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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


I got as far as rhubarb, and then wiped my ass with some swiss chard


Quote from: steelbot on December 27, 2013, 05:02:46 AM
Were you drunk?  Serious question, I know you brought up eggnog - but compared to other videos you my friend were tilted a bit.

The 1 minute of sound effects before the show for your "intro" and then the rip on G.Nooray's ill fated mention of sugar suppliment on page 217.  Then refer to your notes and forgot where you were going or what page he discusses sugar...I was grasping on your entire video here to give you benefit of doubt. 

Really blasting the book based on it's Alien overtures and conjecture that Nooray DID throw into the cook book was for the comedic value i'm sure and with keeping in the theme.
The recipe that you bring up about strawberries or lamberries or whatever it was you said, you laughed cause Nooray says it's been lost in antiquity but then you say "I've never heard that before, I've got a whole slew of paranormal books back here"  - paranormals not antiquity.  Sorry.

Then of your massive shelf collection of cookbooks, but you don't know how a cook book is supposed to be??, but you're reviewing one...and don't know if the recipes are genuine recipes or not...some expert =P

I guess my last critic would be...maybe a little show prep and how about if you're gonna add sound effects you do them in post...since you obviously had to post edit your show to get it ready for youtube...a little voice sync too.

overall and I'm unsure how the other 5 people that viewed your latest video feel...But this one wasn't up to par with the others.   I did however find the constant drinking while talking to be a big distraction, and the magnet image of winston churchill falling to be classic falkie.

Buy a soundboard if you're going to mix in audio sound clips or get a better software solution. 

Look, I have never been drunk during any video. There's not enough booze in one shot of egg nog to do that and I think I've only been drunk twice in my entire life.
As to show prep, whom are you kidding ? I read the entire book, took notes on things in it that I thought were strange or funny and commented on them. I had said I would review/comment on the book when I got it and I did.
As to a soundboard, I am still researching such things and like so many things, it takes MONEY. I am more interested in learning HOW to do stuff first, the peripherals will come later as I have the funds to do so. I know what a soundboard is & will have to see which ones are affordable and which ones will work with a Mac. Then its a matter of learning how to use it. The effects I use come out of Itunes. Once I get training in how to do it, I'll use Garage Band. Be patient. 2 short months ago, I was posting stuff using my Iphone.

As for synching (sic) sounds, that's what I was planning to learn to do with a visit to the Genius Bar before our car accident. I will be taking the Mac down there after the first of the month to get some training.
As to my drinking tea, I still have a sinus infection and my voice is NOT what it should be. If my voice is hoarse I'm going to drink something. I had promised to do this video and felt I had an obligation to do so and did it. The last time I had a sinus infection, antibiotics killed it in about a month. I'm prone to them and will always get them according to my doctors. Next winter, I will stay in more to attempt to not be as exposed to potential colds/flu, etc. I am now permanently asthmatic and prone to bronchitis due to allergies and my first sinus infection five years ago which made me so ill I almost died from it.


Quote from: littlechris on December 27, 2013, 02:21:25 PM
I also feel that 18 minutes is WAAY too long for a youtube video!!, and I told Falkie that myself. But, I guess that is where future editing skills will come in handy. Its really hard for most people to commit to an 18 minute video. I say make them no more than 4 minutes! This is where show prep and post production skills come in handy. I hope to see this improved upon.

My major complaint, is that Falkie recommended that viewers NOT spend $10 on the book and then he throws the book away in the trash.  :(  I made sure to email Falkie and tell him that was a NO-NO!! Especially since he was going to try to collaborate with snoory and the other sci-fi authors in the book and promote it to raise money for the Pahrump S.P.C.A.  I dont think George is too happy with the video now. Now if Falkie can get Mr. Arthur William Bell to autograph noory's cook book, then I think he could really get a pretty penny for it at auction.

I agree with the content length. I think once Falkie gets his podcast going he'll have an outlet for his more loquacious yearnings. Youtube videos are best if they're under 4 minutes.

A case in point is Robert Casio. Here is him eating yogurt for 6:34 minutes:


Rather pointless for the video to be that long.

It's odd, too, because Robert Casio does truncate his videos on occasion:


french bread pizza.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 02:41:58 PM
Look, I have never been drunk during any video. There's not enough booze in one shot of egg nog to do that and I think I've only been drunk twice in my entire life.
As to show prep, whom are you kidding ? I read the entire book, took notes on things in it that I thought were strange or funny and commented on them. I had said I would review/comment on the book when I got it and I did.
As to a soundboard, I am still researching such things and like so many things, it takes MONEY. I am more interested in learning HOW to do stuff first, the peripherals will come later as I have the funds to do so. I know what a soundboard is & will have to see which ones are affordable and which ones will work with a Mac. Then its a matter of learning how to use it. The effects I use come out of Itunes. Once I get training in how to do it, I'll use Garage Band. Be patient. 2 short months ago, I was posting stuff using my Iphone.

I'm no expert at these things; but it's my guess Falkie needs some guidance in people skills. Specifically being on the right side of his potential audience...Remind us again one of the reasons he hates Noory? Oh yeah... arrogance.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 02:41:58 PM
As for synching (sic) sounds, that's what I was planning to learn to do with a visit to the Genius Bar before our car accident. I will be taking the Mac down there after the first of the month to get some training.
As to my drinking tea, I still have a sinus infection and my voice is NOT what it should be. If my voice is hoarse I'm going to drink something. I had promised to do this video and felt I had an obligation to do so and did it. The last time I had a sinus infection, antibiotics killed it in about a month. I'm prone to them and will always get them according to my doctors. Next winter, I will stay in more to attempt to not be as exposed to potential colds/flu, etc. I am now permanently asthmatic and prone to bronchitis due to allergies and my first sinus infection five years ago which made me so ill I almost died from it.

I think you should use your purple microphone on your videos, too. It will improve the sound quality dramatically.


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 02:51:10 PM
I think you should use your purple microphone on your videos, too. It will improve the sound quality dramatically.

I also wondered about that pretty little microphone. I havent seen it in the videos yet. Falkie, if you do plan to use the pretty purple mic, you gotta name the thing. Can anyone think of a good name for Falkies Purple Microphone??? "The Falkie Wand"?


Another thing worth considering is utilizing your cats for background/mood music.

cat playing piano

You can get a fairly decent keyboard at a Salvation Army or Goodwill for around $20. Just make sure you have batteries on hand --- usually 4 double As. I once bought a keyboard at a Salvation Army without testing it and the notes sounded like toad farts. I tried to return it but they had a no return policy, so I got violently drunk and smashed it on the hood of a cop car. They detained me and apparently I was threatening suicide so they put me on a 72 hour hold. Luckily I didn't do any time, but they made me do 700 hours of community service at the same fucking Salvation Army. I got 'em back though --- I managed to steal some shirts when no one was looking. I got a really cool Korn T Shirt that way. It had some deoderant stains around the armpits, but I cut them out with my butterfly knife later that day.


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 02:51:10 PM
I think you should use your purple microphone on your videos, too. It will improve the sound quality dramatically.

The purple microphone is connected to my my Mac thru a usb port. It may be that the connection to the usb hub itself it not the best, I don't know. But I have tested it out in preferences and it is working. I'm going to get a second one next week so as to be ready to use it when I have the other computer or an Ipad if an external mike can be used with one, I don't know if you can or not. If I had a grand right now I'd go out and buy a Macbook, but I am looking to saving up for a second Mac and an Ipad as well. After the first of the year, I will drag the Imac down to the Genius Bar get training in Garage Band and start doing podcasts. I can do it in audacity now but need to know how to synchronize sound and voice first.
Then I need to solve the Skype problem as well. Once that's done and I start on the podcasts, I will see about writing actual interview questions and will see about interviewing people on podcasts or in video. I am not going to be doing videos forever using Photo Booth. For some reason, videos sent from Imovie to You Tube are not processing correctly and are not working.
As to making my videos briefer, I may do that but there is so much for me to talk about when I do these things. I don't think I could make them shorter at present. If they're too short, what's the point of posting them at all. I have seen videos by others that go for as long as 45 minutes or more and people watch them because they get INFORMATION they need from them.
I am still trying to determine which way I want to go with the whole video thing as well. Make them shorter and not rely just on Noory videos, which isn't easy because doing them is so much fun. He's so much fun to skewer given that he provides his own ammunition to make light of.


My cats are absolutely the least talented cats in America. While they meow, they eat, sleep and go out. That's it. Fluffy does climb up on my lap and goes to sleep and Fuzzy now purrs the minute I pick her up but that's the extent of their repetoire. If Mickey cat were still alive, he did carry and play fetch with his mousies endlessly when I threw them to him, but he had issues with attacking Fluffy and other cats and I did not like that aspect of his personality. I miss him and loved him dearly, but could never get him to stop the aggressive behavior towards the strays and his own littermates who come up here to visit.
Unfortunately, his aggressiveness towards Fluffy has led to Fluffy attacking one of the fully grown kittens downstairs. Fluffy never attacked other cats before Mickey started attacking him.
I did have somewhat of a breakthrough with the outdoor cats last night. After trying for 2 years, Mama Cat and kitten # 1 actually let me pet them at length last night for the first time. Mama Cat nuzzles everything in sight downstairs. I know those cats would be great pets for someone if I could just capture them and give them homes. They're very gentle. Fluffy has now also taken to guarding the doorway when they come up here to eat. If I could have 3 wishes one of them would be to be fluent in all animal language while retaining the ability to speak in human language so I could tell him and other cats that the other cats are not either a threat to them nor are they going to replace them. I recently read in Cat Fancy that cats have the intelligence of about a 2 year old child and that their memories are very much short termed though they can be trained and do remember behavior patterns.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:01:57 PM
Another thing worth considering is utilizing your cats for background/mood music.

cat playing piano

You can get a fairly decent keyboard at a Salvation Army or Goodwill for around $20. Just make sure you have batteries on hand --- usually 4 double As. I once bought a keyboard at a Salvation Army without testing it and the notes sounded like toad farts. I tried to return it but they had a no return policy, so I got violently drunk and smashed it on the hood of a cop car. They detained me and apparently I was threatening suicide so they put me on a 72 hour old. Luckily I didn't do any time, but they made me do 700 hours of community service at the same fucking Salvation Army. I got 'em back though --- I managed to steal some shirts when no one was looking. I got a really cool Korn T Shirt that way. It had some deoderant stains around the armpits, but I cut them out with my butterfly knife later that day.

After your experiences with keyboards, maybe he won't. I can't see Falkie getting away with CS in the Sally Annes.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 03:04:38 PM
The purple microphone is connected to my my Mac thru a usb port. It may be that the connection to the usb hub itself it not the best, I don't know. But I have tested it out in preferences and it is working. I'm going to get a second one next week so as to be ready to use it when I have the other computer or an Ipad if an external mike can be used with one, I don't know if you can or not. If I had a grand right now I'd go out and buy a Macbook, but I am looking to saving up for a second Mac and an Ipad as well.

Spend spend spend...That's the Falkie way.. If he had some foresight he'd wait to get a major sponsor..Sennheiser for instance.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 27, 2013, 03:05:14 PM
After your experiences with keyboards, maybe he won't. I can't see Falkie getting away with CS in the Sally Annes.

I also stole a small picture of a cat. I gave it to this girl I liked at work. She was in her 40s but still smokin' hot. She has asperger's syndrome, too, I think. I have a thing for asperger milfs. Her fucking husband didn't treat her right, though. He'd always complain about her drinking. I told her she needed a man in her life who drank as much as her. Anyway, I eventually quit and moved away. I still think of her, though.


I can edit all those opening sound effects to still images or video if you want to link me to said sounds. The higher quality the better.  I can play around with various arrangements and effects for a bit of a stylized feel as well.

I used to produce commercial clips for people's radio shows at a community radio station and have been dabbling with editing software for some time.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 03:04:38 PM
I am still trying to determine which way I want to go with the whole video thing as well. Make them shorter and not rely just on Noory videos, which isn't easy because doing them is so much fun. He's so much fun to skewer given that he provides his own ammunition to make light of.

I'd say try to concentrate the information a bit more. There's gaps of silence in your videos, sometimes. I know you can't edit them out, but maybe establish some "talking points", then go through them one by one, in rapid succession.

I know Noory's a near endless source of material, but there's some other topics which could potentially get you even more video hits. Justin Bieber, for instance. What is up with that kid? Or Lamar Odom. How's he going to choose crack over a Kardashian? That's some weird stuff there.

I'd like you to see a video on why you think the Roswell crash wasn't Joseph Stalin, too. I think there's a lot of room for in depth commentary on that. Your reply here on bellgab was far too brief.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:18:31 PM

I'd say try to concentrate the information a bit more. There's gaps of silence in your videos, sometimes. I know you can't edit them out, but maybe establish some "talking points", then go through them one by one, in rapid succession.

I know Noory's a near endless source of material, but there's some other topics which could potentially get you even more video hits. Justin Bieber, for instance. What is up with that kid? Or Lamar Odom. How's he going to choose crack over a Kardashian? That's some weird stuff there.

I'd like you to see a video on why you think the Roswell crash wasn't Joseph Stalin, too. I think there's a lot of room for in depth commentary on that. Your reply here on bellgab was far too brief.

...He could also go techie: Apple, should they re-name to mango? Windows OS, has it just been one big pane? Has Google been goggled? Excel, has it excelled? How many gambling houses can you get out of Sony Vegas? Does anti virus software live up to the hype when it can't cure the common cold?


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:18:31 PM

I'd say try to concentrate the information a bit more. There's gaps of silence in your videos, sometimes. I know you can't edit them out, but maybe establish some "talking points", then go through them one by one, in rapid succession.

I know Noory's a near endless source of material, but there's some other topics which could potentially get you even more video hits. Justin Bieber, for instance. What is up with that kid? Or Lamar Odom. How's he going to choose crack over a Kardashian? That's some weird stuff there.

I'd like you to see a video on why you think the Roswell crash wasn't Joseph Stalin, too. I think there's a lot of room for in depth commentary on that. Your reply here on bellgab was far too brief.

I say get away from the whole noory topic as very few people know who the hell noory is = less opportunity to monetize on youtube.
I believe any and all topics are good for Falkie to comment on in his videos. He prefers the paranormal field, but he may have a bigger appeal in a different genre.  I can see Jay Leno featuring some of Falkies unique and crazy musings on his show. Lots of scouts out there looking for new talent on the net. 

With Falkies years of experience in theater, I know he can do a good gangster impersonation. Do you recall the youtube videos where falkie went ape shit over the whole sirius/Art Bell fallout awhile back!! I actually thought Falkie was an east coast mafia figure when I first saw it!! I want to see Falkie do this Joe Pesci impersonation on his youtube channel:

Goodfellas "Funny Guy" Scene - High Quality


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 02:41:58 PM

As to my drinking tea, I still have a sinus infection and my voice is NOT what it should be. If my voice is hoarse I'm going to drink something. I had promised to do this video and felt I had an obligation to do so and did it. The last time I had a sinus infection, antibiotics killed it in about a month. I'm prone to them and will always get them according to my doctors. Next winter, I will stay in more to attempt to not be as exposed to potential colds/flu, etc. I am now permanently asthmatic and prone to bronchitis due to allergies and my first sinus infection five years ago which made me so ill I almost died from it.

For someone who is prone to sinus infections and asthma, why the hell do you keep a bunch of stuffed animals and other dust collectors in your apartment? If you got rid of all that crap I guarantee your health would improve dramatically. I happen to know this as my son suffers from the same ailments.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 27, 2013, 03:07:08 PM
Spend spend spend...That's the Falkie way.. If he had some foresight he'd wait to get a major sponsor..Sennheiser for instance.
Why do you hate America and capitalism? Is it still with the Lexington/Concord thing? Btw, how's with the ice climbing amigo? I hear that the weather is nice in Kauai this time of year. Oh wait, always. So as I was saying, or do you just hate American ingenuity and/or Steve Jobs and/or American heroes and all for which they stand?  Anyway, top of the day to you my good fellow!


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:18:31 PM

I'd say try to concentrate the information a bit more. There's gaps of silence in your videos, sometimes. I know you can't edit them out, but maybe establish some "talking points", then go through them one by one, in rapid succession.

I know Noory's a near endless source of material, but there's some other topics which could potentially get you even more video hits. Justin Bieber, for instance. What is up with that kid? Or Lamar Odom. How's he going to choose crack over a Kardashian? That's some weird stuff there.

I'd like you to see a video on why you think the Roswell crash wasn't Joseph Stalin, too. I think there's a lot of room for in depth commentary on that. Your reply here on bellgab was far too brief.

That will come but I'd have to buy the book and read it first before I would do a video on it. Right now I'm trying to wake up and take care of housekeeping since Kathy can't get here until Monday. And I do have the Skype, You Tube and Podcasting Hack Books to read today. I am NOT going to be talking about  Justin Bieber or Kimmie in my videos. Give me a break. I hate the so-called " celebrities "  of this generation or people like Paris Hilton who would have NO fame if they weren't rich. Its not class envy but it is true. There are a lot of talentless people out there who become successful because their fans have little or no musical history in their lives. But I don't want to get started on that. I don't watch stuff like Jersey Shore or the Real Housewives of ... or other such programs, though if the Duck Dynasty guy comes back ( and he made a demand that his network talk to him or else yesterday ) I might have to check that out. There are a lot of hillbilly type shows on. I have enough trouble just keeping up with the UFO and paranormal stuff as it is. - I will admit to watching shows like Overhauling, Count's Customs, American Restoration and American Pickers and Pawn Stars and that only because its like watching Let's Not Make a Deal because the owners are so damned cheap in their offers to buy stuff and Chum Lee is such an idiot.
I do love old cars, old planes and old militaria.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Laurakinch on December 27, 2013, 03:40:59 PM
For someone who is prone to sinus infections and asthma, why the hell do you keep a bunch of stuffed animals and other dust collectors in your apartment? If you got rid of all that crap I guarantee your health would improve dramatically. I happen to know this as my son suffers from the same ailments.

Woooooooowwwwwww; I know nothing about your son but I guarantee  he won't have anything like the ailments Falkie suffers with. You just have to trust me on that, but be assured it isn't a bad thing.

Bart Ell

'Sup my Tiggas?

I was planning to take a napski after a tough morning of posting but, after reading some of the nasty comments, I was too upset to sleep. I am sorry we call can't be bad poetry writing hipster doofuses (doofi?) eating peyote buttons infused in goji berry juice. I do the best that I can with my conditions and I DON'T THINK THE INTERNET IS THE PLACE TO PICK ON STRANGERS!

Your mean comments are just weak complaints that fail.


Some of you want me to talk about my hometown of Detroit, or my trademarked name Cookie from Poughkeepsie. No can do, brahsauce, those are topics I save for YouTunes.

I also found out that the business proposal I spoke of earlier was a fraud! I should have known better since people have been doing this for years! It is hard to trust anyone when you are trying to get someone online to loan you money.


I wish there were jobs that people could do sitting down, when will someone invent a job that can be done sitting down so I can go back to work! I promise you this, if there was such a thing as a job that someone could do sitting down I would be all over that. That is why I will be monetizing myself on YouTunes. As a bumbling old man with the self awareness of a hummingbird once said

QuoteI wish someone would tell ME when you start getting paid. Is it based on number of overall views or number of views per videos ? I don’t care if someone makes a lot of money doing this. It’s better than going to work 40 hours a week making someone else richer.

You can take that to the bank and cash it in seven days a week, Pontiac! If only YouTube, Google, Apple and every other company wasn't out to get me due to some fatwa placed on me by Jor Gooey. Don't tell me I don't know what fatwa means because I do!


Why can't they just made a simple computer where you can point the webcam at yourself, change a setting or two to get rid of the mirror image, plug in a USB mic and just make a simple video! I understand that making a video and posting it to YouTunes is not for everyone and they try and keep it an activity for the elite, but how about cutting the little guy a break now and again and making it an affordable hobby instead of forcing me to buy extra computers and mics and Ipads just to make a simple video with a webcam like they used to be able to do back in 2001!

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: aldousburbank on December 27, 2013, 03:51:31 PM
Why do you hate America and capitalism? Is it still with the Lexington/Concord thing? Btw, how's with the ice climbing amigo? I hear that the weather is nice in Kauai this time of year. Oh wait, always. So as I was saying, or do you just hate American ingenuity and/or Steve Jobs and/or American heroes and all for which they stand?  Anyway, top of the day to you my good fellow!

Capitalism Shmatilsm.. I'm reminded of Victor Kyam, when he said the way to grow a company was using OPM..Other people's money. I was merely in my Limey bastard way extending that philosophy back to your fellow countryman. Top of the night to you too good sir. I love American heroes, especially the toffee ones.. Delish.


Quote from: aldousburbank on December 27, 2013, 03:51:31 PM
Why do you hate America and capitalism? Is it still with the Lexington/Concord thing? Btw, how's with the ice climbing amigo? I hear that the weather is nice in Kauai this time of year. Oh wait, always. So as I was saying, or do you just hate American ingenuity and/or Steve Jobs and/or American heroes and all for which they stand?  Anyway, top of the day to you my good fellow!

I'm 61. Am I supposed to wait and do nothing while a major sponsor says " Sure, we'll spend our money to promote a guy with no track record, no views and no subscribers ! " ?

YP is being an idiot. You get known first. And technically everything takes money to get the equipment to do better.
If you start a band you get an instrument, learn to play it, get better at it, find like minded people and form a band. Then you have to get amplifiers, mikes and sound equipment and a sound board or mixer and go from there.
Using a computer is no different. And places like Amazon and Fry's are not going to give you the stuff for free, are they ?
Nor are the sellers on Amazon. I've been concentrating on buying books to learn the technical side of how to do stuff on my own so I can go further in what I'm doing.
I know how to repair a car but couldn't do it because I am not skilled in that area.
I know computers but much of my knowledge is either lacking because there was no reason for me to look at the technical side of using a Mac other than to post or look things up.
Now there is. And I will do all I can to learn how to do stuff in any way I can.

As for Jobs, if it weren't for him and Woz AND the talented people at Apple who helped developed the products so many of us use, we'd all be stuck trying to use lame products like the Zune and locked into a Microsoft only world. These aren't the days of the cp/m computers any more and if you don't keep up technically you're on a tech treadmill and you never catch up.
And I still have a cp/m board in one of my Apple ][s and knew cp/m, basic and some other Apple programs as well as knowing the older versions of DOS back in the day.
I could program stuff on THIS Mac if I went out and got the Basic software for it. C and C++ has eluded me but that's because of time and my always having had older obscelescent (sic ) Macs.
Eventually I'll learn Freeway or some other Mac web design software. I liked Freeway because you can build a website with it in 10 minutes with no knowledge of html needed. If I worked at it I could learn HTML, I've got enough books on it around here.


Quote from: Bart Ell on December 27, 2013, 04:06:22 PM
I was planning to take a napski after a tough morning of posting but, after reading some of the nasty comments, I was too upset to sleep. I am sorry we call can't be bad poetry writing hipster doofuses (doofi?)
Actually, doofus, in this case, cuz there's only one.  And that's a good thing.  But I did not mean to be nasty, if you're referring to my stupit whatev.  I only do that with people I know well, and if love is involved.  As I see your posts progress, I am impressed with your insights and the outstanding variety of discussion points such that against my own will, it has become endearing.  Maybe there is a future for us.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 04:16:40 PM
I'm 61. Am I supposed to wait and do nothing while a major sponsor says " Sure, we'll spend our money to promote a guy with no track record, no views and no subscribers ! " ?

YP is being an idiot. You get known first. And technically everything takes money to get the equipment to do better.
If you start a band you get an instrument, learn to play it, get better at it, find like minded people and form a band. Then you have to get amplifiers, mikes and sound equipment and a sound board or mixer and go from there.
Using a computer is no different. And places like Amazon and Fry's are not going to give you the stuff for free, are they ?
Nor are the sellers on Amazon. I've been concentrating on buying books to learn the technical side of how to do stuff on my own so I can go further in what I'm doing.
I know how to repair a car but couldn't do it because I am not skilled in that area.
I know computers but much of my knowledge is either lacking because there was no reason for me to look at the technical side of using a Mac other than to post or look things up.
Now there is. And I will do all I can to learn how to do stuff in any way I can.

As for Jobs, if it weren't for him and Woz AND the talented people at Apple who helped developed the products so many of us use, we'd all be stuck trying to use lame products like the Zune and locked into a Microsoft only world. These aren't the days of the cp/m computers any more and if you don't keep up technically you're on a tech treadmill and you never catch up.
And I still have a cp/m board in one of my Apple ][s and knew cp/m, basic and some other Apple programs as well as knowing the older versions of DOS back in the day.
I could program stuff on THIS Mac if I went out and got the Basic software for it. C and C++ has eluded me but that's because of time and my always having had older obscelescent (sic ) Macs.
Eventually I'll learn Freeway or some other Mac web design software. I liked Freeway because you can build a website with it in 10 minutes with no knowledge of html needed. If I worked at it I could learn HTML, I've got enough books on it around here.
Wait, Faulkie, chill bro.  It's cool.  YP and alls just bending the branches you put out there.  Let it make them stronger, not snappy. Anyhoo, seriously bro.  I don't really have the time right now to bring you a j and a brew so... breathe deeply, exhale, repeat.  ;)


Quote from: Bart Ell on December 27, 2013, 04:06:22 PM
...I am sorry we call can't be bad poetry writing hipster doofuses (doofi?) eating peyote buttons infused in goji berry juice.

That's no reason to not Keep Trying.


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:12:12 PM

I also stole a small picture of a cat. I gave it to this girl I liked at work. She was in her 40s but still smokin' hot. She has asperger's syndrome, too, I think. I have a thing for asperger milfs. Her fucking husband didn't treat her right, though. He'd always complain about her drinking. I told her she needed a man in her life who drank as much as her. Anyway, I eventually quit and moved away. I still think of her, though.
LOL - so you would encrourage someone with a possible drinking problem the cure of date someone like me for instance, because I drink as much as you?  lol - having known and dated women with drinking problems, I can assure you - this would not help most.  In-case the situation ever happens again in your life, this is not the advice to offer them.  Be nice, and friend, but if someone does indeed have a problem drinking, offering to be there handing em beer cans or drinks, is never going to end well, and one or both of ya will get hurt in the deal.   

40's alksfdjlk ACK! - Watch it lol - there are probably more than you know of women on here in their 40's or close lol that are every bit as beautiful as they were when they were younger.  :P


Quote from: Laurakinch on December 27, 2013, 03:40:59 PM
For someone who is prone to sinus infections and asthma, why the hell do you keep a bunch of stuffed animals and other dust collectors in your apartment? If you got rid of all that crap I guarantee your health would improve dramatically. I happen to know this as my son suffers from the same ailments.

not to mention the cats.  they are just awful and shouldn't be allowed in any home. 


Quote from: steelbot on December 27, 2013, 05:30:40 PM
  lol - having known and dated women with drinking problems, I can assure you - this would not help most

When I was single and in my 20's, I would have loved to meet women with drinking problems.


Quote from: Bart Ell on December 27, 2013, 04:06:22 PM
'Sup my Tiggas?

I was planning to take a napski after a tough morning of posting but, after reading some of the nasty comments, I was too upset to sleep. I am sorry we call can't be bad poetry writing hipster doofuses (doofi?) eating peyote buttons infused in goji berry juice. I do the best that I can with my conditions and I DON'T THINK THE INTERNET IS THE PLACE TO PICK ON STRANGERS!

Your mean comments are just weak complaints that fail.


I'd say this, you will never be like Aldous, I know personally he is a very good man, cares for his wife and family (even extended friends and family), and in no way do your jokes get to us here. 

You get to one person, Falkie, and even when you do, it's funny how you try to be exactly like him.  Are you trying to show him the error in his ways through flattery of mimicry?  It's not working, while your posts do continue to mock Falkie, they are doublely annoying in that you try to hard to be funny, and post exactly like him.

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