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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

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647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

MR. Spock

Quote from: damon on October 16, 2016, 08:38:58 PM
Hey whitecrow I heard a rumor about you. The rumor is that you are one cool guy.

Hey dude thats my line!

Quote from: James Raymon on October 16, 2016, 07:20:05 PM
Can you get Dan Aykroyd on your show to talk about UFOs?

Not much is as annoying as a "new guy" that thinks he needs to comment on every post.


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on October 16, 2016, 03:30:42 PM
If Senda thinks that paranormal talk is his forte then why does he do so few videos on It. Out of the thousand plus he has done about 3 on paranormal. Others are about him. He clearly knows what his viewers want and he delivers it.
Why be upset if he gets booked and the show wants the same content?

Because .. fake or real conflict gets everyone talking and involved.. George thanks for all the fun!

Quote from: LadyFish on October 16, 2016, 04:21:46 PM
Wow, that's big news. Did he sound believable? I am really surprised he didn't show the check off on YouTube.

I think it was Jason so it was believable.


Quote from: damon on October 16, 2016, 08:38:58 PM
Hey whitecrow I heard a rumor about you. The rumor is that you are one cool guy.

Don't "ever" believe rumors


Quote from: MR. Spock on October 16, 2016, 08:42:12 PM
Hey dude thats my line!
Hey comic hobo you fucking a hole hacked my account dude.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on October 16, 2016, 08:29:08 PM
My money is on Falkies ex-wife being a guest.

I'd consider that bet.. Whats you wanna wager?


Quote from: MR. Spock on October 16, 2016, 08:42:28 PM
Damon is not a cool dude.
Your not the real Mr spock because the account was hacked.


Quote from: MR. Spock on October 16, 2016, 08:42:12 PM
Hey dude thats my line!

Damn copy cats..

I'm trying to coin a new word ...
Remember it's another White Crow original.

"Trumpie" meaning: doing a P word grab. Kind of like that "Knock-Out" craze of few years back .. but not as physically brutal but just as repulsive.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 16, 2016, 06:53:56 AM
One nugget from last night is my cartoon signed by George and Tommy is now unique, as Falkie's was lost in an apartment mishap.

A bookcase fell over or some such?

When George was late with his loan payment to me.
I offered to settle up the loan for "your" George and Tommy cartoon. George repaid me instead ..

Imagine the gold mind that George the hoarder has in his apartment if he would auction off his stuff


Quote from: damon on October 16, 2016, 08:58:38 PM
Your not the real Mr spock because the account was hacked.

i'm not sure an account can be considered hacked when the account holder publicly posts their password and their intention to never post again.

Quote from: WhiteCrow on October 16, 2016, 09:13:48 PM
When George was late with his loan payment to me.
I offered to settle up the loan for "your" George and Tommy cartoon. George repaid me instead ..

Imagine the gold mind that George the hoarder has in his apartment if he would auction off his stuff

Senda places a strange value on his possessions.

At one point he needed some money for a cable bill or it would be disconnected and a reconnect fee would be charged. I pointed out to him that he had a never touched Jack Lalanne Power Juicer and it sells for $80 on eBay. The amount he needed.
He told me that it would be stupid to sell for $80 because he paid $100.

So he let the cable get disconnected and came up with the extra money to reconnect rather than sell a posession and avoid all of it.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: nooryisawesome on October 16, 2016, 08:31:49 PM
Any word on when the show might be posted?

Also what show played immediately in front of the Senda interview. I was enjoying it until I fell asleep, would like to listen to it.


I believe it was this one or was with with dr albert Taylor?

I'll post the video here when it's uploaded.

Quote from: WhiteCrow on October 16, 2016, 09:13:48 PM
When George was late with his loan payment to me.
I offered to settle up the loan for "your" George and Tommy cartoon. George repaid me instead...

Yes, you posted the offer here.  What are you offering now?

Quote from: WhiteCrow on October 16, 2016, 09:13:48 PM
... Imagine the gold mind that George the hoarder has in his apartment if he would auction off his stuff

It's been suggested to him.  You can hear his reaction on multiple Falkieleaks and podcasts. 


I am going to predict Senda will be arrested for something over the next six months to a year. He has had two restraining orders just that we know of. He is unravelling and it has nothing to do with Bellgab.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on October 16, 2016, 10:27:36 PM
I am going to predict Senda will be arrested for something over the next six months to a year. He has had two restraining orders just that we know of. He is unravelling and it has nothing to do with Bellgab.

The squished strawberry incident may have kicked off the most recent slide.

On last night's podcast we discovered Kathy had been giving him his haircuts, and this time he did his own.  Someone in the chatroom said he looked liked a hyena, lol

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 16, 2016, 10:31:09 PM
The squished strawberry incident may have kicked off the most recent slide.

On last night's podcast we discovered Kathy had been giving him his haircuts, and this time he did his own.  Someone in the chatroom said he looked liked a hyena, lol

Senda needs help. He refuses to get it or accept it. Yet takes the poor advice from his circle of trust, I hope these people realize their "advice" is having negative impact on Senda. Senda continuing to be torn down on podcast, Bellgab,etc can't be good for his already poor health. Combined with Kathy leaving him, and him taking things way to seriously on Bellgab and elsewhere. It is a bad combination.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on October 16, 2016, 10:27:36 PM
I am going to predict Senda will be arrested for something over the next six months to a year. He has had two restraining orders just that we know of. He is unravelling and it has nothing to do with Bellgab.
You, Sir, must be privy to the news as I am.
FALKIE is goin' down !
(then, again in jail as we all know how he loves gettin' "inboxed" by several BIG BLACK MEN (NOT racist, just what they are) in a cell !!!
(don't forget the MAYO)


Quote from: nooryisawesome on October 16, 2016, 10:41:14 PM
Yet takes the poor advice from his circle of trust, I hope these people realize their "advice" is having negative impact on Senda.

I think the Circle Jerk of Trust know exactly what their advice is doing.

People on Bellgab need to stop thinking of the Jerk Trust as not being the trolls they are. I thought it was just Falkie that was blind to this but it seems many posters are too.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on October 16, 2016, 10:27:36 PM
I am going to predict Senda will be arrested for something over the next six months to a year. He has had two restraining orders just that we know of. He is unravelling and it has nothing to do with Bellgab.

A psychiatric hold is the best way to defuse Senda before he implodes upon himself and/or others. He's clearly delusional and in serious need of professional help. I'm not a doctor but I've worked with patients exhibiting the same symptoms.

Praise MV

Quote from: effluenza on October 16, 2016, 10:59:06 PM
I think the Circle Jerk of Trust know exactly what their advice is doing.

People on Bellgab need to stop thinking of the Jerk Trust as not being the trolls they are. I thought it was just Falkie that was blind to this but it seems many posters are too.

On sports forum I lurk on, a user committed suicide. Some didn't like his opinions are were literally trying to get him fired from his job and taking pictures of his house. The man had other issues but people take things to far.

All life has value even Falkies. People need to realize with people like Falkie a Internet forum like Bellgab means more to them than they think.

Quote from: Norm on October 16, 2016, 11:04:20 PM
A psychiatric hold is the best way to defuse Senda before he implodes upon himself and/or others.

I think he should be picked up by the authorities and placed in a controlled environment.

And if nobody claims him within 30 days, well...deal with the situation humanely. 

That haircut isn't going to help his chances.  Mange is a turnoff to potential adopters.


I used to think that George was unaware of the intentions of his supporters.  Many here brought up concerns only to be dismissed.  I'm pretty certain at this point he knows the score.  I don't know if he is just so lonely that he continues on with his circle, if he is doing a little trolling of his own- or what his motivation is.

As much as people here gave him crap- it was actually probably better for him than insulating himself from it.  MV produced a few shows for him (and sent him the worlds cheapest laptop and even now would let him post here).  He had his circle of trust, and he had people to tell him the truth (I usually mention the same suspects, so I'll skip those names- but I usually forget the reformed Coaster and PB as other people who I think actually have or had George's best interests at heart.)  The problem comes in his inability to accept constructive criticism or take advice if somebody does not address him as master.

Your only hope of reaching him is to grovel, call him master, lick his boots (possibly stop around and help him clean his house) and once you gain his trust, fill him in on reality. Even then, I suspect that he will reject it...  I suppose you could always join "Georges dingleberries" if you cannot bring yourself to have the dedication to the man to gain entry to the circle of trust (and Justin.)

Quote from: nooryisawesome on October 16, 2016, 11:24:11 PM
All life has value even Falkies.

Parasites might have some value as being part of the food chain, but a human parasite -- like Senda -- does not.  He'll be dead within a few years and there's no evidence that he's done anything other than waste his entire time on Earth.


Quote from: Norm on October 16, 2016, 11:04:20 PM
A psychiatric hold is the best way to defuse Senda before he implodes upon himself and/or others. He's clearly delusional and in serious need of professional help. I'm not a doctor but I've worked with patients exhibiting the same symptoms.

Praise MV
The California penal code 51 50 can be used for falkie


Quote from: damon on October 17, 2016, 12:14:47 AM
The California penal code 51 50 can be used for falkie
not really, unless a petitioner can prove falkie is a danger to himself or others in a very real and timely way, he would not be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.


Quote from: onan on October 17, 2016, 12:19:28 AM
not really, unless a petitioner can prove falkie is a danger to himself or others in a very real and timely way, he would not be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

As an expert witness I can testify that the videos produced by George Senda clearly represent a person who is just plain fucking nuts.


Quote from: weareharbinger on October 16, 2016, 09:11:47 AM

In a shocking turn of events, FalkieLEAKSâ,,¢ has been vindicated by Senda himself on EODR.

The Laptop saga begins.
My favorite part of these leaks is where senda starts singing acapella, "MV is a scumbag......"

Poor evil MV


Quote from: WOTR on October 16, 2016, 11:22:21 AM
You show your ignorance in this post.  The spyware / malware written for this application has already "escaped" the laptop to infect his router and I-devices.  A fresh install on the laptop will only result in a re-infection from other hardware.  The only solution is to throw out the router and do a clean install on all other hardware or bring in a tech.  Besides, MV now has the "keys" to his network and even after all of that hard work may remotely re-infect all hardware at will... This problem would challenge even the most battle hardened hacker and you presume to offer simple advice?

Let's not forget that this is also a 'sleeper' virus.  You CAN clean it, but unless you clean ALL the infected items at the same time, it will self replicate and re-infect with a self upgrade as it hides in the code, copper wiring, plastic housing...hell, senda has to wear gloves while doing this or he will carry the virus to his own junk!!!

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