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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 07, 2015, 09:20:00 AM

Damnit, once again I'm put in the position of defending people I don't really like.

Ratings are determined by share, not total viewers.  All tv shows have many less viewers than in the Huntley-Brinkley era because, as I'm sure you're aware, there were only 3 networks (and maybe an additional one or two local channels) back then vs. the literally  hundreds of channels now.

Given that only around I believe only around 20-25 million Americans watch the network news broadcasts, 9 million viewers would easily be the leader in the nightly news ratings, so what Noory said is largely correct.
So there are coincidences.

Quote from: coaster on February 07, 2015, 04:10:57 AM
Rats for dinner. What a clever insult. This is coming from a guy who inhales microwavable garbage from a box and burns his mouth. Stay witty my friend.

We need another funny noory video

Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 07, 2015, 10:39:09 AM
We need another funny noory video

You mean in addition to his Bee On Bleef Gaiam TV series..

Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 07, 2015, 09:22:14 AM

Defending people I don't like #2.
Alex Jones started dieting and exercising regularly a number of years ago and hasn't weighed 300 pounds in a long time.  I don't listen to his idiotic show, but a friend of mine who used to (he also decided it was idiotic) said that Alex claimed that once he had children he had to look out for his own health to make sure he could take care of them.

An uneducated 300 hundred pound wacko loud mouth can find love?  What's worse he reproduced?

I heard why Jorch is such a mush-mouthed fuckwit. He isn't able to pick all of Tommy's pubes out of his mouth on a daily basis, and it affects his pronunciation.

Quote from: coaster on February 07, 2015, 04:10:57 AM
Rats for dinner. What a clever insult. This is coming from a guy who inhales microwavable garbage from a box and burns his mouth. Stay witty my friend.

"They eat rats for dinner."

Don't you all get it?  After what Jorch has endured here, it was his attempt at being "creative."

He worked long and hard on that quip, so cut the slack-jaw some slack.


Georgie: "What do you think is the most riveting message Seth has passed on?" (He actually said that).

Guest doing Seth impersonation: "Uh, George Noory sucks"?

Quote from: cowtown on February 07, 2015, 02:10:17 PM
Georgie: "What do you think is the most riveting message Seth has passed on?" (He actually said that).

Guest doing Seth impersonation: "Uh, George Noory sucks"?

Jorch has swapped out "dramatic" for "riveting" lately because "dramatic" got laughed at on GNS.

He's now researching default words for "riveting" such as "nail-biting" and "stupidfying (sic)."

Jorch is appearing today at the "Conscious Life Expo" in Los Angeles.

"I'm so conscious right now, I even peed on myself a little," he told Tommy.


"Next time, save it for me and my new rubber suit."

I asked a psychiatrist buddy at a cocktail reception a while back what he thought about people who believe there are no coincidences.

He chuckled politely and said that most of them could be found living in mental institutions.

"Why?" he asked.

I have to admit that I was too embarrassed to mention Jorch and "Coast-to-Coast AM."


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on February 07, 2015, 12:22:15 PM
An uneducated 300 hundred pound wacko loud mouth can find love?  What's worse he reproduced?
Can you imagine being the teacher of one of his children around the age where they are most impressionable and still believe that "daddy knows everything?"  You would start the class on the constitution and little Johnny would pipe up "but my daddy says..."  You would do a health class and little Johnny would fly into a rage about how his daddy says that you are a part of the conspiracy because you offered a vaccination... You would teach a class in math and little Johnny would inform you that his daddy said that it was a conspiracy that the bankers to the new world government teach that 2+2=4.


I haven't read all the comments yet, but as soon as I heard this Seth guest, I knew that bellgab would be on fire, and not in a good way.

"Reality Creator's handbook"??

This stuff is such boilerplate new age, it isn't even funny.  People create their own reality, God in is you, you are God, blah, blah. I'm sure children being buried alive by ISIS and ISIL get a lot of satisfaction knowing they created their own reality.

It reminds me enough of J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, it makes me wonder if J.Z. Knight got the idea for Ramtha from it.

Now I'll read the comments.


Quote from: narcissist noory on February 07, 2015, 03:54:46 AM
George: not everybody loves me, there's a lil group out there and they eat rats for dinner

Here's a possible bumper song for Art's show:

The Rat Catcher's Blues by Carl "Sonny" Leland

Nick el Ass

Quote from: narcissist noory on February 07, 2015, 03:54:46 AM
George: not everybody loves me, there's a lil group out there and they eat rats for dinner

So we are like the Andrew Zimmern of the internet(s) chat rooms according to sNoory?!?


Quote from: wotr1 on February 07, 2015, 03:38:41 PM
Can you imagine being the teacher of one of his children around the age where they are most impressionable and still believe that "daddy knows everything?"  You would start the class on the constitution and little Johnny would pipe up "but my daddy says..."  You would do a health class and little Johnny would fly into a rage about how his daddy says that you are a part of the conspiracy because you offered a vaccination... You would teach a class in math and little Johnny would inform you that his daddy said that it was a conspiracy that the bankers to the new world government teach that 2+2=4.
Fortunately/Unfortunately depending on you view his children will likely not have to worry much. I'm not sure but guessing homeschool or one of the private schools. Doubt he is sending his kids to the local schools considering his wealth (and his views, I guess.) He has a very nice house, his parents have some decent land and property also in addition to the dental business and some family ranches I hear, and he has made a lot of money from his product (word is new outdoor kitchen with outdoor pizza oven even by pool at one of his houses last year.) He also has a pretty good lawyer and, his commentary withstanding, I'm guessing investments besides gold and guns. Like him or not, he "done good" for himself with, as you say, no education past high school (at least no university degree) and lack of support from corporate media (until Norry scooped him up. Interestingly local AM station just dropped his Sunday show.) But his model of free distribution of DVDs, internet, shortwave, pirate radio, youtube, local AM affiliates is an interesting model that has worked, at least for him thus far. He also has steered clear of more "radical" or "racist" elements that have sunk others and is careful in his ranting not to call for outright violence (which has gotten others of his type.) I've waited to see when he will either implode or he will "go too far" and attract government response (or like some others look for conflict Bill Cooper etc ad nasuem) but, thus far, nothing except expanding, hiring people, and raking in money.

136 or 142

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on February 07, 2015, 12:22:15 PM
An uneducated 300 hundred pound wacko loud mouth can find love?  What's worse he reproduced?

An uneducated formerly 300 pound wacko loud mouth can find love when he's worth millions of dollars. (To be fair, I don't know anything about his wife, for all I know they met long before he made his millions.)

136 or 142

Quote from: albrecht on February 07, 2015, 05:41:48 PM
lack of support from corporate media (until Noory scooped him up.)

I'm not sure if you're saying that the corporate media backed Noory picking him up resulted in Alex Jones expanding his reach or just using Noory as the lone example of corporate media picking him up.  If you meant the former, I highly doubt the Alex Jones getting on Coast to Coast had anything to do with Jones' later success as Jones had already made a name for himself thanks to breaking into the Builderburg meetings (one of the few things I partially agree with Jones about.  Not necessarily the conspiracy aspects, but as major politicians are meeting with people there, I agree with Jones that we have a right to know who our elected politicians are meeting with.)


Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 07, 2015, 06:19:58 PM

I'm not sure if you're saying that the corporate media backed Noory picking him up resulted in Alex Jones expanding his reach or just using Noory as the lone example of corporate media picking him up.  If you meant the former, I highly doubt the Alex Jones getting on Coast to Coast had anything to do with Jones' later success as Jones had already made a name for himself thanks to breaking into the Builderburg meetings (one of the few things I partially agree with Jones about.  Not necessarily the conspiracy aspects, but as major politicians are meeting with people there, I agree with Jones that we have a right to know who our elected politicians are meeting with.)
and those at Bilderberger likely violating the 'Logan Act' 18 U.S.C. § 953 (at least possibly, I would think.) I guess I mean both. Alex did on his own to prominence but I'm guessing C2C helped amp it up, but also likely helped Norry for his show as a new host and falling ratings. Norry clearly is "mainstream" corporate media with regard to iHeart Media, Inc (formerly Clear Channel, Premier Radio Networks, etc) but since late-night and lack of competition more lack of over-sight or, forgiveness, for "anti-corporate" etc or conspiracy--- as long as ratings and affiliate and advertising still ok at least. I don't agree with a lot of Alex but can admire his business accumen for finding and growing an audience and business. Frankly, I liked him better when he really was going after local corruption or at least hypocrisy (like old timers being $$ fined for "unkempt yards" when city buildings had higher grass and City Council members owned rental property with more trash on them or zoning issues kicking old people or poor people out for new condos and businesses, etc. Also his protest of the finger-printing to get a driver's license, etc.)

Quote from: albrecht on February 07, 2015, 05:41:48 PM
...word is new outdoor kitchen with outdoor pizza oven even by pool at one of his houses last year.)...

I wonder how many of his adherents would drop him if they saw him living a mainstream upperclass yuppie lifestyle with all the usual trappings of corporate wealth.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on February 07, 2015, 06:52:17 PM
I wonder how many of his adherents would drop him if they saw him living a mainstream upperclass yuppie lifestyle with all the usual trappings of corporate wealth.
One might think that but, I'm guessing, like with most people the hoi polloi has no idea how how he lives and, in comparison to politicians and most media people he is still relatively poor. So I would reckon that they don't care- or, maybe, even think "he done good fighting the system."  And there seems to be no real appreciation with the disparate amount of wealth of those seen on tv or in political office (who we pay by voting for them or watching their crap) and the normal, or to use their term "little people." And then REALLY no appreciation of the wealth of those who own the media, Hollywood, and politicians...


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 06, 2015, 01:08:39 AM
So now Sean David Morton is calling himself doctor?  I guess he'll be back quacking on Coast sometime soon.

Dude looks completely trustworthy.  Don't know why the probs.

Quote from: b_dubb on February 07, 2015, 07:15:25 PM
Dude looks completely trustworthy.  Don't know why the probs.

I guess you can call yourself "doctor" if your face needs a rubber glove too.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 07, 2015, 07:35:25 PM

I guess you can call yourself "doctor" if your face needs a rubber glove too.

He does kind of look like he's getting a prostate exam in that pic.


Quote from: Turning Down My Radio on February 05, 2015, 01:18:57 AM
I wish George was in Ferguson when all that shit went down. I'm sure he would have made those fools calm down.

Yeah he woulda put them all to sleep like he has his listeners for 11 years.


Quote from: b_dubb on February 07, 2015, 07:15:25 PM
Dude looks completely trustworthy.  Don't know why the probs.
if you google this SEC sanctioned individual you will get an idea where his "doctorate" comes from. Discussion above on these "doctors" and "experts" who are guests on C2C.


Quote from: wr250 on February 05, 2015, 05:16:37 PM
georges suckage is now 10 ly out, and encompasses the centauri and the sirius systems. its an evergrowing circle of suckage.

What if some alien race intercepts Noory programs and their entire civilization collapses because of it ?

Or :

They hear 11 years of Noory & decide to destroy us as a threat to the sanity and peace of the galaxy.

The Day The $noore Sat Still.


Quote from: goldendeal on February 05, 2015, 10:29:46 PM

Well, ya know, it’s not really entertainment unless a little soft shoe is thrown in there.


Will Jolie come back and throw shoes at Noory like they did at George Bush ?

" I'd walk a million miles, to toss a shoe  at yooooo, my $noooorrrrryyyy ! "


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 06, 2015, 02:13:56 AM
Jorch just referred to "Noah's flood."

Noah did it?

Well, I'll be damned.  I always had the story backward.

Noah drank too much turmeric water mixed with Dynovite.

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