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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on January 31, 2017, 06:29:00 AM

I really have to commend you.  This Rocky-style training program is really paying off.  I can't remember when George looked better.  He looks fit, and ready for his rebound after this whole circle disaster.  He even cleaned up his pad a bit.   Good job!  He's got a good man in his corner!

This is a pretty good drawing of falkie. if you made this, please make more.


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 30, 2017, 10:02:28 PM

Ignore that retard.

Sorry for your hardship, the death of a pet is pure loss.


Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on January 31, 2017, 08:54:53 AM
I think George is trying to copy me again, by showing of his foreign accent skills.

Falkie's fake foreign fluffery

If he just gets all the milk crates and all the books out he wouldn't be a hoarder. :)

But I think he must be straight-up imitating you. He did a nice bit of theater there.

Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on January 31, 2017, 12:00:44 AM
You can follow along at this thread, maybe click back a couple pages to catch up


I for one hope Art doesn't try another comeback. It is obvious that his heart isn't in it.
Everyone wants the OLD Art back and that Art is long gone and now there is a tired old man who doesn't have the energy or drive to do it anymore.

Someone had the suggestion of maybe a monthly podcast---now that would be great !!


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 31, 2017, 09:21:02 AM
If he just gets all the milk crates and all the books out he wouldn't be a hoarder. :)

But I think he must be straight-up imitating you. He did a nice bit of theater there.

George really did make me smile this morning.  He made my day!  :D


Quote from: Laughing Gator on January 31, 2017, 09:39:39 AM
I for one hope Art doesn't try another comeback. It is obvious that his heart isn't in it.
Everyone wants the OLD Art back and that Art is long gone and now there is a tired old man who doesn't have the energy or drive to do it anymore.

Someone had the suggestion of maybe a monthly podcast---now that would be great !!

I don't blame him for wanting to come back and create a new and improved ending to his career, in the memories of his fans, but the risk is, it could turn out even worse.

Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on January 31, 2017, 08:54:53 AM
I think George is trying to copy me again, by showing of his foreign accent skills.


grub, it's too early in the morning for you to start. Today is a great day for George. The 'Little Senda Urban Achievers' award will be given to the most deserving youth in Martinez. The selection process was grueling.

Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on January 31, 2017, 09:51:28 AM
George really did make me smile this morning.  He made my day!  :D

George is back and better than ever!

Hail Falkie!

Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on January 31, 2017, 09:51:28 AM
George really did make me smile this morning.  He made my day!  :D

Me too Brig. Falkie's 2 videos today were some of his best in a long time.

I may get flamed here but there is a difference between openly flaming Falkie on this forum and another thing entirely to in real life pretend to be his friend and then stab him in the back.
I don't think it's funny what Damon/Mr Spock did for example.

Falkie is Falkie and he won't change but Trolling is different than Catfishing.  One is fun and one is cruel in my opinion.


Quote from: Laughing Gator on January 31, 2017, 10:01:45 AM
Me too Brig. Falkie's 2 videos today were some of his best in a long time.

I may get flamed here but there is a difference between openly flaming Falkie on this forum and another thing entirely to in real life pretend to be his friend and then stab him in the back.
I don't think it's funny what Damon/Mr Spock did for example.

Falkie is Falkie and he won't change but Trolling is different than Catfishing.  One is fun and one is cruel in my opinion.

He seems to be trying to put more effort into everything right now, his videos and his apartment. It really is good to see.  I hope he keeps it up!

When George copies me, and demands that I stop copying him, he sometimes gets a little smug grin, or even lets out a little giggle, that tells me he knows it's all in good fun.

At this point, I suppose he is having a confusing time, trying to learn who is having good fun with him, and who really wants to hurt him.  Even I can't tell sometimes. I like to think nobody wants to hurt him deliberately.


Quote from: WOTR on January 31, 2017, 01:21:31 AM
I honestly think that most people (with a few exceptions) would actually be happy to see him cut ties with the net, get out and would wish a happy life for him. Who knows?  Perhaps now that he has started to work his way into a party of one he might actually mange to find some kind of contentment?

The thing is, I cannot be a supporter of his.  I have tried to cut down on being overly "mean spirited", but I am never going to be a fan, nor am I going to be one of his "marks."

I sympathize with what Coaster is saying. I'm not a fan of mean-spirited remarks in general, and I try not to engage. I've been here for years and didn't understand what this thread was about until maybe June or July of this year.

I have thoughts about this dude when I come here and scroll through all the crazy shit. I've thought, "Wow, what an asshole for ripping MV off like that", and, "Who exactly is this 'content' being made for?" I've also thought, "It's really sad that his only friends in the world are people pretending to be something they're not just to get a few laughs", and, "He doesn't really believe that the clearly-photoshopped Prius is a picture of an actual car that a stranger from France bought for a guy he hates, does he?" Then you watch a video or see a post, and it turns out that, yes, he sure does. And the "master" thing trips me out. Is that real? You can't be his friend unless you donate money and call him master?

This guy bums me out, both for what he does and for what is being done to him. He's like one of those particularly angry guys you see who spends all day in line at some bureaucratic house of red tape like the DMV or DES, just for the opportunity to yell at the person at the counter and possibly get some money back. It never occurred to me to follow one of those guys home and see what their daily lives are like. I guess now we know.

I've come to appreciate this place for what it is, which is one of the last truly active places on the internet that are still following the old model. This is some legit 1995 internetting. I was 23 in '95. I did my share of trolling and was trolled. I didn't know that's what it was called, but I was enough of an over-sharing dipshit that I probably had it coming. I remember spending hours a day clicking "refresh" and watching certain message boards like a hawk, just waiting for the next mean comment to come in so that I could essentially reply, "No I'm not, You are!". This turned out to be not terribly healthy. Thankfully life intervened and I figured out how to use the internet for things other than watching and fuming at messages.

I came here a week or two ago to send a PM and see what you've all been up to. To my delight, you're still at it, perhaps stronger than ever. I appreciate you for keeping the old model going. You post here, you still listen to internet radio shows that have built-in chat rooms, you troll cam dudes, you basically do everything you were doing in 1995, probably because we're around the same age or older. I see this place as kind of a temple for the aging internet user, the guy who built his first website by going to Yahoo, copying the code, pasting it in notepad, rearranging the words and uploading it to Geocities or Angelfire (which is basically what I did).

I appreciate you guys. There aren't a whole lot of these left.

Quote from: NXOEED on January 31, 2017, 10:22:50 AM

I appreciate you guys. There aren't a whole lot of these left.

You bring up old great memories. Remember Usenet flame wars ?? If you are a gamer remember the great "Derek Smart Flame War" that went on for years ??

I have this dream that at the end of "the Falkie Chronicles", Senda will take the camera upstairs from his messy basement to a really nice house with his wife Kathy dressed really nice and speaking well and they say "HAHA we trolled ALL of you, oh and I'M MV and own Bellgab and know via IP who is really who and played you all" !!

Now that would be a fitting end to this saga but sadly Senda is Senda and is actually real.

Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on January 31, 2017, 07:01:15 AM
I have no idea what part of France those wannabes come from, but they are a disgrace.

Yes & our friend White Crow wasn't going to let them get by with this nonsense.

Quote from: VENUS FIREBALL XL5 on January 31, 2017, 10:33:47 AM
Yes & our friend White Crow wasn't going to let them get by with this nonsense.

Excuse me, VENUS? White Crow lacks credibility. He is a known troll and has been banned form SewerGab many times. See, even vanderhoVen can't stand the man.

Quote from: VENUS FIREBALL XL5 on January 31, 2017, 10:33:47 AM
Yes & our friend White Crow wasn't going to let them get by with this nonsense.

I love the quote from "FiFi" about White Crow "who is this hillbilly" ??  :)

Bravo Chefist, really excellent show !!

Quote from: rekcuf on January 31, 2017, 10:37:10 AM
Excuse me, VENUS? White Crow lacks credibility. He is a known troll and has been banned form SewerGab many times. See, even vanderhoVen can't stand the man.

Hello Rekcuf,
Yes but he's our troll, and he told off that French Chipmunk.
He does add a lot of "color" to the board.
Ya, what did he do to get banned ?  Didn't he put moderator in his namesake ?


NXOEED, you're right, this thread is alt.flame circa 1996. Just much funnier, and filled with even more unstable isotopes.


Quote from: NXOEED on January 31, 2017, 10:22:50 AM
I appreciate you guys. There aren't a whole lot of these left.

Yup, that's why MV's apparent love of the chan sodomites baffles me. Turning BellGab into a chan would destroy it. I would have never figured MV for a butt-pirate.

Quote from: Laughing Gator on January 31, 2017, 10:38:03 AM
I love the quote from "FiFi" about White Crow "who is this hillbilly" ??  :)

Bravo Chefist, really excellent show !!

She was very arrogant, funny bit.  I forgot about that.


As George has recently learned, whatever it is, it's the price of Semi-Fame.

Quote from: Ciardelo on January 31, 2017, 11:04:13 AM
Yup, that's why MV's apparent love of the chan sodomites baffles me. Turning BellGab into a chan would destroy it. I would have never figured MV for a butt-pirate.

What exactly is a chan site ?


Quote from: Laughing Gator on January 31, 2017, 10:38:03 AM
I love the quote from "FiFi" about White Crow "who is this hillbilly" ??  :)

Bravo Chefist, really excellent show !!

I will, reluctantly,  give FiFi some bellgab credit for that remark. 


Quote from: Laughing Gator on January 31, 2017, 10:31:59 AM
You bring up old great memories. Remember Usenet flame wars ?? If you are a gamer remember the great "Derek Smart Flame War" that went on for years ??

I have this dream that at the end of "the Falkie Chronicles", Senda will take the camera upstairs from his messy basement to a really nice house with his wife Kathy dressed really nice and speaking well and they say "HAHA we trolled ALL of you, oh and I'M MV and own Bellgab and know via IP who is really who and played you all" !!

Now that would be a fitting end to this saga but sadly Senda is Senda and is actually real.


I wasn't much into gaming, so I missed it. The part of the net I wasted the most time on was this sort of post-punk/gothic hole in the ground. I found out through a tracker I had on my old Angelfire site that I was linked on this site for dark artists called Dark Side of The Net, so I followed it and clicked links until it eventually brought me to all these places where people would showcase goths, like Goth of The Week or whatever. This spawned a thousand imitators, and parody sites began to pop up, where the writer would mock the subject. There was a gothic forklift operator who showed up to work every day with his face painted totally white, a "vampire" who worked at a post office and wore a cape over her work clothes, etc. My ex ran the most popular of those sites, so a lot of time was spent trolling people who were furious about being featured on the site. And of course, when she and I broke up, I became one of her subjects.

good times.


Quote from: VENUS FIREBALL XL5 on January 31, 2017, 11:17:48 AM
What exactly is a chan site ?

I can't tell you because I don't go there. But they are dens of writhing cucks and horrible memes. A nice lady like you should not ever go there.

Quote from: Ciardelo on January 31, 2017, 11:24:38 AM
I can't tell you because I don't go there. But they are dens of writhing cucks and horrible memes. A nice lady like you should not ever go there.
Oh my gosh it sounds like hell.


Quote from: VENUS FIREBALL XL5 on January 31, 2017, 11:26:40 AM
Oh my gosh it sounds like hell.

They literally are. Imagine, if you will, someone took all the internet tubes and shook all degenerates and malformed personalities out and gathered them up in one place. Sprinkle on a good dose of wanderings into the colons of the internets and you'll have some idea just how bad it is.

I think I found a page full of Miley Cirus dildos there once.

Luka Megurine

Quote from: rekcuf on January 31, 2017, 10:37:10 AM
Excuse me, VENUS? White Crow lacks credibility. He is a known troll and has been banned form SewerGab many times. See, even vanderhoVen can't stand the man.

I can verify this, he's not even a real native American hes a ginger and does not actually live in a teepee


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