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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: onan on February 18, 2016, 01:56:54 PM
So your telling me the hot night elf isn't so hot after all?



Quote from: rekcuf on February 18, 2016, 02:02:56 PM
She's basically the female version of Jack Thompson. The lawyer who crusaded against violent video games in the mid 90's. Switch violence out and replace it with sexism.

sort of but to a degree Jack wasn't taken as seriously as some are taking her

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 18, 2016, 12:54:08 PM

What's with the current fashion by some girls/women making themselves look 'different' by having their hair bleached and then having streaks of purple and blue put through it? It looks like they've died and been found in a shed somewhere.


Value Of Pi

Quote from: Hollow Man on February 18, 2016, 11:12:15 AM
It may be Snowden inspired but the main cause is simple market forces. They're not doing this out of principle- they're doing it because it sells. It's all about the money. People demanded privacy and privacy is what they got. Now, when it comes to this guy, I really don't think most people could give a shit about "privacy"and think that since he's a terrorist he deserves none. There's a good probable cause argument for this I think, something you could get a warrant for. That would probably be the best tactic the feds could attempt. I think Apple's stance on this was based on what they thought was actually good business but I think they miscalculated. Most probably don't think terrorists should be let in "the club", so to speak.

That's all assuming, of course, this isn't just pure propaganda bullshit, which is what I'm thinking. Business and government have been in bed for a long time and business rarely has much of a problem in "cooperating", so I find this whole thing to be almost.. convenient. Too convenient. *shrugs* Call me cynical.  ::)

Love paragraph one. Paragraph two, not so much. Of course, it would be an absolutely wild story to have a three-way going on with a private corporation, the government and the courts, all supported by the press, but "cynical" wouldn't be the word for you believing in this, IMO.


Quote from: onan on February 18, 2016, 02:01:42 PM
Yeah same here. One person I still keep in touch with from Ultima online is a cop in Boston, another a professor at a university in Ohio.

I had to quit gaming. I had a Wii years ago. Let's just say I hurt myself a lot with that damned contraption.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 18, 2016, 12:54:08 PM

What's with the current fashion by some girls/women making themselves look 'different' by having their hair bleached and then having streaks of purple and blue put through it? It looks like they've died and been found in a shed somewhere.
They are expressing their individuality by doing what others in their group do.


Quote from: whoozit on February 18, 2016, 02:08:28 PM
They are expressing their individuality by doing what others in their group do.
Another micro aggression.


Quote from: GravitySucks on February 18, 2016, 02:16:29 PM
Another micro aggression.
One person's micro agression another's astute observation.

Quote from: trostol on February 18, 2016, 02:05:41 PM
sort of but to a degree Jack wasn't taken as seriously as some are taking her

I was building up to that point. She is afforded a large platform by the media and sheltered from scrutiny. Look up  ABC's 'Night line' featuring, Sarkeesian. It's on YouTube. They portray her as a victim. It's laughable considering the subject matter, and the FACTS. She's a provocateur and the progressive feminists adore her. Johnathan McIntosh is okay. Brianna Wu... It was hatched.

She's now on Twitter's 'safety council', lol.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 18, 2016, 11:28:08 AM

I was quoting; I find it difficult to believe too. Unless of course Apple really have developed an OS that can effectively self destruct the memory files if it's incorrectly accessed.  Only Apple will know that.

The whole thing is absurd enough to be true. And remember, it's Apple, so they think different. If anyone could make a phone the government couldn't crack, it would be them. Good thing Apple isn't trying to take over the world. (Or are they?)

Quote from: whoozit on February 18, 2016, 02:08:28 PM
They are expressing their individuality by doing what others in their group do.

Freebleeding is modern art, too.

Speaking as someone who has to deal with the government's bullshit and this new brand of socialism on a daily basis, I really appreciate a company like Apple putting it's consumers' privacy ahead of the government.


Quote from: rekcuf on February 18, 2016, 02:20:26 PM
I was building up to that point. She is afforded a large platform by the media and sheltered from scrutiny. Look up  ABC's 'Night line' featuring, Sarkeesian. It's on YouTube. They portray her as a victim. It's laughable considering the subject matter, and the FACTS. She's a provocateur and the progressive feminists adore her. Johnathan McIntosh is okay. Brianna Wu... It was hatched.

She's now on the Twitter 'safety council', lol.
Yup, when a debate on ethics at the 'society of professional  journalists' (not some mickey mouse outfit ) is shut down by bomb threats and most people have never heard about this- Theres an issue.


When "Law and order "  on NBC or whatever (I abhor television) makes a "based on real cases" and portrayes gamergate as Isis - When nobody has been hurt on either side...Theres a problem.

When this faggot is one of our representatives (and we are supposed to hate fags-)- the whole world has went mad if they believe the narrative without looking deeper... Dont just "listen and believe".


Anyone see Turbo Kid on Netflix yet?
Curious on your thoughts.

Milo is awesome. Love hearing him on Gavin Mcinnes's show. Its hilarious watching people try to shut him down when they can't keep up with him.

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 18, 2016, 02:32:25 PM
Yup, when a debate on ethics at the 'society of professional  journalists' (not some mickey mouse outfit ) is shut down by bomb threats and most people have never heard about this- Theres an issue.


When "Law and order "  on NBC or whatever (I abhor television) makes a "based on real cases" and portrayes gamergate as Isis - When nobody has been hurt on either side...Theres a problem.

When this faggot is one of our representatives (and we are supposed to hate fags-)- the whole world has went mad if they believe the narrative without looking deeper... Dont just "listen and believe".


I find it suspicious, that a self-titled "culture critic" (sounds made up) like herself; refuses to acknowledge legitimate questions about her ideology, or her public statements. She also refuses to debate her ideas publicly. Obviously she's not under any legal obligation to do so. However, she should be able to defend her outlandish claims publicly. Seems a bit odd for someone that's a (well) paid public speaker.

Listen and believe

Please stop with GamerGate bullshit. It's just a feminist troll looking for attention.

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 18, 2016, 02:07:42 PM
I had to quit gaming. I had a Wii years ago. Let's just say I hurt myself a lot with that damned contraption.
Bad news SciFi. A baby dolphin died after it was passed around for selfies



Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 18, 2016, 02:54:42 PM
Bad news SciFi. A baby dolphin died after it was passed around for selfies


shit like that is both why i hate people in general and why the aliens arent actually visiting us


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 18, 2016, 02:54:42 PM
Bad news SciFi. A baby dolphin died after it was passed around for selfies

Looking for a silver lining, at least it can't wish us painful ass cancer.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: VoteQuimby on February 18, 2016, 02:31:45 PM
Speaking as someone who has to deal with the government's bullshit and this new brand of socialism on a daily basis, I really appreciate a company like Apple putting it's consumers' privacy ahead of the government.

Me too, but when a few of those consumers are terrorists, Siri needs to think again. With all the T&C, I'm sure that Apple is not contractually bound here. They can go either way. It's a corporate decision motivated mainly by a desire to advance their own interests. That's all fine unless it results in more terrorist victims and grieving families. They can be successful without that "collateral damage."

Quote from: trostol on February 18, 2016, 02:55:25 PM
shit like that is both why i hate people in general and why the aliens arent actually visiting us

Whitley Strieber's ass would disagree...  ;D


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 18, 2016, 03:00:20 PM
Me too, but when a few of those consumers are terrorists, Siri needs to think again. With all the T&C, I'm sure that Apple is not contractually bound here. They can go either way. It's a corporate decision motivated mainly by a desire to advance their own interests. That's all fine unless it results in more terrorist victims and grieving families. They can be successful without that "collateral damage."

I would appreciate the government catching terrorists from their buying weapons or money laundering instead of what they're sexting to each other.


So, I don't really understand what I'm reading here anymore. Are you guys all just picking sentences out of a hat and then attaching insults at the ends of them? Or are you legitimately angry about stuff that happened on a radio show several months ago? Both sides are starting to read the same to me.

I don't really understand the payoff at this point. Is somebody supposed to say, "You're right, I was wrong" at some point, or does it just keep going until everybody dies of old age? I don't know how this works.

Quote from: NXOEED on February 18, 2016, 03:13:53 PM
So, I don't really understand what I'm reading here anymore. Are you guys all just picking sentences out of a hat and then attaching insults at the ends of them? Or are you legitimately angry about stuff that happened on a radio show several months ago? Both sides are starting to read the same to me.

I don't really understand the payoff at this point. Is somebody supposed to say, "You're right, I was wrong" at some point, or does it just keep going until everybody dies of old age? I don't know how this works.
People just want a place where (they think) someone will listen to them.


Quote from: NXOEED on February 18, 2016, 03:13:53 PM
So, I don't really understand what I'm reading here anymore. Are you guys all just picking sentences out of a hat and then attaching insults at the ends of them? Or are you legitimately angry about stuff that happened on a radio show several months ago? Both sides are starting to read the same to me.

I don't really understand the payoff at this point. Is somebody supposed to say, "You're right, I was wrong" at some point, or does it just keep going until everybody dies of old age? I don't know how this works.
You're 5 pages behind. we havnt talked about the radio show in about 47 days now.

Basically, I think we're on DMRN deathwatch. so the coffee is brewing and were just sitting around shooting the shit waiting for this thing to die so we can all go home.

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