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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 06:33:01 PM
Yeah, I sent a few bucks to Falkie. 

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 29, 2016, 06:14:44 PM
Fortunately for him there is a seemingly inexhaustible supply of suckers on the Internet who are willing to forgive, forget, and give him money.  It is YOU people who are sustaining his behaviour, like someone giving drugs to an addict.

I really hate being right all the time.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 29, 2016, 06:39:00 PM
I really hate being right all the time.

...Yeah right.  Have you given Falkie any money?  Have you given ANYONE anything?  If so, how did you have the ability to see through to the person's intent?    How did you know the guy on the corner headed to the nearest liquor store, or used the money to purchase the services of a lewd woman?  Why would it matter?  I give to give...if the recipient spends it on something he/she shouldn't, that's their beat. 

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 06:50:41 PM
...Yeah right.  Have you given Falkie any money?  Have you given ANYONE anything?  If so, how did you have the ability to see through to the person's intent?    How did you know the guy on the corner headed to the nearest liquor store, or used the money to purchase the services of a lewd woman?  Why would it matter?  I give to give...if the recipient spends it on something he/she shouldn't, that's their beat.

I have not given cash to the homeless but I have given sox. Sure they can use money but it will be used poorly. But you want to make a homlesspersons day give them a brand new package of sox.

Imagine wearing the same sox all day every day for weeks, rain or shine, then getting new ones.

It is not something people tend to think about so they never seem to be in care packages or whatever.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 06:50:41 PM
...Yeah right.  Have you given Falkie any money?  Have you given ANYONE anything?  If so, how did you have the ability to see through to the person's intent?    How did you know the guy on the corner headed to the nearest liquor store, or used the money to purchase the services of a lewd woman?  Why would it matter?  I give to give...if the recipient spends it on something he/she shouldn't, that's their beat.
Lighten up, BJ.  I've given The Fat One money before.  For Our Sweet Kathy's new home fund.  He promptly took the money, called me a cheap bastard, went and ate Cinnabons and coffees, then taunted me about not being able to take my daughter for a Cinnabon.   


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 05:08:22 PM
Did you ever decide whether or not to replace the purple mic you had?

Also, Paladin is still offering to outline a diet and exercise program for you.  Now that things are underway, you should give your overall health some thought Falk.

Paladin has engaged in continual attacks against me and because of that I wouldn't take his advice on how to open a package of gum.
To me, once you start down the path of hatred, anything else you say is of no consequence and I ignore it.
I'm going to the doctor Monday, the rescheduled dentist on Friday and as Anthem denied my shots for my back as being " not medically necessary ", I am not looking forward to 8 weeks of physical therapy & going to and from SF without a car.
Physical therapy in the past ( when I was thinner & younger ) did absolutely nothing for my injured knee & I suspect it won't do a damned thing for my back either.
My Mother went through it for injured back too & it did nothing to stop the pain.
I think it's a big racket to keep pt people in jobs.

I am concerned about my health and weight too but being without the car makes it a lot harder.
And the weekends here suck with only one bus out of town, every 2 hours & stopping at 6 pm and effectively goes nowhere only stopping at BART.
At least I can walk to the farmers market here on Sunday and get fruit & veggies.
Tuesday there's the one in Concord. Much better selection and cheaper & I need to go and get more cat food and yet another new IPad charger cable as the rubber has rotted on the one I have.
Every 3 months or so the rubber frays and eventually breaks the wires inside rendering charging useless.
Why Apple doesn't fix the problem is beyond me.


Quote from: malliard on April 29, 2016, 06:27:36 PM
good to see George Noory

For jimmy it is help build is name/brand

and a big congratulations Falkie on the role with coast

Thanks for the nice wishes.
I know it will give me more recognition & we're going to be doing something starting Monday as I start invoicing my getting PAID for doing the videos.

Now you are among friends so I MUST ask one question.

Where did you stash the duck ?

Free the duck !

Quote from: paladin1991 on April 29, 2016, 07:02:59 PM
Lighten up, BJ.  I've given The Fat One money before.  For Our Sweet Kathy's new home fund.  He promptly took the money, called me a cheap bastard, went and ate Cinnabons and coffees, then taunted me about not being able to take my daughter for a Cinnabon.

Haha!  Really?  Yeah, that's pretty bad.  I guess I don't know Falk as well as some of you. 

Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 29, 2016, 07:05:50 PM
Paladin has engaged in continual attacks against me and because of that I wouldn't take his advice on how to open a package of gum.
To me, once you start down the path of hatred, anything else you say is of no consequence and I ignore it.

Oh shit Falk, we all enjoy busting your chops but I think apart from a few posters, no one here hates you.  Paladin is just suggesting a routine, a plan.

He seems to be harboring some hurt feelings as well.  Something about a donation intended for something else going to a visit to Cinnabon.  Perhaps it would be like giving/accepting an olive branch for you to at least consider the advice. 

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 06:50:41 PM
...Yeah right.  Have you given Falkie any money?  Have you given ANYONE anything?  If so, how did you have the ability to see through to the person's intent?    How did you know the guy on the corner headed to the nearest liquor store, or used the money to purchase the services of a lewd woman?  Why would it matter?  I give to give...if the recipient spends it on something he/she shouldn't, that's their beat.

I owned a business.  A woman approached me for a job.  Her boyfriend left her and so she lost their apartment.  She had three children, one of whom had cerebral palsy.  At the time she approached me, she and her kids were living in a shelter.

I gave her some hours.  It was menial work, but she did well.  I gave her more hours and eventually a full time job.  She asked me to cosign with her on an apartment so that she could get out of the shelter -- which I did.  She worked hard.  She collected cardboard and scrap metal at night to supplement her income.  I gave her various discards from my household rather than throwing them out or donating them, or in some cases, selling them on craigslist.

She eventually was able to remove me as a cosigner.  She never had a luxurious life but she provided a roof overhead and food on the table for her and her family. 

There are two types of homeless people, in my experience.  One is like her -- someone living on the margins who falls off and needs a hand back up.  They are capable of being self-supporting and just need some assistance to get back there.  I am willing to assist these people and believe that it is money well invested.

The second type are hopeless cases.  For various reasons, they are not capable.  You could set them up in an apartment with a job, explain to them how to pay bills and what to pay and do, and within two months they will be back on the street again.  They are the stray animals of society.  You might choose to feed them out of pity and compassion, but it's a mistake to think you can ever "help" them.  No amount of money or energy will ever change their situation.  I don't give money to people who fall into this classification.

I hope this answers your question.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 07:11:43 PM
Oh shit Falk, we all enjoy busting your chops but I think apart from a few posters, no one here hates you.  Paladin is just suggesting a routine, a plan.

He seems to be harboring some hurt feelings as well.  Something about a donation intended for something else going to a visit to Cinnabon.  Perhaps it would be like giving/accepting an olive branch for you to at least consider the advice.

Almost every damn post he's ever made about me has been attack, attack, attack.

And if I can't buy myself a pastry on my birthday with money I got in the mail LAST week that was NOT his money, then he and his " hurt " feelings can go to hell.

Or at any time, for that matter.
Cinnabon was closed for a year and I think I've only gone there 2 or 3 times since it reopened and sometimes I don't get anything for me and am tagging along because Kathy wants a pecan bun or I buy one for my sweetie because it makes her happy.

And he either sent me a dollar or five dollars that we either used for the Noory interview or that I gave to Kathy for gas so she could move, so he's full of crap.
Pal O Poop only gave me his pittance not to help me but so he could have a justification to bitch about my spending " HIS " money in a way he didn't approve of or so he could just bitch for the sake of bitching for bitchings sake.

That money was long ago spent and his crocodile tears are total bs.

Am I to separate money sent to me as non useable money and then get condemned for spending my money on me or Kathy as well ?
He's being an idiot.
At some time I am going to buy a treat for myself or Kathy.
He needs to get over it.
I am long past tired of people bitching at me for everything I spend on me, or equipment or whatever.
It's none of their business.

I've had " hurt feelings " ever since that thread started & ever since he started posting there as well.

But he'd NEVER mention that, would he ?

Fuck him.

I'd give him an olive branch alright.

One with a huge stick of cartoon dynamite attached to it with a very short lit fuse.

And then I could enjoy the earth shattering " KABOOM " that would come from the Musings thread as he tried to get away and failed.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 29, 2016, 07:23:00 PM
I owned a business.  A woman approached me for a job.  Her boyfriend left her and so she lost their apartment.  She had three children, one of whom had cerebral palsy.  At the time she approached me, she and her kids were living in a shelter.

I gave her some hours.  It was menial work, but she did well.  I gave her more hours and eventually a full time job.  She asked me to cosign with her on an apartment so that she could get out of the shelter -- which I did.  She worked hard.  She collected cardboard and scrap metal at night to supplement her income.  I gave her various discards from my household rather than throwing them out or donating them, or in some cases, selling them on craigslist.

She eventually was able to remove me as a cosigner.  She never had a luxurious life but she provided a roof overhead and food on the table for her and her family. 

There are two types of homeless people, in my experience.  One is like her -- someone living on the margins who falls off and needs a hand back up.  They are capable of being self-supporting and just need some assistance to get back there.  I am willing to assist these people and believe that it is money well invested.

The second type are hopeless cases.  For various reasons, they are not capable.  You could set them up in an apartment with a job, explain to them how to pay bills and what to pay and do, and within two months they will be back on the street again.  They are the stray animals of society.  You might choose to feed them out of pity and compassion, but it's a mistake to think you can ever "help" them.  No amount of money or energy will ever change their situation.  I don't give money to people who fall into this classification.

I hope this answers your question.

It does, and you make a good point.

Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 07:09:42 PM
Haha!  Really?  Yeah, that's pretty bad.  I guess I don't know Falk as well as some of you.

I first encountered Senda 15 years ago on another board.  His behaviour has been consistent over that time.  The kind of experience you are having now has been repeated so many times I can't count.  All of the steps are the same, including the disillusionment that is settling in with you right now. 

Senda uses people, and particularly women, until they figure him out and cut him off.  Then he insults them and turns on them.

Here's the take home message Billy Joe.  Your impulses are good, they come from the kinder elements of the human heart.  You are a good person and you should not feel bad in any way for having been conned by Senda.  His immorality does not reduce the goodness in you or anyone else.

Paladin, I tried to convince Falkie, over at the Fortress,  to accept your offer to outline a diet and exercise plan.  He will have none of it.  He says you have been too hateful for him to accept anything from you.  You tried man.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 29, 2016, 06:14:44 PM
It is YOU people who are sustaining his behaviour, like someone giving drugs to an addict.
enablers. what can ya do.

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on April 29, 2016, 06:31:29 PM
Yea, Liefeld is bad but I will say this about him.
He is one hell of a nice guy and has a great sense of humor. He gets the Liefeld jokes and laughs at them.
I'm sure hes the greatest guy ever. Guy just can't draw for shit. Early  90's were a heyday for comic books. Look at Silvestri. He was worse than Liefeld, started out drawing. Turned it into Image comics I believe. I think thats where "Spawn" originated from. Anytime I see Liefeld mentioned, I think of those weird ass fanny packs that all of his characters wore on their thigh. So fucking weird. Back in the day, I had a comic book collection that reached almost into five digits. I sold 8000 comics in one day to a collector. That was fun. I would have held on to all of them had I known they started making comic book movies.. Shits coming back.

Quote from: coaster on April 29, 2016, 07:34:49 PM
enablers. what can ya do.
I'm sure hes the greatest guy ever. Guy just can't draw for shit. Early  90's were a heyday for comic books. Look at Silvestri. He was worse than Liefeld, started out drawing. Turned it into Image comics I believe. I think thats where "Spawn" originated from. Anytime I see Liefeld mentioned, I think of those weird ass fanny packs that all of his characters wore on their thigh. So fucking weird. Back in the day, I had a comic book collection that reached almost into five digits. I sold 8000 comics in one day to a collector. That was fun. I would have held on to all of them had I known they started making comic book movies.. Shits coming back.

LOL.  There used to be a website (maybe still there) which showcased Liefield's art.  The countless packs on the belt and all the funny anatomical features...huge breasts/chests...tiny feet, etc. 


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 07:11:43 PM
Oh shit Falk, we all enjoy busting your chops but I think apart from a few posters, no one here hates you.  Paladin is just suggesting a routine, a plan.

He seems to be harboring some hurt feelings as well.  Something about a donation intended for something else going to a visit to Cinnabon.  Perhaps it would be like giving/accepting an olive branch for you to at least consider the advice.

I see things pretty much the same way you do BJ.  Bellgabbers bust each others chops most of the time cuz that's what they do best, then run off to have some more laughs, a beer and a pizza at the corner pub.  It's bellgab.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 07:09:42 PM
Haha!  Really?  Yeah, that's pretty bad.  I guess I don't know Falk as well as some of you.

I think we're pretty much alike there.  I give to someone in need if I have it.  It could just be a cigarette sometimes.  I don't expect it returned or even remembered.  I don't even care if they used it for a good cause or not.  I feel happy when I get home, that someone needed something, and I had extra to share.  That's the extent of my involvement with a "good deed".  It's not on my mind to worry about what they do with my gift.


Quote from: brig on April 29, 2016, 07:44:51 PM
I see things pretty much the same way you do BJ.  Bellgabbers bust each others chops most of the time cuz that's what they do best, then run off to have some more laughs, a beer and a pizza at the corner pub.  It's bellgab.

It may be Bellgab.
But it don't make it right.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 29, 2016, 07:57:04 PM
It may be Bellgab.
But it don't make it right.

For me, bellgab IS just right. I've been on a lot of forums in my years, and I enjoy this one most of all.  I suppose if I took it seriously, I might feel the way you do George, but I must be honest, and tell you that I don't take it seriously, and I don't buy the "hate" thing.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 29, 2016, 07:37:24 PM
LOL.  There used to be a website (maybe still there) which showcased Liefield's art.  The countless packs on the belt and all the funny anatomical features...huge breasts/chests...tiny feet, etc.
haha right? and no hands. the fucker couldn't draw a hand to save his life. This picture epitomizes his art.


Quote from: area51drone on April 29, 2016, 03:22:16 AM
I haven't visited bellgab for days now, but I had to come back when I heard Noory's comments on last night's replay.  LOL.  Noory is the biggest bellgab troll there is!   The best part is Noory mentions Senda for quite a while, and it absolutely did NOTHING for his improving his views - just like previous times.   People just don't give a shit about him, and if they DO go watch his channel HE himself points everyone to this board and this thread where they find out what a schmuck he is.   

Of course, Noory knows that he has zero power to direct anyone to anywhere.  What does he say, 40k people on Paranormal Date.com?  LOL, no way!

Jealous of the Big Guy and  your cat box show with George  was a complete failure.   Sorry drone, truth hurts. 


Quote from: brig on April 29, 2016, 11:01:37 AM
I'm expecting to hear lots of bellgab SHOUTOUTS from the C2C SendaSegment!  A girl can hope.

Praise MV!

Only thing better would be a joint brig and George segment. ... I see the signs


Quote from: brig on April 29, 2016, 07:59:03 PM
For me, bellgab IS just right. I've been on a lot of forums in my years, and I enjoy this one most of all.  I suppose if I took it seriously, I might feel the way you do George, but I must be honest, and tell you that I don't take it seriously, and I don't buy the "hate" thing.

Well, Brig, I beg to differ with you but I can and will.

There's been a campaign of DELIBERATE hatred and stalking towards me on not this board but originally a second board as well for some 15 years & by people who followed me from that board to this one and continued their stalking behavior  ( and new attack boards being created as well in the last 3 years and in the last several weeks ) and perhaps if YOU had been the recipient of the attacks, character assassination and actual overt stalking off line, you would feel differently about it; but somehow I doubt it because you feel that any thing posted on this board is acceptable no matter how vile because it's just Bellgabbers having " fun ".

To the victim of online bullying or off line bullying, it's NEVER fun.

A female firefighter committed suicide in the last 2 weeks because of the harassment she received from her co workers.

I guess that was the result of work related " good clean fun " too.

Bullshit on that.


George Noory, good on ya for your act of kindness toward the other George.

Not a Coast fan anymore but a good deed is a good deed.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on April 29, 2016, 08:13:36 PM
Only thing better would be a joint brig and George segment. ... I see the signs

I'm pretty sure I will be banned from the Fortress before that happens LOL's


Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 29, 2016, 08:16:23 PM
Well, Brig, I beg to differ with you but I can and will.

There's been a campaign of DELIBERATE hatred and stalking towards me on not this board but originally a second board as well for some 15 years & by people who followed me from that board to this one and continued their stalking behavior  ( and new attack boards being created as well in the last 3 years and in the last several weeks ) and perhaps if YOU had been the recipient of the attacks, character assassination and actual overt stalking off line, you would feel differently about it; but somehow I doubt it because you feel that any thing posted on this board is acceptable no matter how vile because it's just Bellgabbers having " fun ".

To the victim of online bullying or off line bullying, it's NEVER fun.

A female firefighter committed suicide in the last 2 weeks because of the harassment she received from her co workers.

I guess that was the result of work related " good clean fun " too.

Bullshit on that.

I understand George, and it saddens me that you feel hated, and feel sad and hurt.  Honestly? I wouldn't stay at a board that honestly made me feel that way.  Aren't these the same people that come and listen to your FalkieCasts, and add views to your YouTubes?

Quote from: coaster on April 29, 2016, 07:34:49 PM
enablers. what can ya do.
I'm sure hes the greatest guy ever. Guy just can't draw for shit. Early  90's were a heyday for comic books. Look at Silvestri. He was worse than Liefeld, started out drawing. Turned it into Image comics I believe. I think thats where "Spawn" originated from. Anytime I see Liefeld mentioned, I think of those weird ass fanny packs that all of his characters wore on their thigh. So fucking weird. Back in the day, I had a comic book collection that reached almost into five digits. I sold 8000 comics in one day to a collector. That was fun. I would have held on to all of them had I known they started making comic book movies.. Shits coming back.

The only books of value are key issues. No one really buys issues anymore, it is mostly sold as digital downloads. Issues are cumbersome.

BYW, check out Robs 501 commercial if you get a chance, it did not age well. And even he knows his art is shit, he was just working at a time when comic book movies were hot, right after Batman 89. Movie companies were optioning off characters like crazy so Rob just started creating every thing he could think of, including Deadpool. That kid is worth millions.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 29, 2016, 07:08:31 PM
Thanks for the nice wishes.
I know it will give me more recognition & we're going to be doing something starting Monday as I start invoicing my getting PAID for doing the videos.

Now you are among friends so I MUST ask one question.

Where did you stash the duck ?

Free the duck !

i hide in my corner anymore.. www.tmr247.com ..just got tired of crap


Quote from: paladin1991 on April 29, 2016, 05:16:27 PM
Yes, but let's not forget.  It is one WHOLE minute, 60 fucking seconds, on a nationally syndicated and internationally heard program.  This could really turn into something big for The Fat One.  I don't know how much a whole minute would cost an advertiser.  But fm what I hear, it doesn't cost senda a penny.
I'm all for him being successful and getting off the dole.   I'm sure he is too. I just want The Fat One to begin a program of Diet and Exercise.  He can have health and wealth.  I'm all for it. 
It  just chaps my ass that The Fat One is on the verge of possibly great success, and will die before he can realize his dreams.  senda needs Diet and Exercise.  If he doesn't want to look at my templates then I hope he will take on another plan.  Nobody should die like senda will.

Diet and exercise for the Big Guy... excellent advice!!!  Cant believe no one else ever mentioned it before. 

Like ... wow man .. diet and exercise.

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