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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 28, 2016, 08:46:03 AM
Man up, bitch! Still, all that girly whimpering does bring out your natural colouring, which I find both pathetic and - yes, I admit it - sexy. You look so vulnerable I probably wouldn't even need the pills and duct tape this time, although you always say you prefer it that way.

I'll not be gracing your rumpus room for a second time. You'll recall the first "tryst" which was initiated by me saying: "If I were a woman, I wouldn't touch you with a pair of pliers" to which you replied "You're not a woman" and then the whole thing suddenly seemed logical. But in hindsight it was a farce, especially when the table broke.

It's consistent in that none of it is really checkable or independently verifiable.

Police reports and third party accounts. Again, short of a stalker sitting in a jail cell confessing, you have all the corroboration you would reasonably need to conclude that there is no lie here. Misinterpretation? Possibly. Bad decision making? Certainly. But lying, there's just nothing there to support that.

Isn't backpedalling from misstatements another way of saying that he was inconsistent? You might want to reform this position, it's up to you.

That has to do with the decisions made in response and mitigating the damage they caused. It has nothing to do with the consistency of the story itself.

I can't remember what I said, but I would assume it was both wise and deeply learned. I shall stick by my default position, that I am always right.

It was effectively invalidated.

As far as I know, you don't have to write novels on stage in front of a live audience, so I don't think you can blame the man for continuing to write in private.

It's not the writing, it's the promoting. Public speaking, book signings, readings, etc. which he's done the entire time. Rushdie is a prolific and very active writer. He must not be that scared if he continues to engage in public life.

I can understand a spontaneous wish to gratify his daughter. It's the posting it on FB that is more of a head-scratcher. Making up a bullshit story on the spur of the moment is also a 'spontaneous human thing'. Just sayin'...

He's always posted that stuff on FB. That's part of the reason he retained his core audience, he never dropped out of contact on social media.

The explanation I subscribe to is that your typical Missourian is about as much use as a bag of elbows, with the intellect of a table lamp. Because it's a waste of time trying to tell them anything with words you have to point it all out to them, as you would a half-witted bonobo.

I take no issue with this statement.

Reading this last bit back, I don't think we need too much marijuana if you are going to be on set. And stop muscling in on the Falkie action! Oh, and Weaver's too expensive. I've got Kirstie Alley - she's the size of a UFO and I think we can make it work, if she holds still enough for me to apply the spray paint. I think Falkie's miscast as a shark anyway, he's more of a manatee. In fact there's very little between the two these days, except the manatee is marginally more industrious.

Now that you've gutted the budget, we are left with only two possibilities: 1. A reenactment of the Franklin expedition in which we cover everything with sheets to make it look like the arctic, dress Falkie up as a braying walrus, and then run around trying to eat each other for two fucking hours or 2. An exposé of a 1950's Irish catholic parish known as St. Muckanaghederdauhaulia where you play a randy monsignor chasing Sister Falkie, whom to your surprise you find out is actually a man, but you go ahead with it anyway. I'll leave it up to you, but I can already tell you that we won't be taking home the Palme d'Or.


Quote from: Black Lives Matter on January 28, 2016, 02:41:00 PM
I did listen thru most of the torrent among other sources, but it got more ingrained into my mind that Art & Hoaxland LOVE OBAMA.
And I also remember that apparently Art's first "testimony" was something along "It could have been firecrackers, so I lay in the dirt for 20 minutes until the cops arrived."

Art loves Obama?  Hmmm...that's not ringing a bell.  He's always seemed to find reasonable objections to various policies of each president in office at any given time, regardless of their side of the aisle - ultimately he's always been a Libertarian, rather than a Red or a Blue.  But Hoagie seems to think that Obama is planning a major disclosure about Mars and the other crazy shit he believes in, so he sounds like a fanboy because he actually thinks Obama is going to vindicate his Mad Hatter delusions about reality.

Anyway, small firearms sound exactly like fireworks, so no honest person could say for sure "I heard a .22 shot."  Unless you find the slug, or the warm shell casing, or a hole in a body/house/etc, there's no way to know which it was.


Quote from: Chronaut on January 28, 2016, 03:45:16 PM
Art loves Obama?  Hmmm...that's not ringing a bell.

You'll just respond to any old thing, huh? Take my wife... bitch.


Quote from: Chronaut on January 28, 2016, 03:45:16 PM
Art loves Obama?  Hmmm...that's not ringing a bell.  He's always seemed to find reasonable objections to various policies of each president in office at any given time, regardless of their side of the aisle - ultimately he's always been a Libertarian, rather than a Red or a Blue.  But Hoagie seems to think that Obama is planning a major disclosure about Mars and the other crazy shit he believes in, so he sounds like a fanboy because he actually thinks Obama is going to vindicate his Mad Hatter delusions about reality.

Anyway, small firearms sound exactly like fireworks, so no honest person could say for sure "I heard a .22 shot."  Unless you find the slug, or the warm shell casing, or a hole in a body/house/etc, there's no way to know which it was.

Nobody stands in the desert and lights a fuse of a firecracker to scare someone.

Plus who ever just lit off one firecracker?  Gotta do the brick. Only way to freak somebody out.

Quote from: Black Lives Matter on January 28, 2016, 02:41:00 PM
I did listen thru most of the torrent among other sources, but it got more ingrained into my mind that Art & Hoaxland LOVE OBAMA.

I guess you missed the shows where Art praises George W Bush and vehemently defends NSA spying?  I give Art credit that over the years he's been "politically open minded".  To say he LOVES OBAMA is an untrue statement.

I did hear Heather one night bash Republicans.  It just goes to show how inexperienced she is to alienate all of her Conservative listeners like a fool.  Art was smart enough over the years to NOT alienate half of his listeners.


Quote from: Jackstar on January 28, 2016, 03:47:17 PM
You'll just respond to any old thing, huh? Take my wife... bitch.

I try to respond to any reasonable comment directed at me.  Oops.


Quote from: GravitySucks on January 28, 2016, 02:59:05 PM
There wasn't a stalker before all this started.  What part of that do you not understand?
If nothing is being done to uncover the stalker and there is no evidence, it's hard to believe that there really IS one.  If this had happened in most families with resources the cops would have been pushed into pursuing it, and they would have done so for a known personality. 

That, yielding little results, a PI firm would have been engaged.  Why should I stop my dream job for some jerk?  Why should Asia be kept from school for fear of a stalker (was she)?  How about the wife, shopping, and doctor's appointments?  No, I'd HAVE to stop it, and quickly. 

But all I hear from our friend is foot dragging and equivocating.  This is bound to make a body suspicious.


Quote from: creepygreenlight on January 28, 2016, 03:49:06 PM
I guess you missed the shows where Art praises George W Bush and vehemently defends NSA spying?  I give Art credit that over the years he's been "politically open minded".  To say he LOVES OBAMA is an untrue statement.

I did hear Heather one night bash Republicans.  It just goes to show how inexperienced she is to alienate all of her Conservative listeners like a fool.  Art was smart enough over the years to NOT alienate half of his listeners.

Well he did alienate the ones that think 9/11 was an inside job.  He left that part for Alex Jones.


Quote from: Chronaut on January 28, 2016, 03:49:52 PM
I try to respond to any reasonable comment directed at me.  Oops.



Quote from: Art Bell on January 28, 2016, 01:24:09 PM
My opinion of this whole Stalker thing is that it was designed to scare me (which it did). If somebody had wanted to kill me, I would be dead. No question, when somebody comes to the dead end street directly in from of my Studio house and fired off several high powered Rifle rounds with no holes in the house, it's a scare tactic.

Then a guy is outside my house, then a shot is fired as I get to my gate. Both long stories but again designed (I think) to scare me.

What I could not be sure of and still am not, is would this proceed to something more deadly if I let it play out. The real stopper was Airyn and Asia. Perhaps some of you would have told your Wife no, not me. So as I said in a earlier post if that makes me a pussy, so be it.


I think Art sums up the issue perfectly right here. Odds are that nothing would have happened to Art or his family. Whoever this person is wanted to scare him or he'd be six feet under right now. However for Airyn and Asia this experience was horrific, terrifying and traumatizing. I've heard and read a lot of people saying Art should have brought in armed security, temporary relocated, even fled to Manilla. Does little Asia really deserve her life disrupted like that over a silly little Internet/radio show? People honestly think pulling her out of school, away from her friends is really worth it so Daddy Art can play radio? Art did the right thing and put his little girl first.


Quote from: Segundus on January 28, 2016, 03:50:04 PM
If nothing is being done to uncover the stalker and there is no evidence, it's hard to believe that there really IS one.  If this had happened in most families with resources the cops would have been pushed into pursuing it, and they would have for a known personality. 

That, yielding little results, a PI firm would have been engaged.  Why should I stop my dream job for some jerk?  Why should Asia be kept from school for fear of a stalker (was she)?  How about the wife, shopping, and doctor's appointments?  No, I'd HAVE to stop it, and quickly. 

But all I hear from our friend is foot dragging and equivocating.  This is bound to make a body suspicious.

If the stalker fell down in the desert and Art Bell was in his sound proof studio would he make a noise?


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 28, 2016, 03:38:49 PM
You first tough guy. You sure are good at talking but not so much at taking action.

Oh really? What theory have I spun? Tell me.

Me?! I'm a pussycat. Yeah, I like to talk. However, since I haven't bought into all the speculation you're doing you'll probably call me a sycophant or a "koolaid drinker." Whatever. BTW, I or anyone looking at your post history only has to go a few posts back to start seeing ALL the theories you've been spinning. You obviously have questions you want answered. Me, I'd just like some more Art Bell shows.  :)


Quote from: Tricky-D on January 28, 2016, 03:52:08 PM
However for Airyn and Asia this experience was horrific, terrifying and traumatizing.



Quote from: GravitySucks on January 28, 2016, 03:48:27 PM
Nobody stands in the desert and lights a fuse of a firecracker to scare someone.

Plus who ever just lit off one firecracker?  Gotta do the brick. Only way to freak somebody out.

Haha - I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought it was a firecracker; only that the sound itself is indistinguishable between a small caliber weapon and a firecracker.  It annoys me that so many people fault him for reporting the incident honestly.  If he'd said "I heard a small caliber gunshot" the same people would be saying "Art's a Liar!  Nobody can tell the difference between the sound of a .22 and a firecracker!"


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 01:29:04 PM
I don't see many real questions here, just a lot of fighting. MV and me are fine. I did ask him to review a post from DP after somebody told me it was Libel, he did as did I and I felt it was not libel so I told him to leave it, no problem. Then there was another message from KofK which was libel and he took it down.

The phone call threat came just before I went on air and I mentioned it to Heather but did not call the Police because I have had so many phone and email threats over the Years and learned that the Police always tell you people who talk do not do things and frankly I thought it was just some kid who heard all the on air stuff and wanted to pile on. Never the less Heather on her own decided to report it and when the Police asked me about it I confirmed it and did say I had not reported it for the reasons above and they agreed with me.

I am not supporting the Network in any way, it is supporting itself. Nor am I involved with it in any way. Keith and I remain friends. I have been helping Heather in every way I know how. She has retained many thousands of subs.

I may do a Gab Cast next Week if people want it, perhaps on Tuesday if that's what people want. I did sift through the messages but saw more fighting than questions.

As for the Stalker, we have a pretty darn good idea who it is but not enough proof to make a arrest or even say. The situation has not changed otherwise and my return to the air is something I might try without any prior announcement to test the waters. It still depends frankly on my Wife. Feel free to call me a pussy but this is not just my decision.


Awesome!  Do it on Tuesday, Thursday or Anyday.  I shall clear my events calendar when the RSVP is sent out.    If, you, Mr. Bell are on the GabCast I will be there with bells on.

Sounds like fun, I have never know a GabCast to not be fun in my many years(?) of listening.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 28, 2016, 03:53:41 PM
Me?! I'm a pussycat.

No argument here.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 28, 2016, 03:53:41 PM
BTW, I or anyone looking at your post history only has to go a few posts back to start seeing ALL the theories you've been spinning.

Nice try. Please feel free to quote my posts where I have put out any theories. They don't exist and we both know it.


Quote from: Chronaut on January 28, 2016, 03:55:30 PM
Haha - I didn't mean to make it sound like I thought it was a firecracker; only that the sound itself is indistinguishable between a small caliber weapon and a firecracker.  It annoys me that so many people fault him for reporting the incident honestly.  If he'd said "I heard a small caliber gunshot" the same people would be saying "Art's a Liar!  Nobody can tell the difference between the sound of a .22 and a firecracker!"

clint eastwood would know   
whats interesting is how  this scene would play in the world of today ?



Quote from: Tricky-D on January 28, 2016, 03:52:08 PM
I think Art sums up the issue perfectly right here. Odds are that nothing would have happened to Art or his family. Whoever this person is wanted to scare him or he'd be six feet under right now. However for Airyn and Asia this experience was horrific, terrifying and traumatizing. I've heard and read a lot of people saying Art should have brought in armed security, temporary relocated, even fled to Manilla. Does little Asia really deserve her life disrupted like that over a silly little Internet/radio show? People honestly think pulling her out of school, away from her friends is really worth it so Daddy Art can play radio? Art did the right thing and put his little girl first.

I have kids. If somebody was threatening my life and that of my family's  I would do anything to stop it. For that I do not fault Art at all .


Quote from: Art Bell on January 28, 2016, 02:49:12 PM
Trust me, those are the things I am considering. I guess when I say call me a pussy if you want to deflect from it, in some ways it feels that way but I love my Family and felt I had no real choice.


What's weird is that people don't seem to get that. Family comes first, it's very simple. I sometimes think Bellgab is largely populated with bitter divorcees.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 28, 2016, 03:59:46 PM
No argument here.

Nice try. Please feel free to quote my posts where I have put out any theories. They don't exist and we both know it.


I put the bait out and you take it. I knew you'd go for the easiest option. First you call me a tough guy and then a pussy. Recess in 15 minutes. Don't forget your hopscotch key!  :P

BTW, WHAT QUESTION? I really don't have any for Art. You OBVIOUSLY do! Now, why don't you stop being so butt hurt at me pointing out the obvious and just ask your questions?! You've been given the golden ticket!

P.S. I'll say it again that I didn't have to go very far back into your post history to see your theory spinning going on. I'm feeling too lazy right now but certainly everyone should have a look and they can do their own work in that regard.  ;)

Mr. Fidget

George "gets it", I suppose... he had follow through.

I don't even make Wikipedia, completely disenfranchised.

Meanwhile George had the gumption to follow through, in a truly egregious case of "fraud" with no legal documentation, such as I have.

Via: http://www.lorencoleman.com/biscardi.html
Recap of Coast to Coast AM, August 23, 2005:

Biscardi Statement
First hour guest, Tom Biscardi offered an explanation and apology related to his earlier claims (made on Friday's show) that he had a Bigfoot in captivity. He now says he was misled by an acquaintance of his colleague, Peggy Marx. The acquaintance, who lives in Stagecoach, Nevada, had told them of an injured Bigfoot that was being cared for by two veterinarians. As the details of her story began to unravel, Biscardi said he eventually concluded that her reports were false.

George Noory asked Biscardi if he would refund people's money who signed up for his Internet streaming service after Friday's announcement that video of Bigfoot was forthcoming. Biscardi said he would consider that. George suggested that people could also contact their credit card companies about reversing the charges if they had signed up for his service after Friday's show.

George gets the props for... professionalism... in that case.

Meanwhile back at the AB compound:


Hey IB!  I just got back from traveling 40 years into the future, and guess what?  You look as great as ever!


Quote from: Auslandia on January 28, 2016, 04:04:19 PM

I have kids. If somebody was threatening my life and that of my family's  I would do anything to stop it. For that I do not fault Art at all .
But, that's the point.  He is really NOT doing anything to stop it.  'Anything' would be to file police reports and to insist on police following up, calling them regularly for results, also hiring a PI firm.  Gosh, it's almost like Art no longer wanted to do a five day show, isn't it? 

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 28, 2016, 04:07:26 PM

GS   thats hilarious   TL  i asked art about out bet      and  all i got was    dead air       oh well  not even a chuckle     or anything   :(


Quote from: creepygreenlight on January 28, 2016, 03:18:44 PM
Right, because as a land owner I don't have rights to set traps on my own property...
You actually face some pretty strong civil and criminal liability when you set traps, especially deadly ones like 'trap guns,' on your own property (lots of case law and statues on this. Risk of an innocent person: child wanders on your land, firefighters or police need to enter it, etc being hurt or killed.) In contrast, in many places, the situation when you are confronted on your property (or in your home) by an intruder you can use lethal force (consult your local laws though.)

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