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Drama Synopsis /Misinformation Destruction Thread

Started by Sardondi, November 06, 2013, 01:25:22 AM


I apologize if any of you feel misled, but I threadstart not to supply information but in recognition that a reliable data center is needed. I know: that's what this forum is supposed to be. But, ye gods and little fishes, there's no way I'm going to browse what is - at this point - over 3300 posts just in the "Art Bell Quits Dark Matter" thread, not to mention the dozen or so related threads with posts numbering into the hundreds. So I begin this thread for the totally selfish reason, which I assume will be shared by many, of needing the information myself.

If I understand correctly Art himself has posted here in direct comment. True? False? George as well? Non-compete status? Anyone? Bueller?

Eddie Coyle

         Art's "Goodbye, Cruel World" post serves to confirm only one thing.

        That he's really a cynical greedy asshole.


Holy fuck. Childishness is never a good look for anyone.


Also bellgab.com was single handedly (or is that many handedly) responsible for the downfall of Dark Matter.

Oh the humanity!


Quote from: jazmunda on November 06, 2013, 01:41:22 AM
Also bellgab.com was single handedly (or is that many handedly) responsible for the downfall of Dark Matter.

Oh the humanity!

Wait, I thought it was you? Or was it the truckers?


I don't know what to say. I stand by the guy ART. He gave better content than anybody else in radio history. I actually wish there could be a Gabicon. There are a few people I would like to punch out.

I am fucking disgusted at the cowardly hate I am reading throughout this "forum". Full out cowards! Their life hangs on Art? It's Art's responsibility to keep them happy in life? 

Shame on so many who really must look into getting a life.


Quote from: jinwicked on November 06, 2013, 01:51:24 AM
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

"They don't understand me. H8TURZ!"

Dammit: derailing my own thread going for the cheap laugh. *sigh*


Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 01:25:22 AM
I apologize if any of you feel misled, but I threadstart not to supply information but in recognition that a reliable data center is needed. I know: that's what this forum is supposed to be. But, ye gods and little fishes, there's no way I'm going to browse what is - at this point - over 3300 posts just in the "Art Bell Quits Dark Matter" thread, not to mention the dozen or so related threads with posts numbering into the hundreds. So I begin this thread for the totally selfish reason, which I assume will be shared by many, of needing the information myself.

If I understand correctly Art himself has posted here in direct comment. True? False? George as well? Non-compete status? Anyone? Bueller?

George also popped in for a couple of comments and then he called into GabCast â€" https://soundcloud.com/steven-aric-otero/the-spec-sheet-11-5-2013 â€" which I thought was kind of awesome. And now I'm going to hide under something while people throw things at me.

Supposedly Art's non-compete lasts for two years.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on November 06, 2013, 02:04:11 AM
George also popped in for a couple of comments and then he called into GabCast â€" https://soundcloud.com/steven-aric-otero/the-spec-sheet-11-5-2013 â€" which I thought was kind of awesome. And now I'm going to hide under something while people throw things at me.

Supposedly Art's non-compete lasts for two years.

A non-compete: I am simply speechless. You know, at some point you just can't save some people from themselves.


Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 02:04:08 AM
Dammit: derailing my own thread going for the cheap laugh. *sigh*

Laughing feels better than being angry.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 02:06:55 AM
A non-compete: I am simply speechless. You know, at some point you just can't save some people from themselves.

        He probably demanded it. Annoyed by it only being two years.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 06, 2013, 02:09:19 AMHe probably demanded it. Annoyed by it only being two years.
It never fails: the Eddie Coyle LOL. Only for his Friends.

...and your most recent avatar immediately caused me to hear Eddie Kendricks as soon as I saw it....


Quote from: bateman on November 06, 2013, 01:43:36 AM
Wait, I thought it was you? Or was it the truckers?

Here I am trying to deflect attention from myself for unwittingly bringing down a legend and you go dragging my name back through the mud.

Tucking Fruckers.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 06, 2013, 02:09:19 AM
        He probably demanded it. Annoyed by it only being two years.

Oh Eddie. Someone call the FD because you are on fire tonight.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 02:10:33 AM
It never fails: the Eddie Coyle LOL. Only for his Friends.

...and your most recent avatar immediately caused me to hear Eddie Kendricks as soon as I saw it....

    Art's high dudgeon is a low and inside fastball for this lefty. Short porch in right, too.

    *I've had that song in my head all day too. Haven't heard it in ages.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: jazmunda on November 06, 2013, 02:13:18 AM
Oh Eddie. Someone call the FD because you are on fire tonight.

     David Koresh and Betty Shabazz got nothing on me.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 06, 2013, 02:16:08 AMDavid Koresh and Betty Shabazz got nothing on me.
BWAAAHHAAAAHAAAA. Talk about performing for a small audience, I mean, there can't be ten people here who are getting all there is to that...


Quote from: jazmunda on November 06, 2013, 01:41:22 AM
Also bellgab.com was single handedly (or is that many handedly) responsible for the downfall of Dark Matter.

Oh the humanity!

Our mass consciousness backfired big time :'(

We brought Art so totally back he went away

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 02:21:03 AM
BWAAAHHAAAAHAAAA. Talk about performing for a small audience, I mean, there can't be ten people here who are getting all there is to that...

      And that's who I aim for!

      But the ones who get it... 8)


Quote from: bateman on November 06, 2013, 01:28:20 AMThe latest post is a doozy: http://bellgab.com/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=2136
Something just struck me, but I seriously want to be fair about it, because he may have done so.

But at any point in the last - what, 7 years? - that George was being slagged savagely by folks here, and getting far, far worse treatment than Art, did Art ever contact anyone to say, "Hey, this is unfair", or "Those are truly hurtful things to read if they're aimed at you" or the like?

Because I'm getting the feeling that when we were performing a useful and valued service, it was all unicorns and rainbows....


I began this thread in a good faith attempt to have a place for a "summing-up so far", where I - anyone - could come to catch up on what must be something like a dozen or more threads begun on the issue and perhaps 6,000 - 10,000? - posts made on the demise of Dark Matter. There's just too much input. I told someone else it's like trying to drink from the proverbial fire hydrant. I mean, there are 3,700 posts in the "Art Bell Quits Dark Matter" thread alone. There's just no way.

And this thread has been helpful to me so far because I learned right off the bat of the Tantrum Post and the fact that Art's deal with Sirius apparently included a 2-year non-compete clause, which I presume is implicated by his decision to shut DM down. (How? How could he have done this, and right after returning from the misery of his 10 years of wandering in the wilderness?!)

But then just as soon, I helped derail my own thread by going for the yucks. And we sort of went for what bitter laughs we could muster under the circumstances. Drat. Hoist by my own petard. 

But I'm still serious about wanting a forum which gives a synopsis of major events and posts. Any hope of resurrecting that? Is the Tantrum Post really going to be Art's final word on the subject? Has he truly not rethought and regretted those oh so harmful words, which, IMO at least, have done him and his reputation some serious damage? I really hope he reconsiders the post he made when he was hurt and angry. I'd hate for that to be Art's Götterdämmerung.


Latest posts from Art:

My goodness I was watching a show on the DVR with my child Bride and come back to this?  Of course I am not going to commit sewerpipe, I said all that tounge in cheek and I did not say anything that was not said here and over and over, spread out over 106 pages or so. My skin as I age is indeed getting thinner but my public skin has never been thicker. I just thought you would like to see how the same words used here would sound coming from me. I have not changed my mind about free streaming and intend to make it a reality one way or the other. I have asked Sirius to allow me to act as a Private Broadcaster, then as other shows do, I could stay on Sirius and would be free to stream all I want.
If they go for that all will be well, It would mean no pay from Sirius but I am good with that, I do not need the money. If Sirius says no, then I will, at the first opportunity stream from artbell.com.

Again, I am sorry that some people invested in a radio or a stream and if a deal is not reached will have lost out. You do not know what
was going on behind the scenes for those six Weeks and if you did I think you might understand, or considering the makeup of some of this
group perhaps not, but I was trying to act in the interest of the listener, not myself.

I still love this board. There is something about the core group that is somewhat loveable and I still feel that way, I do know trolls when I see them, and I can guess where they slime in from. I am toying with the idea of new hours for the show....

There is only one good way to proceed and that is with a better product. That is what I intend to do.


It is about time for bed for me but to answer your question, yes free for all including people anywhere in the World. No,
I do not think Sirius is in any breach of contract, however their streaming did not work right a fact they admitted to me
along with things I am not at liberty to talk about here because they were given in confidence. I hope it works out but
either way I will attempt to do exactly as I said I would.

                                                                                                                           Taking my thin skin to bed now..Art

Jeez, I really need to go to bed but I will answer that, I love truck drivers, I thought of doing it myself! The comment
was made not just about truck drivers but everybody in a moving vehical with a cell phone that everybody could barely
understand. It should be a mix with some of the people at home as well. Sirius is a vehical oriented company which is fine,
but I want it to be a mix, which it will be with free streaming and that includes people outside the Country as well. Free streaming
means just that, free for all. Nobody with a radio in their car or truck is going to cancel because we make streaming available to all.

                                                                                                                                                This time it is good night...Art

By the way good night to all the ctc trolls as well, happy hunting


Anyone know or have the best contact info for people who make decisions at sirius.  I'd like send them a short note saying I will stay with them with Art stays.  This may not be the proper thread to ask this but the other thread has temporarily become inundated with whiners.


Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 01:25:22 AM

...If I understand correctly Art himself has posted here in direct comment. True? False? George as well? Non-compete status? Anyone? Bueller?

Jorch hasn't posted on the "Art Bell Quits Dark Matter" thread, yet.  He's back on his favorite thread about how much he sucks, though, with in-depth posts about how he didn't just fall off the turnip truck and other such wisdom.  Oh, this is now his avatar:

"It's Over," and "See-Saw" have apparently been played in the past few days on C2C.  Oh, yeah, and he still sucks.

Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 11:08:37 AM
... Is the Tantrum Post really going to be Art's final word on the subject? Has he truly not rethought and regretted those oh so harmful words...

Of course he has.

I also gave up on that massive thread.  To look up Art's (or anyone's) posts, click on 'Member List' at the top of the page, look up his user name (Art Bell), click on 'Show Posts'


Quote from: Sardondi on November 06, 2013, 02:06:55 AM
A non-compete: I am simply speechless. You know, at some point you just can't save some people from themselves.

I know. I had similar thoughts.


Quote from: MV on November 06, 2013, 02:00:26 PM
I know. I had similar thoughts.

I think that the non-compete was likely non-negotiable.

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