be truthful by just calling themselves what they've really become, a propaganda ministry.


He is a Hillary supporter, BTW. Big surprise, right?  :D




Quote from: Astrid Galactic on September 13, 2016, 09:35:53 PM
Were those photos taken with the same camera? If so, with the same lens? I highly doubt it. Doesn't look like it. Believe me, I'm not a Hillary defender but you have to be careful with this sort of stuff.

correct.  take a look:




Isn't Mike Morrell the twat that CBS trots out as THE security expert on their morning show?
Just the sight of that guy makes my slapping hand twitch.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 14, 2016, 01:59:42 AM
Cranky pants is awake again. And he's still cranky.

You are really quite the tool.

After no one bought into your insistence that anyone who thinks Hilary Clinton is a liar and is lying about her health is ''crazy'' and ''dangerous'', you reflexively went with the usual 'Progressive' blather that anyone who doesn't agree with you is somehow racist. 

When someone objects, and points out which party it is that has been the one dividing this country by race for 200 years, you try to deflect with condescension.

Try this - turn the TV off, go outside, talk to people, pay attention to the world around you, and try to start thinking for yourself.  It's probably too late for you, but give it a shot anyway.  If you get overstimulated, remember to breathe.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 14, 2016, 06:10:25 PM
You're a stooge...


How are you doing with Hil's accomplishments?  Hand tired from writing it all down?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 14, 2016, 07:43:17 PM
He is a Hillary supporter, BTW. Big surprise, right?  :D


We should have steamed rollled them back in late 45


Quote from: norland2424 on September 14, 2016, 10:32:03 PM
We should have steamed rollled them back in late 45

Looks like you might get your chance soon, tough guy. Just try to remember that you can't wash radiation off.  ;)

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