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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



She still has not giggled who she thinks took over the planes, landed them, took the crew and passengers off to make phony phone calls, killed them, and made the bodies and planes disappear. But she is convinced that she is now an insider and if she identifies wherever she is at any particular moment she will be, "drone-striked". Not to mention that when a witness called in and told her she was wrong and that he saw a huge airliner went into the wtc, she just ignored him.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: CJJames on March 20, 2015, 02:44:37 AM
She still has not giggled who she thinks took over the planes, landed them, took the crew and passengers off to make phony phone calls, killed them, and made the bodies and planes disappear. But she is convinced that she is now an insider and if she identifies wherever she is at any particular moment she will be, "drone-striked". Not to mention that when a witness called in and told her she was wrong and that he saw a huge airliner went into the wtc, she just ignored him.

That is the modus operandi of the troof movement when someone points out you are full of shit just ignore them, and keep spewing the same tired bullshit.


I'm glad to see from all the posts about tonight's show that I didn't stay Noory-free tonight without good reason.  I knew what was coming, even though they've learned to put a spin on their topic descriptions in an effort to make things sound less repetitive and less nutty.

I just didn't want to hear another Truther story. To hear that the guest giggled her way through it tells me I really did dodge an exasperating rubber bullet tonight.

Sympathy to those brave souls who listened and reported, and by so doing spared the rest of us.   ::)

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Scully on March 20, 2015, 03:12:48 AM
I'm glad to see from all the posts about tonight's show that I didn't stay Noory-free tonight without good reason.  I knew what was coming, even though they've learned to put a spin on their topic descriptions in an effort to make things sound less repetitive and less nutty.

I just didn't want to hear another Truther story. To hear that the guest giggled her way through it tells me I really did dodge an exasperating rubber bullet tonight.

Sympathy to those brave souls who listened and reported, and by so doing spared the rest of us.   ::)

Yeah. I quit listening to the show, and was surprised to learn they were going over this topic again.  Dave has no credibility left, and depending on who he talks to he changes his opinion. As someone stated above he said he didn't believe it, but when other troofers are on he is in full support. So he might have just been trying to save face because people were sending him messages about it, or he  knew the guest was nuttier than usual... but no matter what it is a slap in the face to those who lost family and loved ones as well as those who survived the attacks. I sent the Dave a message via email, and hope the morons reads it.


Same here. I'm barely getting thru the first half hour anymore, even for comedic, village idiot value.

And it sounds like my affiliate is feeling the same. They've been experimenting with new lead-ins for awhile. For a couple of months it was a local show called Myth or Reality covering similar Jorch-like topics and hosted by a gent who sounded more and more tired each night. Then they plugged in Dave Ramsey for a couple of nights, and now for the last few days it's Clyde Lewis.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on March 20, 2015, 12:25:40 AM
George and Tommy have a plan to take down a hijacker if they ever see one entering a cockpit.  Why do I have visions of the comedy stylings of Arthur Carlson and Herb Tarlek?

george will start talking to them, lulling them into the coast induced sleep we all experience. then tommee will sit on them.

Sorry ultra right wingers and ultra left wingers no american president including bush and obama  would allow an attack on the many Americans, if they knew about it.


Quote from: goldendeal on March 19, 2015, 10:40:26 PM
Odds on Jorch's cougar "Jan" getting her call through tonight?

The fact that this man can get cougars to call him, and I can't saddens me! Ha! I don't believe it for one second. Anyway, I liked reading the Major's posts, he will be missed.

Regarding the ads on this forum, they never give me anything I am searching for, if they did it would be random stereo components, cougars, and milfs. Get it together with that adware!

Regarding the direction Coast has taken, just sad.


Fewer things are lower on the disgust scale than 9/11 exploiters. I only heard 20 minutes of the Roth bitch and I was livid. I wish some survivor of a 9/11 victim would bust Noory's nose. If I was a relative of any of the murdered 9/11 flight attendants whom Roth laughingly trashed, I'd become a stalker.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 20, 2015, 09:54:55 AM
Fewer things are lower on the disgust scale than 9/11 exploiters. I only heard 20 minutes of the Roth bitch and I was livid. I wish some survivor of a 9/11 victim would bust Noory's nose. If I was a relative of any of the murdered 9/11 flight attendants whom Roth laughingly trashed, I'd become a stalker.
I've noticed a lot of these conspiracy people are missing something in their lives and are bored, so they attach themselves to this garbage for attention.  They are so far removed by the actual attacks, they they don't realize how offensive they are. Or, like Noory and his band of idiots, they simply do not care. Below average IQ's, or simply burnouts like Charlie Sheen. They watch a video on youtube and suddenly become experts. Trolls.


Quote from: coaster on March 20, 2015, 10:01:40 AM
I've noticed a lot of these conspiracy people are missing something in their lives and are bored, so they attach themselves to this garbage for attention.  Trolls.


And it usually draws out the Rense/Rivero listeners who can't pass up any opportunity to get on the air and start frothing at the mouth about "Zionist/Banker/Mossad"...  ::)
I avoid that 9/11 crap like the plague.  Glad Art made his stance clear on that early on.


I'm more interested at this point in the conspiracy that is Norry.
Start with his family:

-that psychic aunt who survived the Armenian holocaust or something should be a show.

-his uncle that died on 911 (listening to Norry garble an explanation of this guy last night was epic. I guess it wasn't an uncle? But who married his aunt (so an uncle?) But not a blood-relation (at least I think that want he was trying to explain in his garbled way.

-he mentioned the other night that his parents had an arranged marriage. That is interesting and deserves more explanation (who arranged, how the marriage worked on, stats on arranged marriage success versus "normal" marriages, etc.)

-more about that restaurant that was based on a fantastical British colonel's travels to Marrakesh (or something.)

-how he keeps his job and gets fat contracts?


Quote from: albrecht on March 20, 2015, 10:47:47 AM
I'm more interested at this point in the conspiracy that is Norry.
Start with his family:

-that psychic aunt who survived the Armenian holocaust or something should be a show.

-his uncle that died on 911 (listening to Norry garble an explanation of this guy last night was epic. I guess it wasn't an uncle? But who married his aunt (so an uncle?) But not a blood-relation (at least I think that want he was trying to explain in his garbled way.

-he mentioned the other night that his parents had an arranged marriage. That is interesting and deserves more explanation (who arranged, how the marriage worked on, stats on arranged marriage success versus "normal" marriages, etc.)

-more about that restaurant that was based on a fantastical British colonel's travels to Marrakesh (or something.)

-how he keeps his job and gets fat contracts?

Albrecht and all -- you entertain me with the daily reviews. I can't listen to the show anymore cause the suckage got to painful. I keep thinking of the Wayne's World segment in which Wayne and Garth are being interviewed on a radio show for their upcoming concert. Handsome Dan isn't listening to a word of what they're saying. I think this Wayne's World segment portrays a high functioning Dave:


Nick el Ass

Quote from: albrecht on March 20, 2015, 10:47:47 AM
I'm more interested at this point in the conspiracy that is Norry.

The funny thing is I sent Dave a message last night telling him the only conspiracy theory was how he managed to stay employed, but I doubt his handlers will let him read it. However, if I would say thanks for your service followed by a bunch of ass kissing he would respond immediately.


Quote from: Nick el Ass on March 20, 2015, 01:13:31 PM

The funny thing is I sent Dave a message last night telling him the only conspiracy theory was how he managed to stay employed, but I doubt his handlers will let him read it. However, if I would say thanks for your service followed by a bunch of ass kissing he would respond immediately.
Yeah, they probably have an intern or paralegal screen their emails- maybe the same poor girl at iHeart Media, Inc in SA who has to send those emails to U7.

Quote from: coaster on March 20, 2015, 10:01:40 AM
I've noticed a lot of these conspiracy people are missing something in their lives and are bored, so they attach themselves to this garbage for attention.  They are so far removed by the actual attacks, they they don't realize how offensive they are. Or, like Noory and his band of idiots, they simply do not care. Below average IQ's, or simply burnouts like Charlie Sheen. They watch a video on youtube and suddenly become experts. Trolls.

I think they have convinced themselves that there are anonymous people hidden in positions of power in our government who cause all this for their own greed and power, or who believe that our elected officials are selected for us and told what to do by 'the people' who are really running our country and the world behind the scenes.

Quote from: coaster on March 20, 2015, 10:01:40 AM
I've noticed a lot of these conspiracy people are missing something in their lives and are bored, so they attach themselves to this garbage for attention.  They are so far removed by the actual attacks, they they don't realize how offensive they are. Or, like Noory and his band of idiots, they simply do not care. Below average IQ's, or simply burnouts like Charlie Sheen. They watch a video on youtube and suddenly become experts. Trolls.

These conspiracy freaks are the worst.  The one that pisses me off the most is the whole "we didn't land on the Moon" thing.  Who started that?  I imagine it's some 20 something punk ass kid who wasn't even born back then.  He looks at some old NASA pictures, starts a website then a bunch of morons join in and a whole movement starts.  I mean who the fuck are these people?

Oh yeah, GNS.


Quote from: Northern Nights on March 20, 2015, 02:59:59 PM
These conspiracy freaks are the worst.  The one that pisses me off the most is the whole "we didn't land on the Moon" thing.  Who started that?  I imagine it's some 20 something punk ass kid who wasn't even born back then.  He looked at some old NASA pictures, starts a website and somehow a bunch of morons join in and a whole movement starts.  I mean who the fuck are these people?

Oh yeah, GNS.
I'm a conspiracy theories conspiracy theorist.  ;) I think these conspiracy theories, as mentioned above, maybe are put out there to take attention away from real conspiracies (things like LIBOR, BCCI, commodity market manipulation, front-running, etc) and to make anyone who talks/writes about potential conspiracies going on today look bad! Oh he's just a CT guy, he probably thinks we never went to the moon and inside job (and so forth.)

Quote from: albrecht on March 20, 2015, 03:05:43 PM
I'm a conspiracy theories conspiracy theorist.  ;) I think these conspiracy theories, as mentioned above, maybe are put out there to take attention away from real conspiracies (things like LIBOR, BCCI, commodity market manipulation, front-running, etc) and to make anyone who talks/writes about potential conspiracies going on today look bad! Oh he's just a CT guy, he probably thinks we never went to the moon and inside job (and so forth.)

There are some conspiracy theories that have good points, I guess the one about 9/11 that stands out is how the two passports of the hijackers were found from one of the planes, and no other passports were found from any other passenger.  The moon conspiracy came out not long after 9/11 if I remember correctly, and yes it could be an attempt to make anyone who believes in conspiracies look bad.

The part that annoys me is how so many people just jump on any theory that comes along.  It could be that whoever started the Moon conspiracy was counting on that happening too.


I like hearing conspiracy theorists in all their forms of conspiracy theories because even the most outrageous plots are still 1000x more palatable than what government actually is doing right out in the open. That said, who needs "hidden" conspiracies?


Quote from: Northern Nights on March 20, 2015, 03:35:28 PM

The part that annoys me is how so many people just jump on any theory that comes along.  It could be that whoever started the Moon conspiracy was counting on that happening too.
Nah the "we never went to the moon" theory has been around a long time. At least since the mid-70's. This was the book that made it "mainstream" or at least more popular.

ps: I don't mind hearing a good conspiracy guest- even if the theory is outright crazy or impossible. If the tale is good and the speaker can articulate himself. And with a good interviewer. Art had some real doozies on but they were great shows because the theory was told but also questions were asked.


Quote from: goldendeal on March 20, 2015, 12:18:43 AM
Come on Jorch, who gives a rats ass about airline safety, ask her the tough questions, is she a member of the mile high club?

Come on, Coffee, Tea or Me, just because she was a flight attendant doesn't mean she's a babe, though she probably is, but she's in her 60s, though so am I, almost.


So I ended up staying wake until 2 listening to Rebecca Roth. I could have done without that nervous giggle, but otherwise she was a good guest, at least a change from the same-old, same-old. George made a big deal of the fact that a caller recommended her to him, but I wonder if this "caller" was actually her agent or husband or something.  She's unusually aggressive in promotion of her book.  I know that writing is a business  and you have to market, but still. She claims that she's getting a lot of positive feedback from others in her former industry, but my hunch is she's made a lot of enemies, too. It occurred tome that she has actually become a truther in order to promote her book, not because she really believes in trutherism. One of the reasons I suspect this is she seemed to be tossing out the usual read meat--"illuminati" and so forth almost as if she were posing. Both she and  George did a nice job side-stepping the caller who was probably an anti-Semite, though.

Engineering and that type of stuff is way out of my wheelhouse, but I was under the impression that Popular Mechanics did a master, all-purpose debunking of all the Truther assertions a few years ago, and it pretty much stands.


Quote from: Borris_the_Spider on March 20, 2015, 12:32:18 AM
Does Dave play Cusco music often? I think he's trying to copy Art again, the dimwit.

OMG, only all the time!


Quote from: Morgus on March 20, 2015, 01:28:07 AM
yep he plays from art bell's old playlist every night...

Still sometimes he spices it up with his own Noory classics, e.g. sentimental doo-wop ballads or random submerging artist selections.


This thread reminds me of Joyce's symphony on a fart. Except this bowel movement (GNS hosted Coast) seems to have I end.

Quote from: Northern Nights on March 20, 2015, 03:35:28 PM
There are some conspiracy theories that have good points, I guess the one about 9/11 that stands out is how the two passports of the hijackers were found from one of the planes, and no other passports were found from any other passenger.

I hadn't been aware of that particular point until yesterday, but if you consider based on the black box recordings of UA flight 93 that there were probably two hijackers in the cockpit, the others roving around, and all the passengers and crew huddled at the rear of the plane closer to where all the fuel is, it makes some sense.  The hijackers effects may have been spared total consumption by fire or may have been blown free through then windscreen as the cockpit became crushed.  I think the main point is that they were at a different location in the plane.


Quote from: yumyumtree on March 20, 2015, 05:28:43 PM
So I ended up staying wake until 2 listening to Rebecca Roth. I could have done without that nervous giggle, but otherwise she was a good guest, at least a change from the same-old, same-old. George made a big deal of the fact that a caller recommended her to him, but I wonder if this "caller" was actually her agent or husband or something.  She's unusually aggressive in promotion of her book.  I know that writing is a business  and you have to market, but still. She claims that she's getting a lot of positive feedback from others in her former industry, but my hunch is she's made a lot of enemies, too. It occurred tome that she has actually become a truther in order to promote her book, not because she really believes in trutherism. One of the reasons I suspect this is she seemed to be tossing out the usual read meat--"illuminati" and so forth almost as if she were posing. Both she and  George did a nice job side-stepping the caller who was probably an anti-Semite, though.

Engineering and that type of stuff is way out of my wheelhouse, but I was under the impression that Popular Mechanics did a master, all-purpose debunking of all the Truther assertions a few years ago, and it pretty much stands.
Certainly she was WAY, WAY, WAY better than that batty Dr.Judy Wood who can barely complete a sentence. Yes, both Norry and guest handled the "its the jeeews" caller pretty well. Haven't said that I don't understand why, if it is appropriate to say the US or Saudis did it (or knew about it), it is not appropriate to say Israel did it (or knew about it?) If you are going to go crazy, why not go full crazy? There was another caller, I thought, who started to venture into the "Israel" terrority last night? Was that caller "Will", sometimes called "Bill", who calls in frequently will some theory about Finno-Urghic people (and frequently gets into "jews" before getting cut off? If I'm correct in that it is the same guy.)

Quote from: Northern Nights on March 20, 2015, 02:59:59 PM
... looks at some old NASA pictures, starts a website then a bunch of morons join in and a whole movement starts.  I mean who the fuck are these people?

Oh yeah, GNS.

One kook allowed to go on and on about pure bullshit is named Richard C Hoagland

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