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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 28, 2016, 12:50:34 AM
That's quite a foursome

Three of the four are, well, challenged.

The richest of them is the most-challenged.  The short bus would take him home but the kidnappers want to take him by the grocery store for some pizza roll thingys for him to munch on.


Quote from: Meister_000 on January 27, 2016, 11:50:23 PM
I toned it down out of respect for Art. DP knows my affections for him well enough by now. Thanks.
Sadly, I dont- my memory sucks and I distinguish posters visually based on their avatar in most cases. Since you fuckers switch avatars around here like CIG switches TOS's I lose track of whos who and am just left to assume that I wont be receiving Christmas cards from very many of you around here.

Suffice it to say I have I pretty good idea what your affections are for me and I dont think ill be getting you into a gimp suit anytime soon. If you guys would quit playing musical avatars we might get somewhere- But noooooooo...Too much to ask in this fucking case.

Anyhow, my dog loves me sometimes-And that good enough for me.


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 10:45:47 PM
I do not have 10 million dollars, another myth. Where does this stuff come from? Not even close!


It is all over the interwebs.  It is referred to as NET WORTH.

If it is nowhere near $10M, then I wouldn't loan you a dime and I wouldn't hire your lawyer because, with books, movie money, selling C2C...  Come on...  I could say stuff about the more popular businesses in Pahrump but you haven't ended up in a coma like LaMar Odom.  Yet.

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on January 28, 2016, 01:06:08 AM
Sadly, I dont- my memory sucks and I distinguish posters visually based on their avatar in most cases. Since you fuckers switch avatars around here like CIG switches TOS's I lose track of whos who and am just left to assume that I wont be receiving Christmas cards from very many of you around here.

Suffice it to say I have I pretty good idea what your affections are for me and I dont think ill be getting you into a gimp suit anytime soon. If you guys would quit playing musical avatars we might get somewhere- But noooooooo...Too much to ask in this fucking case.

Anyhow, my dog loves me sometimes-And that good enough for me.

Don't worry, $5 and a card on your birthday bro.


Quote from: The King of Kings on January 28, 2016, 01:17:27 AM
Don't worry, $5 and a card on your birthday bro.
Thanks man =)

I stopped having birthdays when I reached 21 though  8)- But I appreciate the thought .


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 10:06:27 PM
I said I would do it, how you do it is up to you. Sometimes I think this group would argue about the color of the sky and what dark group made it that way and perhaps who lied because it used to be a different color before the Mason's became involved.

I Have to disagree with your statements...  ;)

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on January 27, 2016, 10:01:38 PM
No- I prefer a good interviewer since calls are going to be a total waste.

This may be one of the last interviews or chances to interview Art. This is a golden opportunity to get a fantastic, in depth interview regarding many things (not just about this recent incident) and its blown if idiot callers are setting the tone and topic as opposed to someone who sets the pace and controls the interview. Callers will be all over the place, of varying quality and much wasted time on ass kissing or attack questions.

If you cannot see the truth of this I dont know what to say-

If Arts a legend as the general consensus seems to be- Would you rather listen back to a solid in depth interview in another 20 years or a bunch of callers ? Real talk.

I agree with you on theory, but I doubt Art would be up for a slightly hostile two hour long interview grilling.

Would that even be good radio?  I don't know.  I would rather hear him in an informal setting with fans.

Yes, of course the usual "fandom" will be there, but so what.  Gabcast isn't 20/20 investigative journalism, it's fluff radio about an artbell fan website.


Quote from: The King of Kings on January 28, 2016, 01:31:23 AM
I agree with you on theory, but I doubt Art would be up for a slightly hostile two hour long interview grilling.

Would that even be good radio?  I don't know.  I would rather hear him in an informal setting with fans.

Yes, of course the usual "fandom" will be there, but so what.  Gabcast isn't 20/20 investigative journalism, it's fluff radio about an artbell fan website.

It's happened before. Nov. 12, 2013 Gabcast when he quit Dark Matter.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 28, 2016, 01:40:43 AM
It's happened before. Nov. 12, 2013 Gabcast when he quit Dark Matter.

didnt he call in the spec sheet?


Quote from: norland2424 on January 28, 2016, 01:44:44 AM
didnt he call in the spec sheet?

That was George Noory. What a classic that was lol. "George your show fucking sucks!!!!!"


Quote from: The King of Kings on January 28, 2016, 01:31:23 AM
I agree with you on theory, but I doubt Art would be up for a slightly hostile two hour long interview grilling.

Would that even be good radio?  I don't know.  I would rather hear him in an informal setting with fans.

Yes, of course the usual "fandom" will be there, but so what.  Gabcast isn't 20/20 investigative journalism, it's fluff radio about an artbell fan website.
Yeah, i'm sure thats what we'll probably get.

Honestly though I didnt mean just to grill him over recent events- But he said basically to set it up and he'll show up and answer any questions that  arent about his family- the opportunity for a gripping and in depth interview with Art is right there for taking by the right person and could be stellar.

I dont think we'll ever get real answers to much of anything- the believers will believe and the skeptics will disbelieve and we all have theories about what really did or didnt happen. the whole thing is riveting tbh. Whatever motive art has for agreeing to do this aside, it still takes balls to agree to do it at all. I would hate to see a missed opportunity for something with some real substance.

Regardless this ought to be interesting. I'll be wearing out the F5 key by the time this is all over I imagine.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 28, 2016, 01:48:28 AM
That was George Noory. What a classic that was lol. "George your show fucking sucks!!!!!"

lol a fun time had by all.



Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 01:29:04 PM
I don't see many real questions here, just a lot of fighting. MV and me are fine. I did ask him to review a post from DP after somebody told me it was Libel, he did as did I and I felt it was not libel so I told him to leave it, no problem. Then there was another message from KofK which was libel and he took it down.

The phone call threat came just before I went on air and I mentioned it to Heather but did not call the Police because I have had so many phone and email threats over the Years and learned that the Police always tell you people who talk do not do things and frankly I thought it was just some kid who heard all the on air stuff and wanted to pile on. Never the less Heather on her own decided to report it and when the Police asked me about it I confirmed it and did say I had not reported it for the reasons above and they agreed with me.

I am not supporting the Network in any way, it is supporting itself. Nor am I involved with it in any way. Keith and I remain friends. I have been helping Heather in every way I know how. She has retained many thousands of subs.

I may do a Gab Cast next Week if people want it, perhaps on Tuesday if that's what people want. I did sift through the messages but saw more fighting than questions.

As for the Stalker, we have a pretty darn good idea who it is but not enough proof to make a arrest or even say. The situation has not changed otherwise and my return to the air is something I might try without any prior announcement to test the waters. It still depends frankly on my Wife. Feel free to call me a pussy but this is not just my decision.


Well hell ART.  I'm glad I checked back in.  Yeah, 'cast on Tuesday, or do it unannounced.  Or 'phone it in' randomly during the week with Heather.  Your family's safety is first.
"It still depends frankly on my Wife."  Yeah, no shit.  I got one of those, too.  And, like me, you probably plan on keeping her. I get it. 
If the stalker can be dealt with, then deal those cards.  Until that time, situational awareness, pal.  And I will keep my militia issued BELL A1 Panzer  oiled and ready.  And when you are ready, we'll let the blitzkrieg roll.   Again.  It may be in a different direction. But we will roll.  Yehaaa!

The Snorchlax

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 28, 2016, 01:48:28 AM
That was George Noory. What a classic that was lol. "George your show fucking sucks!!!!!"

i remember, "So you're the one who likes green women..."

and "Lowlife!"


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on January 27, 2016, 10:26:28 PM
I'm pretty sure the world used to be all in black and white before the 50's. I have photographic evidence of this. Not sure how it ended up in color, but it's the masons.
While I really hate to argue- the evidence that the world existed in colour is in the somewhat rare colour photographs taken in the 30's (at least Germany and NYC existed for brief flashes in colour before returning to black and white.)  Prior to that everything was sepia tone.  It was the Illuminati and not the masons who changed the world one colour at a time...


Quote from: Chronaut on January 27, 2016, 02:14:29 PM
It’s always good to hear from you Art; I hope that all is peaceful and warm at your homestead.

Have you considered setting a trap for the stalker?  It occurs to me that it would probably cost less than $20K to hire a couple of good stealthy paramilitary guys with night vision to hide around your property and keep an eye out for the little creep, and you could lure him out by going back on the air.  Then they could apprehend him and hold him until the police arrived, and you’d at least have his name on record.  Even knowing who he is and having his identity on file with the Sheriff’s Office would give you and your family a lot more peace of mind than you have now.

Shit, bro, I already offered to do that.  All ART had to do was keep the coffee going and have Airyn fry me up some of those survival rations.

Wait, did you say 'aprehend and hold him...'?  Ummm, maybe.


Quote from: paladin1991 on January 28, 2016, 01:59:24 AM
Shit, bro, I already offered to do that.  All ART had to do was keep the coffee going and have Airyn fry me up some of those survival rations.

Wait, did you say 'aprehend and hold him...'?  Ummm, maybe.

Yep, first thought was your answer.  Joking with a cashier about a Power Ball ticket and I shared that my first thing to do would be to hire a couple of hitmen to kill any leaches who try to come up with frivolous lawsuits.  Ooops (not), they were taken aback with that little comment.

A real stalker with a gun requires a real kill shot to that section of the face where there's no tensing-up reaction (come on, feed me that term!).


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 10:06:27 PM
I said I would do it, how you do it is up to you. Sometimes I think this group would argue about the color of the sky and what dark group made it that way and perhaps who lied because it used to be a different color before the Mason's became involved.

The Masons were involved?  Those sonzabitches. 


Quote from: Curandero81 on January 27, 2016, 10:24:29 PM
Assholes at bellgab,
listen up !
I have been a listener since the 80s and would put to shame anyone regarding Art Bell trivia.
Art has let me down too.
I am 59 and a fan of Art's for over 27 years.
I have sent him letters and emails in the past..NONE ANSWERED
I have no idea about you or Art these days.

Now you've done it.  You monkeys woke up the Cuntandero.  Now he's gonna shit all over these threads for the next 3 days.

This is why we can't have nice things at BELLgab.


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 10:45:47 PM
I do not have 10 million dollars, another myth. Where does this stuff come from? Not even close!

Oh.  Well then can we just go down to the quickie mart for cinnamon buns and coffee?  If it's an AM/PM we can get two hotdogs for a buck. 


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 01:29:04 PM
I am not supporting the Network in any way, it is supporting itself. Nor am I involved with it in any way. Keith and I remain friends. I have been helping Heather in every way I know how. She has retained many thousands of subs.

Can anyone remind me what Heather said about Art's involvement???  Hell, what Art said in the paragraph?  Oh, that's right, he's parsing his statements again.  Not involved in the network.  Oh, yeah, that is different than MitD.


Maybe it was another timeline.  Maybe, like in ST: TNG, I am jumping from time to time and they're converging.   

My 86-year old dad has his shit together better than this and my dad's got all sorts of problems with vision, hearing and going through bladder cancer battles.

Quote from: Sean92008 on January 28, 2016, 02:37:09 AM
Can anyone remind me what Heather said about Art's involvement???  Hell, what Art said in the paragraph?  Oh, that's right, he's parsing his statements again.  Not involved in the network.  Oh, yeah, that is different than MitD.

I didn't notice that at first, but I think you are right. If he is bankrolling MiTD that doesn't mean he is involved in the DMRN.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 27, 2016, 05:17:14 PM
What is the point of Art appearing on the Gabcast? It's a damned-if-you-do and damned-if- you-don't situation for the host. If the host asks Art softball questions, the host will look like a Milquetoast. If he asks the "hard" questions, then he will be labeled as a "troll" by Art's ever present army of sycophants.

Besides, even if you wanted to be the "dick" who asks Art any tough questions, who's to say that he would answer them? Politicians get asked tough questions all the time, but never answer them directly. They just deflect and give their practiced responses.

Art has a platform every single night. A three hour platform. All he needs to do is call into his own show, like he has on 2 occasions already and take unscreened calls. How is a Gabcast going to be any different from that? Or maybe Heather can interview him again.

Wow! Once again, waking up after a night that Art has posted, leaves me with endless pages to catch up on.

Art doing the GabCast is all 'well and fine' but I agree with IB. Art should man-up and call into his show Heather's show Midnight in the Desert and take unscreened calls. Trying things out in the relative safety of MV's sandbox is really just chickening out. Sure, we'll get the benefit of (maybe) getting some straight answers to (maybe) some hard questions, but his broader audience won't. If in fact there are still "many thousands of subs", don't they deserve some closure too?


Quote from: BellBoy on January 28, 2016, 03:28:55 AM
Art doing the GabCast is all 'well and fine'

He's done it before. I don't see that this one will be much different.

QuoteArt should man-up and call into his show Heather's show Midnight in the Desert and take unscreened calls.

Not only is this not going to happen, I don't think it should happen. Bell's skill at handling unscreened open lines, on his own show, was great, in the past, largely because there was a better-than-even-chance that the person getting through out of millions of telephone callers would be authentic and interesting.

Now that we have the Internet, and especially Skype, this is no longer the case. This no longer happens. What passes for "unscreened calls" now is a different animal and paradigm entirely, and I frankly don't think that Bell is served by participating in it, or trying to.


Quote from: starrmtn001 on January 27, 2016, 08:16:01 PM
No more, or less, true than it was many, many, many years ago.  People can change.  Those who can't change, seem to like dredging up old stuff about those who have changed-for the better.

I hope that's true for his daughter's sake.  Only Art can say if that's the case and I don't really think he should be posting anything about it anyway.  I just think blindly following anyone is foolish.   I was merely trying to point out that Art is a human being, flawed like the rest of us.   If he comes back, I will listen.  I might even subscribe again.  I was never mad about the situation.  Shocked, yes, but not mad.  I didn't put all the hours in that many of his fans did.   

The only problem I had with Art leaving is that he didn't immediately refund and unsubscribe everyone from his show archives.   To leave everyone subscribed to Heather seemed a little snakey to me, knowing full well that many people would not really know how to unsubscribe or maybe miss the email - like I did - in fact, I didn't even get it.   


Quote from: BellBoy on January 28, 2016, 03:28:55 AM
Wow! Once again, waking up after a night that Art has posted, leaves me with endless pages to catch up on.

Art doing the GabCast is all 'well and fine' but I agree with IB. Art should man-up and call into his show Heather's show Midnight in the Desert and take unscreened calls. Trying things out in the relative safety of MV's sandbox is really just chickening out. Sure, we'll get the benefit of (maybe) getting some straight answers to (maybe) some hard questions, but his broader audience won't. If in fact there are still "many thousands of subs", don't they deserve some closure too?
It is good to see you concerned about the information that is passed onto those who listen to MITD.  I share your concern for them... What if the information never filters down to them?  I recognize that this is not like "trickle down" economics where wealth gets distributed to all.  There is a very real danger that people will continue listening to MITD without Arts words necessarily reaching them.  It would be a failure of historic relevance.

Or, perhaps he is just testing the waters and this is not a big deal?  Maybe it is even somewhat of an apology to appear here first?  At least I read it as a gesture of good will...


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on January 27, 2016, 10:58:47 PM
How is his net worth only 4x his salary? What the hell is spending all his money on?

New glasses and steak dinners for Senda and Sweet Kathy.


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on January 27, 2016, 10:58:47 PM
How is his net worth only 4x his salary? What the hell is spending all his money on?
High class hookers and blow for both him and Tommee.


Quote from: Art Bell on January 27, 2016, 07:59:18 PM
I have made many claims but never that I was a Saint, I will leave that to the people who seem to know everything. As I have said I made some bad decisions at a very bad time but never lied on or off air.

I guess you could call it a meltdown when I posted that I would not be back, I can own that and I can also understand the anger of those who helped promote the show, a lot was lost and again I say sorry to those who helped.


I'm glad that I've finally gotten to this one. It's funny how far something, so simple as an apology, can go toward righting perceived wrongs. Thank you Art.


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on January 27, 2016, 10:41:15 PM
You're out of your mind. Thats an 'A' easy. Your standards are far too high.

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