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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

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647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Falkie this is why you are broke. You bought 2 trays, why, you know that you will never have company. Falkie you bought some dumbass salt and pepper shakers and another pumpkin shaped object that will require expensive batteries to run. What really gets me though Falkie is that you keep buying Name Brand food for you and your cats! Shit Falkie do your cats demand Fancy Feast? Cant you just buy store brand? And shame on you Falkie, Kraft cheese! Name brand TV dinners!

Quote from: akwilly on October 03, 2016, 11:34:50 PM

Falkie this is why you are broke. You bought 2 trays, why, you know that you will never have company. Falkie you bought some dumbass salt and pepper shakers and another pumpkin shaped object that will require expensive batteries to run. What really gets me though Falkie is that you keep buying Name Brand food for you and your cats! Shit Falkie do your cats demand Fancy Feast? Cant you just buy store brand? And shame on you Falkie, Kraft cheese! Name brand TV dinners!

It was at least $25 for a few instant gratification dust collectors.

As Aliencon gets closer he will be begging viewrs for that $25 he never should have tossed away.

He used to yell at Kathy when she wanted to buy things on eBay.


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on October 03, 2016, 11:53:17 PM
It was at least $25 for a few instant gratification dust collectors.

As Aliencon gets closer he will be begging viewrs for that $25 he never should have tossed away.

He used to yell at Kathy when she wanted to buy things on eBay.
what gets me is that I'm not broke but if you look in my fridge you will not see Kraft cheese! You would see Wester Family brand cheese and ya instead of feeding my dog Kibbles and Bits brand feed I buy Ol Roy brand.

Quote from: akwilly on October 04, 2016, 12:00:56 AM
what gets me is that I'm not broke but if you look in my fridge you will not see Kraft cheese! You would see Wester Family brand cheese and ya instead of feeding my dog Kibbles and Bits brand feed I buy Ol Roy brand.

I just hate that he begs for money then just throws it away.

At least he is now begging on YT and showing how he flushes his money on YT, so YT viewers get to see it all.

YOU could become the "next"
The Story of Colonel Sanders, a Man who Started at 65 and Failed 1009 Times Before Succeeding !!!!
Hell, you are NOT 65 yet AND God knows you have FAILED MORE THAN 1009 TIMES ALREADY !!

(Will "The Guy from Pittsburgh" have a YouTube update soon??)

64-Year-Old REALLY FAT MAN (and his "TWITCHY THINGY") Charged in Sexual Assault on Girl

By "Open Lines Gerry"
64-Year-Old Charged in Sexual Assault on 12 year old "busty" girl as Martinez, CA. and joint Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office haul the suspect in.
Officers take Anthony George Senda, aka "FALKIE" aka "The Guy from Pittsburg",  into custody.
Almost two weeks after he allegedly sexually assaulted a young girl, police have arrested and charged
Anthony George Sendal, a Pittsburgh. PA. illegal immigrant to California, has been charged with nine felony counts related to the alleged assault inside the Martinez, CA. Starbucks, police said Monday.
According to the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office, the 12-year-old girl was sexually abused by Senda in August 2016 at Starbucks in Martinez, CA. where the victim was enjoying a latte with her two girlfriends.
The victim recently confessed the details of the assault to her mother who reported it to Contra Acosta County Sheriff's Office. Contra Costa County officers were then contacted and worked with the Martinez Police Office to arrest Senda.
FALKIE is charged with four counts each of lewd and "TWITCHING" and sexual battery and one count of lewd and lascivious exhibition OF HIS "TWITCHING THINGY". He is being held on $5,550,000 bond.

Quote from: akwilly on October 04, 2016, 12:00:56 AM
what gets me is that I'm not broke but if you look in my fridge you will not see Kraft cheese! You would see Wester Family brand cheese and ya instead of feeding my dog Kibbles and Bits brand feed I buy Ol Roy brand.

That food wil shorten the dogs life. It is complete garbage, please spend the extra .50 cents and buy him Dog chow or something. Most store brands are Ok but OL Roy is not.

Quote from: nooryisawesome on October 04, 2016, 07:36:59 AM
That food wil shorten the dogs life. It is complete garbage, please spend the extra .50 cents and buy him Dog chow or something. Most store brands are Ok but OL Roy is not.
Could he send the Ol' Roy to George ?
George will eat anything !
(Especially FREEBIES)

You do not yet comprehend your place in things.

In writing a musical play in The Masters honor called, Falkie on the Roof.


"Briss over Three Rivers"

"Burning ring of Tiger"

"Momma? Do you love me?"

"I Saved IBM!"

"Oy Gavalt! My Knee!"

"Mo Money Mo Gas Cards"


George reminds me of Stanley Krim in Take the Money and Run...go to 1:18:57.


Quote from: weareharbinger on October 04, 2016, 11:55:33 AM
You do not yet comprehend your place in things.

Stuffing his face in the middle of the night? Setting his parents bed on fire because he was lighting a match to try see his stuffed animal? He's been a fatass and a dumbass since childhood. His poor parents.

Would a parent perhaps be concerned for their 9 to 12 year old girl (especially if she was "busty" for her age) IF they spotted a morbidly obese 64 year old male with a bizarrooo haircut by a weedwacker, glasses ducktaped to his forehead, food stained t-shirt with "tokemon" on front, riding in a disabled person's (NOT a fat person's scooter) shopping scooter AND wearing those 68" waist bright red shorts (that have a mayo OR other, perhaps bodily fluid stain by his fly) with his fly open "proudly" displaying his "TWITCHY THINGY" ?????????

Does anyone thing FALKIE should be registered as a ....
well, a FALKIE ??
Yea, "that" would cover it !

You are arrogant, Senda. You will learn.


Quote from: Sasha on October 04, 2016, 01:08:28 PM
Does anyone thing FALKIE should be registered as a ....
well, a FALKIE ??

Well Casio..err sock puppet "Sasha", you're a registered sex offender so I would rather be a registered "Falkie".

Halloween: Protecting Your Child from Predators
The crisp cool air and short nights are upon us, and Halloween is near. While Halloween brings excitement to young (very young) "busty" (his words) with the thoughts of wearing costumes, eating candy, and ghoulish monsters, it often brings fear to parents with the thoughts of another type of monster. The one that lures children in with sweets and then flashes his "TWITCHY THINGY"at them.
To protect against this monster on Halloween, law enforcement spends a great deal of time checking on registered "TWITCHY THINGY"  offenders and many states have adopted laws that precludes offenders from handing out candy, driving after dark, and requires them to stay in their homes during this time. Some go as far as to require them to place signs in their front yards that say “No Candy At This Residence.” While these policies may seem stringent, let’s face it, they are MORBIDLY OBESE 64 TEAR OLD MEN THAT ADMIT TO "TWITCHING DOWN THERE" at Starbucks when spotting such a childIT IS NECESSARY FOR these laws and police practices do protect our children, right?


Quote from: Dmitri on October 04, 2016, 01:25:40 PM
Well Casio..err sock puppet "Sasha", you're a registered sex offender so I would rather be a registered "Falkie".

Hey Falkie. Welcome back.

(Nah, I really did NOT expect you to....)

Quote from: weareharbinger on October 04, 2016, 11:55:33 AM
You do not yet comprehend your place in things.

Interesting ....

The psychopathic personality is a particularly antisocial and predatory one. Characteristics include:

*  A high need for control.
*   Arrogant and confident sense of superiority and entitlement.
*   Easily bored, seeking stimulation and lacking fear.
*  No loyalty, empathy or concern for other people.
*  Callous use of lies, manipulation and other abuse.
*  No conscience, lacking guilt or remorse for anything they do, no matter how bad.
* Cunning image management and shifting of blame.
*  As children, they may have been classed as delinquent and shown significant signs of bed-wetting, animal abuse or fire-starting.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on October 03, 2016, 11:53:17 PM
It was at least $25 for a few instant gratification dust collectors.

As Aliencon gets closer he will be begging viewrs for that $25 he never should have tossed away.

He used to yell at Kathy when she wanted to buy things on eBay.

I talked to George at about 3 am this morning, he's got a lot to get off his chest. This next appearance on the show will be one not to miss. Oh it will have everything this time, who knows you might slam your heads against your monitors. I'll probably run into him at alien con, I'm still bewildered by the chance of seeing falkie in public.

senda gets doped up and goes shopping at night (seen it before ya know). i mean, he must be doped up with two crushed discs in his spine and constant tooth and sinus infections that don't seem to respond to antibiotics (prolly due to the drugs). he appears in his videos... all that twisting, turning and bending forward and sideways... no wonder he is slurring his words more and more. being doped up also seems to have messed up his two brain cells even more... buy junk instead of food. he often claims he has nothing in the house to eat.

the end is near.....

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on October 03, 2016, 11:53:17 PM
It was at least $25 for a few instant gratification dust collectors.

As Aliencon gets closer he will be begging viewrs for that $25 he never should have tossed away.

He used to yell at Kathy when she wanted to buy things on eBay.

i can prepare four full meals (for 2 people) with 25 dollars.

Quote from: username on October 04, 2016, 02:16:07 PM
I'm still bewildered by the chance of seeing falkie in public.

You should be safe, provided that you aren't a pubescent little girl.

Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on October 04, 2016, 03:26:19 PM
i can prepare four full meals (for 2 people) with 25 dollars.

Of course, because you are an adult and not an overgrown 5 year old who spends all its money on useless crap. I'm waiting for him to start beging again for money because he cannot pay bills or feed himself. He spent $7 alone on one of those useless trays. Why? He doesn't entertain and even if he did, he needs to pay his responsibilities first before throwing money away. He really should be in a group home for mentally retarded adults.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on October 04, 2016, 03:48:43 PM
You should be safe, provided that you aren't a pubescent little girl.

I'll have a security guard with me, not that I need it but why not?

A Jew who pounds down pork kielbasas and can't point to Israel on a map.  An aspiring celebrity who wears a war crime as a haircut.  A narcissist who so craves attention that he spends all his time planting dynamite inside his own asshole just so that someone, ANYONE will talk about him.  A heaping pile of rhinoceros shit with the style and personality of my flaccid penis.

Fuck Senda with a Halloween pumpkin encrusted with scabies.  He can't die fast enough.

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on October 04, 2016, 03:49:00 PM
He really should be in a group home for mentally retarded adults.

We the people have spent enough money keeping this useless turd alive.  He really needs to go into the wood chipper, that's where he needs to go.

Corona Kitty

I thought bellgab liked it's residential Donald Trump supporters?

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