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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Little Hater

Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 01, 2016, 03:56:34 AM

I recommend the film as it is quite enjoyable.  Most viewers these days would likely wonder why the film's narrative essentially stops while Danny Kaye sings a couple of comedic songs that have nothing to do with the story (the first song in particular is quite long) but my mother explained to me that Danny Kaye was famous for his comedic songs and the audiences of the day expected his films to contain them.  I believe Danny Kaye wrote both of the songs in the movie.

Danny Kaye is Jewish and I believe my mother once told me that she met him at some Jewish event and he couldn't have been nicer.

Larry King used to occasionally have Danny Kaye (and also Sid Caesar) on his radio show for the whole five hours. Funniest stuff I've ever heard. Comic geniuses.


George Noory sucks?

Yeah, no, Heather's worse.

George Noory's all good.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 01, 2016, 04:56:52 AM
Catherine Austin Fitts is a bit more interesting, because she actually strikes me as frequently insincere.  Like the politicians she used to work for, she has her finger in the wind.  For instance, when Barack Obama's approval ratings was around 40% she would complain that 'Obamacare' would result in a massive U.S recession as she claimed that it took away the income from consumers that they had previously used for discretionary spending.  However, as Obama's approval ratings crept back up to 45-50% (where they presently still are) she started to say nice things about 'Obamacare.' I forget what exactly she said, but it was something about how 'Obamacare' had reduced costs for business and was therefore, good for the economy.

The funniest CAF moment for me was during he "Obamacare is bad" phase, she said the casino's were struggling because of Obamacare, which I just found so odd.

First the economy was bad before Obama ever became prez, so I am going to guess disposable income is lacking, which in turn is a good thing people aren't using their limited funds on casino games.

Secondly, there is a thing called the internet, people who like to gamble don't need to go to a casino anymore, it can be done from the comfort of your house. You  would think the rise of internet gambling would be much bigger factor, but I guess I am not an C2C expert. :P Next she going to blame the fall of horse racing on Obamacare  ;D

I find most C2C "economic experts" are always so doom and gloom, you would think we'd all be living in cardboard houses and using old newspaper for underwear by now.

Ted Baxter

Tonight's Show
Special Interview/ Open Lines
Friday - April 01, 2016 Special Interview/ Open Lines

After a shocking first time interview, the three-headed person returns to the Coast to Coast AM microphone for a special update. Followed by Open Lines.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 01, 2016, 04:56:52 AM
I've said a number of times here before that while I don't have an economics degree, I have taken a number of economics courses and that I believe I am capable of commenting on most economic issues.

Go for it.  I actually have an econ degree and I can't remember anything except how interest ratest work.  I know alot more about astronomy and only took one class in that. 

Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 01, 2016, 04:56:52 AM
I do remember however hearing Celente say the last time he was on that he predicted there would be a severe recession in 2016 and I remember that I wanted to call up the show and ask him "will the recession of 2016 be as severe as the recessions of 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 that you also predicted?"

There's an old joke about economists being so accurate they've predicted 11 of the last 3 recessions.

Just Me

Shoe shine boy clown act was dribbling his words all over the place last night. Maybe cause he had a picture of Linda Moulton Howe to gaze when interviewing her. The clown act is talking when suddenly Linda must have given him the sweet spot shot cause he goes holly tamolly


Quote from: Ted Baxter on April 01, 2016, 12:49:11 PM
Tonight's Show
Special Interview/ Open Lines
Friday - April 01, 2016 Special Interview/ Open Lines

After a shocking first time interview, the three-headed person returns to the Coast to Coast AM microphone for a special update. Followed by Open Lines.
You'd think they could come up with a better photo shop.  Jorch must have thrown Tommy an extra Twinkie for that job.


The secret truth behind the taking of Bellgab:

Due to the departure of Art Bell and RCH, the forum has to be reenergized.  To do that it will officially be renamed GeorgeGab, effective April 3, 2016.

The reasoning is that George Falkie, George Norry and Gorgeous Heather Wade are the subjects keeping the forum alive.  The moderator is once more stretching his outlook and going into new areas.  So, when you Google, it will be GeorgeGab.


Can't wait for the big interview tonite, the amazing part being that the host has no brain.


Noory's April Fool's - something happened to the 3 headed person...


How is terrible radio an April Fool's joke?

If wanted to hear this crap, I'd listen to NPR, hehehe

Ted Baxter

Quote from: Morgus on April 01, 2016, 11:22:02 PM

Noory's April Fool's - something happened to the 3 headed person...
A  new low for COAST.......... Reminds me of ROLLER DERBY

Quote from: zeebo on April 01, 2016, 10:52:07 PM
Can't wait for the big interview tonite, the amazing part being that the host has no brain.

Tommy has four chins


And then there were two. Jesus Christ alive, this is painfully, woefully bad. Nothing funny about it. Deeply weird and tasteless.


Quote from: Morgus on April 01, 2016, 11:22:02 PM

Noory's April Fool's - something happened to the 3 headed person...

That's Natasha Leggero.


Here comes Noory's callers now - they seem to believe this stupid story!


These are paid callers, surely. One travels up to Indiana to visit them, another used to date Elvira.


Actually, the middle head listened to Norry.


It's hard to know what they think they're doing. In the hands of a comic genius like Peter Cook, this could be hilarious, or a dramatic genius like Orson Welles, something weird, wonderful and moving. This is so bathetic and pathetic simultaneously. It goes beyond that, with Noory saying at first he thought it was a hoax, but Tommy and Lisa checked it out and convinced him it was genuine. Bare-faced lie. Simply fraudulent. Wretched.


There that's better, just took 'em in for a little surgery.


Quote from: UFQuack on April 02, 2016, 12:03:20 AM
There that's better, just took 'em in for a little surgery.

Haha, should email that into the c2c website! :D


Quote from: Morgus on April 02, 2016, 12:04:22 AM
Haha, should email that into the c2c website! :D

If anyone wants to do that, be my guest, haha


Next year for April Fool's Day Noory will probably have the 3headed person back again, but it will be down to only one living head left then?


Quote from: UFQuack on April 02, 2016, 12:03:20 AM
There that's better, just took 'em in for a little surgery.

How about change the heads to Noory with Tommy and ?


Quote from: Morgus on April 02, 2016, 01:17:26 AM
How about change the heads to Noory with Tommy and ?

Yeah I was thinking about it, but then I thought about how fat his head is, and Jorch doesn't exactly have a small noggin either. I don't know who the third head would be, but I imagine that all three heads would probably eat up all the shoulder space. I'm not sure how I could make it work.


That was one shit full of an interview with the 3 I mean 2 headed person.Some callers actually believed that one died.The last caller was in tears.Noory's real listeners and his paid callers.You can always tell who they are.Then on the start of the next interview snoory starts talking about how pranks can go bad on April fools day. What a child like mentality noory has.


Quote from: UFQuack on April 02, 2016, 12:03:20 AM
There that's better, just took 'em in for a little surgery.

Their IQ just took a big hit.

136 or 142

The April Fools 'joke' interview was the most tasteless and tacky thing I've ever heard.

The only other thing worth commenting on with last night's program was the segment with Howard Bloom.

I appreciate Bloom's insights into mass psychology and group psychology and that does make his views on the rise of Trump (and to some degree Sanders) worth hearing, but it is evident that he is not very knowledgeable of U.S politics.

Although I can't remember any of the specifics of his past segments, every time he is on discussing the election, I end up thinking to myself "that's not correct' regarding something he just said. And that continued with his segment last night.

My guess is is that he heard this story about this plan of some billionaire supporting Republicans to attempt to manipulate the electoral college and throw the election to Congress from a Democratic activist.  I think this because it seems Bloom is genuinely not aware that the correct pronunciation of the Koch brothers name is 'Coke" and not 'Cock" which the Democratic activist would have been using as a pejorative.  Also while a number of Democratic activists have been focusing on the Koch brothers (actually just two of the four brothers) in an attempt to demonize them (completely fairly and accurately in my opinion) which Bloom clearly bought into by saying that this plan was 'probably' being led by the Koch brothers, the fact is is that there are a number of very active Republican billionaires, of whom several could be behind this plan.

For instance, Marco Rubio's campaign had been largely financed by several billionaires and until after Iowa and New Hampshire, Rubio had seemingly spent more time attending fundraisers than campaigning with the public at large.    Rubio's political action committee was funded by some Florida billionaire.  Ted Cruz's political action committee is also largely funded by one billionaire not named Koch, though I can't remember where that person lives.

Finally, while I realize Bloom was just mentioning this story as an example of how strange or silly this campaign season has been and may get, this plan really makes no sense.  Off the top of my head, the only time I can recall members of a party establishment breaking away to entice a third party candidate into the race and then back that person was when some establishment Virginia Republicans backed an independent candidate to run against then Democratic Senator Chuck Robb and his Republican opponent Oliver North.

The reason this plan is silly is because as was the case in that race, the independent Republican mainly took votes from North and possibly prevented him from defeating Senator Robb (which, in that case, was actually their preferred alternative than seeing Oliver North get elected to the U.S Senate.)  And that would almost certainly be the case in this election: a Republican running as an independent with their backing would almost certainly mostly take votes from Republican nominee Donald Trump and not from Hillary Clinton, and therefore, rather than taking electoral college votes from Hillary Clinton and preventing her from getting a majority in the electoral college and thereby throwing the race to the House of Representatives, this plan would either have no effect, depending on the states this candidate were to run in, or would increase Hillary Clinton's electoral college vote.

As I say, I realize that Howard Bloom was just mentioning this story and not commenting on how effective he thought it might be and I also realize that this election campaign has shown that these billionaire Republicans aren't exactly geniuses when it comes to politics, but I still find this plan (which I've also read a little about prior to hearing Bloom mention it) to be completely ridiculous.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 01, 2016, 04:56:52 AM

Other than that, as I write here every time she comes on, a great deal of the time I have no idea what she is talking about.  For instance, what exactly does 'we need to move from a debtor economy to a creditor economy' mean?  I know she actually does have a degree in finance, so maybe that sentence does mean something to her, but I suspect it's just a meaningless sentence with a couple buzzwords used to make her sound insightful

I'm not sure if she is using those terms in the same way but an example:
http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2014/02/ (chapter 4)

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