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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 19, 2016, 03:49:06 PM
I think most of you guys who think this is insane dont fully understand the way things really work online and buy into outdated propaganda about internet safety. So long as you're not meeting for a glory hole hookup you found posted on craigslist at 3am and you take basic precautions- This is safer than sitting on your porch.

A youtube video is about as safe as it gets especially if you're not even engaging in dialogue in a comments section.

Heres a chance for a child to learn about free market capitalism, entertainment, self promotion, viral marketing, computer and video skills, success and failure (and dealing with both outcomes) doing something she is obviously interested in and might enjoy. Maybe learning the value of a dollar and having the potential to later make a decent life for herself without having to deal with the 9-5 bullshit AND having time with her father who happens to be a talented entertainer- And this is terrible to you?

When I was a kid I used to read about the westward expansion and the gold rush in the US and used to think to myself that I really wish we had opportunities like that today. To be able to say 'fuck society, fuck your rules and your systems- I'm going to strike it rich on my own or die trying- But i'm going to be free." and at that time , nothing like that existed. There was nothing you could really do to get in at the start of something new , on an even playingfield, and strike it rich (or not).

This is the westward expansion right now. There is fucking gold here to be refined and to learn more efficient ways to mine it. This is the beginning of something that might not happen again for centuries- if ever. An untapped reserve of virgin land to begin to colonize.

If shes interested in this- It would be a disservice to have her to not let her try. fucking kids today scare the shit out of me with socialist ideals and entitlement. Heres a kid whos going to learn so much and is taking an interest at a young age.

-This shit pisses me off.

Arts an asshole, there is no stalker, DMRN is on its last leg and everything else. But nobodys going to troll a child and I hop-e this doesnt fuck up what could be the opportunity of a lifetime for her.
Would you have ever guessed that you would become a voice of reason in this asylum?  Truth is stranger than fiction.  I am no longer scared of penguins, only dolphins.

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 19, 2016, 03:49:06 PM
I think most of you guys who think this is insane dont fully understand the way things really work online and buy into outdated propaganda about internet safety. So long as you're not meeting for a glory hole hookup you found posted on craigslist at 3am and you take basic precautions- This is safer than sitting on your porch.

A youtube video is about as safe as it gets especially if you're not even engaging in dialogue in a comments section.

Heres a chance for a child to learn about free market capitalism, entertainment, self promotion, viral marketing, computer and video skills, success and failure (and dealing with both outcomes) doing something she is obviously interested in and might enjoy. Maybe learning the value of a dollar and having the potential to later make a decent life for herself without having to deal with the 9-5 bullshit AND having time with her father who happens to be a talented entertainer- And this is terrible to you?

When I was a kid I used to read about the westward expansion and the gold rush in the US and used to think to myself that I really wish we had opportunities like that today. To be able to say 'fuck society, fuck your rules and your systems- I'm going to strike it rich on my own or die trying- But i'm going to be free." and at that time , nothing like that existed. There was nothing you could really do to get in at the start of something new , on an even playingfield, and strike it rich (or not).

This is the westward expansion right now. There is fucking gold here to be refined and to learn more efficient ways to mine it. This is the beginning of something that might not happen again for centuries- if ever. An untapped reserve of virgin land to begin to colonize.

If shes interested in this- It would be a disservice to have her to not let her try. fucking kids today scare the shit out of me with socialist ideals and entitlement. Heres a kid whos going to learn so much and is taking an interest at a young age.

-This shit pisses me off.

Arts an asshole, there is no stalker, DMRN is on its last leg and everything else. But nobodys going to troll a child and I hop-e this doesnt fuck up what could be the opportunity of a lifetime for her.

She should have the opportunity, why not? I don't think Art advertising the name of her channel was a good idea for the reasons you've already mentioned. The comment section should be disabled. Hopefully that's been done by now. Besides that, she's not in any danger.


Quote from: norland2424 on February 19, 2016, 03:44:24 PM
My only " concern " with the whole youtube thing for his daughter is that people will end up using her to troll him, as in sending her lewd comments or messages etc, but over all i wont be losing any sleep over it.

I understand that â€" after reading this thread for the last couple of months it’s clear that the moral turpitude of many people in our society knows no bounds.

It’s just sick that this is “the new normal.”  I feel like we’re the frog in the slowly boiling water â€" nobody seems to notice that over the last 50-60 years our society has gone from “basically decent with an occasional psychopath making trouble” to “basically psychopathic with an occasional act of decency sparking in the darkness.”

And our reaction isn’t “wow this is fucked up,” it’s “hide your face and don’t speak too loudly then maybe the monsters won’t get you.”

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Chronaut on February 19, 2016, 03:33:58 PM
The creepiest part of this thread right now is seeing all of these people outraged that a kid would have a YouTube channel, because we’re all so brain-washed to accept the fact that our society has become so dangerous/malignant that simply having an online presence is considered to be an imprudent invitation for disaster.

Isn’t anyone else troubled that we live in a nightmarish dystopia where we all feel like we have to cower with our heads down like a bunch of whipped slaves?

Orange Alert!  Some guy let his kid make the egregious error of reaching out to our twisted dystopian nightmare of a society!

“Land of the Free”…what a joke.

I'm sorry to have to ask anyone to read a thread again, but you should. The problem is not a kid having a YouTube channel. I could explain the actual problem people have expressed but it would be better if you could see it for yourself. You could then see why your rant is unjustified in this context.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 19, 2016, 04:00:38 PM
I'm sorry to have to ask anyone to read a thread again, but you should. The problem is not a kid having a YouTube channel. I could explain the actual problem people have expressed but it would be better if you could see it for yourself. You could then see why your rant is unjustified in this context.
Re-reading this diarrhea farm is not worth the time or effort.  I still question why I know as much as I do.  I blame the lack of hobbies.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 19, 2016, 04:00:38 PM
I'm sorry to have to ask anyone to read a thread again, but you should. The problem is not a kid having a YouTube channel. I could explain the actual problem people have expressed but it would be better if you could see it for yourself. You could then see why your rant is unjustified in this context.

The government must be messing with his internet browser, again...

Value Of Pi

Quote from: whoozit on February 19, 2016, 04:03:42 PM
Re-reading this diarrhea farm is not worth the time or effort.  I still question why I know as much as I do.  I blame the lack of hobbies.

Not worth it for most of us, but well worth it for Chronaut. The evidence of his misreading of numerous comments is just awaiting his discovery.

cosmic hobo

Quote from: Sean92008 on February 19, 2016, 03:32:34 PM
Reading these posts, I can see (through the Kool Aid drinking stupid loyalty to a man who claimed he was shot at by a stalker, then allows his 8-year old daughter to perform on a YouTube channel) that America is doomed.  This is the same lack of critical thinking that has allowed government to fuck all sorts of shit up, that gives a private company the power to grant privacy to dead terrorists and takes away the privacy of living school-aged children (including their Social Security numbers) in California.

For you, your pathetic behavior is all I need to see to even further discount your savior and your places of worship.  Your social puss-filled ass acne is blowing like Mt. St. Helen's and the old man on the mountain will inhale your wounded mentality's by-product and drown.

You're quick to whine, slow to think and refuse to analyze.

My adblock is on...  MV ain't making another directly-earned dime from me. 

As a parting suggestion...  GabCast should be renamed "FapCast" in honor of all you jerkoff fanboys and groupie girls who keep patting each other on the back (doing a reach around) for defending one empirically-fucked up manchild.

Anybody want to buy my autographed copy of the Quickening?

Look how butt hurt this fucker is.

Hollow Man

Quote from: Uncle Duke on February 19, 2016, 03:48:16 PM
What drama?  You might want to go back and read Art's description of his terrified little daughter crying and cowering in her bedroom after shots were allegedly fired at her home.

Yeah, yeah, I know all about that! I asked that in the context of your disbelief in said drama. I totally believe Art's claims so I obviously don't doubt "the drama".

QuoteWhat I believe is immaterial.  As I said, I'm not an expert, and even if I was I would not have access to the police documentation of what is alleged to have occurred over the period of time under discussion.  Local CPS are experts, and do have access to official documents.  What's so difficult to understand here?

What's difficult to understand? You being concerned about something you think is fucking bullshit, that's what. You've made that pretty clear. This is a new development in your stated position. As such I didn't understand what the hell you were talking about, so I had to ask. Pretty simple. Now I know.

So, basically, you acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong, that something may have actually happened, and think CPS should investigate. And do what?

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 19, 2016, 04:09:01 PM
Not worth it for most of us, but well worth it for Chronaut. The evidence of his misreading of numerous comments is just awaiting his discovery.

Oh, SNAP! In Z formation.


so..baseball season is just about upon us!!!!!


If we wish really hard and bitch really hard, the world will be right again.


Quote from: norland2424 on February 19, 2016, 03:53:19 PM
Lol have you actually watched one of her videos yet? She is talking to people in the comments section..
Nah- I have no interest in what a young kid puts on youtube. I deal with my fill of the 'awww cute' factor every time my fucking wife finds a dog video she finds funny (which is waaaaay too much)

I'm sure its bad in the sense it was done by a child but its a good place to start to learning imho.

And the comments section thing boggles my mind. Hey, Arts choice I suppose- I would disable them asap but im not her parent.


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 19, 2016, 04:21:48 PM
Nah- I have no interest in what a young kid puts on youtube. I deal with my fill of the 'awww cute' factor every time my fucking wife finds a dog video she finds funny (which is waaaaay too much)

I'm sure its bad in the sense it was done by a child but its a good place to start to learning imho.

And the comments section thing boggles my mind. Hey, Arts choice I suppose- I would disable them asap but im not her parent.

well one thing we are well aware of...Art does not always make the smart decision

Quote from: trostol on February 19, 2016, 04:23:20 PM
well one thing we are well aware of...Art does not always make the smart decision

He's a master tactician! Especially when forced into a quick decision. He's what the kids call 'clutch'.

Hollow Man

QuoteNow that's some butthurt right there.

QuoteLook how butt hurt this fucker is.

HAHAHA, no fucking shit! But you gotta take a look at this faggot's posting history. Turns out he was as big an Art Bell fanboy as anybody. He only turned on him in December when Art stepped down. Talk about fair-weather fans- this guy's the worst. Art gets shot at by some psycho, his family get terrorized, and this faggot turns on him faster than white on rice. And then he says he hopes the man fucks off and DIES. Worthless fuckin' ingrate. I hope he gets AIDS. Or ass cancer. Either one will do. ;D

Apparently he doesn't care much for MV, either, I guess seeing as he and Art are cool again. Denying him diaper money like that. How dare he...


Quote from: phrodo on February 18, 2016, 03:46:40 PM
When I check in I skip about three pages at a time.... it's much quicker that way and I don't miss a thing as I scroll past the infantile pablum.

On a side note - the cesspool appears to be clogged with shit ... it takes forever for a page to load if it actually tries instead of just instantly showing a blank page. Anyone else noticing this??

Looks like MV is spending all the adsense money on diapers and has moved this forum cesspool to his trusty basement 8086 powered puter.  :o

what version of netscape navigator are you using?

update your real player.


Quote from: venix on February 18, 2016, 10:12:29 PM
I'm not sure that Art gets the whole what not to do when you have a stalker thing.

This should be good for another 4 or 5 pages.

You're welcome MV.

holy fuck.  right off the bat, people in the comments:

"we love your dad.  listened to his show since the 90s.  blah blah blah..."

fuck me.

Hollow Man

QuoteAnd the comments section thing boggles my mind. Hey, Arts choice I suppose- I would disable them asap but im not her parent.

They've all been positive so far. I'm sure Art monitors it and takes a look before letting Asia online. If shit goes down he'll shut it down real quick.

Hollow Man

Quote from: MV on February 19, 2016, 04:41:22 PM
holy fuck.  right off the bat, people in the comments:

"we love your dad.  listened to his show since the 90s.  blah blah blah..."

fuck me.

Ha, yeah. I'm sure she has good manners and all, but honestly she could really give a fuck. LOL.


Quote from: MV on February 19, 2016, 04:41:22 PM
holy fuck.  right off the bat, people in the comments:

"we love your dad.  listened to his show since the 90s.  blah blah blah..."

fuck me.
hahaha. jesus christ people are fucking retarded.

Hollow Man

Quote from: coaster on February 19, 2016, 04:48:30 PM
hahaha. jesus christ people are fucking retarded.

It's the only way they can relate. She loves her dad and so do they. Different kinds of love, but close enough. What else do they have? She's nine. LOL.


the site is taking forever to load. it loads half a page. fuck, thats annoying. i want to beat my internet provider's head in with a fucking hammer. hey, heres a price hike. btw heres some more shoddy internet. we good?

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Hollow Man on February 19, 2016, 04:33:06 PM

HAHAHA, no fucking shit! But you gotta take a look at this faggot's posting history. Turns out he was as big an Art Bell fanboy as anybody. He only turned on him in December when Art stepped down. Talk about fair-weather fans- this guy's the worst. Art gets shot at by some psycho, his family get terrorized, and this faggot turns on him faster than white on rice. And then he says he hopes the man fucks off and DIES. Worthless fuckin' ingrate. I hope he gets AIDS. Or ass cancer. Either one will do. ;D

Apparently he doesn't care much for MV, either, I guess seeing as he and Art are cool again. Denying him diaper money like that. How dare he...

Art and his saga have a way of getting inside a man and twisting his insides into knots. You lash out in torment and pain, hoping to slay the dragon. But then, it's only your big toe that ends up being stubbed. We should remember the forces we're dealing with here and try to be charitable.

Note that I'm pretty sure I got this bit of dialog from some memory of '40s or '50s movies, but I thinking dropping Art's name into it works out fine.

Quote from: coaster on February 19, 2016, 04:48:30 PM
hahaha. jesus christ people are fucking retarded.

I heard she's the 'new new' host of MITD.


Quote from: Hollow Man on February 19, 2016, 04:50:21 PM
It's the only way they can relate. She loves her dad and so do they. Different kinds of love, but close enough. What else do they have? She's nine. LOL.
I bet half of them would lick Art's pubes clean if he acknowledged them. I remember reading one woman's posts on facebook, over and over she posted, saying shit like "it would be nice if you read my post and said hi" or some shit. Its fucking nauseating. I'm embarrassed being a fucking human sometimes after reading shit on Art's facebook. Jesus, the guy hosted a fucking radio show.


Quote from: creepygreenlight on February 19, 2016, 02:11:06 PM
No, dumbass.  Maybe you still don't get it.  Art Bell is perfectly free to live his life the way he pleases.  The "stalker" thing is moot considering the fact that Art is no longer broadcasting, I think sometimes that Bellgab is a seriously creepy place where so many people just sit here constantly talking about every move Art Bell makes. 

It's becoming a creepfest around here.  Perhaps even creepier is trying to imagine what kind of pathetic life you people live to have so much time spent obsessing over Art.
Nobody's "obsessing" over Bell.
We call him out for believing that we are gullible enough to believe the stalker story. That's all.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 19, 2016, 02:48:51 PM
Child protective services? Jesus, give up already.

did someone really suggest that?  i'm scrolling too quickly...

Uncle Duke

Quote from: Hollow Man on February 19, 2016, 04:10:18 PM
Yeah, yeah, I know all about that! I asked that in the context of your disbelief in said drama. I totally believe Art's claims so I obviously don't doubt "the drama".

What's difficult to understand? You being concerned about something you think is fucking bullshit, that's what. You've made that pretty clear. This is a new development in your stated position. As such I didn't understand what the hell you were talking about, so I had to ask. Pretty simple. Now I know.

So, basically, you acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong, that something may have actually happened, and think CPS should investigate. And do what?

Again, what I believe is immaterial.  The question at hand should be what the child believes, and what the authorities (CPS/police) believe and/or can prove in the process of gauging her safety and welfare.  Regardless of what happened or didn't happen, I'm sure you'd agree if the little girl was truly as tramatized as we have been led to believe, she could only benefit from seeing professionals with expertise in such situations.  "And do what," you ask?  Unknown, I'm not an expert in this arena.   It would be reasonable, however to think what action they take, if any, will be a function of what they determine in their investigation.  One would hope she would at least have access to professional counseling.  Anything beyond that?  Don't know.

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