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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 03:13:01 AM
Shut it down! Shut it down! Shut it down! Shut it down!

i'm sorry dude i misread your other post  i had a RCH  moment   
got it now  no problem    ok  lets talk about a film genius     lets have a tea break


Value Of Pi

Quote from: Showroom Dummy on February 01, 2016, 03:13:26 AM
what are you talking about ?

We're out of fresh material on Art. Everything that could be said has been said. Over and over. Even that point has been made over and over. Thursday is the big day when we might get something new to talk about. In fact, it's almost guaranteed, even if Art doesn't show up.

Until then, why not try exploring the possible time line where Art doesn't come back and there is no longer any need for or interest in an ongoing Art Bell thread? Too radical?

Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 01, 2016, 03:19:58 AM


Obama hates America,
Merkel hates Germany.
Both Globalists working to destroy their countries.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 02:52:52 AM
So, in a way, this could be an experiment. Let's see what happens to this place if Art Bell's return is no longer a relevant topic of conversation and the Art Bell thread dies on the vine. My guess is the site would adapt and survive. But let's put the cigarettes in the drawer for four days and see how that goes. Are we Masters of our Domain, in Seinfeldian terms, or not?
My good man; you have missed the genius of this entire thread.  It never was about Art- he is just the red herring. Now, where the hell is my fidget?

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 03:28:33 AM
We're out of fresh material on Art. Everything that could be said has been said. Over and over. Even that point has been made over and over. Thursday is the big day when we might get something new to talk about. In fact, it's almost guaranteed, even if Art doesn't show up.

Until then, why not try exploring the possible time line where Art doesn't come back and there is no longer any need for or interest in an ongoing Art Bell thread? Too radical?

LMAO  sorry   i misread  your other post  got it     ---its all good!!!!         

Value Of Pi

Quote from: WOTR on February 01, 2016, 03:30:47 AM
My good man; you have missed the genius of this entire thread.  It never was about Art- he is just the red herring. Now, where the hell is my fidget?

Well, if he's a red herring, he's a very useful red herring. If nothing more, he's a terrific excuse to hang around here, among other excuses. Now, if you're saying you can live without Art for four days, as if he has no presence here, then fine, let's go for it. Let this be an Art-free zone until Thursday and see what happens. Cold turkey and no fidgets or show-related stuff. Just prepping for a nuclear winter with no Art, which just might be what we have to look forward to.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 03:48:54 AM
Well, if he's a red herring, he's a very useful red herring. If nothing more, he's a terrific excuse to hang around here, among other excuses. Now, if you're saying you can live without Art for four days, as if he has no presence here, then fine, let's go for it. Let this be an Art-free zone until Thursday and see what happens. Cold turkey and no fidgets or show-related stuff. Just prepping for a nuclear winter with no Art, which just might be what we have to look forward to.

hey  you said cold turkey     come  on   

here lets think about this   



Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 03:48:54 AM
Cold turkey...
Are cold turkey sammiches fair game?

The thing is that I just looked at my post statistics (apparently I just blew past 2000 tonight.)  Out of those, hundreds are in other areas not Art related.  I have the whole rest of the board to discuss Trump, Falkie and fidgets (and do so on a regular basis.) Why not enjoy the Art Bell thread while it is still (somewhat) relevant? 

No, I don't really worship Art- but I equate this with the biblical story of the woman who poured perfume over Christs head.  "the poor you will always have with you, but not me."  The Falkie thread will always be active, the political thread is not going anywhere, and George has signed a contract where we will land on Mars before he retires.  Why not just be happy discuss Art on Art's thread for now (realizing that this thread is derailed more often than an early 20th century mining train.)

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Showroom Dummy on February 01, 2016, 03:53:08 AM
hey  you said cold turkey     come  on   

here lets think about this   


I can see turning the thread into a waiting room until Thursday, with film clips and other materials on topics of interest. That's one way to handle it. Or just have people relocate to different threads for a few days and hang out there. Either way, it's an exercise in what to do if an Art Bell thread is no longer relevant.

interesting idea     

..........POST   NO   POSTS    TILL THURS

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 01, 2016, 02:59:10 AM
So you concede the argument to me then.

Next time try harder so you don't go out like a bitch.  You just embarrass yourself.

I know it's embarrassing for you to say so publically; but you're Paul Dacre's and Rothermere's favourite deep throat jocky aren't you?  You're keeping the Daily Mail flag flying and that's an onerous task by any measure.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: The King of Kings on January 31, 2016, 05:43:14 PM
Name one story that is untrue that I have ever posted from the Daily Mail, provide actual and substantial truth that the article I posted wasn't true......

Foul!! It isn"t beholden to prove a story false; but it is on the writer of news to prove it factual and contextual. Guess which is one of the most sued tabloid papers in the UK? Its name begins with Daily and ends with Mail.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 01, 2016, 04:43:20 AM
I know it's embarrassing for you to say so publically; but you're Paul Dacre's and Rothermere's favourite deep throat jocky aren't you?  You're keeping the Daily Mail flag flying and that's an onerous task by any measure.

Still haven't refuted any links that I posted as untrue.

I have no idea who Paul Dacre and Rothermere is.

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 01, 2016, 03:14:19 AM
*Hand*. I'm making hot dogs, want one?

What are you making them out of?


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 03:11:16 AM
Yes, exactly, let's just talk about how thirsty these pretzels are making us for the next four days. Go rag on Trump. Or Sanders. Or Hillary. Make yourself useful.



Quote from: malachi.martini on February 01, 2016, 02:04:53 AM
Just Cause 2 actually, quickest desert hummer scene I could manage, lol.

Also, the 'beard' is just a shadow.

I hope. ;)

oh ok,  that makes sense.  I liked that game too.  Not as good as GTA though.  I just love the driving mechanics in GTA.  It feels real.  But any open world game is good.  Hate the linear shit. 


Quote from: jazmunda on February 01, 2016, 02:28:44 AM
How many people can say they own a fidget touched by Mr Fidget and MV (and maybe some Aussie customs officer)?

wow,  will you let me fidget with your fidget?


Quote from: Imconfused on January 31, 2016, 11:35:04 PM
hold it!  You have not played GTA????????????

You might find this strange, but I prefer Saints Row 3 and 4 to all the GTA games I own (everything on PC up to Tales from Liberty City).  Though I don't own GTA5 yet.  Even with their layers of forced satire, the GTA games take themselves too seriously.  Especially IV.  And jesus christ Roman I don't want to go bowling!  In Saints Row 3 & 4 you can kill FURRIES. (and with the Professor Genki minigames you kill tons of them)  :D "YIFF IN HELL" *dubstep gun*


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 01, 2016, 01:12:39 AM
Fidget, give it a rest. There's more to life than dwelling on a few calls into a radio show 20 years ago.

Don't often agree with Tuna Boy ......... good advice.
Fidget ..... you're more fucked than Falkie .....
And boring ....

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 01, 2016, 05:37:00 AM
Still haven't refuted any links that I posted as untrue.

I have no idea who Paul Dacre and Rothermere is.

My my. Dacre is the editor who over the years has overseen some particular nasty, untrue and vile attacks on innocent people; it's particularly crass as the twat is notoriously very private and wouldn't take the same punishment his own rag feels legitimate to dish out.

Rothermere (lord) is the owner. A tax exile who makes sure his offshore income streams remain that way, while overseeing Dacre's exposure of those little people who are a 'drain on tax payers'. Rothermere's grandfather was a Hitler champion in the 30's and spread the word via his toilet paper rag.

That is the level of where you take your 'facts' from.


Quote from: flimflam384 on February 01, 2016, 06:50:50 AM
You might find this strange, but I prefer Saints Row 3 and 4 to all the GTA games I own (everything on PC up to Tales from Liberty City).  Though I don't own GTA5 yet.  Even with their layers of forced satire, the GTA games take themselves too seriously.  Especially IV.  And jesus christ Roman I don't want to go bowling!  In Saints Row 3 & 4 you can kill FURRIES. (and with the Professor Genki minigames you kill tons of them)  :D "YIFF IN HELL" *dubstep gun*

I don't find it strange at all.  I did try to like SR.  I just don't like the driving mechanics in the game.  I mean compare to GTA.  It just spoils it for me.

And yeah - Roman,  I do agree here.  But you can do other stuff. 

analog kid

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 01, 2016, 04:50:46 AM
Foul!! It isn"t beholden to prove a story false; but it is on the writer of news to prove it factual and contextual. Guess which is one of the most sued tabloid papers in the UK? Its name begins with Daily and ends with Mail.

The Daily Mail is the most popular "news magazine" in the US, due entirely to it being liked by the right in this country. Because it confirms their biases (I won't get into the various subject matter it's notorious for lying about because they're corporate and government shills). They don't know  it's a trash tabloid equivalent to our National Inquirer.

Guy thinks it's more credible than the NYT.

Element 115

I finally listened to SIT from 08/14/97 and heard that famous interview with Mr. Fidget.  That was great radio.  I have been a listener since late '97 so I must have just started listening a while after this.  I wonder if he still makes them and if he still has copies of the comic book he spoke about?

Edit:  I found the Mr. Fidget thread.  Looks like I have some catching up to do.  I will ask Mr. Fidget related things in there rather than here in Art Bell thread.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 01, 2016, 02:34:37 AM
I'll have you know that I successfully skateboarded today at age 40 without hurting myself. Good day sir.

Is that in dolphin years?


Quote from: Element 115 on February 01, 2016, 08:31:14 AM
I finally listened to SIT from 08/14/97 and heard that famous interview with Mr. Fidget.  That was great radio.  I have been a listener since late '97 so I must have just started listening a while after this.  I wonder if he still makes them and if he still has copies of the comic book he spoke about?

Edit:  I found the Mr. Fidget thread.  Looks like I have some catching up to do.  I will ask Mr. Fidget related things in there rather than here in Art Bell thread.
funny you mention this I was thinking of actually listening to that show... I've always skip it when I go through the collection.

Quote from: analog kid on February 01, 2016, 08:16:36 AM
The Daily Mail is the most popular "news magazine" in the US, due entirely to it being liked by the right in this country. Because it confirms their biases (I won't get into the various subject matter it's notorious for lying about because they're corporate and government shills). They don't know  it's a trash tabloid equivalent to our National Inquirer.

Guy thinks it's more credible than the NYT.

That is a lot of speculation and generalization.

Like I said, you are going out like a bitch.  I asked you to cite any links that I posted that were untrue and you still are digging a deeper whole of embarrassment for yourself.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 01, 2016, 03:28:33 AM
We're out of fresh material on Art. Everything that could be said has been said. Over and over. Even that point has been made over and over. Thursday is the big day when we might get something new to talk about. In fact, it's almost guaranteed, even if Art doesn't show up.

Until then, why not try exploring the possible time line where Art doesn't come back and there is no longer any need for or interest in an ongoing Art Bell thread? Too radical?

There will always be a need for the Art Bell thread. Future generations will come here and study what many anthropologists eventually classify as the event horizon of singularity. Turing tests will be won and lost here. Jazmunda's last gasps of fandom will be heard as the mutant platypuses transcend sentience and eradicate the Cockney accent and Aussie rules football from Oz. Political opponents of MV will use the information on this site to try and discredit his campaign, but the Random Fat Dude party ends up dominating world affairs. eCig manufacturing becomes a cottage industry for those wise enough to obtain Turbo mode. Manufacturing of Government issued Fidgets end up depleting the iron in the earth's core, collapsing the magnetic field. This allows sufficient sunlight (primarily UVA) to reach the earths surface to finally allow Freyja to get a tan. DarkPenguin has an ephinany, and dedicates his life to correcting all the spelling errors in the thread, but is never able to fully decipher all of Sredni's posts, so reckuF. BellBoy will carry all of your emotional baggage right up until the penultimate post. So if anyone is ever the last person to read this thread, please turn out the light and close the blast door.

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