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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: littlechris on August 15, 2015, 10:34:25 PM

Money, money, money...as we all pour our work, sweat and tears in to the tax coffers...it's all so shithead can go shopping, out to eat, rent storage units for junk, (guess he isn't screaming in pain any longer,  and as I predicted the bs surgery never happened because you can't operate on fraudulent medical issues) see first run movies, go swimming, {God please I hope he videos that!} for the new a/c unit installed in the LEXUS and seeing his bankers his funds must be unlimited. How does an SSI/welfare recipient have all this $$$$ ????

Yorkshire pud

The above post from 'Falkie' I don't think is from him. It's one of his 'friends' who he's entrusted his password to, and who occasionally comes on and posts under Senda's name. If you read it and have noted Senda's style, you can see it isn't him. Whoever it is (and I have strong suspicions who), is doing it to get the reaction.

The swimming thing is the giveaway. He's never mentioned it before, so why now?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 16, 2015, 02:00:34 AM
The above post from 'Falkie' I don't think is from him. It's one of his 'friends' who he's entrusted his password to, and who occasionally comes on and posts under Senda's name. If you read it and have noted Senda's style, you can see it isn't him. Whoever it is (and I have strong suspicions who), is doing it to get the reaction.

The swimming thing is the giveaway. He's never mentioned it before, so why now?

Good observation. I'm not as familiar with the Falkmeister's postings since he hasn't been around since I started posting. My loss. But in the end, I don't care who posts as Falkie, as long as this thread lives forever.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 15, 2015, 10:26:45 PM
////Tomorrow we go out to see Antman and the Man From U.N.C.L.E. and go swimming afterwards.
One of my bankers////

I don't think tellers and door greeters are technically considered bankers.  I'd be interested in hearing what it is that Bulkie thinks bankers do.  Perhaps he'll let us know after his swim.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on August 15, 2015, 03:12:56 PM
Sredni, this might be up your alley.


We still know zilch about his education, yet there is near certainty online that the Bard liked to get fried. And now that is being deconstructed after all of a week.

That other article had a headline something like 'did Shakespeare like to blaze one up?'. In other words, totally desperate clickbait, so I'm not surprised that it didn't have as much evidence for it as they previously thought. I love headlines that end with a question mark, because you know it is all complete speculation. As we've got the 400 coming up soon I imagine stuff like like this is going to pop up pretty often. I don't know how you can read a few words of a sonnet and then speculate wildly on the flimsiest of evidence but that that's academics for you. Shakespeare has gotten to be like the Bible now -  you can say what you like and always find some sort of backing in there, if you're not all that scrupulous. I suppose they must have had some sort of stimulant in those days, but they didn't even have coffee then (talk about the Dark Ages!) and all the plays can't surely have been written solely on the local ale.

Reading that article reminds me I ought to pay a trip to Stratford soon. I've never been there before. I'm sure it's an awful tourist trap but it's one of those places you probably should see at least once, even if you know you are heading for disappointment. Like Falkie's apartment.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 16, 2015, 02:00:34 AM
The above post from 'Falkie' I don't think is from him. It's one of his 'friends' who he's entrusted his password to, and who occasionally comes on and posts under Senda's name. If you read it and have noted Senda's style, you can see it isn't him. Whoever it is (and I have strong suspicions who), is doing it to get the reaction.

The swimming thing is the giveaway. He's never mentioned it before, so why now?

I think Falkie's been done away with by an evil impostor.  I believe someone who looks like Falkie was jealous of his palatial estate and lavish lifestyle. That impostor has now assumed Falkie's identity.  It would be easy to do since Falkie told everyone in the world where he lives.

I intend to fly to the Bay Area tomorrow morning with some recording equipment.  I'm going to see if I can record some EVP in the areas surrounding Falkie's estate as well as his familiar haunts: Starbucks, the Apple store and emergency room.

I expect to hear the following:

1) Blood-curdling screams of pain.
2) "Shut up you idiot, this is designed to make me money."
3) "Damn, this ER is full of non-caucasians."
4) An impostor has assumed my identity.  Video tonight.
5) Danheiser?
6) "I will not tolerate bad food or bad service regardless of who paid for it."
7) "Mom?  Is it really you?  Damn, it's hot.  Where are we?"

Bart Ell

Quote from: Dateline on August 15, 2015, 06:58:49 PM
Maybe he is getting a French manicure and his toenails manicured and polished.

I never said I would travel to Mars in my lifetime, get your stories straight you band of gaggle-hounds.

Dusted another shelf this week and next week will dust the dust I dusted onto the floor from said bookshelf. Kathy still has not found a home and says the Prius is uncomfortable to sleep in. The lady from down the street reported Kathy sleeping in Prius and police report referred to her nude sleeping in the car as "a pressed ham under glass"

Managed to locate another class action lawsuit which applied to me. I bought 3 cases on bacon scented Vagisil in 1997 and felt ill from it. I reported at the time that it did not taste like bacon and they told me it was scented and not flavored. Now they will pay up for misleading all of America.

Went to see my private knee doctor this week to see when my operation will be. She said it will be sometime in September after her Sweet 16 birthday party. Until then I will continue to cry out in pain whenever my knee twinges.

Walked 13 blocks for free sample of Beeston's Ice Cream. Told store owner I would not be returning as the sample seemed small and the ice cream was too cold to eat. Kathy felt the same and said we needed 3 gallons of Yoohoo to drown out the horrible taste.

eddie dean

Quote from: Jocko Johnson on August 16, 2015, 01:55:10 AM
[Falkie] swimming, {God please I hope he videos that!}

Fat man jumps in pool - Huge splash!:

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Bart Ell on August 16, 2015, 07:44:43 AM

Went to see my private knee doctor this week to see when my operation will be. She said it will be sometime in September after her Sweet 16 birthday party. Until then I will continue to cry out in pain whenever my knee twinges.

Typically I have to get nasty comments from that bitch Laura whoever! Knock it off and mind your own business where I choose to get my free travel and garbage transportation from, okay? If I wanted everyone to know, especially YOU, which I do not; when I slapped Kathy because she let Patty get pissed with me and drive off IN HER CAR, and leave me stranded at the foot of the apartment stairs, I'd tell you, okay? Until then mind your own business.

E mail from Noory today, who I like again because he's still getting my name out there to make me money. I can't divulge what he said because it's confidential, so I'll be making a video later to talk about it. I'm getting more and more upset about donations to my T shirt fund; why oh why can't people read? I have stated CLEARLY that my current needs are NOT T shirts, but another Apple product that I won't be able to use. Everyone knows I have specific fund allocations, and they can't be mixed up!

How can I put T shirt money ($7.29) into the Apple allocation ($!.89) and not get confused? No-one thinks of that do they? But it sure gets me mad. Kathy will be making a video later to explain AGAIN the importance of getting this right. Maybe then people will listen, but I DOUBT iT!

It's another cleaning morning here in Northern CA, but it's sure hot. I hope the cleaning lady comes early and doesn't wear too much heavy clothing; the last thing I need is to be able to smell her sweaty body as she cleans and I take a nap. I explained to the agency how VITAL it is my naps are undisturbed by unwanted noise, smells and books falling off shelves. Two days ago the stupid bitch (Non Caucasian) accidentally nudged my whole collection of magazines of 'Stalking techniques' from 1992--1999. They stopped publishing in 1999 because some asshole complained about the content! Why can't people mind their OWN business?

I need to nap now. No doubt Drone will get the joke in this photo after our brief chat of three hours early this morning, when he made MORE salacious comments about sweet Kathy! I don't like him doing that.


Good god, I am starting to believe Falkie really is dead and he has begun to possess the souls of some of his chief BellGab tormentors.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 16, 2015, 08:38:00 AM
Good god, I am starting to believe Falkie really is dead and he has begun to possess the souls of some of his chief BellGab tormentors.

When did I say I couldn't walk unaided? Why don't you listen? I said I ONLY screamed in pain if I had to stand up to prove I'm disabled. Now knock it off as I need to do a video about Starbucks ripping people off with free coffee deals. They insist someone has to pay them for a danish pastry to get a free coffee. That is not free!! The cost is incorporated into the danish. Suing is an option.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 16, 2015, 08:41:25 AM

When did I say I couldn't walk unaided? Why don't you listen? I said I ONLY screamed in pain if I had to stand up to prove I'm disabled. Now knock it off as I need to do a video about Starbucks ripping people off with free coffee deals. They insist someone has to pay them for a danish pastry to get a free coffee. That is not free!! The cost is incorporated into the danish. Suing is an option.

WRONG, Jerkshire Dud!

I only eat triple chocolate muffins because the shape reminds of Sweet Kathy in a crop top.

Why don't you LISTEN, Porkshire Putz!!

(Oh my God, now Falkie has got to me. Fuck you, Falkie!!)


I think I found a recent picture of Falkie's banker.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 15, 2015, 10:26:45 PM
The gas pipe broke here so no hot water until Thursday and we took another load of stuff to storage and got the a/c fixed in our car.

It's 99 degrees, your apartment building has no AC and you won't have hot water until Thursday?  Either you're going to take a lot of cold showers or you're not going to be welcome at Starbucks and the Apple store.

Quote from: Who on August 16, 2015, 09:57:40 AM
Either you're going to take a lot of cold showers or you're not going to be welcome at Starbucks and the Apple store.

Falkie doesn't believe in cold showers. He's afraid of shrinkage.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 16, 2015, 02:00:34 AM
The above post from 'Falkie' I don't think is from him. It's one of his 'friends' who he's entrusted his password to, and who occasionally comes on and posts under Senda's name. If you read it and have noted Senda's style, you can see it isn't him. Whoever it is (and I have strong suspicions who), is doing it to get the reaction.

The swimming thing is the giveaway. He's never mentioned it before, so why now?

I agree, too many giveaways.
He does not go swimming but he might go to a specific place, he does not but "stuff for the house" he buys specific things, he would not use the term MFU and he would not start a post talking about someone else. He would start it saying that he was not dead even though his detractors wished he was.


Definitely would not start a post talking about anything other than himself.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 16, 2015, 06:28:28 AM
That other article had a headline something like 'did Shakespeare like to blaze one up?'. In other words, totally desperate clickbait, so I'm not surprised that it didn't have as much evidence for it as they previously thought. I love headlines that end with a question mark, because you know it is all complete speculation. As we've got the 400 coming up soon I imagine stuff like like this is going to pop up pretty often. I don't know how you can read a few words of a sonnet and then speculate wildly on the flimsiest of evidence but that that's academics for you. Shakespeare has gotten to be like the Bible now -  you can say what you like and always find some sort of backing in there, if you're not all that scrupulous. I suppose they must have had some sort of stimulant in those days, but they didn't even have coffee then (talk about the Dark Ages!) and all the plays can't surely have been written solely on the local ale.

Reading that article reminds me I ought to pay a trip to Stratford soon. I've never been there before. I'm sure it's an awful tourist trap but it's one of those places you probably should see at least once, even if you know you are heading for disappointment. Like Falkie's apartment.

Shakespeare's authorship has become a Bigfoot of the intellectual community. It's just not going away. There's a desperation to know him personally like never before. Maybe as there are no Shakespeares in our midst.

I wish Art would do a show on the topic.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Meatie Pie on August 16, 2015, 11:39:22 AM
Definitely would not start a post talking about anything other than himself.

When will Knows Nothing get it into her head that I haven't EVER hit Kathy on video? What is it about you people? Today I cleaned my shorts partially but Kathy said it would take too long, so I turned them inside out before we went out to Starbucks. The rude bitch behind the counter sniffed obviously as we walked in; but that can't have been directed at us, I KNOW THAT!


Quote from: Falkie2013 on August 15, 2015, 10:26:45 PM
As for Kathy, no apartment yet, 99 degrees here and too hot to do anything. I went and bought stuff for the house and my interview for getting the housekeeper is later this month.
No pizza on floor nor rats. Sorry to disaapoint you all.

Who are you and what have you done with Falkie?  Prove you're Falkie by correctly answering these questions.

1) How many frozen whole chickens can Falkie eat at one sitting?
2) Who does Falkie not like to see at the emergency room?
3) Who is Falkie's all-time favorite talk-show host?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on August 16, 2015, 12:19:52 PM
Who are you and what have you done with Falkie?  Prove you're Falkie by correctly answering these questions.

1) How many frozen whole chickens can Falkie eat inhale at one sitting?
2) Who does Falkie not like to see at the emergency room?
3) Who is Falkie's all-time favorite talk-show host?

Oh c'mon; even dead people who never read this forum know those answers.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 16, 2015, 12:21:22 PM

Oh c'mon; even dead people who never read this forum know those answers.

I'm not finished yet.

4) Since Falkie's bathroom is completely jammed full of old magazines, paranormal books, partially eaten frozen dinners and prized "collectibles," where does Falkie shower?

    a) Car wash
    b) Pacific Ocean
    c) Kathy's Korner
    d) What's a shower?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on August 16, 2015, 12:26:49 PM
I'm not finished yet.

4) Since Falkie's bathroom is completely jammed full of old magazines, paranormal books and other collectibles, where does Falkie shower?

    a) Carwash
    b) Pacific Ocean
    c) Kathy's Korner
    d) What's a shower?

e) fire hose


How does Kathy have discretionary income for repeat trips to the movies?

Quote from: Meatie Pie on August 16, 2015, 01:22:36 PM
How does Kathy have discretionary income for repeat trips to the movies?

If she doesn't need to spend her SSI check on frivolous things like a roof over her head, she has the money for the important things in life, like movies and Betty Boop purses.

Excuse me, I believe it was a Hello Kitty purse.



Quote from: Defwhale on August 16, 2015, 03:03:27 AM
I don't think tellers and door greeters are technically considered bankers.  I'd be interested in hearing what it is that Bulkie thinks bankers do.  Perhaps he'll let us know after his swim.

The bank calls them personal bankers so for lack of another term, I use that one.
And we went out and nevrr went swimming and got back late.
Kathy is off to see Antman while I stay here and do things.

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